Vamed annual-report-2021
Vamed annual-report-2021
Vamed annual-report-2021
Project Business 8
Service Business 12
VAMED in Figures 20
Utilizing opportunities
The pandemic has ruthlessly exposed the deficits in With life cycle models and tailor-made solutions for
the health system, but it has also helped to speed project financing, VAMED has decades of experience
up processes and developments. VAMED is inten- and can fulfill these requirements perfectly.
sively occupied in future topics surrounding medical
care. In 2021, outpatient rehabilitation services were The fact that VAMED was once again able to position
greatly expanded, enabling easy access to medically itself as a reliable partner in the healthcare sector
required rehabilitation alongside work. The site Vienna in 2021 is owed in particular to our staff, to whom
Oberlaa was expanded to become VAMED’s first fully we would like to express our gratitude at this point
integrated healthcare location – from prevention to for their commitment that has been so important in
acute care, rehabilitation and nursing, including a serving healthcare needs worldwide. We would also
telemedicine service. VAMED’s digitalisation initia- like to thank our customers, partners and sharehold-
tives also cover patient services for digital assistance ers for the trust and support they have shown in our
systems that support Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) company. Our very special thanks go to the outgoing
and digital rehabilitation services. Chairman of the Supervisory Board this financial year,
In the Project Business, demand for healthcare facili- Dr. Gerd Krick. His foresight and focus on long-term
ties as an expansion of the global health infrastructure success have left a lasting mark on VAMED over the
will increase in the upcoming years. At the same time, past 25 years and enabled our company to follow an
national economies face major challenges in financing outstanding growth path.
these projects considering tight budgets.
Mag. Gottfried Koos MMag. Andrea Raffaseder Dr. Ernst Wastler DI (FH) Andreas Wortmann, M.Sc.
Member of the Executive Board Member of the Executive Board Chairman of the Executive Board Member of the Executive Board
The Executive Board reported to the Supervisory The Supervisory Board concurs with the proposal of
Board in writing and orally on the future business the Executive Board on the appropriation of the net
policy and the future development of the net assets, profit for the year.
financial position and results of operations of VAMED The Supervisory Board proposes to appoint PwC
Aktiengesellschaft and the VAMED Group, as well as Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH, 1220 Vienna, Donau-
on the course of business transactions and the sit- City-Straße 7, as auditors for the Annual Financial
uation of the company and the VAMED Group as a Statements 2022 of VAMED Aktiengesellschaft.
whole. The formal approval of the Supervisory Board
was granted in those business cases where this was We would like to thank and show our appreciation
required by the provisions of the Austrian Stock Cor- to the staff for their work in the 2021 financial year.
poration Act, the Articles of Association or the Rules
of Procedure. Special thanks and recognition are due to
Dr. Gerd Krick, who resigned as Chairman of the
The Annual Financial Statements and the Management Supervisory Board after 25 years and will continue
Report of VAMED Aktiengesellschaft were audited by to support VAMED Aktiengesellschaft as “Honorary
PwC Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH, Vienna, and received Chairman of the Supervisory Board”.
an unqualified audit opinion.
The Executive Board
as well as operational management: from consulting to world include the best minds in health facility consult-
project development, planning and financial engineering ing and planning, financial engineering experts, highly
to project management and construction, and in the life experienced project and hospital managers, IT specialists,
cycle again for expansion/renewal and reinvestment of building engineers and high-end biomedical equipment
healthcare facilities. technicians as well as medical staff from all healthcare
disciplines. These multidisciplinary skills enable VAMED
The people behind the success to design and implement healthcare systems and facilities
VAMED’s companies bring together teams from a wide in a long-term and holistic manner like no other company
range of professions. Staff members from all over the and to maintain availability for these on a continuous basis.
Four decades of experience, well over 1,000 successfully implemented healthcare
projects on five continents and a worldwide excellent reputation for customer-
specific solutions, cost and schedule compliance as well as reliability – these are
the success factors for VAMED’s Project Business.
VAMED Standortentwicklung und Engineering GmbH (Project Business Central Europe) and VAMED Engineering
GmbH (Project Business international) are responsible for VAMED’s Project Business.
Comprehensive services
VAMED supervises healthcare projects from the project idea to the commissioning stage – as well as throughout
the entire operation if requested. In this context, not only the experience gained from each and every one of
the projects implemented worldwide plays an essential role, but also the fact that VAMED successfully manages
operations itself too. After all, people who run healthcare facilities themselves are already well aware of the
requirements of operational management during the planning and construction stages.
In project development, VAMED offers its customers tailor-made solutions. The project idea forms the corner-
stone for the concept. Based on this, VAMED develops an individually tailored, customised solution in several
phases that puts the project on the right track in the healthcare market in terms of functionality, technology
and finances. Among other things, the project’s chances of implementation are examined, decision-making
bases are prepared in detailed analysis, project concept and economic viability, and the healthcare facility
is planned, constructed and ultimately put into operation.
In times of tight budgets, needs-based financing concepts are becoming increasingly important.
In this area, too, VAMED offers professional support based on many years
of experience in successfully implemented projects.
Biomedical equipment
VAMED is also an expert and reliable partner in the field of biomedical
equipment. The services range from the planning of the entire biomedical
equipment to procurement, delivery, installation, training and manage-
ment through to responsibility for the entire life cycle of the medical
technology equipment.
• Contract for the construction of a General Hospital in Kimbe, Papua New Guinea
• T
he modernisation and redesign of 20 maternity clinics will make an
important contribution to reducing infant mortality in Kenya
Biomedical equipment
o The construction of a new
outpatient clinic was successfully
Building Information Modeling (BIM) completed at Hospital Suroeste in
Córdoba, Argentina, with a focus
on diagnostic imaging and surgery
As an integrated healthcare provider, VAMED offers all services for healthcare
facilities worldwide.
VAMED’s Service Business has steadily gained in importance over the past years. This trend continued in
2021. VAMED’s Service Business – divided into three lead companies – combines both High-End Services and
Total Operational Management. VAMED Technical Services GmbH (VTS) is in charge of VAMED’s High-End Service
Business, while VAMED Management und Service GmbH (VMS) is responsible for Total Operational Management.
VAMED-KMB Krankenhausmanagement und Betriebsführungsges.m.b.H provides operational management
services with a focus on building, construction and biomedical equipment, information and communication
technology, as well as infrastructural and commercial services for the Vienna Health Association with its main
customer being the Vienna General Hospital.
New orders for High-End Services
• New orders resp. the extension of existing orders from Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, among
others, where IHSS is building and operating a new medical device reprocessing facility for University
Hospital Southampton
The increasingly complex biomedical equipment in The importance of IT and digitalisation along VAMED’s
healthcare facilities worldwide also raises the require- entire value chain has also grown steadily. A massive
ments related to maintaining ongoing availability. In digitalisation process has begun in the health sec-
the field of High-End Services, VAMED’s specialists tor, not least due to the ongoing findings from the
ensure uninterrupted operation. The importance of COVID-19 pandemic. VAMED is also available as an
these services for medical care became clearly visible expert partner in these areas with many international
during the coronavirus pandemic. Since the outbreak testimonials and many years of experience.
of the pandemic, VAMED staff members have made
a significant contribution to maintaining operations VAMED-KMB Krankenhausmanagement und
in the hospitals they are in charge of under the most Betriebsführungsges.m.b.H., Vienna
difficult conditions, e.g. by repairing ventilators that (VAMED-KMB)
had already been taken out of service and by pushing The Vienna General Hospital – Medical University
ahead with the technical retrofitting of emergency Campus (AKH) is one of the largest hospitals in
equipment. Europe.
VAMED-KMB has been responsible for smooth
VAMED currently provides technical services for technical operational management since 1986 and
approximately 227,000 beds in around 840 hospitals thereby offers not only risk minimisation as well as
spread across four continents covering a wide geo- legal and budget security, but also long-term value
graphic range, in countries such as Austria, Germany, maintenance.
Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, With its highly qualified staff, VAMED-KMB is one of
Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Peru, Ghana, South the largest service providers worldwide. It provides
Africa, United Arab Emirates and Malaysia. value-added business management services with a
focus on building, construction and biomedical equip-
VAMED’s portfolio of High-End Services includes the ment, information and communication technology as
complete management of biomedical equipment, the well as infrastructural and commercial services. In
whole hospital operating technology, sterile supplies, addition, it is also responsible for the care of around
as well as IT development and equipment. 50,000 biomedical devices. The company operates the
vehicle fleet including patient transport, supports the
In technical operational management, a highly qualified documentation of patient medical histories and, last
team performs all maintenance services in partnership but not least, performs tasks in waste management,
with the customers, takes care of the legally required environmental economics and energy management.
documentation and optimises economic efficiency. Planning and project management of new buildings,
The aim is to offer sustainable solutions for managing additions and conversions during ongoing hospital
biomedical equipment that are tailored to the existing operations are also carried out by VAMED-KMB.
organisation in the hospital. Reinvestment decisions
are supported objectively as they are independent of
individual manufacturers. A comparable performance
profile is implemented in operational technology.
VAMED Management und Service GmbH (VMS) is responsible for the comprehensive range of rehabilitation ser-
vices, making VAMED one of the leading companies in this segment. The area of Total Operational Management
also includes services in acute care and nursing, as well as in prevention, where VAMED offers medical-therapeutic
methods and comprehensive applications with thermal spa and health tourism resorts in Austria and Germany
to improve the physical and mental well-being of its guests.
VMS operational management worldwide Digital rehabilitation provides the option of treating
VMS is currently entrusted with operational manage- patients comprehensively, continuously and effec-
ment services in around 100 healthcare facilities with tively, even during physical appointments with the
a total of 15,000 beds spread across three continents. doctor or clinic.
VAMED’s operational management services in acute
care as well as in rehabilitation and nursing facilities Integrated approaches (Campus Rehabs) are also
also provide it with unique healthcare expertise. It is a promising concept, such as the VAMED Campus
able to draw on the knowledge and experience of Rehab in Bleicherode, which opened in June 2021,
around 10,300 doctors, therapists and nurses. The where inpatient rehabilitation is located on the campus
cross-linking of medical expertise takes place at the of the specialist orthopaedic clinic, thereby enabling
International Medical Board. patients to undergo rehabilitation at the same location
directly following acute care.
Comprehensive services for rehabilitation and
nursing Another important area of post-acute care is nursing,
VAMED relies on a combination of modern medicine, with the aim of making residents at the facilities feel at
personalised and individually tailored rehabilitation home and caring for them in their everyday lives with
goals, as well as personal attention in its rehabilitation full dedication and medical as well as nursing exper-
facilities in order to minimise disease and accident-re- tise. VAMED operates nursing facilities in Austria,
lated restrictions as far as possible. Using the most Germany and the Czech Republic.
modern resource-oriented approaches, such as the
ICF concept (International Classification of Function- In Austria, VAMED also operates two residences for
ing, Disability and Health) or the CHES (Computer elderly people in Vienna and Innsbruck. The residents
Based Health Evaluation System), patients are left live their lives according to their own preferences at
able to achieve the best possible, evidence-based the VITALITY residences. Individual and accessible
functional improvement to increase their own activity apartments, a stylish ambience, an extensive cultural
and participation in all areas of life, including after programme and a wide range of sporting activities
severe illnesses. enable residents to live their lives autonomously with
the security of being able to access medical care if
VAMED operates rehabilitation facilities in Austria, necessary.
Germany, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, as well
as outside Europe, for example in the United Arab VAMED’s medical services also include acute hos-
Emirates and Kuwait. pitals and clinics in Austria, Germany and the Czech
In addition to the tried and tested inpatient reha-
bilitation clinics, outpatient rehabilitation service The site Vienna Oberlaa was expanded to become
options close to home are also becoming increasingly VAMED’s first fully integrated healthcare location.
important. VAMED has significantly expanded this The range of services extends from prevention and
offer, and hybrid and telerehabilitation are also being acute care to rehabilitation, nursing and telemedical
developed. In this context, the coronavirus pandemic consultation options.
presents itself as a great opportunity to rethink and
redesign healthcare.
