Alexandria University
Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Engineering, Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for
Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt
KEYWORDS Abstract In this work, a new framework for breast cancer image segmentation and classification is
Mammography; proposed. Different models including InceptionV3, DenseNet121, ResNet50, VGG16 and Mobile-
Breast cancer; NetV2 models, are applied to classify Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS), Digital
Segmentation; Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) and the Curated Breast Imaging Subset of
Deep learning; DDSM (CBIS-DDSM) into benign and malignant. Moreover, the trained modified U-Net model
U-Net; is utilized to segment breast area from the mammogram images. This method will aid as a radiol-
Transfer learning ogist’s assistant in early detection and improve the efficiency of our system. The Cranio Caudal
(CC) vision and Mediolateral Oblique (MLO) view are widely used for the identification and diag-
nosis of breast cancer. The accuracy of breast cancer diagnosis will be improved as the number of
views is increased. Our proposed frame work is based on MLO view and CC view to enhance the
system performance. In addition, the lack of tagged data is a big challenge. Transfer learning and
data augmentation are applied to overcome this problem. Three mammographic datasets; MIAS,
DDSM and CBIS-DDSM, are utilized in our evaluation. End-to-end fully convolutional neural net-
works (CNNs) are introduced in this paper. The proposed technique of applying data augmentation
with modified U-Net model and InceptionV3 achieves the best result, specifically with the DDSM
dataset. This achieves 98.87% accuracy, 98.88% area under the curve (AUC), 98.98% sensitivity,
98.79% precision, 97.99% F1 score, and a computational time of 1.2134 s on DDSM datasets.
Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
technique [4] plays an important role in breast cancer diagno- fine transitions (translation, zooming, flipping, mirroring,
sis. Machine learning is outperforming the conventional hand- rotation, etc.).
crafted technique. It helps in selecting the most important Utilizing a pre-trained model instead of using model from
features. Deep learning [5] plays an important role in enhanc- scratch is called transfer learning. Training the neural network
ing the results in the field of biomedical engineering, in partic- from scratch needs substantial data and computational power
ular the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which [23].
can be easily applied with state-of-the-art efficiency. A. The main contribution in this paper is divided into two
Shrestha et al. developed a new algorithm to describe deep phases; classification phase based on different deep models,
learning [6]. The models included InceptionV3, DenseNet121, and segmentation phase before classification. First, different
ResNet50, VGG16 and MobileNetV2 models, for the classifi- models including InceptionV3, DenseNet121, ResNet50,
cation process [7–9]. VGG16 and MobileNetV2 are employed to classify our MIAS,
Scanning Mammograms of 28, 27, 342 women were studied DDSM and CBIS-DDSM images into benign or malignant.
retrospectively to assess the effect of optical density and the Second, the segmentation phase based on applying modified
number of views on cancer detection [10]. 76% of the predicted segmentation of the U-Net model is utilized to extract ROI
invasive cancers were observed with an MLO view and an opti- (breast region) and remove unwanted regions. This step plays
cal density of less than 1.4. It increased to 95% when the opti- a vital role in enhancing the images to be suitable as input to
cal density was greater than 1.4 with MLO and CC views. A the classification phase and improving the system perfor-
retrospective analysis of 83 histologically proven breast can- mance. After segmentation phase, our different deep learning
cers using a paired t-test for cancer diagnosis was performed models are applied to the segmented images to classify them
in the three mammographic views (CC, MLO) and Medio Lat- into benign or malignant. The data augmentation technique
eral (ML) and in combinations of views. It was found that the is employed on DDSM and MIAS datasets to resolve the scar-
exposure to mass description was substantially improved when city of datasets. Also, transfer leaning is used to minimize con-
a double-view method was used. suming time and computing resources.
