Food and Drug Administration Good Clinical Practices, and local ethical ated separately using the CellTracks system (Veridex, Raritan, NJ), as
and legal requirements. described previously.27,28
Study Design Statistical Analysis
After written informed consent was obtained, eligible patients in this The primary end point of the trial was the proportion of patients who
multicenter phase II clinical trial received AA at 1,000 mg (four 250-mg tablets achieved a PSA decline of ⱖ 50% from baseline that was confirmed by a second
daily in the morning after an overnight fast) concurrently with prednisone at 5 value following treatment with AA plus prednisone. The combination would
mg twice daily. Treatment was administered in 28-day cycles, and up to 12 be considered worthy of further study if ⱖ 30% of patients met the end point
cycles of therapy were permitted; continuation beyond 12 cycles was allowed and not worthy of further study if fewer than 15% achieved the end point.
on approval by the investigators and sponsor. With a population of 50 patients, the null hypothesis would be rejected and
Patient Evaluation further study of the combination would be warranted if ⬎ 25% of eligible and
Patients were seen and examined at the beginning of every cycle while treated patients had a ⱖ 50% decline in PSA (alpha of 6% with 86% power).
receiving treatment, and adverse events were recorded using the National
Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria, version 3.0. Potential attributions
to AA and prednisone were recorded separately. A CBC, chemistry panel, PSA, RESULTS
and androgen levels were evaluated monthly.
Antitumor Outcomes Patients
The primary study objective was determination of the proportion of Between June 2007 and November 2007, 58 men with CRPC
patients achieving a decline in PSA ⱖ 50% according to Prostate Specific were enrolled across seven study centers: six in the United States and
Antigen Working Group 1 criteria (PSA response). The maximal and 12-week one in the United Kingdom. Patient demographics and baseline char-
post-therapy declines in PSA were recorded using waterfall plots. The maximal
acteristics are listed in Table 1. All were heavily pretreated with a
decline had to be confirmed by a second value obtained ⱖ 4 weeks later.25
Patients who had metastatic disease evident on baseline imaging (computed number of hormonal therapies that included a median of four (range,
tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, or bone scan) had follow-up one to eight) prior antiandrogens in 52 (91%) and estrogens in nine
studies at 3-month intervals. Measurable disease response rate was reported (16%), while 27 (47%) had prior ketoconazole. While all had been
using the RECIST criteria, while post-treatment changes on radionuclide bone treated with prior docetaxel, 24% had also received a second chemo-
scan were reported as stable or progression per investigator’s assessment. therapy regimen. Consistent with the advanced state of the popula-
Time to PSA progression was calculated for patients with PSA decline tion, only 11 (19%) had disease limited to bone, while 13 (22%) had
ⱖ 50% from baseline at the time the PSA increased to 50% above the nadir and
was ⬎ 5 ng/mL. For those not meeting the PSA decline criteria, time to PSA
visceral spread, and 34 patients (59%) had soft tissue disease with or
progression was the time when PSA increased by 25% from baseline. without osseous spread. The median PSA level at baseline was 190
Other end points recorded were changes in ECOG PS, and pre-and ng/mL (range, 10 to 3,846 ng/mL). The median testosterone level was
post-therapy CTC counts (number of cells/7.5 mL of blood) were enumer- 4.8 ng/dL (range, below limit of detection [0.05] to 30.5 ng/dL).
Maximum PSA Change %
Fig 1. Changes in prostate-specific anti-
50% PSA decline, 8/27 (29.6%) 50% PSA decline, 7/31 (54.8%) gen (PSA) levels with abiraterone acetate
B plus prednisone. Waterfall plots of (A)
Week 12 PSA Change %
50% PSA decline, 7/27 (25.9%) 50% PSA decline, 14/31 (45.1%)
Fig 2. Time to prostate-specific antigen
0.50 (PSA) progression with abiraterone acetate
| and prednisone in patients with and without
prior ketoconazole (Keto) exposure.
| |
0.25 | |
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560
Study Day
Biotech/Cougar Biotechnology (C) Consultant or Advisory Role: Daniel Provision of study materials or patients: Daniel C. Danila, Michael J.
C. Danila, Cougar Biotechnology (U); Johann S. de Bono, Cougar Morris, Johann S. de Bono, Charles J. Ryan, Matthew R. Smith,
Biotechnology (U); Matthew R. Smith, Cougar Biotechnology (U); Steve M. Mary-Ellen Taplin, Glenn J. Bubley, Christopher Haqq, Howard I. Scher
Larson, Cougar Biotechnology (C); Howard I. Scher, Cougar Biotechnology Collection and assembly of data: Daniel C. Danila, Johann S. de Bono,
(C), Veridex (U) Stock Ownership: Thian Kheoh, Cougar Biotechnology Charles J. Ryan, Mary-Ellen Taplin, Thian Kheoh, Christopher Haqq,
Honoraria: None Research Funding: Mary-Ellen Taplin, Cougar Arturo Molina, Aseem Anand, Michael Koscuiszka, Howard I. Scher
Biotechnology; Howard I. Scher, Cougar Biotechnology, Veridex Expert Data analysis and interpretation: Daniel C. Danila, Michael J. Morris,
Testimony: None Other Remuneration: None Samuel R. Denmeade, Mary-Ellen Taplin, Glenn J. Bubley, Thian Kheoh,
Christopher Haqq, Arturo Molina, Aseem Anand, Michael Koscuiszka, Steve
M. Larson, Lawrence H. Schwartz, Martin Fleisher, Howard I. Scher
Manuscript writing: Daniel C. Danila, Johann S. de Bono, Samuel R.
Denmeade, Mary-Ellen Taplin, Glenn J. Bubley, Thian Kheoh,
Christopher Haqq, Arturo Molina, Howard I. Scher
Conception and design: Daniel C. Danila, Johann S. de Bono, Final approval of manuscript: Daniel C. Danila, Michael J. Morris,
Christopher Haqq, Howard I. Scher Johann S. de Bono, Charles J. Ryan, Samuel R. Denmeade, Matthew R.
Financial support: Christopher Haqq, Arturo Molina Smith, Mary-Ellen Taplin, Glenn J. Bubley, Thian Kheoh, Christopher
Administrative support: Christopher Haqq, Arturo Molina, Haqq, Arturo Molina, Aseem Anand, Michael Koscuiszka, Steve M.
Howard I. Scher Larson, Lawrence H. Schwartz, Martin Fleisher, Howard I. Scher
12. Montgomery B, Mostaghel E, Nelson P, et al: 23. Cohen SJ, Punt CJ, Iannotti N, et al: Relation-
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