• Neurology and Neurological Early Rehabilitation Inpatient care and short-term care, in particular
• Gastroenterology
• Nephrology
• Pneumology, Pulmonology
• Metabolic diseases
• Post-COVID
EUR 3.5
BEDS 10,300
15 5
27 1,000
227,000 PEOPLE
Standortentwicklung Krankenhaus-
ENGINEERING Technical Management und
und Engineering management und
GmbH, Services GmbH, Service GmbH,
GmbH, Betriebsführungs-
Vienna Vienna Vienna
Vienna ges.m.b.H., Vienna
The global economy remained under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2021. The first
COVID-19 vaccinations started in Europe at the end of December 2020, bringing with them the hope
that immunisation of large parts of the population would lead to a rapid normalisation of the economic
environment and business performance. This hope was not fulfilled, at least not to the extent expected,
and so 2021 was once again characterised by lockdowns, travel restrictions and, in some cases, official
closures of tourism businesses, especially in spring and late autumn.
Despite these difficult overall conditions and the unexpected course of the COVID-19 pandemic,
VAMED was able to improve its result after the sharp declines of the previous year due to the
Under the pandemic conditions still prevailing, the company recorded an 11% increase in sales revenues
to EUR 2.3 billion. EBIT amounted to EUR 100.7 million.
The favorable developments in the order backlog with an increase of 14% to EUR 3.5 billion as well as
the order intake of around EUR 1.3 billion, despite the adverse circumstances, form a solid basis for
further growth.
1. Economic Report
1.1. Health sector also with low incomes, a lack of or inadequate infra-
structure as well as an increasing shortage of health
The health sector ranks among the most important professionals are further tasks that need to be tackled
economic sectors worldwide. A health system with and for which innovative solutions need to be found.
functioning acute medical care and a widely available
rehabilitation system is an important pillar for the 1.2. Business model
economy. It helps people stay employed and able to
maintain themselves. Investments in health are there- VAMED does not face any direct competitor covering
fore an important contribution to growth, employment a comparable portfolio of services over the entire life
and prosperity. cycle of a healthcare facility.
2021 marked the second exceptional year in a row for VAMED operates in 98 countries on 5 continents and
the health sector. Funds earmarked for the long-term has implemented more than 1,000 projects since it
expansion of the health system had to be reallocated was founded in 1982.
to the immediate fight against the pandemic, and
construction projects were postponed or could not The company provides technical services for approxi-
be commissioned due to a lack of available funding. mately 227,000 beds in 840 hospitals and is entrusted
While 2020 and most of 2021 were dedicated to imme- with Total Operational Management of 100 healthcare
diate pandemic response and emergency measures, facilities with a total of around 15,000 beds. VAMED's
global economies will need to focus intensively on the range of services covers the entire value chain in the
further development of their health systems once the healthcare sector – from project development, plan-
pandemic is under control again. ning and turnkey construction to maintenance and the
execution of highly specialised technical, commercial
Post-COVID challenges in 2021 and beyond include and infrastructural services as well as Total Operational
massive cost pressures on health facilities, as well as Management in prevention and acute care as well as
building up more capacity in many regions, the lack in rehabilitation and nursing.
of which was clearly evident in the pandemic. Access
to adequate healthcare in urban centers as well as in This comprehensive expertise enables VAMED to keep
rural areas, the affordability of healthcare for people even complex healthcare facilities available efficiently
Despite the difficulties related to COVID-19, order intake Impact of the pandemic
in the Project Business was EUR 1,290 million or 27.8% VAMED Project Business continued to suffer from the
above the previous year's value, and the order backlog consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. While
at the end of the year increased by 13.7% to EUR 3,473 travel in Europe had improved during the year, travel to
million. Sales increased by 11.1% to EUR 2,297 million non-European destinations, supply chains and project
in the reporting period. execution continued to be affected. This also led to
restrictions in the acquisition of new orders. In addition,
The individual business divisions showed the following VAMED was confronted with COVID-19-related changes
development: in the prioritisation of health projects on the part of the
contracting authorities, and the granting of loans was
in T€ 2021 2020 Change generally handled in a more restrictive manner.
Project Business 717,146 633,390 13.2%
The Project Business was also affected by the more
Service Business 1,579,682 1,434,299 10.1%
difficult and more expensive working conditions in
Total 2,296,828 2,067,689 11.1% construction due to COVID-19 hygiene concepts, as
well as rising construction prices worldwide. There
Geographically, Europe continued to be the strongest were therefore delays in projects in some regions
region, accounting for 83% of total sales. Africa, Asia during the reporting period.
and Latin America generated 8%, 5% and 4% of total
sales respectively. The following section provides information on
major projects in selected markets of VAMED's
1.4. Business segments in detail Project Business.
In Austria, VAMED realized renovation, enlargement
and new construction work at the Vienna General
83% Europe Hospital .
8% Africa
5% Asia This resulted in further project call-offs in 2021, includ-
4% Latin America ing completion of the birthing area and the prepara-
tion of the infrastructure for a parent and child center.
The newly built ward for addiction disorders of the
Anton Proksch Institute in Vienna was opened in Sep-
tember 2021. This completed the first of three phases
of a comprehensive renewal of the Institute. The new
ward offers a total of 45 inpatient therapy places,
therapy and seminar rooms, a therapy garden and The construction of the Central Institute of Mental
sports facilities on an area of 2,000 m2. Furthermore, Health in Mannheim was also delayed due to the
an inpatient offer of 242 beds and an expansion of pandemic. Completion is now planned for mid-2024.
the outpatient treatment capacities are planned.
At the end of December, VAMED was awarded the
The expansion of the inpatient rehabilitation clinic for contract for the turnkey construction of the Hohenlohe
psychiatric rehabilitation was successfully completed Hospital in Öhringen, having previously supported the
in Oberndorf near Salzburg in November 2021. In the hospital in the planning phase.
new mental health center, 60 patients can receive reha-
bilitative treatment, and another 4 beds are available The company was also commissioned with the turnkey
for accompanying persons. State-of-the-art therapy construction of a radiotherapy/radiation oncology
and treatment rooms were built on 6,000 m2 for indi- facility at the University Hospital in Bonn.
vidual and group therapy sessions. The rehabilitation
clinic now has a total of 124 beds. VAMED is responsible for project management plan-
ning and general contracting services as well as bio-
The expansion of the Montafon Rehabilitation Clinic medical equipment management for Helios Kliniken
in Vorarlberg was also completed in 2021. This means in Germany.
that an additional 62 beds are available for psychiatric
rehabilitation and 8 beds for accompanying persons. In The shell of the construction project in Krasnodar was
total, the facility now offers 223 beds for orthopaedics, completed in Russia and the expansion work started.
cardiology, neurology and psychiatric rehabilitation. VAMED was awarded a contract in Turkmenistan for
planning, equipping, installing and commissioning
The extension of the Gars am Kamp Lower Austrian biomedical equipment as well as training local staff.
Rehabilitation Center for psychiatric rehabilitation by
25 beds was already put into operation in January 2021. Africa
One focus of VAMED's international Project Business
In March 2021, the annex at the Neurological Ther- in 2021 remained the expansion of healthcare in Africa.
apy Center Kapfenberg (NTK) in Styria was officially
opened. The expansion was implemented in record The government in Angola is currently focusing on
time despite the pandemic. This created space for the expanding the health infrastructure. In this context,
nursing of 24 additional patients in one of Austria's VAMED will build three more general hospitals. In
leading facilities for neurological early rehabilitation. addition, the company was commissioned with the first
This means that the NTK now has 77 inpatient beds. phase of planning services for another four regional
In Lower Austria, the construction contract for part of
the new St. Pölten University Hospital (Building D) is In Kenya, VAMED has already successfully modernised
proceeding according to plan, and in September 2021 maternity clinics at several locations and furnished
VAMED was presented as the general contractor for the them with biomedical equipment. At the beginning
new provincial hospital to be built in Wiener Neustadt. of the year, the company received an order for 20 more
maternity clinics.
In Germany, the contract for the planning, construction
(new construction, modernization and renovation) of In Ghana, a project was commissioned that will provide
the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein at the two access to low-threshold telemedical healthcare, espe-
sites in Kiel and Lübeck is designed as a life cycle cially for people in rural regions with poor supplies in
model and also includes technical operational man- healthcare.
agement including maintenance until 2044. Following
the successful handover of the newly constructed The construction work for the five polyclinics in Ghana
central hospitals at both sites, the conversion of the was largely completed despite pandemic-related
existing buildings is currently underway. delays, and the delivery and installation of biomedical
equipment has begun. The construction of the Urology
The contract for the planning and construction of a Center in Korle Bu is largely on schedule despite lim-
central clinic in Biberach was delayed due to COVID-19; ited supply chains. Construction has begun on another
completion took place in 2021 and the handover was ten regional hospitals, each with 40 beds.
performed at the end of July 2021.
In Ivory Coast, the construction of four turnkey hos- proton therapy and a cyclotron in Indonesia, was able
pitals is at an advanced stage despite severe delays to proceed with COVID-19 related delays.
caused by COVID-19, with two hospitals (Méagui,
San Pedro) already completed and the installation of In Papua New Guinea, work on the modernisation and
biomedical equipment also underway. turnkey expansion of Boram Hospital is progressing
rapidly and VAMED was awarded another contract in
For long stretches of the reporting period, entry into 2021. The company will build a 110-bed turnkey hospi-
Senegal was only possible with special permission. tal and provide biomedical equipment in Kimbe, one
The project in Dalal Jamm could nevertheless be of the largest and fastest growing cities in the country.
Latin America
Mozambique is not only in a state of emergency due VAMED has been continuously expanding its market
to the COVID-19 pandemic, but also due to a natural position in Latin America for several years. The con-
disaster triggered by a cyclone. Work on Buzi and struction of the Hospital Suroeste was completed in
Sussundenga Hospital, which started in September Argentina, as was the installation of the biomedical
2020, could be resumed after a short interruption equipment. The existing construction contracts in
following the cyclone. Bolivia are also running again after delays. The start
of patient operations at Villa Tunari General Hospital
Middle and Far East is underway.
On the Arabian Peninsula, phase 1 of the Reem Hos-
pital in Abu Dhabi was handed over and operations In Nicaragua, VAMED is working on the turnkey con-
are running according to plan. This healthcare facility struction of a regional hospital in Ocotal.
is an important reference project outside Europe as
a "VAMED life cycle project", which includes not only Construction of the Sangre Grande General Hospital
construction but also Total Operational Management in Trinidad and Tobago continued without significant
for 20 years. In the Al Reem district, a mother and child delays.
hospital, a day clinic, a large outpatient and diagnostic
area and a rehabilitation facility with a total of 219 beds Technical Services
are being built on an area of around 49,000 m2. In the Services Business, VAMED offers a broad port-
folio of services for healthcare facilities which ensure
Existing orders in the United Arab Emirates, Jordan that it is successful worldwide.
and Oman are running according to plan, but with
restricted supply chains. VAMED's range of services has a modular structure
and covers all areas of technical, commercial and infra-
Furthermore, VAMED has been awarded the contract structural facility management for healthcare facilities
for the biomedical equipment for the veterinary clinic – from the maintenance of buildings to the provision of
at Sea World Abu Dhabi and had already successfully services and equipment, through the management of
installed the first devices by the end of 2021. biomedical equipment facilities and technical opera-
tions management to Total Operational Management.
Asia – Pacific In addition, VAMED is responsible for energy man-
VAMED has been operating successfully in significant agement, waste management, building and grounds
Asian markets for decades. Current order executions maintenance and security services.
in China, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Papua New
Guinea, Vietnam and Thailand are largely on sched- The area of highly specialised services (High-End
ule. In Mongolia, VAMED handed over the newly built Services) includes, among other things, the com-
200-bed hospital in Ulaanbaatar's Songino Khairkhan plete management of biomedical equipment, the
district, and a new order for the delivery of biomedical entire hospital operating technology as well as sterile
equipment came from the National Cancer Center in goods processing. VAMED also offers internationally
Ulaanbaatar. sought-after expertise in the increasingly important
field of highly specialised IT services in the healthcare
The Presidential Hospital Jakarta Proton Therapy sector. VAMED's services in the field of digitalisation
Center project, which includes the review of the mas- are also becoming increasingly important, such as the
ter plan and the design, delivery and installation of a use of state-of-the-art technologies in operational
center for nuclear medicine and radiotherapy including management or Building Information Modeling (BIM),
where VAMED plays a pioneering role in the hospital Hospital and the Donaustadt Hospital (previously
sector. With this broad range of services, VAMED Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Ost - Donauspital).
ensures that healthcare facilities are optimally man- In Austria, VAMED is responsible for the technical oper-
aged and operated throughout their entire life cycle, ation of a total of 45 hospitals with around 14,700 beds.
from construction to the end of primary use and/or
their modernisation and expansion. Furthermore, In Germany, VAMED and its consortium partner
VAMED offers purchasing and logistics services in the continued the technical operation of the University
healthcare sector and contributes to minimising logis- Hospital Schleswig-Holstein with a total of around
tics costs and ensuring the required quality of nursing 2,400 beds at the Kiel and Lübeck sites. Technical
by optimising processes. Numerous national and inter- operations management (biomedical equipment, hos-
national certificates and awards provide evidence that pital operations technology and central sterilisation)
VAMED meets the highest quality standards. for the German Helios hospitals was also continued.