The CNN is a deep architecture that is used in image pro- The novelty in our work is based on exploring the most
cessing which compromises two main layers; the convolution- powerful models that are the most successful end-to-end deep
ary layer and the pooling layer. The output of the neurons that models in computer vision, including InceptionV3, Dense-
are connected to the local area network at the input by sharing Net121, ResNet50, VGG16 and MobileNetV2. These models
weights and biases is calculated by the convolutional layer. are explored on three different mammography datasets which
The pooling layer subsamples the output of the convolutional explain the distinct cases of breast thickness, breast size, and
layer and reduces the data size. Learning millions of parame- age of the patients taken from the MIAS, DDSM and CBIS-
ters of a deep CNN includes a vast number of training images DDSM databases.
as well as the availability of its ground truth, which actually The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Details of the
prohibits many superior deep CNNs from being applied to methodology used in this paper for the segmentation and clas-
medical applications. sification of mammograms are explained in Section 2. Section 3
Different CNNs for the mass detection task are explained introduces and discusses the obtained results. Section 4 repre-
by J. Arevalo et al. [11]. Their experimentation was performed sents the main conclusions.
on the Breast Cancer Digital Repository Film Mammography
(BCDR-FM) dataset. D. Abdelhafizet al. [12] introduced a 2. Methodology
framework for a pre-trained CNN on DDSM database. Breast
cancer classification algorithm from scratch is implemented by This paper introduces novel strategies to segment and classify
L. Tsochatzidis et al. [13] and improves the ability to segment mammography. Pre-trained modified U-Net model and differ-
normal and irregular breast tissue based on the application of ent deep learning models are utilized. This includes versions of
deep-learning medical imaging technology. InceptionV3, DenseNet121, ResNet50, VGG16 and Mobile-
The U-Net model is the main model in images segmenta- NetV2, as the beginning of scratch training leads to over-
tion. O. Ronneberger et al. suggested a U-Net model for fitting, time consuming and a need for high computing power.
biomedical images segmentation [14]. N. Alamet al. [15] devel- Data augmentation and fine-tuning are often used to resolve
oped an automated segmentation approach for biomedical the scarcity of mammography images. Figs. 1 and 2 illustrate
images. In their technique, the region of interest (ROI) was our proposed frame work (Data augmentation + modified
manually extracted, and the wavelet-based process was per- U-Net model + Classifier Networks).
formed to improve the frequency of spatial picture. The con-
tour of the calcify area was extracted based on segmentation 2.1. Transfer learning
technique which was explained in the work of S. Duraisamy
et al. [16]. Finally, the modified segmentation of the U-Net
model was applied to extract the ROI (breast region) and Transfer learning is the golden key for using small datasets,
remove the unwanted regions, in some papers in the classifica- e.g. medical images, which are impossible to collect in vast
tion of breast cancer [17–21]. quantities than most datasets. A great deal of data, power
Data augmentation technique creates new samples of the and time is required to train deep learning models from
training data set by performing random transitions process scratch. So, pre-trained models and only fine tuning are used
to available datasets [22]. This has a lot effects, including to solve these problems. For transfer learning, we apply the
speeding up the process of convergence and avoiding over- pre-trained InceptionV3, DenseNet121, ResNet50, VGG16
fitting. The easiest approach to small datasets is to perform and MobileNetV2 models [7–10].
Deep learning in mammography images segmentation and classification 4703
2.2. Data augmentation effect the encoder and decoder network. The traditional CNN, which
contains semantic information and less spatial information is
To achieve the best performance, we need a vast number of called encoder part. However, spatial information is also
training samples. Therefore, data augmentation technique is important for segmentation of semantic information. The par-
performed to increase the number of original input data by ticular information from the decoder part is fed into U-Net,
creating new samples of training data. In this paper, the rota- where semantic information is extracted from the lower most
tion is applied where each original image rotates 0, 90, 180 and layer of the U-Net network. The decoder part contains the
270 degrees. Therefore, each image is augmented into four high-resolution features, these features are extracted from the
images. encoder portion, skipping the link and providing the fine seg-
ment structures. The leaky ReLU and normalization of the
instance are utilized instead of rectified linear unit (ReLU)
2.3. Segmentation network and standardization of batch is, respectively, 32 32 pixels
for the size of the patch and 42 feature maps that are used
The segmentation of the ROI is a crucial step in the automated for the highest layer.
