Clearmrb Anatomy (1)

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1. Longest thoracic nerve – serratus anterior

2. Medial pectoral nerve – pectoralis major and minor
3. Lateral pectoral nerve – pectoralis major and minor
4. Upper subscapular nerve – subscapularis
5. Lower subscapular nerve – subscapularis and teres major
6. Thoracodorsal nerve – lattismus dorsi
7. Suprascapular nerve – supraspinatus and infraspinatus
8. Dorsal scapular nerve – rhomboidus
9. Femoral nerve not a content of spertamic cord
10. Content of spermatic cord are ductus deferens , testicular arteries,
artery of vas , the pampiniform plexus of veins , lymph vessels from
testis , genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
11. Pressure epiphysis – head of femur , lower end of femur
12. Traction epiphysis – tubercle of humerus , trochanter of femur ,
mastoid process
13. Atavistic epiphysis – coracoid process of scapula /OS trigonum
14. Aberrant epiphysis – epiphysis of head of 1st metacarpal
15. Epiphysis of base of metacarpal is also type of aberrant epiphysis
16. Epiphysis – articular and take part in transmission of weight –
pressure epiphysis
17. Epiphysis – non articular and does not take part in transmission of
weight – Traction epiphysis
18. Abductor of vocal cord – posterior cricoarytenoid
19. Adductor of vocal cord – lateral cricoarytenoid , transverse arytenoid
, cricothyroid , thyroarytenoid
20. Tensor of vocal cord – thyroarytenoids , vocalis
21. Subcutaneous include – dartos in scrotum , platysma in neck ,
corrugator cutis ani , palmaris brevis , muscles of scalp , subareolar
muscle of nipple
22. 1st pharyngeal arch is called as mandibular arch
23. 2nd pharyngeal arch is called as hyoid arch / stapedial arch
24. Post trematic nerve of 1st pharyngeal arch – mandibular nerve ( V3 )
25. Pre trematic nerve of 1st pharyngeal arch – chorda tympani branch
of facial nerve
26. Post trematic nerve of 2nd pharyngeal arch – facial nerve
27. Pre trematic nerve of 2nd pharyngeal arch – auricular branch of IX
CN – jacobson’s nerve
28. Artery of 1st pharyngeal arch – maxillary artery
29. Artery of 2nd pharyngeal arch – stapedial artery
30. Nerves of 3rd arch – glossopharyngeal nerve ( IX CN )
31. Artery of 3rd pharyngeal arch – common carotid artery – 1st part ICA
32. Nerve of 4th pharyngeal arch – SLN branch of vagus
33. Nerve of 6th pharyngeal arch – RLN branch of vagus
34. Elastic cartilage – the cartilage cells are surrounded by elastic fibres
instead of collagen fibres
35. Examples – ear pinna , Eustachian tube , external ear , epiglottis
36. CSF secreted by choroid plexus of lateral ventricles
37. CSF reabsorbed via archanoid villi and dural venous system
38. Wrist drop is due to radial nerve palsy
39. Foot drop is due to common peroneal nerve palsy
40. Meralgia paresthetica is due to lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
41. Winging of scapula is due to long thoracic nerve of bell
42. Erb’s palsy is due to upper trunk of brachial plexus
43. Klumpke’s palsy is due to lower trunk of brachial plexus
44. Sludder’s neuralgia is due to middle turbinate pressing anterior
ethmoidal nerve
45. Right and Left umblical artery – medial umblical ligament
46. Left umblical vein – ligamentum teres
47. Ductus venosus – ligamentum venosum
48. Foramen ovale – fossa ovalis
49. Ductus arteriosus – ligamentum arteriosum
50. Unpaired cartilages of larynx – thyroid , cricoid , epiglottis
51. Paired cartilages of larynx – arytenoid , corniculate , cuneiform
52. Optic nerve along with its meninges and ophthalmic artery pass
through optic canal
53. CN III , IV , VI & Ophthalmic division of Vth CN , sympathetic
nerve and ophthalmic veins pass through superior orbital fissure
54. CN VII passes through stylomastoid foramen
55. Maxillary divison of CN V passes through foramen rotandum
56. Mandibular divison of CN V & accessory meningeal artery