A total of 441 healthcare facilities with around 142,700
VAMED's portfolio also includes education and train- beds are under technical management in Germany.
ing programmes in the healthcare sector, which are
also offered internationally, from Africa to the Middle In Spain, VAMED is responsible for the management
East and Asia. and maintenance of biomedical equipment for the
Quirónsalud Clinics. During the reporting period,
An overview is provided below of the most important VAMED was awarded the contract for the manage-
developments in key markets of VAMED's Service ment of biomedical equipment for a university hospital
Business. in Barcelona. A total of 45 hospitals with 7,700 beds and
39 outpatient health centers are managed in Spain.
In the field of technical operational management,
VAMED is in charge of about 840 healthcare facili- In Switzerland, VAMED provides technical services for
ties with around 227,000 beds worldwide. Service 36 healthcare facilities with 4,400 beds.
delivery in the area of technical services continued
to run according to plan and without interruption In Italy, the Group manages 138 health facilities with
in 2021 even under COVID-19 conditions, although around 41,700 beds. The projects of the Liguria regional
under conditions that remained difficult and with the tender (7 hospital districts), which were awarded to
associated increase in costs. H.C. Hospital Consulting in 2020, were successfully
launched in 2021. The regional tender in Venetia was
VAMED's technicians made a significant contribution also won. This involves a total of 10 hospital districts. The
to ensure the availability of technical facilities and projects will be rolled out successively from Q1/2022.
biomedical equipment for the treatment of patients
through their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the UK, VAMED provides technical services to 48
healthcare facilities with 7,700 beds.
The development in the provision of sterile services
varied from region to region due to the lower capac- Outside Europe, VAMED provides technical services
ity of hospitals for elective surgeries as a result of among other countries in Ghana, Libya, Malaysia, Peru,
COVID-19. South Africa and the United Arab Emirates.
In 2021, VAMED was able to win significant new con- In Tonga, VAMED has successfully implemented the
tracts in the field of Technical Services in Germany, contract for the introduction of an IT-based health-
Italy, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Spain. care system, the system is already in use in the capital
Nuku'alofa, with roll-out to the islands planned for 2022
In Austria, VAMED successfully continued its decades- depending on restoration of the internet connection
long partnership with the University Hospital Vienna after the volcanic eruption.
in 2021.
Another ongoing digitalisation project of VAMED is
VAMED has been entrusted with the technical man- the development of a digital healthcare strategy for
agement of the University Hospital Vienna since 1986. ten Central Asian countries.
Within the framework of the first PPP life cycle model
in Vienna, VAMED is also responsible for the technical
management of radiation oncology at the Hietzing
In contrast to 2020, there were no temporary pan- In Switzerland, VAMED opened an outpatient reha-
demic-related closures of rehabilitation facilities in bilitation facility at Zurich Airport in cooperation with
the reporting period. a partner.
In Austria, the Oberndorf Hospital was part of the The concept of Campus Rehab is an increasingly
COVID-19 healthcare service for the federal province sought-after growth model in the rehabilitation sector.
of Salzburg. The Upper Austrian Gmundnerberg VAMED has been successfully implementing the model
and Enns Rehabilitation Clinics were included in the of integrated nursing facilities for around ten years
COVID-19 care of patients after completion of their already in several projects in Austria. This approach
illness in the 1st quarter of 2021, with Enns additionally is characterised by combining an acute hospital with
included from the end of November. a rehabilitation clinic at one site. This is the optimum
way of ensuring the continuous care chain of acute
In Burgenland, the province has reorganised the treatment followed by immediate rehabilitation. The
provision of nursing and, in accordance with the pol- first such model in Germany, the VAMED Campus Reha
icy decision to have all province-owned health and Bleicherode in Thuringia, was able to start operations
social care facilities managed by the province alone, in June and offers inpatient rehabilitation after knee,
has decided to bring the nursing facilities previously hip and spinal operations in a separate wing of the
operated in a Public Private Partnership with VAMED Helios Specialist Clinic for Orthopaedics.
into a new nursing model and to operate these itself
from January 1, 2022. In Switzerland, VAMED is also planning to implement
this model in Bodan at the Hospital Campus in Mün-
In Germany, health facilities were able to continue sterlingen, and another project is being planned with
operating at limited capacity during the ongoing pan- Kantonsspital Winterthur.
demic. Occupancy has increased again following the
relaxation of the measures during the year. However, In the Czech Republic, VAMED Mediterra Hospitals
during the phases of increased incidences of infection, provide acute care, rehabilitation and long-term
the decline in elective procedures was also noticeable nursing services in eight facilities with more than
in the rehabilitation utilisation. 1,000 beds. The nursing college acquired in 2018 was
training around 160 students to become nurses as at
VAMED's rehabilitation facilities recorded declines the reporting date, 45% more than at the take-over
in occupancy rates in Switzerland also due to the of the facility.
postponement of elective procedures in phases with
increased incidences of COVID-19 infections. After successfully building up its market presence in
the High-End Services Business in the UK, VAMED also
In the Czech Republic, VAMED Mediterra was tem- plans to regain a foothold in the rehabilitation sector.
porarily affected by the postponement of elective VAMED's major Total Operational Management pro
procedures. jects outside Europe include the Reem Hospital life
cycle project in Abu Dhabi and the Al Argan Rehabil-
itation Hospital in Kuwait.
In Saudi Arabia, VAMED was commissioned with Total 1.5. Earnings, assets and financial position
Operational Management of a healthcare facility with
a focus on long-term nursing. 1.5.1. Results of operations
VAMED Vitality World Following the fall in sales revenues in the previous year
Based on decades of experience in the health due to coronavirus, an 11.1% increase in revenue from
sector, VAMED is building a bridge between pre- EUR 2,068 million to EUR 2,297 million was recorded
ventive medicine and health tourism with VAMED in the 2021 financial year.
Vitality World which includes eight thermal spas and
health resorts. The VAMED Vitality World facilities The operating result (EBIT ) recovered signifi-
were among the business divisions most affected by cantly from EUR 28.5 million to EUR 100.7 million.
the COVID-19 pandemic due to continuous closures
from the beginning of the year until mid-May, as well Earnings before taxes and non-controlling interests
as in the traditionally strong season from the end of (EBT) of EUR 90.4 million were ultimately EUR 81.4
November until mid-December. The additional spe- million higher than in the previous year.
cial hygiene and protection measures during summer
operations had a negative impact despite the positive Taxes on income and earnings increased by around
bookings. EUR 15.3 million to approximately EUR 19.8 million.
The tax rate in relation to EBT is 21.8%.
The VAMED Group made the following investments in Additions to property, plant and equipment mainly
property, plant and equipment and intangible assets: relate to replacement and renewal investments in
VAMED's hospitals and rehabilitation facilities.
in T€ 2021 2020
Property, plant and
equipment 73,080 91,783
Other intangible assets 6,803 3,018
Total 79,883 94,801
VAMED's successes and its potential for the future are • Patient well-being and patient safety
essentially based on the following key factors:
• Digitalisation and innovation
• Unique overall competence in healthcare
• Attractiveness as an employer
• High performance abilities of staff due to train-
ing, expertise and project experience and the • Protection of human rights
willingness to cooperate across all organisational
and geographical boundaries • Ethics and compliance
• An international focus as the basis for developing • Protection of nature as the basis of life
customised solutions all over the world
Structured crisis management comes into effect All rehabilitation facilities in Austria are or will be sub-
immediately in critical situations. This comprises the ject to at least one certification (ISO, JCI, QMS-Reha).
Executive Board, key staff units and the executive
management teams from the lead companies. A cri- In acute care, geriatric care and project management,
sis unit meets immediately after an incident becomes all processes are regularly checked for their suitabil-
known and initiates all necessary measures. VAMED's ity and adapted if necessary. In accordance with the
healthcare facilities have emergency and outage con- guidelines of the Federal Working Group, VAMED, in
cepts as well as crisis communication plans, which have Germany, implements all relevant measures to increase
been developed in cooperation with local emergency patient safety in post-acute care facilities – including
services. In addition, the company creates all the patient surveys, complaints management and regular
necessary conditions to ensure the safety of facilities internal audits of all areas. The company receives feed-
and infrastructure, not only for its own facilities but back on the quality of structures, processes and results
also for those hospitals for which VAMED provides from the funding agencies, e.g. as part of the quality
facility management services. The tried-and-tested assurance of the German pension insurance agency
crisis management system has increased the speed (Deutsche Rentenversicherung) or the statutory health
of response to individual COVID-19-related incidents insurance funds. In all VAMED healthcare facilities,
and has made it possible e.g. to supply those facilities patients receive appropriate informational material
particularly affected with additional protective equip- and patient training to ensure long-term treatment
ment at short notice. success. Complaint reporting systems are also in place
in some healthcare facilities. In the Project Business, Hygiene management in rehabilitation and nursing
the lead companies set guidelines for all subsidiaries, When it comes to hygiene in rehabilitation clinics and
which are reviewed in annual audits. nursing facilities, one of VAMED's tasks is to ensure
the highest possible level of protection for everyone,
In geriatrics and elderly care as well as in palliative without compromising on individual rehabilitation or
care, VAMED relies on the recognised methodological nursing. Protecting patients from infectious diseases
concept of “salutogenesis”. The approach is based on is a top priority during their stay. The health facilities
a clear understanding of the individual processes to follow systematic guidelines from day one to prevent
promote and maintain the health and well-being of the infections from breaking out or spreading. Clearly
residents in order to be able to lead a self-determined defined procedures are followed and compliance with
life in dignity. Quality of life and the feeling of security hygiene regulations is strictly controlled.
and belonging are placed at the center in nursing and
care. VAMED's hygiene standards in Germany are based on
the recommendations of the KRINKO (Commission
VAMED employs specially-trained staff for quality and for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention) at the
risk management in order to raise staff awareness of RKI (Robert Koch Institute). These recommendations
quality requirements. As staff units, they report directly take into account all legal requirements for hygiene.
to the management. Quality officers also conduct In German health facilities, the Head of Hospital
training in their facilities, thereby involving all staff in Hygiene (the central hygiene officer) coordinates the
the quality management systems. This way, the qual- hygiene specialists and sets overarching standards in
ity officers ensure that the workforce fulfils its duty consultation with the CMO (Chief Medical Officer).
of nursing. VAMED already informs its staff about its One of the most important hygiene measures is hand
particular understanding of quality in the induction disinfection. VAMED follows WHO guidelines on this.
concepts and introductory events. Hygiene specialists, doctors and nurses with special
responsibility for hygiene implement hospital hygiene
Audits and recertifications measures throughout the entire Group. In VAMED's
Regular internal audits and external recertifications Austrian healthcare facilities, the Federal Hospitals
take place in order to ensure compliance with the Act (Bundeskrankenanstaltengesetz) forms the basis
quality standards. Quality management audits for the management of hygiene plans, hygiene inspec-
are conducted once a year in accordance with the ISO tions, and the deployment of hygiene specialists and
regulations in the certified healthcare facilities as well physicians with special responsibility for hygiene.
as in other VAMED facilities. Internal audits are carried Hygiene inspections in the facilities were intensified
out systematically and cover all areas of the company in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hand hygiene
and, in terms of content, cover at a minimum those and the correct wearing of protective equipment were
topics that are required by the certified standards, i.e. also recurrent topics.
all quality management processes. In addition to the
ISO certifications, audits are also carried out by the Patient information
external control bodies. Information for patients is provided in various ways,
e.g. in the room folder, with the treatment contract,
Guidelines and regulations via educational brochures, data protection statements,
VAMED sets out ethical standards in its own mission the website, the house regulations and the mission
statement and in the Code of Conduct, the Clinical statement. Welcome talks and training sessions are
Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for also offered. Online information sources are avail-
Business Partners. VAMED's internal guidelines are able even before arrival. The treatment objective
derived from regulatory requirements imposed on is discussed and evaluated with the patients at the
healthcare facilities throughout Europe. In addition admission and discharge interview.