analysis of mammography images for early detection of breast
cancer. The segmentation could be considered as a classifica- 2.4. Deep learning models
tion task to classify each pixel in the dataset images, either
ROI (breast region) nor background (BG) [24]. The input of InceptionV3, DenseNet121, ResNet50, VGG16 and Mobile-
this phase is the mammography images and the output is the NetV2 models are considered the most successful deep CNN
ROI (breast regions) images. Then, the ROI images are for classification in the computer vision field, to classify mam-
masked with the original mammography images to prepare mography. In order to begin the fine-tuning process on the
them as an input to the classifier phase. Our mammography mammography dataset, certain parameters must then be chan-
images are segmented based on the modified U-Net model ged. For example, 1000 classes are replaced with the two clas-
[25]. The modified segmentation of U-Net is compromised of sification classes, benign and malignant, layer.
4704 W.M. Salama, M.H. Aly
Table 1 Number of samples of training and testing for all datasets used, techniques for data augmentation and number of images
Databases Samples of training Samples of testing Total samples Number of images after the process of augmentation
DDSM 451 113 564 1804
MIAS 257 65 322 1028
Deep learning in mammography images segmentation and classification 4705
Table 3 Classification results with and without data augmentation for different models for the DDSM, MIAS and CBIS-DDSM
based on the MLO view.
Classification results with and without data augmentation
Model Accuracy % AUC % Sensitivity % Precision % F1-score %
Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With
augmentation Augmentation Augmentation augmentation Augmentation
DDSM Database
InceptionV3 88.87 93.85 87.99 92.99 88.74 93.54 88.59 93.19 87.99 93.23
DenseNet121 85.97 91.57 84.99 90.89 85.89 91.49 85.84 91.52 85.85 91.35
ResNet50 84.54 89.58 83.99 88.99 83.94 89.84 84.12 90.23 84.21 90.32
VGG16 82.81 85.98 81.99 84.88 82.74 85.94 82.43 84.99 82.34 85.32
MobileNetV2 80.97 82.77 80.89 82.65 81.74 82.98 80.88 82.76 80.99 82.65
MIAS Database
InceptionV3 86.77 91.65 85.89 90.99 86.84 91.34 85.48 91.19 85.88 90.89
DenseNet121 83.87 89.99 82.88 90.32 83.77 89.59 83.74 90.22 83.75 89.88
ResNet50 82.65 88.58 81.79 87.99 81.96 88.54 82.46 88.43 82.65 87.89
VGG16 80.98 86.78 80.87 86.98 80.84 86.94 80.83 86.78 80.84 86.79
MobileNetV2 79.97 84.77 79.54 84.85 79.84 84.98 80.21 84.86 80.11 84.95
CBIS-DDSM Database
InceptionV3 84.21 90.55 84.87 90.49 84.87 90.23 83.99 90.59 83.96 90.69
DenseNet121 82.47 87.69 82.65 87.35 82.57 87.69 81.99 87.42 82.34 87.58
ResNet50 81.65 86.78 80.89 86.89 80.99 86.94 81.32 86.53 81.22 86.23
VGG16 80.98 84.68 80.77 84.68 81.89 84.94 81.99 84.88 81.84 84.89
MobileNetV2 79.82 83.47 78.99 83.95 79.87 83.99 79.99 83.98 79.89 83.99
Table 4 Segmentation with classification results with and without data augmentation for different models based on the MLO view.
