School Mental Health Programme in India-Issues And
School Mental Health Programme in India-Issues And
School Mental Health Programme in India-Issues And
education-based initiative to support
orldwide, an estimated 13%
the mental health and wellbeing of chil-
of youth under 18 years of
dren and young people from birth to
age have significant mental
school-leaving.7 Evaluations indicated that
health problems.1,2 Also, a significant
these programs probably work best in the
percentage of mental health issues have
long run if they are integrated into the
their onset below 25 years of age. Global-
school system and run with the support of
ly, during this period, the children spend
both the school management and the local
much of the time in school. Hence, it
stands to reason that children and ado-
lescents can be reached early in schools SMHPs in India:
than in any other setting for health pro-
motion, prevention of disease, and inter- An Introduction
ventions. India has the largest number of children
and adolescents in the world.8 The Gov-
School Mental Health The outcomes in all of these were posi- ernment of India has given emphasis to
Program (SMHP) tive, though the long-term outcome has developmental delays and developmen-
to be evaluated. In addition, the School- tal disorders as part of the School Health
Models Globally Based Support (SBS) program was begun Program under the ‘Ayushman Bharat’
Several preventive school-based mental in the United States with the goals of scheme. This document specifically men-
health interventions have proven to have increasing the capacity to recognise and tions behavior disorder (Autism), Learning
some level of efficacy. Some examples are meet the mental health needs of children Disorders, and Attention Deficit Hyperac-
the Positive Behavior Interventions and and improve academic and social/ behav- tivity Disorder. In the health promotion
Supports (PBIS)3, Skills for Life (SFL)4, ioral outcomes.6 section, substance use, internet safety and
and MindMatters.5 Two of these inter- A series of SMHPs initiatives by the literacy, meditation, and yoga are covered
ventions were developed in high-income Australian government aimed at the pro- along with a broad category of mental
countries (the United States and Australia), motion of mental health and prevention health.9
and the third (SFL) was developed in a of and early intervention for psychiatric The Central Board of Secondary
lower-middle income country (Chile). problems This is now a single national Education (CBSE) recommends that all
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Raman V and Thomas S. School Mental Health Program in India—Issues and Possible Practical Solutions.
Indian J Psychol Med. 2023;45(3):283–288.
Address for correspondence: Vijaya Raman, Dept. of Psychiatry, St. John’s Medical Submitted: 27 May. 2022
College, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore, Karnataka 560034, India. Accepted: 06 Mar. 2023
Email: Published Online: 17 Apr. 2023
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DOI: 10.1177/02537176231165033