57. Medial border of cubital fossa – lateral margin of pronator teres
58. Lateral border of cubital fossa – medial edge of brachioradialis
59. Roof of fossa – deep fascia of forearm
60. Floor of fossa – brachialis & supinator fossa
61. Content of fossa – median nerve , brachial artery ( terminal part ),
biceps tendon , radial nerve
62. Content of carpal tunnel are – tendon of FDP , tendon of FPL ,
tendon of FDS and medial nerve
63. Structure passing through choroid fissure of eye – hyaloid artery
64. Structure passing through foramen of Vesalius – emissary vein
65. Structure piercing coracobrachialis – musculocutaneous nerve
66. Structure piercing clavipectoral fascia – thoracoacromial vessel,
lateral pectoral nerve , cephalic vein
67. Structure passing between two heads of gastrocnemius – sural nerve
68. Structure passing between two heads of lateral pterygoid – maxillary
69. Structure passing between pronator teres – median nerve
70. Structure passing through tarsal tunnel – posterior tibial nerve
71. Horner syndrome is due to loss of sympathetic innervation to head
and neck
72. Causes of horner syndrome – ptosis , anhidrosis , miosis , appearance
of enophthalmos
73. Fascia coli – investing layer of deep cervical fascia of neck
74. Fascia transversalis – forms anterior wall of femoral sheath
75. Fascia iliaca – forms posterior wall of femoral sheath
76. True ribs – 1 to 7 ribs
77. False ribs – 8 to 11 ribs
78. Floating ribs – 11 , 12 ribs
79. Typical ribs – 3 to 9 ribs
80. Atypical ribs – 1 , 2 , 10 ,11 , 12
81. Vestibulo cerebellum – maintains equilibrium
82. Spino cerebellum – smoothens & co ordinates movement
83. Neo cerebellum – planning & programming of movements
84. 1st pharyngeal arch – maxilla , zygomatic bone , greater wing of
sphenoid , malleus , incus , meckel’s cartilage
85. 1st pharyngeal arch muscles – myohoid , anterior belly of digastric ,
tensor tympani , tensor veli palatine , muscle of mastification
86. 2nd pharyngeal arch – stapes styloid process , smaller cornua of hyoid
, superior part of bony of hyoid , stylohyoid ligament , reichert’s
87. 2nd pharyngeal arch muscles – stapedius , stylohyoid , posterior belly
of digastric , muscle of facial expression
88. 3rd pharyngeal arch – greater cornua of thyroid , lower part of body
of thyroid
89. 3rd pharyngeal arch muscles - stylopharyngeus
90. 4th pharyngeal arch - cartilage of larynx
91. 4th pharyngeal arch – cricothyroid , levator veli palatine
92. 6th pharyngeal arch – arytenoids cartilage
93. 6th pharyngeal muscles – intrinsic muscle of larynx except
94. Toldts fascia = anterior renal fascia
95. Zuckerland fascia = posterior renal fascia
96. Bucks fascia = deep fascia of penis
97. Denonviller fascia = fascia separating rectum from prostrate
98. Waldeyers fascia = fascia separating rectum from coccyx
99. Camper’s fascia = superficial fatty layer of superficial fascia
100. Scarpa fascia = deep membranous layer of superficial fascia
101. Ligament of bigelow = strongest ligament of hip
102. Ischio – femoral ligament = weakest ligament of hip
103. Ligament of head & femur = ligament teres
104. Ligament teres contains obturator artery
105. Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula = origin of long head of
106. Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula = origin of long head of triceps
107. Medial intermuscular septum = pierced by ulnar nerve and
ulnar collateral artery
108. Lateral intermuscular septum = pierced by radial nerve and
profunda brachii artery
109. Triangle of auscultation = medially by lateral border of
110. Laterally by = medial border of scapula
111. Inferiorly by = upper border of lattismus dorsi
112. Floor of triangle of auscultation = 6th and 7th intercostalis
spacei . 7th rib , rhomboidus major
113. Root value for median nerve – C5 C6 C7 C8 T1
114. Root value for radial nerve – C5 C6 C7 C8 T1
115. Root value for axillary nerve – C5 C6