to legal requirements and the requirements of the
funding agencies, VAMED also follows international Personalised and individually tailored
standards such as ISO or EFQM, expert standards and rehabilitation goals
medical guidelines. All internal guidelines are regularly VAMED uses modern and resource-oriented approaches
reviewed and updated as necessary. Employees can in rehabilitation, such as the ICF concept (International
obtain information on the guidelines via intranet. Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) or
the computer-based evaluation system CHES (Computer
Based Health Evaluation System). This enables patients
to achieve the best possible and evidence-based func- rehabilitation services. In addition, pilot projects have
tional improvement to increase activity and participation been launched and are being evaluated on an ongoing
in all areas of life, including after severe illness. basis. In the Project Business, the company uses digital
solutions, known as virtual Building Information Model-
In addition, the findings on the quality of treatment, e.g. ing (BIM) concepts, to simulate and optimise the entire
at the rehabilitation facilities in Germany, are published life cycle (planning, development, construction and
on the website qualitä This way, patients operation) within the planning phase for a healthcare
can find out about the central quality parameters of facility. In addition, internal digitalisation projects are
the various clinics before they are admitted. implemented in the areas of Project Business, High-
The VAMED International Medical Board (IMB) ensures End Services and Total Operational Management.
opportunities for discussion between VAMED physi-
cians from Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and The management approach is regularly monitored
Switzerland. Within VAMED, quality and safety are using standard controlling processes. In addition, the
coordinated between medical specialist groups and strategic digitalisation business segment continuously
at management conferences. surveys and reports on the status of the respective
initiatives and projects in the business unit and the
Patient satisfaction management of the strategic digitalisation business
VAMED records patient satisfaction in the health- segment regularly reports on progress to the Executive
care facilities in an ongoing and structured process. Board.
The evaluation takes place weekly or monthly. The
company collects data for this purpose, evaluates it VAMED uses common trend and innovation stud-
internally and implements appropriate measures to ies, e.g. the Gartner Hype Cycle, and the results of
improve patient satisfaction. Patient surveys can take the Allensbach study also in 2021 to formulate and
place both during the stay and after discharge, and evaluate strategies for digitalisation in the healthcare
in some facilities both are implemented. This gives market. This included the increased use of tele-health
facilities a comprehensive picture of overall patient applications and apps in 2021. In addition, local pub-
satisfaction. lications and trend analyses are taken into account.
Reporting systems are used for critical incidents and Digital support for treatments
near misses, such as an electronic CIRS system (Criti VAMED makes rehabilitation and aftercare services
cal Incident Reporting System). Critical events can accessible to patients with digital solutions largely free
be reported anonymously here. The reports are pro- from barriers: telemedicine products allow services to
cessed by a committee established for this purpose. be provided flexibly and independent of location. This
In addition, systems are also used for improvement allows the company to contribute towards improving
suggestions, material vigilance (material safety) and healthcare, especially in structurally weak regions. The
pharmacovigilance (drug safety). Thanks to these sys- company has developed digital treatment pathways,
tems, a timely response to potential sources of danger evaluated technical solutions and launched pilot pro
or complaints can be made to the required extent and jects in the field of digital tele-rehabilitation aftercare
in accordance with internal quality standards. services.
Austria. These include the exclusion of non-objective and education on applicable COVID-19 regulations,
differentiation in pay, e.g. on the basis of gender. In particularly in the area of hygiene. VAMED has also
Austria, every employer who continuously employs digitised required and obligatory training and further
more than 150 workers is legally obliged to prepare education measures.
an income report every two years. In particular, the
report must show the number of women and men in VAMED staff members have access to their own
the respective collective bargaining or – if available – academy. The courses and training it offers not only
company employment groups as well as the respective adresses technical issues, but also topics such as per-
average salary. It must also be made available to the sonal development as well as leadership, social and
respective works council. methodological skills. In addition, various knowledge
platforms, including the International Medical Board
Dialogue and feedback formats (IMB), pool the expertise of around 1,300 physicians
Staff appraisals are an essential part of VAMED's man- working for VAMED. In the wake of the COVID-19 pan-
agement culture. In addition to providing essential demic, some courses and events were digitised and
insights and measures for further successful cooper- face-to-face seminars were postponed to later dates
ation, the necessary training and further education as a result of guidelines and regulatory requirements.
needs also emerge from the detailed discussions. This
is summarised in an education plan and the corre- The company's own training, education and continuing
sponding training and further education programme education programmes are evaluated on an ongoing
is drawn up on the basis of this. This ranges from basis. Adaptation and improvement measures are
specialised training in the health sector and charac- developed and implemented as necessary.
ter-building seminars to customised language training
and IT seminars. In addition, the personnel development processes are
continuously optimised towards further digitalisation.
Training and further education offers
The expertise and project experience of employees The long-term success of the programmes is evidenced
play an essential role in VAMED's success, not least by the fact that the HCM programme, which has been
due to the diverse nature of the activities in the areas in place since 2004, has had around 130 graduates to
of High-End Service Business, Total Operational date. Of the graduates who are currently still active,
Management and Project Management. Promoting more than 70% have now taken at least one further
the further development of staff in a targeted manner career step.
is therefore highly relevant for all areas. Key success
factors of human resources management include indi- Occupational health and safety management
vidually adapted personnel development measures The health and safety of employees are firmly anchored
and an extensive, needs-oriented training programme, within VAMED's corporate culture and mission
which is broadly diversified due to the multi-layered statement.
structure of the division. In the context of strategic
human resources planning, VAMED identifies employ- Staff and, for the most part, patients and customers
ees with special potential and promotes their further are covered by a holistic concept for occupational
individual development. This is done for applicants in health and safety. Due to a broad range of services
the form of trainee programmes and for high potentials and various responsibilities, implementation is organ-
already employed and identified in the company in ised very differently throughout the segment – both
the context of the VAMED Human Capital Manage- nationally and internationally. All sites are subject to
ment Programme (HCM Programme), focusing on the the respective local regulations and laws related to
assumption of management and specialist roles. occupational health and safety. Compliance with these
regulations is also ensured at the local level.
VAMED increasingly uses digital elements such as
e-learning when designing new training offers. Employ- Different legal and also internal guidelines and direc-
ees can access combined knowledge and expertise via tives play a significant role in occupational health and
a variety of knowledge platforms. In addition, VAMED safety due to VAMED's decentralised organisation. The
also has the possibility of developing and rolling out Code of Conduct covers the areas of Project Business,
micro-learning solutions independently. The majority technical services and Total Operational Management.
of these short training modules are available online In addition, the Clinical Code of Conduct regulates the
and have enabled fast and up-to-date precise training areas of rehabilitation and nursing as well as medical staff.
All new staff members receive safety training right at In some facilities, additional psychological nursing was
the beginning of their employment in order to prevent offered or bonuses were paid to employees with direct
work-related injuries and accidents. patient contact for the particular stress caused during
the pandemic.
Risk management is a fixed component in the area of
health and safety and has also been taken into account Regular occupational health and safety inspections are
as such in the organisational structure. In Austria, for carried out at VAMED's sites. Work-related incidents
example, a certified risk manager has been appointed are not only subject to mandatory reporting, but also
to ensure expertise in this area. The respective work- trigger a revision of the existing work processes as well
place-specific risks in Austria were identified, analysed, as any proposed changes and their implementation.
evaluated and reduced to an acceptable level through Corresponding internal guidelines are available. The
targeted measures in the process organisation. This aim is to minimise risks and prevent the recurrence
was done in close coordination with the department of hazards. Therefore, all incidents are subjected to
heads. With regard to COVID-19, specific attention was a structured evaluation by means of a root cause
paid to the reduction of risks in relation to the danger analysis including the corresponding action planning.
of infection as well as the physical and psychological The measures are prioritised in terms of technical,
burden of dealing with the overall situation. Corre- organisational and personnel criteria. The effective-
sponding documentation can be found in the health ness testing is carried out by the responsible safety
and safety documents. specialist on site. A corresponding procedural instruc-
tion was implemented in order to ensure a holistically
In Austria, the Safety Technical Center of VAMED Tech- structured approach.
nical Services employs several safety specialists. This
center is responsible for the safety-related supervision During the reporting period, an evaluation of mental
of VAMED's facilities. In order to maintain and develop stress at the workplace was carried out by an external
expertise, all safety professionals are subject to a provider for the lead companies at company headquar-
focused training programme adapted to the respec- ters in order to derive further findings for improving
tive needs of the organisation. The management of the working conditions. The results are expected to be
safety center is also qualified as a certified quality, safety, available in early 2022 so that appropriate measures
risk and environmental manager as well as a lead auditor. can be developed.
Switzerland has its own safety officers who are VAMED is currently collecting locally relevant key fig-
responsible for occupational safety and data pro- ures that may result from occupational accidents. In the
tection. There is also a dedicated CIRS circle: this is future, changes in occupational health management
a committee of different divisions to analyse critical will also increasingly be evaluated.
and near-critical situations, to work out solutions and
to implement these. 2.4. Protection of human rights
The Czech Republic not only has safety officers, but According to the United Nations Universal Declaration
also the legally required categorisation of work into of Human Rights, everyone has the right to a standard
safety levels. This categorisation is carried out by of living adequate for health and well-being. This
the company's own staff responsible for this. The includes adequate healthcare. As a global healthcare
categories determine which protective clothing the provider, VAMED improves access to affordable,
employer must provide for the respective workplace high-quality healthcare in many countries.
and the framework within which occupational health
examinations must take place. As part of its corporate responsibility, VAMED respects
and promotes human rights in accordance with
Where logistically possible, COVID-19 testing was international standards. Two essential aspects are of
offered to workers free of charge on site and vacci- particular importance here according to the Group's
nations were carried out centrally by the companies. field of activity:
Masks, protective equipment and sufficient facilities
for disinfection were provided. Maintaining minimum • Since it was founded in 1982, VAMED has imple-
distances in the offices was supported by a rotation mented more than 1,000 projects, thereby con
principle and working from home. tributing to providing patients worldwide with
access to healthcare facilities.
• VAMED is working hard to create safe working IT Security Guidelines must be repeated annually,
conditions for employees in the various healthcare thereby ensuring that the level of information remains
facilities everywhere within its sphere of influence. sufficiently high in long term.
VAMED enacted a guideline on the protection of VAMED also expects its suppliers and business
human rights in the reporting year. The company partners to comply with ethical standards of conduct
underlines its responsibility to protect human rights towards staff members, society and environment in
in this and declares that it will continue to develop their daily business.
its efforts to protect human rights. A human rights
risk analysis was also introduced. The guideline sets VAMED's business activities in the respective country
a framework for identifying opportunities and risks form the basis for the payment of taxes. It is a matter
in connection with the protection of human rights of course for VAMED to comply with the tax laws and
in operational activities as well as with regard to the regulations of the countries in which it operates, to pay
procedure to be followed when human rights violations the resulting levies on time, and thereby to contribute
are identified or suspected in an internal division as to the public finances of these countries. Compliance
well as in the supply chain. An appropriate grievance with applicable tax laws and the protection of its repu
mechanism and a human rights organisation with a tation with government authorities and the public help
human rights committee and human rights officers support VAMED's relevant business processes.
have been established.
2.6. Environmental management
A code of conduct for business partners was already
introduced in 2017 and was further adapted in the VAMED's responsibility as a healthcare group also
reporting year. One essential component is VAMED's extends to protecting nature as the basis for life and
expectation towards its business partner to comply using its resources with care. In doing so, VAMED
with human rights, environmental protection and continuously keeps national and international regula-
sustainability regulations. tions on environmental and climate protection in mind.
Internal policies, guidelines and standard operating
A corresponding guideline was also introduced with procedures are updated accordingly as required. The
the further development of the business partner audits company also expects its suppliers to treat nature and
which regulates a risk-based audit of all business its resources with care and responsibility, as laid down
partners. in the Code of Conduct for Business Partners.
Since fresh water use is extremely significant in terms The healthcare facilities built by VAMED itself use
of compliance with hygiene measures and therefore construction and installation techniques that allow
patient safety, no substantial reductions in water con- for optimal resource management adapted to local
sumption are applied. In long term, the division aims regulations. The provision of technical management
to maintain a constant water consumption. Secondary services is a major business division for VAMED. One
use of water is not considered a priority because of focus of our work is to ensure the longevity of technical
the hygiene aspects to be observed. systems through maintenance and repair.
