Ecommerce EDA Assignmet

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# Exploratory Data Analysis on E-Commerce Data [Actual transactions from UK

Project Work:-

1. How to find out total no. of records

2. How to find out total no. of columns?
3. Display all column names ?

4. All Column Names Description:-

# InvoiceNo (invoice_num): A number assigned to each transaction
# StockCode (stock_code): Product code
# Description (description): Product name
# Quantity (quantity): Number of products purchased for each transaction
# InvoiceDate (invoice_date): Timestamp for each transaction
# UnitPrice (unit_price): Product price per unit
# CustomerID (cust_id): Unique identifier each customer
# Country (country): Country name

5. How to find out all missing values for each columns?

# By understanding the data in a more descriptive manner,

# we notice one thing:
# Quantity has negative values,
# At this stage, we�ll just remove Quantity with negative values.

6. First Show all Quantity has negative values records?

7. Then find out total shape of Quantity has negative values records? [shape=10624]
8. How to remove all Quantity records with negative values?
9. Then find out total records shape ? [df_new.shape is 541909-10624=531285]

# To calculate the total money spent on each purchase,

# we simply multiply Quantity with Unit Price:
# amount_spent = quantity * unit_price

10. After UnitPrice column insert new column Amount_Spent & also formula assigned?

# In This dataset InvoiceDate column is string form so that:

11. InvoiceDate column converts string format into datetime format?

12. We add a few columns after InvoiceDate that consist of the Year, Month, Day
and Hour for each transaction for analysis work.

13. How to find out Top 5 customers with highest money spent records?
Show Only 3 columns ['CustomerID','Country','Amount_Spent']

14. Plotting bar chart : How many orders (per month)?

15. Plotting bar chart : How many orders (per day)?

16. Plotting bar chart : How many orders (per hour)?

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