116. Root value for thoracodorsal nerve – C6 C7 C8
117. Branches from Root of brachial plexus = long thoracic nerve
of bell and serratus anterior
118. Branches from Root of brachial plexus = dorsal scapular nerve
which supply rhomboid and levator scapula
119. Branches from Trunk of brachial plexus = suprascapular
120. Suprascapular nerve supply – supraspinatus , infraspinatus
121. Branches from trunk of brachial plexus include – nerve to
122. Duct of wirsung = main duct of pancreas
123. Duct of Santorini = Accessory pancreatic duct
124. Foramen ovale contains = mandibular nerve , accessory
meningeal artery , lesser petrosal nerve , emissary nerve
125. Foramen of Morgagni = refers to an opening in diaphragm
126. Foramen of winslow = between greater and lesser sac
127. Foramen of magendie , luscka = related to fourth ventricle
128. Foramen of munro = interventricular foramen
129. Foramen of Vesalius = emissary sphenoidal foramen
130. Boundaries of calots triangle – superiorly = cystic artery
131. Medially – common hepatic artery
132. Laterally – cystic duct
133. Content of calots triangle = node of lund
134. Boundaries of hepatocystic triangle – superiorly = inferior
surface of liver
135. Medially = common hepatic artery
136. Laterally = cystic duct
137. Content of hepatocystic triangle = cystic artery
138. Fibrous joint = sutures , syndesmosis , gomphoses
139. Cartilaginous joint primary – synchondrosis
140. Cartilaginous joint – secondary – symphysis
141. Uniaxial synovial joint = hinge, pivot
142. Biaxial synovial joint = condylar , ellipsoid , saddle
143. Multi axial synovial joint = ball and socket joint
144. Content of triangle of Koch – AV node
145. Axillary artery divides by – pectoralis minor
146. Subclavian artery divides by – scalene anterior
147. Maxillary artery divides by – lateral pterygoid muscle
148. Parotid duct – stenson’s duct
149. Stensons duct opens into upper 2nd molar
150. Submandibular duct = whartons duct
151. Whartons duct opens into sublingual papillae
152. Sublingual duct = rivinus
153. Rivinus opens into floor of buccal cavity ( sublingual fold )
154. Longest intracranial course = abducent nerve
155. Longest subarachnoid course = trochlear nerve
156. Longest cranial nerve in body = trigerminal nerve
157. Smallest nerve in body = trochlear nerve
158. Only nerve emerges dorsally from brainstem = trochlear nerve
159. Only nerve decussate with brainstem = trochlear nerve
160. Only nerve emerges from pons = trigerminal nerve
161. Shortest nerve = mandibular nerve
162. Meckles cave – gasserian ganglion = trigerminal nerve
163. Dorello canal = abducent nerve
164. Mullerian duct in female gives tubes , uterus , cervix and upper
165. Mullerian duct in male gives appendix of testis
166. Wolffian duct ( mesonephric duct ) in female gives –
epoophoran , paraoophoran , gartner’s duct
167. Wolffian dduct in male gives – epididymis , vas deferens ,
seminal vesicles
168. Genital ridge in female gives – ovary
169. Genital ridge in male develops into testis
170. Diaphragm developed at C3 C5 somites
171. Dorsal mesentry of oesophagus gives crura of diaphragm
172. Septum tranversum gives central tendon of diaphragm
173. Pleuro – peritoneal membrane gives small peripheral part of
174. Body wall – mesoderm gives large peripheral part of
175. Dendate nucleus belongs to neocerbellum
176. Emboliformis belongs to paleocerebellum
177. Fastigii belongs to archicerebellum
178. Globosus belongs to paleocerebellum
179. Neurotransmitter at parasympathetic ganglia = acetylcholine
180. Neurotransmitter at substantia nigra = dopamine
181. Neurotransmitter at raphe nuceli = histamine
182. Neurotransmitter at hypothalamus = histamine
183. Neurotransmitter at post ganglionic sympathetic neurons =
184. Neurotransmitter at adrenal medulla = catecholamine
185. Action of geinoglossus = protrusion
186. Action of palatoglossus = retraction
187. Action of styloglossus and hyoglosssus = depression