Segmentation with classification results without data augmentation
Model Accuracy% AUC% Sensitivity% Precision% F1-score%
Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With
augmentation Augmentation Augmentation augmentation Augmentation
DDSM Database
Inception V3 + Modified segmentation of the U- 95.78 98.87 95.69 98.88 95.88 98.98 95.54 98.79 94.78 97.99
DenseNet121 + Modified segmentation of the U- 93.99 96.99 94.54 97.14 94.77 97.47 94.89 97.49 94.34 97.24
ResNet50 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 93.57 96.87 93.97 96.47 94.21 97.01 94.61 97.11 93.89 96.99
VGG16 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 92.67 95.97 92.34 96.11 92.81 95.88 92.81 96.21 92.69 95.99
MobileNetV2 + Modified segmentation of the U- 90.87 93.88 91.47 93.97 91.21 93.78 90.97 93.87 90.99 92.99
MIAS Database
Inception V3 + Modified segmentation of the U- 93.88 96.87 93.79 97.21 93.98 96.88 93.97 96.99 93.79 97.12
DenseNet121 + Modified segmentation of the U- 91.89 95.78 91.94 94.99 90.99 95.77 91.59 95.69 90.88 95.84
ResNet50 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 90.67 94.27 90.91 94.87 90.98 94.78 90.81 94.61 89.89 94.59
VGG16 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 89.47 93.87 89.54 93.61 89.78 93.79 89.81 93.78 89.49 93.69
MobileNetV2 + Modified segmentation of the U- 88.45 91.42 87.99 91.27 88.81 90.78 88.87 91.43 88.99 90.99
CBIS-DDSM Database
Inception V3 + Modified segmentation of the U- 91.78 94.18 91.29 94.65 91.65 94.76 91.97 94.65 91.89 94.12
DenseNet121 + Modified segmentation of the U- 90.32 92.34 90.44 92.56 89.99 92.77 90.59 92.69 89.78 92.84
ResNet50 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 89.47 91.88 89.78 91.87 88.58 91.78 89.81 91.61 88.89 91.59
VGG16 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 87.32 90.79 87.21 91.01 87.78 90.65 87.32 90.98 87.45 90.69
MobileNetV2 + Modified segmentation of the U- 86.45 89.78 85.99 90.27 85.89 89.98 86.87 90.23 85.99 89.99
Table 5 Classification results with and without data augmentation for different models for the DDSM, MIAS and CBIS-DDSM based on MLO and CC views.
Segmentation with classification results without data augmentation
Model Accuracy% AUC% Sensitivity% Precision% F1-score%
Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With
augmentation augmentation Augmentation augmentation Augmentation
DDSM Database
Inception V3 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 96.45 99.43 96.87 99.22 96.96 99.12 96.86 98.99 95.88 98.98
DenseNet121 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 95.89 98.89 95.44 98.21 95.67 98.98 95.36 98.69 95.63 98.33
ResNet50 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 94.87 97.97 94.24 97.87 95.98 98.11 95.69 97.98 94.49 97.79
VGG16 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 93.87 96.21 93.65 96.89 93.88 96.78 93.88 96.89 93.79 96.87
MobileNetV2 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 92.52 94.98 92.87 94.87 92.98 94.98 91.99 94.87 92.87 94.54
MIAS Database
Inception V3 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 94.32 97.87 94.59 98.01 94.88 97.78 94.32 97.32 94.52 97.99
DenseNet121 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 92.89 96.48 92.88 95.99 92.99 96.57 92.98 96.59 92.88 96.21
ResNet50 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 91.57 95.63 91.89 95.01 91.99 95.48 91.51 95.22 91.08 95.36
VGG16 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 90.54 94.36 90.95 94.77 90.88 94.89 90.88 94.35 90.99 94.32
MobileNetV2 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 89.99 93.99 88.89 93.98 89.98 93.28 89.87 93.85 89.87 92.99
CBIS-DDSM Database
Inception V3 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 93.21 96.01 93.59 96.11 93.32 96.12 93.63 96.32 93.29 96.12
DenseNet121 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 92.96 94.96 92.64 94.36 91.89 94.37 92.21 94.89 91.88 94.21
ResNet50 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 91.27 93.58 91.81 93.81 91.22 93.96 91.32 93.32 90.99 93.29
VGG16 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 89.96 92.89 89.89 92.98 89.98 92.85 89.98 92.38 89.89 92.23
MobileNetV2 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 88.95 90.32 88.59 91.99 87.79 91.98 88.98 92.01 87.99 92.21
Table 6 Computational time of the segmentation with classification and data augmentation system.