Waste and recycling management A pilot project was initiated in the reporting year aimed
Waste generated in all business processes is disposed at collecting data on Scope 3 emissions of the eco-
of in accordance with regional, national and indus- nomic activities of the consolidated VAMED healthcare
try-specific regulations. The respective executive facilities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the
management team of health facilities is responsible for Czech Republic in future in addition to the data on
compliance. Recyclable waste is processed in required Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
recycling processes. Other waste is disposed of via
composting, waste incineration or landfill. In the case CO2-neutral power supply
of clinical or hazardous waste, the individual facilities The majority of VAMED's consolidated healthcare
cooperate with local disposal companies. These carry facilities in Austria are supplied with CO2-neutral
out disposal in accordance with the law. electricity from hydropower. Energy is also to a small
extent procured from the company's own combined
The most important legal basis for waste management in heat and power plants in Germany. Swiss healthcare
Austria is the Waste Management Act (Abfallwirtschafts- facilities procure regional electricity, some of which
gesetz – AWG 2002). The AWG 2002 is supplemented in comes from renewable sources.
the federal provinces by provincial laws to include local
aspects such as the fees to be paid. There is also some LEED standard for VAMED
legislation under European law. All these regulations As part of its project developments for new functional
create the legal framework for ensuring a functioning buildings, VAMED advises on processes and the
waste management system in Austria. awarding of contracts for services in accordance with
the specifications of the sustainability standard LEED
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) public clients the opportunity for realising investment
and then incorporates these into energy-conscious projects and of strengthening economic efficiency in
construction up to the LEED Gold level. the health sector. The realisation of these types of mod-
els requires targeted further development and further
3. Risk report combination of core competencies from the service
sector and the Project Business based on VAMED's
3.1. General risk report broad international experience. The associated risks
VAMED has developed professional project control- are adequately safeguarded by quality management,
ling and project management as essential core com- professional knowledge management and a compre-
petencies in both, the Project Business and Service hensive development programme for staff members
Business. The company counters the general risks and managers.
associated with the Project Business and Service
Business with a sophisticated system for identifying, The risks from cybercrime that have increasingly
assessing and minimising risks that is adapted to the emerged in recent years are identified, assessed and
respective business activity. This system for adequate managed within the framework of the Information Risk
prevention of default, liquidity and cash flow risks con- Management (IRM) Forum, in coordination with the
sists of organisational measures (e.g. standards for risk IT, Compliance and Data Protection departments.
calculation when preparing tenders, risk assessments This takes place for all divisions and processes of the
prior to order acceptance, ongoing project controls with VAMED Group's business activities and is supported
project supervision meetings and continuously updated by the Executive Board.
risk assessment, regular budget tracking), quality assur-
ance measures (cross-business unit quality standards, in If a risk event occurs despite comprehensive risk minimi-
particular in accordance with ISO 9001, EN 15224 and sation measures, a crisis management system regulates
ISO 13485 as well as EFQM, JCI, ISO and the German the course of action in a clearly defined step-by-step
QMS-REHA (BAR) and financial measures (credit checks, plan. Regular and systematic training is provided on
dunning procedures, advance payments as collateral, this system. In particular as part of its responsibility as
documentary credits and secured loans, secure invest- an operator of healthcare facilities, VAMED provides
ments, adequate balance sheet provisions)). detailed plans and safety measures for its patients,
guests and staff as well as for maintaining the func-
Hedging transactions are concluded to an extent tionality of the healthcare facilities under its care.
appropriate to the respective project scope and
duration in order to collateralise receivables in foreign 3.2. Special risk report
currency or to hedge future purchases of goods and The global market for projects and services for hos-
services in foreign currency. pitals and other healthcare facilities continued to be
influenced significantly by the COVID-19 pandemic in
The complexity of high-quality services in the national 2021. The market for hospital and biomedical equip-
and international healthcare markets results in relatively ment projects was e.g. characterised by delays and
long development times with a correspondingly high postponements. These were accompanied by general
cost risk. VAMED is able to significantly shorten these delays in project execution, not least due to travel
common market development periods through spe- and quarantine restrictions caused by COVID-19 and
cific experience, standardised process models, knowl- supply chain constraints. The sharp rise in construction
edge databases and comprehensive interdisciplinary costs also had a negative impact. Furthermore, the
expertise, thereby significantly reducing the cost risk. COVID-19 pandemic in the Service Business led to
The noticeable cost pressure in healthcare systems lower demand for rehabilitation and high-end services
worldwide is reflected above all in the hospital sector. due to postponed elective surgeries.
In Europe, the acute healthcare sector is still dominated
by considerations of reducing bed capacities, closing or The current political crisis in Russia/Ukraine cannot yet
merging hospitals and implement specialist hospitals. be assessed in terms of its effects. A geopolitical and
VAMED takes this development into account with holistic geo-economic escalation would, of course, also have
realisation models including financing (e.g. life cycle and a significant negative impact on VAMED.
innovative PPP models along the entire value chain of
the VAMED Group). Appropriate sharing of opportuni-
ties and risks with public partners/legal entities and a
concentration on the respective core competence give
telemedical health platform is aimed at contributing models consisting of acute and post-acute services.
towards improved access to low-threshold medical In 2022, we want to continue to live up to our reputation
treatment in remote regions. and the trust that our partners and customers at home
VAMED is well positioned with these insights and and abroad place in our expertise and our commitment
experiences. to costs, deadlines and quality. The pursuit of innova-
tive paths and the development of quality solutions as
We expect dynamic development overall once again well as their successful implementation will continue
over the medium term in the emerging markets. The to be our top priorities in the future. VAMED will
demand for efficient and needs-based primary health- continue in 2022 to use and further expand its entire
care is e.g. growing in the first instance e.g. in Africa international network of subsidiaries and joint ventures
and Latin America. in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, as well
as in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Australia, with
In other markets, such as China, South East Asia and the entire value chain for all customers and partners
the Middle East, infrastructure needs to be further – for the purposes of health and quality, which should
developed and new supply structures created. VAMED benefit all patients and all staff members.
is very well positioned here with its integrated care
Mag. Gottfried Koos MMag. Andrea Raffaseder DI (FH) Andreas Wortmann, M.Sc.
Member of the Executive Board Member of the Executive Board Member of the Executive Board
January 1 to December 31, in T€ Note 2021 2020
Sales 3 2,296,828 2,067,689
Cost of sales 4,5 -2,063,818 -1,921,621
Gross profit 233,010 146,068
January 1 to December 31, in T€ Note 2021 2020
Earnings after taxes (EAT) = net income 70,683 4,596
Other comprehensive income
Items which will be reclassified into net income in subsequent years 4,391 -2,893
Currency translation differences 4,391 -2,893
Items which will not be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent years -42,761 -1,904
Actuarial gains (losses)
on defined benefit pensions plans 7,722 589
Changes in fair value from equity instruments -66,320 -2,735
Other items (mainly severance pay provisions) 617 95
Income tax on positions that are not reclassified 15,220 147
Other comprehensive income, net -38,370 -4,797
Comprehensive income 32,313 -201
Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests -4,350 -2,760
Total comprehensive income attributable to the shareholders of
VAMED Aktiengesellschaft 27,963 -2,961
As at December 31, in T€ Note 2021 2020
Trade payables 19 240,491 195,851
Current liabilities to related parties 20 18,254 21,897
Current provisions and other current liabilities 21, 22 592,663 575,709
Short-term borrowings 23 12,187 13,473
Short-term borrowings from related parties 23 111,426 143,813
Current portion of non-current liabilities from borrowings 23 8,521 12,351
Current portion of non-current liabilities from leases 29 43,765 41,575
Current provisions for income taxes 24 24,940 21,681
Total current liabilities 1,052,247 1,026,350
Non-current liabilities from borrowings, less the current portion 23 27,230 22,277
Non-current liabilities from leases, less the current portion 29 445,168 411,253
Non-current liabilities to and borrowings from related parties 23 72,406 41,603
Non-current provisions and other non-current liabilities 21, 22 75,576 67,131
Pension provisions 25 41,348 50,122
Non-current provisions for income taxes 24 255 274
Deferred taxes 10 24,248 43,136
Total non-current liabilities 686,231 635,796
Non-controlling interests 18,215 15,404
Subscribed capital 26 10,000 10,000
Capital reserves 26 588,738 589,093
Other reserves 26 507,949 470,027
Accumulated other comprehensive income 27 -68,842 -30,297
Shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders of
VAMED Aktiengesellschaft 1,037,845 1,038,823
Total equity 1,056,060 1,054,227
Total equity and liabilities 2,794,538 2,716,373
O ther items
(mainly severance pay
provisions) 0 0 0 -58 -58 68 10
O ther items
(mainly severance pay
provisions) 0 0 0 531 531 -37 494
3. Sales
4. Cost of sales OTHER NOTES
5. Personnel expenses
28. Guarantees and contingent liabilities
6. Selling and general administrative expenses
29. Leasing
7. Other expenses and income
30. Financial instruments
8. Interest income
31. Additional information on capital
9. Interest expenses
10. Income taxes
32. Segment reporting
11. Non-controlling interests
33. Related party transactions
34. Subsequent events
1. General
Those companies that are included in FSE’s con- Any remaining positive difference is capitalised as
solidated financial statements via FSE’s scope of goodwill and subjected to an impairment test at least
consolidation are also shown as affiliated and not once a year.
consolidated. All intra-group sales, expenses and income as well
as all intra-group receivables and liabilities are offset
II. Basis of the presentation against each other.
The VAMED Group’s consolidated financial statements There were no significant intercompany profits to
are prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the be eliminated in the reporting year from intra-group
parent company (in particular with regard to the appli- deliveries to fixed assets and inventories.
cation of IFRS, materiality thresholds, determination
of the scope of consolidation) and are included in the Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised on
published consolidated financial statements of FSE consolidation-related temporary differences.
according to IFRS as the “Fresenius Vamed” segment.
Non-controlling interests are recognised as “non-con-
In order to improve the clarity of presentation, various trolling interests” in the capital subject to consolida-
items of the VAMED consolidated statement of finan- tion. Profits and losses attributable to minority interests
cial position and the VAMED Group’s consolidated are shown separately in the income statement.
income statement have been combined. These are
disclosed separately in the Notes to the financial Companies not included in the VAMED Group’s con-
statements, insofar as they provide information to solidated financial statements are accounted for at
the recipients of the VAMED Group’s consolidated acquisition cost or at fair value.
financial statements.
b) Scope of consolidation
The VAMED Group’s consolidated statement of finan- In addition to VAMED AG, the consolidated financial
cial position contains the disclosures required by IAS 1, statements of the VAMED Group also include all mate-
Presentation of Financial Statements, and is structured rial companies over which VAMED AG exercises con-
according to the maturity of assets and liabilities. The trol or a significant influence in accordance with IFRS
VAMED Group’s consolidated income statement is 10. VAMED AG controls an entity to the extent that
prepared using the cost of sales method. it has power over the entity. This means that VAMED
AG has existing rights that give it the current ability
III. Summary of material accounting and to direct the relevant activities of the company. These
measurement principles are activities that have a significant impact on the com-
pany’s return on investment. In addition, VAMED AG
a) Consolidation principles is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from
The financial statements of the companies included its involvement with the company. Furthermore, it has
in the VAMED Group’s consolidated financial state- the ability to influence these returns through its power
ments have been prepared in accordance with uniform over the company.
accounting and measurement principles. Acquisitions
are accounted for using the purchase method. As a rule, associated companies are companies in
which VAMED AG directly or indirectly holds more
Capital consolidation is carried out by offsetting the than 20% and less than 50% of the voting rights and
carrying amounts of the investments against the pro has the power to exercise significant influence over
rata remeasured shareholders’ equity of the subsidiar- the financial and operating policies. Associated com-
ies at the time of acquisition. The assets and liabilities panies are accounted for using the equity method.
as well as non-controlling interests are recognised at Investments not classified as associates are accounted
their fair values. The amortised carrying amounts are for at acquisition cost or fair value.
recognised for acquisitions within the group.
