271 - 282
1. Introduction
Organic contaminants in waste water not only pollute the ecological environment,
but also endanger the public health of mankind. People have spent great efforts on removing
the organic compounds from the waste water. Semiconductor photocatalytic degradation of
water treatment has been recognized as a promising technology because it is effective,
low-cost, environment-friendly and able to utilize the solar energy directly [1, 2]. ZnO is a
superior semiconductor material for photocatalysis. ZnO has unique advantages, such as,
high electron mobility and adjustable morphology. However, the bandgap of ZnO is
relatively big (3.37eV) and only ultraviolet light can be absorbed, which accounts for only
4% of the solar spectrum [3]. In addition, fast recombination of photogenerated election/hole
and low photocatalytic stability are common drawbacks of ZnO [4-6]. Therefore, researchers
have made a lot of efforts to improve the photocatalysis capability of ZnO by various
Doping is an important approach for ZnO modification. The introduction of mental
atoms into the lattice of ZnO can adjust the band gap and improve the utilization of solar
light as well as tailor ZnO nanostructures [7-15]. Mental elements, such as Cu [7, 8], Fe [9],
La [10], Al [11], Gd [12], Sb [13] and Ag [14] have been reported for doping of ZnO. As one
of rare earth metals, Cerium(Ce) has attracted much attention due to its outstanding
advantages: 4f electron transition and abundant energy levels [16, 17]. Doping of Ce in ZnO
achieves great improvement of the photocatalytic activity. Flower-like mesoporous Ce-ZnO
nanosheets [16] was prepared by a one-step wet chemical method. 1% Ce doped ZnO
exhibited highest photocatalytic activities with 85.1% removal of RhB under irradiation of
stimulated sunlight and the photocatalytic performance increased to 89.5% after annealing at
500°C. Chang et al. [18] synthesized Ce dopd ZnO nanorods with excellent visible-light
catalytic activity by using hydrothermal method. Doping of Ce increased surface oxygen
vacancies and leaded to red-shift for visible light absorption of ZnO. Sukriti [19] fabricated
Zn1-xCexO nanostructures via co-precipitation method. The nanostructures changes from
Corresponding author: xumh123@163.com
nanocubes to nanobars and nanohexanes with the increase of doped Ce3+ concentration. The
band gap of Ce doped ZnO shifted from 3.17eV to 2.72eV and The Zn0.94Ce0.6O showed
94.11% degradation of Methylene blue (MB). Jiang [20] reported that the photocatalytic
methyl orange (MO) degradation efficiency of Ce-doped ZnO hollow sphere reached 99%
under irradiation of 500W Xenon lamp. However, the preparation methods mentioned above
are either multi-step or high-energy-costing. Meanwhile, it is of great importance to explore
simpler and cheaper synthesis methods of Ce-ZnO nanostructures with higher photocatalytic
performance. The purpose of this work is to develop a facile approach for Ce-doped ZnO
preparation. Methylene blue (MB) is selected as organic containments. The degradation
process and mechanism were investigated as well.
2. Experimental
2.3. Characterization
The morphologies of the Ce-ZnO samples were observed by Hitachi S3400N
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at an accelerating voltage of 15 Kv, equipped with
IXRF energy spectrum analysis (Tec comp. Ltd. China).
X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns were collected in the 2θ range of 5-80° with
CuKα radiation (Cu Kα, λ=0.1545 nm, pipe voltage 36 kV, pipe current 20 mA) (Beijing
Purkinje General Instrument Co., Ltd., China). Solid-state UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectra
was recorded at room temperature in air by means of a Shimadzu UV-2550 spectrometer
equipped with an integrating sphere attachment using BaSO4 as background. UV-Vis spectra
of liquid were measured by UV-2600 type ultraviolet visible spectrometer (Shimadzu, Japan).
Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples with different amount of cerium.