Model Time, s
Inception V3 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 1.2134
DenseNet121 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 2.2365
ResNet50 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 2.3254
VGG16 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 1.9897
MobileNetV2 + Modified segmentation of the U-Net 1.6587
Table 7 Quantitative distinction between our model and the state of the art for the task of classification of the DDSM database.
Reference Number of mammograms Name of Accuracy AUC Sensitivity Precision F1-score DC IoU
Databases Database % % % % % % %
Our proposed 1804 DDSM 98.87 98.88 98.98 98.79 97.99 91.89 92.99
[31] 200 MIAS and 97.73 NA 92.50 NA NA NA NA
[33] 300 DDSM 98 NA 97.40 NA NA NA NA
[34] 251 MIAS 96 NA 83 NA NA NA NA
[35] 728 IN-breast 95.64 NA 97.14 NA NA NA NA
[36] 1804 DDSM 97.98 98.46 97.63 96.51 95.97 NA NA
Table 8 Performance comparison of current CADs using combination MLO and CC view mammographic features.
Reference Accuracy % AUC % Sensitivity % Precision % F1-score % DC % IoU %
Our proposed work 99.43 99.22 99.12 98.99 98.98 94.79 94.89
[37] NA NA 85 NA NA NA NA
[38] NA NA 91 NA NA NA NA
[39] NA NA 93 NA NA NA NA
[40] NA NA 80 NA NA NA NA
[41] 83.13 NA 77.08 NA NA NA NA
[42] 93.98 NA 97.37 NA NA NA NA
[43] 96.6 NA 95 NA NA NA NA
2: y \ y are rotated at four angles of 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees to
DC ¼ ð6Þ
jyj þ jy0 j increase accuracy, as shown in Table 1.
Table 2 explains the segmentation results ofIoU andDC for
where FP is the false positive of the non-lesion pixel segmented our databases based on the modified U-Net model. The
as a lesion pixel that means the sample is malignant which is obtained classification results with and without data augmen-
wrong diagnosis, and FN is the false negative of lesion pixel tation are represented in Table 3 for the MIAS, DDSM and
segmented as a non-lesion pixel that means the sample is CBIS-DDSM databases utilizing the MLO view.
benign which is wrong diagnosis. TP is the true positive that Moreover, Table 4 explains the results of classification with
means that the database sample is malignant which is correct and without data augmentation after utilizing the modified U-
diagnosis, while TN is the true negative that means that the Net model to segment the databases based on the MLO view.
database sample is benign which is correct diagnosis. TheIoU Table 5 introduces our proposed CAD system based in the
is utilized to quantify the percentage overlap between the tar- combination between MLO and CC views.
get mask and our prediction malignant or benign dignosis. Table 6 explains the computing time of all the system. The
When IoU increases, the system performance is enhanced. proposed segmentation and classification systems are com-
Here,yrepresents the ground truth mask, andy represents the pared with other recent CAD systems and the results are
probability map generated by neural network. Moreover, DC shown in Table 6. Our proposed system is compared with
is called loss function. other systems illustrated in Refs. [30–37] and the results are
In our work, mammogram datasets are chosen using the shown in Tables 3-6. The comparison declares the superiority
Python simulator to test the proposed method. The number of our proposed system in accuracy, AUC, precision and F1
of analysis and research samples for all datasets is illustrated score as shown in Tables 7 and 8.
in Table 1. Data augmentation is conducted on samples that
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