188. Styloglossus = up and backward of tongue
189. Coraco acromial ligament – prevents superior displacement of
humerus head
190. Gastro splenic ligament – contains short gastric vessels
191. Leino renal ligament – contains splenic vessels and tail of
192. Phrenico colic ligament – prevents superior dislocation of
193. Subclavian artery – origin at – posterior to sternoclavicular
194. Termination of subclavian artery is at – outer border of 1st rib
195. Branches of subclavian artery is divided by scalenus anterior
196. Structures forming stomach bed – left kidney , left suprarenal
gland , left dome of diaphragm , left colic flexure , transverse
mesocolon , body of pancreas , splenic artery of spleen
197. All stomach bed structures are separated from stomach by
cavity of lesser sac except spleen which is separated by cavity of
greater sac
198. Between two heads of pronator teres – median nerve
199. Between two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris – ulnar nerve
200. Supinator muscle ( pierced ) – posterior interosseous nerve
201. Coracobrachialis ( pierced )- musculocutaneous nerve
202. Artery of foregut – coeliac trunk
203. Artery of midgut – superior mesenteric trunk
204. Artery of hindgut – inferior mesenteric trunk
205. Origin of axillary artery – outer border of 1st rib
206. Termination of axillary artery – lower border of teres major
207. Axillary artery is divided in 3 part by pectoralis minor muscle
208. 1st part of axillary artery – superior thoracic artery
209. 2nd part of axillary artery – acromiothoracic artery , lateral
thoracic artery
210. 3rd part of axillary artery – subscapular artery
211. Largest part of axillary artery – subscapular artery
212. Subscapular artery gives circumflex scapular artery
213. Roof of anatomical snuff box – radial nerve , cephalic vein
214. Floor of anatomical snuff box = scaphoid , trapezium , styloid
process of radius , first metacarpal bone
215. Main content of anatomical snuff box = radial artery
216. Abduction of shoulder = 0-15 degree = supraspinatus
217. Abduction of shoulder = 15 – 90 degree = deltoid
218. Overhead abduction ( more than 90 degree ) = trapezius ,
serratus anterior
219. Structures piercing clavipectoral fascia – cephalic vein ,
acromio – thoracic artery , lateral pectoral nerve , lymphatic vessels
220. Nerves having nuclei in midbrain = CN III , CN IV
221. Nerves having nuclei in pons = CN V , VI , VII , VIII
222. Nerves having nuclei in medullar = CN IX , X, XI, XII
223. Cranial nerve emerging from dorsal aspect of brain = cranial
nerve IV
224. Nerve MC involved in intra- cranial aneurysm = CN III
225. Nerve supply of platysma = CN VII
226. Buccinator muscle is supplied by CN VII
227. Palatal muscles ( Except tensor palati ) are supplied by CN XI
228. Lesion of XII nerve results in deviation of tongue to : same side
229. Muscle of facial expression are supplied by CN VII
230. Glands supplied by CN VII nuclei = submandibular gland ,
lacrimal gland , nasal gland
231. Facial nerve traverses the substance of parotid but does not
supply it
232. Ganglion related to facial nerve – pterygopalatine palatine ,
geniculate ganglion , submandibular gangion
233. Level of vena caval opening – T8
234. Level of oesophageal opening – T10
235. Level of aortic opening – T12
236. Right phrenic nerve passes through – vena caval opening
237. Vagus nerve passes through – esophageal opening
238. Esophageal branch of left gastric artery passes through –
esophageal opening
239. Azygous vein passes through – aortic opening
240. Duodenal ulcer through gastroduodenal artery
241. Extradural haemorrhage – middle meningeal artery
242. Source of bleeding in tonsillectomy = paratonsillar vein
243. Schlemm canal – canal at corneoscleral junction
244. Haversian canal – central vascular channels in bones around
which lamella are arranged concentrically
245. Gitter cells – microglial ( brain )