Fig. 2. SEM images of ZnO and Ce doped ZnO ( a, b: ZnO , c, d: 0.2 %- Ce-ZnO;
e: 0.5%-Ce-ZnO, f:1%-Ce-ZnO, g:5%-Ce-ZnO, h:10%-Ce-ZnO).
C O Ce P
Zn Ce
Ce PtPt
n Zn CeCe PtPt
Ce Pt
Fig.3 display the SEM image and corresponding C, O, Zn, Ce and Pt elements
mapping of 1%-Ce-ZnO sample. The elements Zn, O and Ce distributes evenly all over the
sample area. This validated that the Ce have been doped into ZnO successfully. No Ce
element segregation have been detected. C and Pt are from the background and Pt sputtering
process during SEM sample preparation, respectively. Fig. 4 shows the EDS element
spectrum of 1%-Ce-ZnO sample. The EDS element detecting demonstrates the existence of
Zn, Ce and O. The Ce/Zn molar ratio in the table is calculated to be 1.05%
(0.125/11.883*100%). This is consistent with the added amount in the experiment.
Fig. 5. UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectra of ZnO and Ce doped ZnO (a), plots of the (ahv) 2
versus hv of ZnO and Ce doped ZnO (b).
The band gap energies (Eg) were calculated by plotting (ahv) vs photon energies (hv)
as shown in Fig. 5(b), where a, h and v represent the absorption coefficient, Planck’s
constant and light frequency, respectively [24-26]. The Eg of pure ZnO, 0.2%-Ce-Zn,
0.5%-Ce-Zn, 1%-Ce-Zn, 5%-Ce-Zn and 10%-Ce-Zn were determined as 3.15, 3.14, 3.13,
3.16 and 3.18eV, respectively. The Eg value decreased firstly and then increased with
increase of the Ce molar ratio in a small range. The broadening of absorption spectrum
toward visible light and the decrease of Eg samples validated the formation of Ce-ZnO
heterostructure [27, 28], which resulted in the enhancement of photocatalytic activity of the
Ce doped ZnO nanosheets.
Fig. 6. Photocatalytic activity of MB degradation with pure ZnO and Ce-doped ZnO.
When IPA is added to the reaction system, the ·OH is captured. Since the
degradation process of MB is inhibited, the residual rate of MB in the solution increases
remarkably. When the EDTA-2Na is added, the Reaction (2) is hindered, which would
hinder the degradation of MB as well. Although the h+ is captured, the Reaction (1) can be
made to the right side, which leads to the production of a large amount of e– at the surface
and inside of the catalyst. The photo induced e– and O2 in the solution to produced ·O2–
according to Reaction (3). The ·O2– and H+ in the solution are to produce the intermediate
substance HO2–, according to Reaction (4). The above HO2– subsequently to produce ·OH
according to the Reactions (5) and (6), so the ·OH generated by the e– action can continue to
act on the MB. Thus, the extent of obstruction of photocatalytic experiment of MB with
EDTA-2Na is not obvious as that with IPA. This is consistent with the experimental results.
Fig. 11. The possible mechanism for photocatalytic degradation of MB with Ce-ZnO.
4. Conclusion
fish-scale liked polyporous structure, whereas the sheets collapsed to smaller pieces when
the Ce doping mole ratio increase to 5%. 1%-Ce-ZnO nanosheets exhibited the highest
degradation efficiency for removal of MB due to the formation of Ce-ZnO heterostructure
and the increase of active surface area. The MB degradation rated reached 96.48% after
60min visible light irradiation.1%-Ce-ZnO nanosheets kept high photocatalytic performance
at a wide pH range of 5-11. The mechanism investigation photocatalytic degradation of MB
showed the photocatalytic degradation reaction initiated from the demethylation of MB and
the h+ and ·OH acted as key active species during the oxidation of MB. The Ce doped ZnO
nanosheets in this work showed high photocatalytic performance of degradation of organic
pollutants, high rapidity and superior recyclability. These make the Ce-ZnO nanosheets to be
a powerful tool to deal with the wastewater containing organic contaminants.
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