01 THE
by Paulo Coelho
Curious fact:
"When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it."
The book’s core theme is destiny. This is I remember finishing it in very few sittings,
combined with many mysterious characters over the course of which I started going to
and deep, thoughtful lessons, often in the bed at 9 pm (even though I was studying
form of riddles and puzzles. Yet, the book abroad in the US at the time, with 5 party
uses such plain language, that anyone can animals as roommates), waking up at 5,
understand it. watching the sunset, walking around in the
nearby forest a lot, and beginning to think
That’s how this book constantly speaks to about what I really want out of life.
your curiosity, without making you feel
overwhelmed. That’s the power the book has: it makes you
think. A lot.
It’s impossible to put down, leaves you with a
sense of wonder and gratitude about the
world and gives you an incredible drive to Read on Four Minute Books
explore your own destiny.
by Daniel Kehlmann
Curious fact:
"That was the moment when he grasped that nobody wanted to use their minds. People
wanted peace. They wanted to eat and sleep and have other people be nice to them. What
they didn’t want to do was think."
I’m 95% sure you’ve never heard of it before, Third, it shows you that there’s no wrong
because it’s a German book and was only approach when trying to get what you
later translated and published want. Some of us are introverts, like Gauß,
internationally. Yet, there are several things and would prefer a quiet life at home with
that make this book inspiring and one of my deep thinking, while others are happy to
favorites, which is what makes it all the more follow in Humboldt’s footsteps and travel the
worth sharing with you. world, meet people, and learn everything
from experience.
One, much like Artemis Fowl, this shows you
that even the greatest minds of our time Nevertheless, both of them share a huge
make mistakes and have their quirks, so urge to figure out the world and make it a
your own become less of an obstacle on your better place. Some of that spirit is bound to
journey. rub off on you.
by Cornelia Funke
Curious fact:
A book about books. Perfect! I’m a strong If I had to describe this book in just two
believer that the answer to any question is words, I’d say it’s both magically human,
always in a book. Therefore, anything that’ll while also humanly magical, truly a tribute
make you pick up more books makes me to readers all over the world. You have to
happy. If anything, that’s what this book does. read it, to grasp it.
It’s not only an against-all-odds display of Plus, I’m pretty sure since it’s another book
astonishing perseverance, but also reignites of German origin, you won’t have heard of
your spark of consistent learning. this before.
by Jules Verne
Curious fact:
Yet, many book covers and movie posters today show a hot air balloon, and it’s one of the
few things most people know about the story, though technically wrong (and only owed to
the fact that a 1956 movie went rogue and ran with this idea).
"Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real."
This is a book about possibility. Until Roger Also, this book shows you the power of
Bannister broke the four minute mark for stakes. This depends on your personality, but
running a mile in 1954, people thought it was if the risk of losing something, like a big sum
impossible for more than a decade. Anything of money, gets your butt in gear, then
is impossible, until one man or woman does maybe taking a bet up front might be what
it. All of a sudden what’s possible is redefined motivates you.
(someone else ran a mile in less than four
minutes a month after Bannister). For example, sites like Go Fucking Do It
make it easy to put some money on the line
Sometimes we just need someone to step in order to get yourself to make something
up, take charge and say: “Alright, this is happen.
worth failing at, so I’ll do it.” This book makes
you want to be that person.
Learn more about the book
by Peter Drucker
Curious fact:
"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."
You can read this in 45 minutes and take This book feels like a fog is lifted, and your
notes as you go along, which makes it one of entire communication and thinking
the most actionable books of all time. I highly become clearer, and you’ll likely want to
recommend listening to the audiobook, march into work the next day with some of
which is also 45 minutes long. I’ve listened to the ideas from the book in hand, ready to
it multiple times on various car drives, and improve the crap out of your career.
find I always learn something new.
by James Altucher
Curious fact:
James is one of the most openly vulnerable James explains his simple daily practice, a
human beings ever, and it makes you relate few basic habits that’ll make sure you’re
to him instantly. Not only will you be able to healthy and emotionally well. Then he lines
identify yourself with the book, but also up many practical ways to choose yourself,
laugh a lot – James is funny. If you feel out of most of which you’ll instantly want to try for
control, this book will show you that the yourself.
wheel of your life is in your hand.
by Steven Pressfield
Curious fact:
"The most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down
every day and trying."