246. Hoffbauers cells – ellipsoidal cells in chorionic villi of placenta
247. JG cells – smooth muscle cells
248. Ito cells – stellate cells in liver
249. Muller’s canal – neuroglial cells in retina
250. Glomus cells – presents in carotid bodies
251. Male urethra = 18 -20 cms
252. Ureter, oesophagus = 10 inches
253. Spinal cord , vas deferens , thoracic duct = 45cm
254. Formed by union of 2 vertebral arteries = basilar artery
255. Inferior vesical artery is a branch of : anterior division of
internal iliac artery
256. Uterine artery is a branch of anterior division of internal iliac
257. Inferior thyroid artery is branch of thyrocervical trunk
258. Ascending pharyngeal artery is a branch of – external carotid
259. Internal pudendal artery is a branch of – anterior division of
internal iliac artery
260. Splenic artery if a branch of coeliac trunk
261. Cystic artery is a branch of right hepatic artery
262. Cilio retinal artery is branch of choroidal artery
263. Middle meningeal artery is branch of maxillary artery
264. Anterior spinal artery is a branch of vertebral artery
265. Ophthalmic artery is a branch of internal carotid artery
266. Prochordal plate and primitive streak is seen on 14th day
267. Oogonia and germ cell are derived from – yolk sac
268. 1st polar body is formed during – oogenesis
269. 1st polar body is extruded – at the time of ovulation
270. Sperms are stored in epididymis
271. Number of chromosomes are reduced down to half in 1st
meiotic division
272. Meckel’s diverticulum – remnant of vitelline duct
273. Ligamentum venosum – remnant of ductus venosus
274. Ligamentum arteriosum – remnant of ductus arteriosus
275. Median umbilical ligament – remnant of urachus
276. Median umbilical ligament – remnant of 2 umbilical arteries
277. Trigone of bladder – mesoderm
278. Somites – paraxial mesoderm
279. Epithelial lining of biliary tract – endoderm
280. Tympanic membrane – all the 3 germ layers
281. Sinus venosus forms – smooth part of right atrium , coronary
sinus , oblique vein of left atrium
282. Persistence of 4th aortic arch leads to – double aortic arch
283. Collecting duct develops from – ureteric bud
284. Epithelium of ureter develop from – mesophros
285. Ovary develops from – genital ridge
286. Scrotum develops from – genital swelling
287. Posterior belly of digastric develops from – 2nd pharyngeal arch
288. Anterior belly of digastric develops from – 1st pharyngeal arch
289. Platysma develops from – 2nd pharyngeal arch
290. 3rd arch – glossopharyngeal nerve
291. 6th arch -recurrent laryngeal nerve
292. Brunners gland is present in duodenum
293. Function of gap junctions – exchange between cells
294. Gustatory system has – sensory type of neuro epithelium
295. Intercalated disc is present in cardiac muscle
296. Nucleus in cardiac muscle – central
297. Reticuloendothelial cells of liver are – kupffer cells
298. Space of disse & space of mall are seen in liver
299. Intrinsic factor ( Castle )is secreted by – parietal / oxyntic cells
300. Chief / peptic / zymogen cells lines the – body of the gland (
Secrete pepsinogen )
301. Paneth cells ( intestine ) are rich in – rough ER
302. Epiglottis is an example of – elastic cartilage
303. Musculocutaneous nerve arises from – lateral cord
304. Subscapular nerve arises from – posterior cord
305. Shoulder joint is weakest – inferiorly
306. Function of levator scapulae – elevation of scapula
307. Erbs point is union of C5 & C6
308. Erb’s palsy involves – upper trunk of brachial plexuss
309. Klumpke’s paralysis – injury to lower trunk of brachial plexus
310. Hypothenar area( medial third of palm ) is supplied by – ulnar
311. Palmar and dorsal interossei are supplied by – ulnar nerve
312. Adductor pollicis ( Adduction of thumb ) is supplied by – ulnar
313. Froment sign / book test – done for ulnar nerve
314. Thenar eminence is supplied by – median nerve
