ftl_sop (5)
ftl_sop (5)
ftl_sop (5)
Application – Unified
Citizen Interface
Note: This document will be amended on regular basis as per the upgradation done in the application.
Factory License (FL) SOP cum User Manual – Citizen Interface
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.1. About Factory License (FL)......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.3. Factory License Categories ......................................................................................................................... 2
2. Standard Operating Procedure ............................................................................................. 3
3. Factory License Fees and Charges ......................................................................................... 5
3.1. UNIFIED Fee Chart while issuance of New License ................................................................................. 5
3.2. Charges associated while Renewal of License ........................................................................................... 5
3.3. Charges associated while Amendments of License................................................................................... 6
3.4. Charges associated while Surrender of License ........................................................................................ 6
4. Factory License Documents Required ................................................................................... 7
4.1. Documents are to be Submitted for Issuance of New Factory License .................................................... 7
4.2. Documents are to be Submitted for Renewal of Factory License ............................................................ 8
4.3. Documents are to be Submitted for Amendments of Factory License .................................................... 8
4.4. Documents are to be Submitted for Surrender of Factory License ......................................................... 8
Factory License (FL) SOP cum User Manual – Citizen Interface
1. Introduction
1.1. About Factory License (FL)
Section 416 of the MCD Act, 1957 places an obligation power to obtain prior permission of
Commissioner MCD in writing on the person desirous to establish in any premises or
materially alter, enlarge or extend any factory, workshop or trade premises in which it is
intended to employ, steam, electricity, water or other mechanical.
Once the permission is granted under this Section to install some machinery in a premise, it is
also an obligatory to obtain a trade license as laid down under Section 417 (i) before starting
the trade. In order to streamline the smooth and orderly growth of industries as per provisions
of DMC Act, 1957, the Master Plan of Delhi & Pollution Control Committee, G.N.C.T.D., and
as per directions/judgements delivered by the Supreme Court of India, the provisions are
implemented in the NCT of Delhi to minimize the nuisance, health hazard and pollution for
the orderly industrial growth in the NCT of Delhi. In order to achieve this, certain restrictions
are imposed in form of licensing conditions for different categories of licenses.
1.2. Purpose
The purpose of the FL portal is: -
• Transformation of legacy process and afresh development of web application as per
the current functional and technical requirements.
• Facilitate citizens with cashless, paperless, and faceless system.
• Advanced GUI of Online registration system can help the citizen to easily apply,
renewal, amendment and surrender the factory license.
• Allows preservation of reporting forms in digital mode.
• Process oriented architecture which helps citizen to do easy registration for factory
license without visiting MCD department from any internet point.
Reconcile Payment: This option used to update payment status as per transaction
details at Bank end.
Provisional License: Provisional license will be available and can be downloaded
only in case of New License
View Status: To track the current application status.
Note: By default, provisional license validity will be for 90 Days for all categories from date of
- For all 4 categories except Household
1. If Factory’s land area is above 250 Sq. Mtr., Then validity of Provisional License will depend upon
DPCC date and FIRE NOC date whichever is lesser,
2. If Factory’s land area is below 250 Sq. Mtr., Then validity of Provisional License will depend upon
DPCC date if it is lesser
In case of any deficiency raised by MCD Officials while scrutiny, Citizen need to provide
required information or documents using “Rectify Deficiency Details”.
Check deficiency letter to see which documents are marked deficient and re-upload those
documents and submit for verification and approval by MCD officials.
On Rejection by MCD Officials, Citizen need to apply afresh for New Factory License.
Rejection letter can be downloaded from “Action” button to check rejection remarks.
On Approval from MCD Official, Final License can be downloaded from “Action” button
for any registered detail.
Note: License Validity Period = One Year and valid up to 31-March of the Financial Year
1. Amendment and Surrender are only allowed for Valid Licenses
2. Renewal is only allowed for Expired Licenses
Following options will be available on “from “Action” button” button on Dashboard for a
registered detail after issuance of factory license:
Renewal: Factory License renewal can be applied on expiry of license or one month
prior or one month after the start of current FY as per above note.
Amendment: Citizen can apply for amendments in license details to get required
details changed in license which are allowed.
Surrender: Citizen can apply for surrender of license and after approval, surrender
acknowledgement receipt can be downloaded from “Action” button under Dashboard.
Select appropriate option from “Action” button as per the requirement
Fill all the required details on form opened along with necessary documents and submit
Pay requisite fee using online payment gateway
Check details and status of registered request from Dashboard
Download relevant updated License/ receipt and other documents available under “Action”
button on Dashboard.
Factory License (FL) SOP cum User Manual – Citizen Interface
(a) Processing fee (Rs) = 1000.00 (fixed) * number of years applied.
(b) Per H.P (Rs) = 50.00/- HP rate x Total HP x number of years applied
5. Convenience Fee (Rs) = 2.5937% of the Total Amount
Total Amount = Permission Fee + Processing Fee + Transaction Fee + Late fee + Convenience
Factory License (FL) SOP cum User Manual – Citizen Interface
a. License Fee = H.P. rate × Total H.P. + Unit Charge +Processing fee
b. Processing Fee = same as of Fee mentioned in Issuance of new license.
c. Late fee = license fee *0.05 * number of late months.
d. Transaction Fee = 10 (Fixed)
e. Total Fee
3. Renewal after One year
Total Amount = Permission Fee + Processing Fee + Transaction Fee + Late fee + Arrear +
Convenience Fee
a. License Fee = H.P. rate × Total H.P. + Unit Charge +Processing fee
b. Processing Fee = same as of Fee mentioned in Issuance of new license.
c. Late fee = license fee *0.05 * number of late months.
d. Transaction Fee = 10 (Fixed)
e. Arrear = license fee of base year *0.05* number of late months *2
* Convenience Fee (Rs) will be charged as 2.5937% of the Total Amount except late fee and arrear.
Automatic Increase in applicable Factory license fees after every three years.
Above Rates and calculation effected from FY=2022-2023, accordingly 15% increment in all
applicable Factory license fee will be effected in 2025-2026. All components will be increased by
15% like Registration fees upto 5 HP will be 2300.
Factory License (FL) SOP cum User Manual – Citizen Interface