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Hash functions – Security requirements, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-512). Message

Authentication Code (MAC) – Requirements, Uses, Hash-based MAC (HMAC), Cipher-based
MAC (CMAC). Digital signatures – Attacks, Forgeries, Requirements, Direct vs Arbitrated
digital signatures, RSA digital signature, ElGamal digital signature, Digital Signature Standard

Hash functions –
● Security requirements,
● Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-512).

Hash functions:
● A hash function H accepts a variable-length block of data M as input and
produces a fixed-size hash value h = H(M).
● A “good” hash function has the property of applying the function to a large
set of inputs will produce outputs that are evenly distributed and random
● The principal object of a hash function is data integrity.
● A change to any bit or bits in M results, with high probability, in a change to
the hash code.
● The kind of hash function needed for security applications is referred to as
cryptographic hash function.

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Applications of Cryptographic Hash Functions:
1. Message Authentication
2. Digital Signatures
3. one-way password file
4. intrusion detection and virus detection
5. Pseudorandom function (PRF) or a pseudorandom number generator

Requirements And Security

● For a hash value h = H(x), we say that x is the preimage of h.
● That is, x is a data block whose hash function, using the function H, is h.
● Because H is a many-to-one mapping, for any given hash value h, there will
in general be multiple preimages.

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Security Requirements for Cryptographic Hash Functions:

Q. Describe the working of SHA-512 with diagrams

Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-512)

● SHA was developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) and published as a federal information processing standard (FIPS
180) in 1993.
● SHA is based on the hash function MD4, and its design closely models
● When weaknesses were discovered in SHA, now known as SHA-0, a revised
version was issued as FIPS 180-1 and is referred to as SHA-1

● SHA-1 produces a hash value of 160 bits.

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● FIPS 180-2, that defined three new versions of SHA, with hash value lengths
of 256, 384, and 512 bits, known as SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512,
● These hash algorithms are known as SHA-2.
SHA-512 Logic
● The algorithm takes as input a message with a maximum length of less than
2128 bits
● And produces as output a 512-bit message digest.
● The input is processed in 1024-bit blocks

● The processing consists of the following steps.

1. Step 1: Append padding bits.

● The message is padded so that its length is congruent to 896 modulo
1024 [length K 896(mod 1024)].
● Padding is always added, even if the message is already of the desired
● Thus, the number of padding bits is in the range of 1 to 1024.
● The padding consists of a single 1 bit followed by the necessary
number of 0 bits.

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2. Step 2: Append length
● A block of 128 bits is appended to the message.
● This block is treated as an unsigned 128-bit integer (most significant
byte first) and contains the length of the original message (before the
● The outcome of the first two steps yields a message that is an integer
multiple of 1024 bits in length.
● the expanded message is represented as the sequence of 1024-bit
blocks M1, M2, c, MN, so that the total length of the expanded
message is N * 1024 bits.
3. Step 3: Initialize hash buffer.
● A 512-bit buffer is used to hold intermediate and final results of the
hash function.
● The buffer can be represented as eight 64-bit registers (a, b, c, d, e, f,
g, h).
● These registers are initialized to the 64-bit integers (hexadecimal

● These values are stored in big-endian format, which is the most

significant byte of a word in the low-address (leftmost) byte position
4. Step 4: Process message in 1024-bit (128-word) blocks.
● The heart of the algorithm is a module that consists of 80 rounds;
● Each round takes as input the 512-bit buffer value, abcdefgh, and
updates the contents of the buffer.
● At input to the first round, the buffer has the value of the intermediate
hash value, Hi-1.
● The output of the eightieth round is added to the input to the first
round (Hi-1) to produce Hi

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5. Step 5 Output.
● After all N 1024-bit blocks have been processed, the output from the
Nth stage is the 512-bit message digest.

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Message Authentication Code (MAC)
● Requirements,
● Uses,
● Hash-based MAC (HMAC),
● Cipher-based MAC (CMAC).

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Message Authentication Code (MAC)

● MAC algorithm is a symmetric key cryptographic technique to provide

message authentication. For establishing MAC process, the sender and
receiver share a symmetric key K.

● Authentication technique involves the use of a secret key to generate a small

fixed-size block of data, known as a cryptographic checksum or MAC, that is
appended to the message.
● This technique assumes that two communicating parties, say A and B, share a
common secret key K.
● When A has a message to send to B, it calculates the MAC as a function of the
message and the key:

● The message plus MAC are transmitted to the intended recipient.

● The recipient performs the same calculation on the received message, using the
same secret key, to generate a new MAC.
● The received MAC is compared to the calculated MAC.

● A MAC function is similar to encryption.

● One difference is that the MAC algorithm need not be reversible, as it must be for
● In general, the MAC function is a many-to-one function.

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Requirements for Message Authentication Codes

● A MAC, also known as a cryptographic checksum, is generated by a function C

of the form
T = MAC(K, M)
● where M is a variable-length message,
● K is a secret key shared only by sender and receiver,
● and MAC(K, M) is the fixed-length authenticator, sometimes called a tag
❖ The tag is appended to the message at the source at a time when the message
is assumed or known to be correct.
❖ The receiver authenticates that message by recomputing the tag.
❖ Assume that an opponent knows the MAC function but does not know K. Then
the MAC function should satisfy the following requirements.

● In the first requirement an opponent is able to construct a new message to

match a given tag, even though the opponent does not know and does not
learn the key.

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● The second requirement deals with the need to thwart a brute-force attack based
on chosen plaintext.
● If we assume that the opponent does not know K but does have access to the
MAC function and can present messages for MAC generation, then the
opponent could try various messages until finding one that matches a given tag.
● If the MAC function exhibits uniform distribution, then a brute-force method would
require, on average, 2(n-1) attempts before finding a message that fits a given

● The final requirement dictates that the authentication algorithm should not be
weaker with respect to certain parts or bits of the message than others.
● If this were not the case, then an opponent who had M and MAC(K, M) could
attempt variations on M at the known “weak spots” with a likelihood of early
success at producing a new message that matched the old tags.

12.5 MACs Based on Hash Functions: HMAC

● HMAC Design Objectives
● HMAC Algorithm
● Security of HMAC

MAC s Based on Hash Functions: HMAC

● HMAC has been issued as RFC 2104, has been chosen as the
mandatory-to-implement MAC for IP security, and is used in other Internet
protocols, such as SSL.
HMAC Design Objectives

RFC 2104 lists the following design objectives for HMAC.

● To use, without modifications, available hash functions. In particular, to use hash
functions that perform well in software and for which code is freely and widely

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● To allow for easy replaceability of the embedded hash function in case faster or
more secure hash functions are found or required.
● To preserve the original performance of the hash function without incurring a
significant degradation.
● To use and handle keys in a simple way.
● To have a well understood cryptographic analysis of the strength of the
authentication mechanism based on reasonable assumptions about the
embedded hash function.

12.6 MACs Based on Block Ciphers: DAA and CMAC

● Data Authentication Algorithm
● Cipher-Based Message Authentication Code (CMAC)

Digital signatures –
● Attacks,
● Forgeries,
● Requirements,
● Direct vs Arbitrated digital signatures,
● RSA digital signature,
● ElGamal digital signature,
● Digital Signature Standard (DSS).


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