I like to think of Steven Pressfield as a friendly You’ll become less anxious about all those
Spartan. Just as disciplined, but not out to kill future problems and learn to focus on the
you in any way. The anecdotes from his own process and creating every day. Before you
struggles with writing make this book a know it, your small, daily habits will lead you
must-read for aspiring writers, but even if to realize you’re standing on a tall mountain
arranging words isn’t your craft, this’ll give of accomplishments.
you a solid kick in the butt.
by Seth Godin
Curious fact:
Seth was one of the few people with very early access to the
internet (when a 24-hour line still cost $400/month), and has
been blogging ever since. He’s published something every
day for nearly 20 years, initially sending his ideas out via email,
then moving to Blogger, Google’s blogging platform. To date,
over 6,000 (!) blog posts are on his site, which attracts millions
of readers every month, and is often regarded as the #1
marketing blog in the world. Finding it is easy. Just type ‘Seth’
into Google.
"You have only two good choices: Quit or be exceptional. Average is for losers."
This book has had the biggest impact on me The Dip is a call to greatness in a world of
all year. It tells you that it’s okay to quit, that mediocrity. But greatness always entails
it’s actually important to do so, which makes sacrifice.
this an unbelievably liberating book.
Luckily, this book also gives you the courage
and confidence to happily make those
All of a sudden, you won’t feel compelled to
sacrifices, figure out your true mission, smile
keep up with the digital and physical
and return to work that matters.
Joneses in your life, whether it’s that extra
Twitter account that pulls at your attention,
or the vain chase for the next promotion at a Read on Four Minute Books
company you’ll never lead.
by Cal Newport
Curious fact:
"What you do for a living is much less important than how you do it."
This is a book about where motivation comes So Good They Can’t Ignore You takes all the
from, so, need I really say more? Okay, I’ll say a pressure off choosing a career, and puts it on
bit more. If you’ve fallen for the passion how you decide to approach it instead –
presumption (haven’t we all?), you might which makes you feel a lot more in control. It
have an initial knee-jerk reaction to this book. doesn’t make finding meaningful work easy,
but less mystical and moves it a lot closer
If you do, keep reading. It’s nothing short of a within reach.
liberation once the gears click and the
message falls into place. It shows you that
you can bring motivation to whatever work Read on Four Minute Books
you’re already doing, and that you’re not a
lost cause if you haven’t found your passion at
age 42.
by Hal Elrod
Curious fact:
Hal often tells the story of how he was dead for 6 minutes
after a car crash and woke up from a coma, being told he’d
never walk again. Most people think that’s when he came up
with the Miracle Morning and that he pulled himself from
that hole with it, but that’s not true.
The Miracle Morning is the result of how he dealt with a severe case of depression, due to
losing half of his six-figure income, his house, and being $50,000 in debt after the economy
crashed in 2007. Facing a grand total of $425,000 in debt, he took a friend’s advice for a run,
which sparked his morning practice and would be the turning point of his life. This
eventually led to the Miracle Morning book.
"The moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you
claim the power to change anything in your life."
Hal writes like he talks, and if you’ve ever heard This book is simple, light, highly practical, not
him talk, you’ll know that in itself is motivating. in the slightest overwhelming and instantly
His optimism seems to know no boundaries, actionable. It could help you improve your
and it spills over, right into your heart. You can own motivation tomorrow, the day after
feel that he really believes in you and that life tomorrow, the day after that, and everyday
has a lot more in store for you. It’s one of the henceforth (as opposed to just motivating
few books that makes you feel like you’re you once). Thus, it puts the power to motivate
having a conversation with a friend. in your own hands, which is what makes it
one of my favorites.
I confirmed a lot of his questions or answered
them in my head as I was reading. Plus, you
can immediately put his practice to the test, Read on Four Minute Books
there’s no delay between learning and trying.