on basis of the VAMED Group’s profit planning and Inventories of raw materials, consumables and sup-
concrete tax strategies that can be implemented. plies, merchandise and services not yet invoiced are
valued either at acquisition or manufacturing cost
Deferred tax assets are measured using the tax rates (calculated using the average cost or FIFO method)
expected to apply to the period when an asset is rea- or at the lower net realisable value.
lised or a liability is settled. The tax rates used are
those that are applicable or will soon be applicable j) Property, plant and equipment
as at the reporting date. Property, plant and equipment are measured at acqui-
sition or manufacturing cost less accumulated depreci-
The recoverability of the carrying amount of a deferred ation. Ongoing maintenance and repair expenses are
tax asset is reviewed at each reporting date. The basis recognised immediately as expenses. Costs for the
for assessing the recoverability of deferred tax assets replacement of components or for general overhauls
is management’s estimate of the extent to which of property, plant and equipment are capitalised if it
deferred tax assets are likely to be realised. The realisa- is probable that the future economic benefits will be
tion of deferred tax assets depends on the generation accrued to the VAMED Group and the costs can be
of future taxable profits during the periods in which measured reliably. Depreciation is implemented using
tax measurement differences are reversed and tax loss the straight-line method over the estimated useful
carryforwards can be utilised. This takes into account lives of the assets, which range from 1 to 60 years for
the expected reversal of existing deferred tax liabilities buildings and improvements and from 1 to 23 years
and future taxable profits. for technical equipment, machinery and fixtures and
The carrying amount of the deferred tax asset is re-
cognised to the extent that it is probable that sufficient k) Intangible assets with a determinable useful life
taxable profit will be available to allow the deferred tax In the VAMED Group, intangible assets with determi-
asset to be utilised, either in part or in full. nable useful lives resulting from consolidation proce-
dures, such as customer relationships, are amortised
The VAMED Group recognises tax assets and liabilities on a straight-line basis over their respective remaining
arising from tax items subject to uncertainty to the useful lives (usually 1 to 10 years) and tested for impair-
extent that it is probable that the tax will be recov- ment. All other intangible assets are amortised over
ered or paid. The VAMED Group recognises interest their respective estimated useful lives of between
in connection with income tax obligations as interest 1 and 20 years.
expense and other surcharges as general administra-
tive expenses. Permanent impairments are taken into account
through unscheduled depreciation and amortisation.
The VAMED Group is subject to tax audits in If the reasons for the impairment no longer apply, the
Austria, Germany and other countries both currently impairment loss is reversed up to the amount of the
and in the future. Different interpretations of tax laws amortised cost.
can lead to additional tax payments or tax refunds
for previous years. In order to determine income tax l) Goodwill and intangible assets with undetermi-
items or receivables due to the uncertainty of tax nable useful lives
assessments, management makes assumptions based In order to assess the recoverability of separately iden-
on the applicable tax laws of the respective countries tifiable intangible assets with undeterminable useful
and their interpretation. The assumptions are adjusted lives, the VAMED Group compares the fair values of
in the period in which there is sufficient evidence to these intangible assets with their carrying amounts.
justify changing the previous assumptions. The fair value of an intangible asset is determined
using a discounted cash flow method and, where
i) Inventories and contract assets appropriate, other methods. As at the reporting date,
Inventories include those assets that are held for sale no intangible assets with undeterminable useful lives
in the ordinary course of business (finished goods), are were recognised in assets.
in the process of production for sale (work in progress),
or are consumed in the production process or in the Goodwill is not amortised but tested for impairment
rendering of services (raw materials and supplies). annually and additionally during the year if certain
Contract assets relate to customer orders where sales events occur (impairment test). For the purpose of
are recognised over the term of the contract. the annual impairment test of goodwill, the VAMED
For the goodwill of the “Fresenius Vamed” business • Contractual penalties for termination of the lease if
segment reported in the VAMED Group’s consoli- its term takes into account that a termination option
dated financial statements in accordance with the will be exercised.
parent company’s requirements, the impairment test
is performed for the “Project Business” and “Service The VAMED Group is required by IFRS 16 to make
Business” CGUs. discretionary decisions affecting the measurement of
lease liabilities and right-of-use assets under leases.
If the purchase price allocation results in a negative Discretionary decisions include determining which
difference (“lucky buy”, badwill), this must be reco- contracts are within the scope of IFRS 16, estimating
gnised immediately in profit or loss after a further the contract term and determining the incremental
review of the measurements. interest rate.
The recoverability of the goodwill included in the By assessing whether an option is considered “reason-
VAMED Group’s statement of financial position was ably certain”, the VAMED Group determines whether
verified. Significant impairment losses on goodwill and which future costs based on renewal and/or ter-
were therefore not necessary in the 2021 and 2020 mination options are included in the lease liabilities
financial years. and in the right-of-use assets. In the measurement,
the VAMED Group has to consider all relevant facts
m) Leasing and circumstances that create an economic incentive
A lease is an agreement that conveys the right to use for the Group to exercise or not to exercise an option.
an asset for an agreed period of time in return for This includes all expected changes in facts and circum-
consideration. stances (for example, contract, property, company or
market-specific factors) from the inception of the lease
The VAMED Group has decided not to apply the pro- to the exercise date of the option. Options not exer-
visions of IFRS 16 to leases with a total lease term of cised are reported as potential future cash outflows.
twelve months or less (short-term leases) or to leases
of low-value assets. These leases are excluded from Lease payments are discounted at the implicit interest
the statement of financial position and their lease rate underlying the lease, if determinable. Otherwise,
payments are recognised as an expense over the discounting is carried out at the incremental borrowing
lease term. rate.
IFRS 16 is not applied to leases of intangible assets. Lease liabilities are subsequently measured at amor-
tised cost using the effective interest method. In
addition, lease liabilities are adjusted in the event of
remeasurements or changes in lease contracts.
For cash and cash equivalents, the VAMED Group p) Legal costs
recognises credit losses expected to occur in the In the normal course of business, the VAMED Group is
next 12 months (12-month ECL) in accordance with subject to litigation and court proceedings regarding
the general approach. Due to their short-term maturity, various aspects of its business. The VAMED Group
this corresponds to the total term ECL. A significant regularly analyses relevant information and makes the
increase in credit risk is calculated using available necessary provisions for obligations that could result
qualitative and quantitative information. Based on from such proceedings, including estimated fees for
the corporate ratings performed by rating agencies, legal advice. The VAMED Group uses both its internal
the VAMED Group classifies the counterparty risk for legal department and external resources for these
cash and cash equivalents as low. analyses. The recognition of a provision for litigation is
based on the probability of an unfavourable outcome
Creditor and financial instrument-specific analyses for the VAMED Group and the possibility of being able
are carried out to determine impairments. Expected to reasonably estimate a loss amount.
default rates, current financial stability and for-
ward-looking economic conditions are included. If The filing of a lawsuit or the formal assertion of a claim
there is objective evidence that expected future cash or the announcement of such a lawsuit or the assertion
flows are impaired, a financial asset is classified as of a claim does not necessarily indicate that accrual of
impaired (with impaired credit rating). As a rule, this a loss is appropriate.
is the case after 360 days overdue at the latest.
q) Provisions
In the event of default by a counterparty, all assets Provisions for taxes and other obligations are reco-
against that counterparty are classified as impaired. gnised when there is a present obligation to a third
The definition of default is based on customary party as a result of a past event, the future payment is
payment behaviour in the respective business and probable and the amount can be reliably estimated.
geographical regions.
Provisions for warranties and claims are estimated
Derivative financial instruments based on past experience.
Derivative financial instruments, essentially forward
exchange contracts and interest rate swaps, are In addition to the calculation for the current year, the
recognised as assets and liabilities at fair value in income tax provisions also include obligations for
the consolidated statement of financial position. previous years.
The effective portion of changes in the fair value of
derivatives classified as cash flow hedges is recognised Non-current provisions with a remaining term of more
directly in equity (accumulated other comprehensive than one year are recognised at their settlement
income) until the hedged item is realised. The ineffec- amount discounted to the reporting date.
tive portion of cash flow hedges is recognised in profit
or loss in the current period. The changes in the fair r) Provisions for pensions and similar obligations
value of derivatives without a hedging relationship, i.e. The actuarial measurement of pension provisions is
derivatives for which hedge accounting is not applied, carried out in accordance with IAS 19, Employee Bene-
are recognised in profit or loss periodically. fits (revised in 2011), using the projected unit credit
method for retirement benefit obligations, while also
Embedded derivatives that contain a financial liabi- taking into account future wage, salary and pension
lity as the base contract are separated from the base trends.
contract and accounted for separately unless their
economic characteristics and risks are closely related The VAMED Group’s measurement date for determin-
to the economic characteristics and risks of the base ing the financing status is 31 December for all plans.
contract. These embedded derivatives are measured The net interest expense (net interest income) is deter-
at fair value, and changes in market value are recog- mined by multiplying the net liability (net asset) at the
nised in profit or loss. beginning of the period by the interest rate underlying
the discounting of the gross defined benefit obligation
o) Liabilities at the beginning of the period. The pension provision
Liabilities are generally measured at amortised cost results from the pension obligation less the market
as at the reporting date, which generally corresponds value of the plan assets.
with the repayment amount.
Goodwill is tested for impairment at least once a year c) Allowances for expected bad debt losses
– or when events occur or changes indicate that the Trade accounts receivable is a significant statement of
carrying amounts of these assets may no longer be financial position item and the allowances for expected
recoverable. bad debts require extensive estimation and judge-
ment by local management. Current and non-current
The recoverable amounts in the form of values in use trade accounts receivable after allowances amounted
of the group of CGUs are compared with their carrying to € 489.2 million in 2021 and € 421.0 million in 2020.
amounts in order to determine any potential impair-
ment of this goodwill. The value in use of the CGUs The allowances for doubtful debts amounted to € 19.4
is determined by applying a discounted cash flow million as at December 31, 2021 and € 19.5 million as
method including the specific weighted average cost at December 31, 2020.
of capital (WACC). A number of assumptions are made
to determine the discounted future cash inflows. These d) Contract assets
relate in particular to future sales prices, sales volumes Contract assets included in other current assets are
and costs. The budgets for the next three years as well a material item in the VAMED Group’s consolidated
as projections for years four to ten and correspon- financial statements. The accounting for contract
ding growth rates for all subsequent years are used assets – especially in connection with long-term con-
to determine the cash inflows. These growth rates are struction contracts – requires extensive estimates and
1.0% with a planned tax rate of 24.7%. The WACC (after judgements by local management. See also Note 1.
income taxes) applied in the VAMED Group is 5.60%. Basic principles – III. Summary of material accounting
Country-specific adjustments were not necessary. If and measurement principles – d) Revenue recognition
the value in use of the CGU is lower than the carrying principles.
amount, the difference is first recognised in the good-
will of the CGU as an impairment loss. An increase in 2. Acquisitions and divestments
the WACC by 0.5 percentage points would not have
led to an impairment in the financial year. Regarding the companies acquired and included
in the scope of consolidation in the repor t-
A prolonged downturn in the healthcare sector with ing year, please refer to the list under Note
lower than expected sales prices and/or higher than 1. Basic principles – III. Summar y of material
expected costs for the provision of services or the accounting and measurement principle s –
execution of construction projects could negatively b) Scope of consolidation.
affect the VAMED Group’s estimates of future cash
flows of certain segments. Furthermore, changes in
the macroeconomic environment could influence
the discount rate. The possible consequence would
be that the future operating profits of the VAMED
Group would be affected by additional impairment
of goodwill.
Sales from contracts with customers resulted from the The cost of sales, selling and general administrative
following activities: expenses included personnel expenses of T€ 879,700
2021 2020 and T€ 826,846 in 2021 and 2020 respectively.