315. Lunate dislocation may injure – median nerve
316. Ape thumb deformity is seen with median nerve
317. Teres minor and deltoid are supplied by – axillary nerve
318. Flexors of forearm – biceps , brachialis , brachioradialis
319. Muscles attached to greater tubercle of humerus –
supraspinatus , infraspinatus , teres minor
320. Muscle originating from coracoid process – short head of
321. Abductors of shoulder joint – deltoid , serratus anterior ,
322. Rotator cuff muscle include – supraspinatus , infraspinatus ,
teres minor , subscapularis
323. Dropped shoulder is seen in paralysis of trapezius
324. Radial groove is occupied by – radial nerve and deep brachial
325. Nerve supply of biceps brachii – musculocutaneous nerve
326. Nerve of medial / adductor compartment of thigh – obturator
327. Gluteus maximus is supplied by – inferior gluteal nerve
328. Gluteus maximus is supplied by – inferior gluteal nerve
329. Gluteus minimus , gluteus medius , tensor fascia lata is
supplied by – superior gluteal nerve
330. Actions of Sartorius , piriformis = lateral rotation
331. Superior and inferior gemelli action = lateral rotation
332. Abductors of the hip = gluteus medius & gluteus minimus
333. Extensor of knee joint = quadriceps femoris
334. Function of ileofemoral ligament / ligament of bigelow =
prevents hyperextension at the hip
335. Posterior dislocation of femur is prevented by = anterior
cruciate ligament
336. Posterior dislocation of tibia is prevented by = posterior
cruciate ligament
337. Inversion and eversion occurs at – subtalar joint
338. Root value of pudendal nerve = S2 S3 S4
339. Root value of obturator nerve = L2 L3 L4
340. Azygous vein passes through aortic opening
341. Superior epigastric vessels & lymphatic passes through =
foramen of Morgagni
342. Bochdaleks hernia occurs through = posterolateral part of
343. Morgagni hernia occurs = anteriorly
344. Esophagus pierces diaphragm at a distance of = 15 inches (
from incisior )
345. Length of esophagus = 25cm
346. Esophagus commences at = lower end of cricoid
347. Epithelium of esophagus = stratified squamous non keratinized
348. Most common site for oesophageal obstruction = crico –
oesophageal junction
349. Thoracic duct crosses from right to left at the level of T4
350. Thoracic duct passes through – aortic opening of diaphragm
351. Thoracic duct is also known as – pecquets duct
352. Thoracic duct commences in the abdomen as an elongated
lymph sac of the – cisterna chylii
353. Inferior surface of the heart is formed by = both ventricles
354. Base of heart is formed by both atrium
355. Part of heart lying close to esophagus – left atrium
356. Trabeculae carnae is present in right ventricle
357. Anterior wall of left ventricle is supplied by – left anterior
descending artery
358. Right coronary artery arises from = anterior aortic cusp
359. In right dominance , posterior interventricular artery
originates from – right coronary artery
360. SA node, AV node and AV bundle is supplied by – right
coronary artery
361. Middle cardiac vein follows – posterior interventricular artery
362. SVC & IVC opens into – right atrium
363. Coronary sinus drains into right atrium
364. Smallest functional unit of lung – lung
365. Sequestered segments are supplied by – systemic circulation
366. Position of lower border of lung in midaxillary line = 8th rib
367. Most common site of ectopic pancreas = stomach
368. Superior suprarenal artery is branch of – inferior phrenic
369. Middle suprarenal artery is a branch of – abdominal artery
370. Arrangement of structures at hilum of kidney – VAP – vein ,
artery , pelvis
371. Axillary sheath is the continuation of – prevertebral fascia
372. Thalamic nuclei for hearing ( lateral lemniscus ) – medial
geniculate body
373. Genu of internal capsule contains fibres – sensory fibres( from
thalamus to brain )
374. Retrolentiform part of internal capsule contains = optic
375. Sublentiform part of internal capsule contains = auditory
376. Right middle cerebral artery blockage results in – left side
hemiplegia , sensory deficit of face and arm
377. Right posterior cerebral artery blockage results in – left sided
visual field defect
378. Medial medullary syndrome is due to occlusion of vertebral
379. Lateral medullary syndrome is due to occlusion of posterior
inferior cerebellar artery
380. Glands supplied by facial nerve = submandibular , lacrimal ,
nasal glands
381. Common nucleus for cranial nerve 7 , 9 & 10 - nucleus tractus
382. Gustatory sensation to soft palate is carried by – facial nerve
383. Artery supply to facial nerve – ascending pharyngeal artery
384. All palatal muscles ( Except tensor palatii ) are supplied by –
accessory nerve
385. Spasmodic torticollis is due to – irritation of cranial part of
accessory nerve
386. Right hypoglossal nerve palsy will deviate the tongue to – right
387. Content of optic canal – optic nerve, ophthalmic artery
388. Content of foramen rotundum – maxillary division of cranial
nerve V
389. CSF secreted by – choroid plexus
390. Choroid plexus is absent in anterior horn of lateral ventricle
391. Total volume of CSF = 150ml
392. Primary auditory area is in superior part of the temporal gyrus
393. Primary visual area is in – occipital lobe
394. Broacas area is in inferior frontal gyrus
395. Extorters of eyeball = both inferior’s
396. Intorters of eyeball = both superior’s
397. Muscle attached to posterior tarsal margin = mullers muscle
398. Lymphatics drainage of testis = para aortic node
399. Clitoris and glans penis = cloquet node / rossenmullers node
400. Testis = pre aortic & paraaortic nodes
401. Left gonadal vein drain into – left renal vein
402. Great cerebral vein of galen is formed by the union of –
internal cerebral vein
403. Great cerebral vein drain into straight sinus
404. Portal vein is formed by – union of splenic vein and superior
mesenteric vein ( behind the neck of pancreas )
405. All intrinsic muscle of larynx are supplied by recurrent
laryngeal nerve except – cricot0hyroid ( external laryngeal nerve )
406. All muscles of tongue are supplied by hypoglossal nerve except
– palatoglossus ( pharyngeal plexus)
407. All muscles of pharynx are supplied by pharyngeal plexus
except stylopharyngeus ( glossopharyngeal nerve )
408. All muscles of soft palate are supplied by pharyngeal plexus
except – tensor palati ( nerve to medial pterygoid )
409. Sutures are seen in skull
410. Joint between diaphysis and epiphysis – primary cartilaginous
( synchondrosis )
411. Symphysis pubi is secondary cartilaginous
412. Inferior tibiofibular joint is – syndesmosis
413. Elbow joint is hinge joint
414. Temporomandibular joint is condyloid joint
415. Wrist joint is ellipsoid joint
416. First carpometacarpal joint is saddle joint
417. Sesamoid bones develops in muscle tendons
418. Sesamoid bones are devoid of periosteum
419. Fabella is present in lateral head of gastrocnemius
420. Transitional epithelium is seen in urothelium
421. Type 1 cartilage is present in bone , skin , cornea , tendon
422. Type II cartilage is present in cartilage
423. Type III cartilage is present in blood vessels , fetal skin , uterus
424. Type IV cartilage is present in basement membrane
425. Clavicle is first bone to ossify
426. Clavicle ossifies in membrane
427. Clavicle has 2 primary centres of ossification
428. Clavicle fractured at junction of medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3
429. Carpal bone to ossify first = capitate
430. Carpal bone last to ossify = pisiform
431. Most common dislocated carpal bone = lunate
432. Elbow joint type of hinge joint
433. FDP has dual nerve supply = ulnar nerve and anterior
interosseous nerve of median nerve
434. Tennis elbow = lateral epicondylitis
435. Golfers elbow = medial epicondylitis
436. Regimental badge anaesthesia is due to lesion of axillary nerve