Project Business 717,146 633,390 2021 2020
Service Business 1,579,682 1,434,299 Wages and salaries 713,062 667,774
Sales 2,296,828 2,067,689 Social security contributions;
expenses for pensions
(incl. expenses for severance
The breakdown of sales by region was as follows: payments) and other
miscellaneous expenses 166,638 159,072
2021 2020
Personnel expenses 879,700 826,846
Austria 518,253 461,713
Germany 1,016,846 1,024,745
Rest of Europe 387,702 328,011
The average number of employees in the VAMED sub-
group during the year was spread across the following
Africa 172,792 80,183
functional areas:
Latin America 82,167 36,685
2021 2020
Asia 119,068 136,352
Sales 2,296,828 2,067,689 Production and service 18,425 18,079
General administration 1,044 1,020
As at December 31, the VAMED Group had perfor- Sales and marketing 106 127
mance obligations that were not fulfilled or partially Total employees (headcount) 19,575 19,226
fulfilled and are expected to be fulfilled and recognised
in sales over the coming years:
Transaction price of the unfulfilled 6. Selling and general administrative
or partially fulfilled performance expenses
in € million obligations
2022 839.7 The selling and general administrative expenses break
2023 864.9 down as follows:
2024 724.3 2021 2020
2025 928.8 Selling expenses 22,268 29,350
2026 269.6 General administrative
Subsequent 348.2 expenses 134,647 129,943
Total 3,975.5 Selling and general
administrative expenses 156,915 159,293
4. C
ost of sales
2021 2020
Personnel 780,205 736,468
Material and services
purchased as well as
depreciation and amortisation 1,283,613 1,185,153
Cost of sales 2,063,818 1,921,621
Other expenses mainly include the effects of exchange The corporate income tax rate in Austria was 25% in
rate changes, losses from the disposal of property, the reporting year, which was unchanged from the
plant and equipment, expenses from participations, previous year.
money transaction fees, fees for bank guarantees
and expenses from the remeasurement of guarantee The reconciliation of the expected tax expense to
obligations. the tax expense reported in the consolidated income
statement is shown below.
Other income mainly includes income from equity
instruments measured at fair value through profit or The expected tax expense was calculated by applying
loss, gains from the disposal of property, plant and the corporate tax rate to the profit before income taxes
equipment and intangible assets, exchange rate gains, and before non-controlling interests.
insurance compensation, income from the remeasure-
ment of guarantees and miscellaneous other income. 2021 2020
Expected income tax
8. Interest income expense calculated 22,611 2,254
Increase or decrease in
Interest income results in particular from investments income tax due to:
with FSE, from loans to non-consolidated affiliated operating expenses 1,694 1,584
companies, from interest on bank balances, from
Tax rate differences
interest on arrears and from the compounding of abroad -3,249 -699
non-current assets.
Tax-exempt income -2,631 -941
Deferred taxes
The tax effect from temporary measurement differ-
ences leading to deferred tax assets and liabilities
results mainly from the measurement of statement of
financial position items related to long-term manu-
facturing agreements (receivables, contract assets
and project-related provisions), the measurement of
equity instruments (participations) at fair value and the
measurement of pension and other personnel related
Notes on current assets (all values in T€)
13. T
rade accounts receivable
14. A
ccounts receivable from and loans to 15. Inventories
related parties
As at December 31, inventories consisted of the
As at December 31, receivables were composed as following:
As at December 31, 2021 and 2020, this item included The companies of the VAMED Group have undertaken
receivables from the Group companies FPS and FSE to purchase or procure goods and services worth
as well as the Fresenius Kabi, Helios and Medical Care T€ 92,170 at specified terms and conditions, of which
segments in the amount of T€ 57,063 and T€ 58,826, T€ 70,596 is earmarked for purchases or procurements
respectively. in the 2022 financial year as of December 31. The
term of these agreements will not exceed ten years.
Purchase commitments that are accompanied by equi-
valent acceptance commitments from customers are
not recognised.
Receivables from tax authorities 36,917 123 37,040 28,270 123 28,393
Other non-financial assets, net 572,385 29,086 601,471 565,831 30,696 596,527
Deposits and collateral provided 19,873 653 20,526 18,315 826 19,141
Other financial assets, net 19,928 164,666 184,594 19,502 202,659 222,161
Contract assets result predominantly from manufac- The item “Participations and long-term loans” includes
turing agreements where revenue is earned over a the investments in associates and in non-consolidated
period of time. companies as well as long-term loans to non-consol-
idated companies.
Prepayments received that were directly attributable
to individual projects were deducted from the gross The adjustment of fair values led to a change in
values of the contract assets. non-current assets (see also Note 27. Accumulated
other comprehensive income).
As at December 31, 2021 and 2020, these advance
payments received, deducted from contract assets,
amounted to T€ 521,219 and T€ 763,107, respectively.
Construction in progress 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. T
rade accounts payables
21. Provisions
Provisions for personnel expenses include, in particu- The provisions for guarantees relate to provisions
lar, provisions for severance payments and anniversary for guarantee claims from construction and service
bonuses. projects.
22. O
ther current and non-current liabilities
2021 2020
Short-term Long-term Total Short-term Long-term Total
Liabilities within the scope of
social security 9,718 0 9,718 8,608 0 8,608
Tax liabilities 30,858 199 31,057 34,724 123 34,847
Accrued liabilities 14,448 110 14,558 14,676 872 15,548
Contract liabilities 39,931 13,624 53,555 55,905 0 55,905
Personnel liabilities 50,891 0 50,891 42,238 0 42,238
Non-current portion of trade
accounts payables 0 4,229 4,229 0 3,192 3,192
Derivative financial instruments 724 0 724 81 43 124
Accruals for deliveries and
services 162,652 0 162,652 159,358 0 159,358
Other miscellaneous liabilities 235,867 15,137 251,004 193,440 14,303 207,743
Other liabilities 545,089 33,299 578,388 509,030 18,533 527,563
beneficiaries and former employees or their surviving Employee contributions 2,527 2,441
dependants. Transition (Transfer) 9,042 5,698
Gains (-) and losses (+)
In addition to the defined benefit plans, there are also from the remeasurement 530 -1,231
defined contribution plans for which payments are of which empirical
made to pension funds (depending on the employees’ adjustments 3,510 -4
own contributions). There is no further obligation for of which change in financial
these plans beyond the current contribution payment, and demographic
therefore no provisions or liabilities are recognised assumptions -2,980 -1,227
for them. Pension payments -11,954 -10,438
Plan adjustments 0 0
The provision values are determined by external
Pension obligations
experts. at the end of the year 138,908 131,495
of which vested 103,913 94,953
The changes in pension obligations, changes in plan
assets and the funded status of the pension plans are Market value of plan assets
at beginning of year 81,373 79,535
presented below. The pension payments in the change
in pension obligation include payments from the bene- Changes in the consolidation
scope 0 0
fit plans financed by funds and financed by provisions.
In contrast, pension payments in the change in plan Currency translation
differences 3,590 298
assets only include payments made through pension
funds. Interest income from plan
assets 291 312
Gains (+) and losses (-)
from the remeasurement 8,596 -139
Employer contributions 3,500 3,228
Employee contributions 2,527 2,441
Transition (Transfer) 9,042 5,707
Pension payments -11,359 -10,009
Market value of plan assets
at the end of the year 97,560 81,373
Funded status
as of December 31 41,348 50,122
The plan assets are neither used by the employees Sensitivity analysis
of the VAMED subgroup nor are they invested in the Any increase or decrease in the key actuarial assump-
VAMED subgroup. tions by 0.5 percentage points would have the follow-
ing effects on the pension obligation as at December
The calculated pension obligations are based on 31, 2021:
the following weighted average assumptions as at
December 31:
Changes in pension 0.5% points 0.5% points
2021 2020 provisions Increase Decrease
Expected pension
The pension expense is allocated to the cost of sales Financial years payments
as well as to the selling and general administrative
2022 7,473
expenses as personnel expenses. This depends on
the area in which the beneficiary is employed. 2023 6,703
2024 7,358
The calculated pension cost for the current year 2025 6,497
(“NPPC” – Net Periodic Pension Cost) is based on
2026 5,955
the following weighted average assumptions (corre-
sponding to the reporting date measurement as at 2027 until 2031 30,394
December 31 of the previous year): For the next
10 years Total 64,380
2021 2020
Interest rate 0.53% 0.55%
Salary increases 1.29% 1.59%
Pension trend 0.62% 0.65%
Investment policy and strategy for the plan assets Subscribed capital
The plan assets are managed exclusively by the pen- There was no change in the subscribed capital in the
sion funds according to their investment strategy and financial year.
are broken down as follows:
Capital reserves
2021 2020 This item includes the capital reserve from the con-
Equity funds 40.31% 38.67% solidated financial statements of VAMED AG as of
December 31, 2007 (according to the Austrian Com-
Pension funds 27.64% 29.22%
mercial Code – UGB), the increase resulting from the
Real estate funds 17.67% 16.67%
initial recognition of goodwill (at the level of the parent
Other 14.38% 15.43% company), and the capital reserve of a subsidiary
not available for distribution. Also included are the
changes in value from the fair value measurement of
The fair value of the parts of the plan assets non-controlling interests with put options.
reported as ‘Other’ is calculated according to
Level 1 and Level 2 (‘Fair Value Measurement’; In the 2018 financial year, a subordinated registered
approx. 58% and 42% respectively). bond in the amount of € 200 million was issued within
the Group to finance the acquisition of the Post-
Acute business in Germany. Furthermore, in the 2020
Defined contribution pension plans financial year, existing intra-Group financing was also
Total expenses from defined contribution plans replaced by subordinated registered bonds raised
in the VAMED subgroup amounted to T€ 4,480 in the within the Group. These financings represent share-
financial year (2020: T€ 3,989). holders’ equity and are therefore recognised in the
capital reserve.
The largest share is attributable to the plans existing
in Austria and Germany. Other reserves
The other reserve includes the net profit achieved in
the financial year and in previous years by the compa-
nies included in the consolidated financial statements,
insofar as this was not distributed.
Under Austrian stock corporation law, the statement
of financial position profit as shown in VAMED AG’s
annual financial statements prepared in accordance
with the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) is the basis
for the distribution of dividends to shareholders.
27. Accumulated other comprehensive
before before Tax Tax after after
taxes taxes effect effect taxes Taxes
January 1, Dec. 31, January 1, Dec. 31, January 1, Dec. 31,
2021 Change 2021 2021 Change 2021 2021 2021
Currency translation
differences -3,646 4,179 533 0 0 0 -3,646 533
Actuarial gains (losses) on
defined benefit pensions
plans -36,064 7,722 -28,342 7,052 -1,237 5,815 -29,012 -22,527
Changes in fair value from
equity instruments 15,637 -66,320 -50,683 -3,909 16,580 12,671 11,728 -38,012
Other items (mainly
severance pay provisions) -12,232 654 -11,578 2,865 -123 2,742 -9,367 -8,836
Accumulated other
comprehensive income -36,305 -53,765 -90,070 6,008 15,220 21,228 -30,297 -68,842
(all values in T€)
Contingent liabilities The VAMED Group leases land, buildings and improve-
There are contingent liabilities from the assumption of ments, technical equipment and machinery as well as
guarantees and similar obligations (mainly in connec- IT and office equipment under various rental and lease
tion with various construction and service projects) in agreements.
an assessable amount of a maximum of € 33.6 million
(2020: € 30.3 million). In addition, there are contingent Leasing in the consolidated income statement
liabilities for which no measurement could be made at The following table shows the effects of the leases
the reporting date due to the circumstances and for on the consolidated income statement for the 2021
which no value is therefore stated. financial year:
2021 2020
Legal procedures
In the year under review, the companies of the VAMED Depreciation and
amortisation of right-of-use
Group were not involved in any legal disputes (either assets from leases 44,853 41,611
as claimant or as defendant) of material importance
Expenses from short-term
for the further development of business. All foresee- leases 3,377 3,579
able risks from other legal proceedings are covered
Expenses from leases of low-
by allowances and provisions or existing insurance value assets 2,912 2,525
Expenses from variable lease
payments 1,746 2,100
Interest expenses from lease
liabilities 7,453 6,709
As at December 31, 2021, the lease liabilities consisted Fair values of equity instruments traded in an active
of T€ 43,765 current portion and T€ 445,168 non-current market are based on the prices listed at the reporting
portion (2020: T€ 41,575 and T€ 411,253 respectively). date. The fair values of other equity instruments are
determined using observable market information or
Leasing in the consolidated cash flow statement discounted cash flow models.
The total cash outflow from leases amounted to
T€ 58,462 in the 2021 financial year (2020: T€ 52,436). Derivatives consisting mainly of interest rate swaps and
forward exchange contracts are measured as follows:
In the consolidated cash flow statement, the interest Interest rate swaps are valued by discounting the
component of the recognised leases is reported under future cash flows on the basis of the market interest
cash flow from operating activities, while the repay- rates applicable on the reporting date for the remai-
ment component is reported under cash flow from ning term of the contracts. To determine the fair values
financing activities. of forward exchange contracts, the contracted forward
rate is compared with the forward rate at the reporting
date for the remaining term of the respective contract.