437. Common artery for cannulation is radial artery and posterior
tibial artery
438. Most common muscle to be congenitally absent is pectoralis
439. Poland syndrome = congenital absence of pectoralis major
440. Pectoralis minor divides axillary artery into 3 parts
441. Anterior axillary fold is formed by pectoralis major
442. Posterior axillary fold is formed by teres major
443. Talus has no muscular attachment
444. Calcaneus is largest tarsal bone
445. Knee joint = largest joint in the body
446. Knee joint = type of condylar type of compound joint
447. Locking of knee joint is by quadriceps femoris
448. Unlocking of knee joint is by popliteus
449. Content of femoral triangle = femoral sheath , femoral nerve ,
femoral artery , femoral vein , lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh ,
femoral branch of genito femoral nerve
450. Skin over the femoral triangle is supplied by genitofemoral
451. Content of adductor canal = femoral artery , femoral vein and
saphenous nerve
452. Adductor canal is called as hunters canal
453. Femoral nerve largest branch of lumbar plexus with root value
od L2 3 4
454. Each bronchopulmonary segment has – tertiary ( segmental )
bronchus and 2 arteries ( bronchial and pulmonary ) in center with
veins and lymphatics
455. Each lung has 10 bronchopulmonary segments
456. Visceral pleura is pain insensitive
457. Parietal pleura is pain sensitive
458. Visceral pleural develops from splanchnopleural mesoderm
459. Parietal pleura develops from somatopleural mesoderm
460. Transversus abdominis is deepest muscle of abdomen
461. Traubes space iss tympanic percussion overlies the fundus of
462. Upper GI bleed = from proximal to Ligament of Trietz
463. Lower GI bleed = from dital to Ligament of Trietz
464. Most common abnormality of small intestine and GIT =
meckel’s diverticulum
465. Houston’s valve associated with rectum
466. Reidels lobe = from inferior border of right lobe
467. Caudate lobe = posterior surface of right lobe
468. Counaids segment corresponds to caudate lobe
469. Counaids segment corresponds to quadrate lobe
470. Duct of wirsung = main duct of pancreas
471. Duct of Santorini = accessory pancreatic duct
472. Pancreatic divisum is most common congenital anomaly of
473. Tail of pancreas contains maximum number of islet of
474. Spleen is located between 9th to 11th ribs
475. Part of dorsal mesentry that extends between spleen and
greater curvature of stomach = gastrosplenic ligament
476. Part of dorsal mesentry that extends between spleen and left
kidney = splenorenal ligament
477. Phrenicocolic ligament = contains left colic ( splenic ) flexure to
478. Phrenicocolic ligament = supports anterior border of the spleen
479. Stave cells associated with spleen
480. Most common site of primary carcinoma in prostrate =
posterior lobe
481. Most common site of benign hypertrophy prostrate = median
482. Mandible is second bone to ossify in the body
483. Layers of scalp = skin , connective tissue , aponeurotic layer ,
loose areolar tissue , pericranium
484. Buccinator muscle pierced by parotid duct
485. Winking is due to orbicularis oculi
486. Frowning is due to corrugator supercilli
487. Tip of tongue = submental node
488. Anterior 2/3 = submandibular node
489. Posterior 2/3 = jugulo omohyoid nodes
490. C1 vertebrae is called a ATLAS
491. C2 vertebrae is called as AXIS
492. Spinal cord is 45cm long
493. Duramater is toughest membrane covering the skin
494. Lateral geniculate body is for looking = visual
495. Medial geniculate body is for music = auditory
496. Anterior hypothalamus mediates parasympathetic activity
497. Posterior hypothalamus mediates sympathetic activity
498. Only excitatory neuron in cerebellum is granulecell
499. Only output of cerebellar cortex is purkinjie cell axons
500. Most common site for berry aneurysm = bifurcation of anterior
communicating artery

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