The resulting value is discounted to the reporting date
taking into account current market interest rates of the
respective currency.
Due to the company’s diversification within the health 36. Information on the Supervisory Board
sector and its strong market position in global, growing
and non-cyclical markets, the cash flows generated are The Supervisory Board consisted of the following
essentially predictable and sustainable. Most of the persons in the reporting year:
VAMED Group’s customers have a high credit rating.
In addition, the down payments and collateral agreed Supervisory Board
in most business cases ensure the predictability of Dr. Gerd Krick, Chairman (until July 8, 2021)
cash flows. Dkfm. Stephan Sturm, Chairman
(from July 8, 2021; Deputy Chairman before that date)
32. Segment reporting Dr. Robert Hink
KR Karl Samstag
The segmentation of the VAMED Group with the “Pro- (Deputy Chairman from July 8, 2021)
ject Business“ and “Service Business“ divisions follows Mag. Andreas Schmidradner
the internal organisational and reporting structures as
of December 31, of the reporting year (management Employee representatives
approach). Mag. (FH) Thomas Hehle
DI (FH) Harald Steer, M.Sc.
Inter-divisional sales and revenues are generally made Ing. Robert Winkelmayer
at prices that would also be agreed with third par-
ties outside the Group. Administrative services are The remuneration of the Supervisory Board is deter-
charged via service agreements. mined by the Annual General Meeting of VAMED AG
and amounted to T€ 113 in the reporting year (2020:
33. R
elated party transactions T€ 135).
34. Subsequent
38. Shareholdings
Mag. Gottfried Koos MMag. Andrea Raffaseder DI (FH) Andreas Wortmann, M.Sc.
Member of the Executive Board Member of the Executive Board Member of the Executive Board
PKS KG PKS Privatklinik Salzburg GmbH & Co KG, Salzburg, Austria 100.00
RBB Rehaklinik Wien Baumgarten Betriebs-GmbH, Vienna, Austria 100.00
RDU Rehaklinik Dussnang AG, Fischingen, Switzerland 100.00
RKB Rehabilitationszentrum Kitzbühel Betriebs-GmbH, Kitzbühel, Austria 100.00
RKE Rehaklinik Enns GmbH, Enns, Austria 67.00
RMB Rehabilitationsklinik im Montafon Betriebs-GmbH, Schruns, Austria 100.00
ROB GmbH Rehabilitationszentrum Oberndorf Betriebs-GmbH, Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria 100.00
ROB KG Rehabilitationszentrum Oberndorf Betriebs-GmbH & Co KG,
Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria 100.00
RSE Rehaklink Seewis AG, Seewis im Prättigau, Switzerland 100.00
RZS Rehaklinik Zihlschlacht AG, Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorf, Switzerland 100.00
SED MEDITERRA – Sedlčany, s.r.o., Sedlčany, Czech Republic 100.00
STC Seniorenzentrum St. Corona am Schöpfl Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., Vienna, Austria 100.00
TBS Therme Seewinkel Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., Frauenkirchen, Austria 100.00
TMD TEMAMED Medizintechnische Dienstleistungs GmbH, Kirchheimbolanden, Germany 100.00
UKK VAMED UKK Projektgesellschaft m.b.H., Berlin, Germany 100.00
UKP ARGE UK St. Pölten, Vienna, Austria 60.00
VBT-MO VAMED VSB-Betriebstechnik Mitte-Ost GmbH, Leipzig, Germany 100.00
VBT-N VAMED VSB-Betriebstechnik Nord GmbH, Leezen, Germany 100.00
VBT-SW VAMED VSB-Betriebstechnik Süd-West GmbH, Krefeld, Germany 100.00
VCA-D VAMED Care Deutschland GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VCG VAMED CARE gemeinnützige Betriebs-GmbH, Vienna, Austria 100.00
VE VAMED ENGINEERING GmbH, Vienna, Austria 100.00
VE-D VAMED Engineering Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe, Germany 100.00
VFP-SCH VAMED Fachpflege Schleswig GmbH, Schleswig, Germany 94.90
VGH-D VAMED Gesundheit Holding Deutschland GmbH, Damp, Germany 99.90
VGR-N VAMED Grundstücksverwaltung Nord GmbH & Co. KG, Damp, Germany 94.90
VGR-O VAMED Grundstücksverwaltung Ost GmbH & Co. KG, Damp, Germany 94.90
VGR-S VAMED Grundstücksverwaltung Süd GmbH, Damp, Germany 94.90
VGR-W VAMED Grundstücksverwaltung West GmbH & Co. KG, Damp, Germany 94.90
VHP VAMED Health Project GmbH, Berlin, Germany 100.00
VHP-CH VAMED Health Project Schweiz AG, Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorf, Switzerland 100.00
VHP-CZ VAMED Health Projects CZ s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic 100.00
VHP-FIN VAMED Health Projects Finland Oy, Helsinki, Finland 100.00
VRKL-BS VAMED Rehaklinik Bad Salzdetfurth GmbH, Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany 94.90
VRKL-DA VAMED Rehaklinik Damp GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VRKL-LE VAMED Rehaklinik Lehmrade GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VRKL-SCH VAMED Rehaklinik Schwedenstein GmbH, Pulsnitz, Germany 100.00
VRKL-SS VAMED Rehaklinik Schloss Schönhagen GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VRZ-BLO VAMED Campus Reha Bleicherode GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VRZ-D VAMED Rehazentren Deutschland GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VRZ-ERF VAMED Campus Reha Erfurt GmbH, Erfurt, Germany 100.00
VRZ-FFO VAMED Rehazentrum Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany 100.00
VRZ-HA VAMED Rehazentrum Harburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany 100.00
VRZ-HIL VAMED Rehazentrum Hildesheim GmbH, Hildesheim, Germany 100.00
VRZ-KRE VAMED Rehazentrum Krefeld GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VRZ-LÜ VAMED Rehazentrum Lübeck GmbH, Lübeck, Germany 100.00
VRZ-NO VAMED Rehazentrum Norderstedt GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany 100.00
VRZ-ULM VAMED Rehazentrum Ulm GmbH, Ulm, Germany 100.00
VSB VAMED Service- und Beteiligungsges. m.b.H., Berlin, Germany 95.00
VSB-BPS VAMED VSB-BPS GmbH, Berlin, Germany 100.00
VSC-NO VAMED Service & Catering Nord Ost GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VSC-SW VAMED Service & Catering Süd West GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VSG VAMED Standortentwicklung und Engineering GmbH, Vienna, Austria 100.00
VSH VAMED VSB-Sicherheit GmbH, Erfurt, Germany 100.00
VSP-ER VAMED Senioren- und Pflegeheim Erfurt GmbH, Erfurt, Germany 94.90
VSP-HE VAMED Senioren- und Pflegeheim Hettstedt GmbH, Hettstedt, Germany 100.00
VST VAMED VSB-Sterilgutversorgung GmbH, Berlin, Germany 100.00
VSW VAMED VSB-Sterilgutversorgung West GmbH, Wuppertal, Germany 100.00
VTE VAMED VSB-Technik GmbH, Damp, Germany 100.00
VTS VAMED Technical Services GmbH, Vienna, Austria 100.00
The company names correspond to the respective local registration, the country names to ISO 3166.
The company names correspond to the respective local registration, the country names to ISO 3166.
We have audited the "condensed subgroup financial We draw attention to the disclosure under “General
statements" of VAMED Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, notes on the financial statements of the VAMED
which comprise the consolidated income statement, Group” in the group notes, which states that the
the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, condensed subgroup financial statements were pre-
the consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December pared in accordance with the guidelines of the parent
2021, the consolidated cash flow statement and the company, Fresenius SE & Co KGaA, Bad Homburg
consolidated statement of changes in equity for the v.d.H., Germany, in particular regarding the applica-
financial year ending on the reporting date, as well as tion of IFRSs, materiality thresholds, determination
the comments and other disclosures included in the of the consolidated group. The accounting policies
group notes. of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Bad Homburg v.d.H.,
Germany, are based on IFRS as adopted by the EU.
In our opinion, the accompanying condensed sub- For the purposes of the condensed subgroup financial
group financial statements are prepared, in all material statements, material deviations from these principles
respects, in accordance with the accounting policies are presented in the section “General notes on the
as presented in the 2021 consolidated financial state- financial statements of the VAMED Group” section of
ments of Fresenius SE & Co KGaA, Bad Homburg the condensed subgroup financial statements. As a
v.d.H., Germany. result, the condensed subgroup financial statements
may not be suitable for another purpose.
Basis for Opinion
Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Inter-
national Standards on Auditing (ISA). Our responsi- Responsibilities of Management and the
bilities under those standards are further described Supervisory Board for the Condensed
in the “Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Subgroup Financial Statements
Condensed Subgroup Financial Statements” section
of our report. We are independent of the subgroup Management is responsible for the preparation of the
in accordance with the ethical requirements that are condensed subgroup financial statements in accor-
relevant to our audit of the condensed subgroup finan- dance with the accounting policies as presented in
cial statements in Austria, and we have fulfilled our the notes to the consolidated financial statements
other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these of Fresenius SE & Co KGaA, Bad Homburg v.d.H.,
requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we Germany. Furthermore, management is responsible
have obtained until the date of this report is sufficient for such internal control as management determines
and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion by is necessary to enable the preparation of condensed
this date. subgroup financial statements that are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
As provided under section 275 para. 2 UGB (Austrian
Company Code) (liability provision regarding the In preparing the condensed subgroup financial state-
audit of financial statements of large companies), our ments, management is responsible for assessing the
responsibility and liability towards the Company and subgroup’s ability to continue as a going concern,
any third parties arising from the audit are limited to disclosing, as applicable, matters relating to going
a total of EUR 12 million. concern and using the going concern basis of account-
ing unless management either intends to liquidate the
subgroup or to cease operations, or has no realistic
alternative but to do so.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the • conclude on the appropriateness of management’s
Condensed Subgroup Financial Statements use of the going concern basis of accounting and,
based on the audit evidence obtained, whether
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance a material uncertainty exists related to events or
regarding whether the condensed subgroup financial conditions that may cast significant doubt on the
statements as a whole are free from material misstate- subgroup’s ability to continue as a going concern.
ment, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists,
auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s
assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a report to the related disclosures in the condensed
guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with subgroup financial statements or, if such disclo-
the ISAs will always detect a material misstatement sures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our
when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or conclusions are based on the audit evidence
error and are considered material if, individually or in obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report.
the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to However, future events or conditions may cause the
influence the economic decisions of users taken on subgroup to cease to continue as a going concern.
the basis of these condensed consolidated financial
statements. • obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence
regarding the financial information of the entities or
As part of an audit in accordance with the ISAs, we business activities within the subgroup to express
exercise professional judgement and maintain pro- an opinion on the condensed subgroup financial
fessional skepticism throughout the audit. statements. We are responsible for the direc-
tion, supervision, and performance of the group
We also: audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit
• identify and assess the risks of material mis-
statement of the condensed subgroup financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error, design
and perform audit procedures responsive to those
risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient
and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
The risk of not detecting a material misstatement
resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting
from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery,
intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the
override of internal control.
March 4, 2022
signed: signed:
Mag. Dr. Anton Pichler Mag. Dr. Aslan Milla
Austrian Certified Public Accountant Austrian Certified Public Accountant
This report is a translation of the original report in German, which is the legally binding version. Publication and
sharing with third parties of the condensed subgroup financial statements together with our auditor’s report
is only allowed if the condensed subgroup financial statements are identical with German audited version.
This independent auditor’s report is only applicable to the German condensed subgroup financial statements
presented on pages 43 to 87.
Calculation differences may arise when rounded amounts and percentages are summed.
The annual report was prepared with the greatest possible diligence to ensure that the information provided in all parts is correct
and complete. Nevertheless, rounding, typesetting and printing errors cannot be completely excluded.
Alexander Dewor, Anja Kutter, Christian Houdek, Fotomentum, Helios, Hermed, Hocoma Switzerland, IHSS Ltd., Instruclean GmbH,
Manfred Witt, Martin Raffeiner, Michael Mutzberg, Oliver Schleyer, Outline Pictures, Pfluegl, Sabine Klimt, Sascha Genennig,
Schruns, shutterstock, Theresa Wey, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, VAMED Group, VAMED Mediterra, Wolfram Schroll,
VAMED Aktiengesellschaft
Sterngasse 5
1230 Vienna