Question of: Protecting workers’ rights in the context of AI-drive job displacement
Submitter by : Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, South Africa
1. Urges the establishment of a global fund to combat the looming threat of AI-driven job loss,
with a focus on reducing disparities between developed and developing nations and
addressing income inequality within individual nations, by:
a) Ensuring equitable allocation of resources, with the goal of:
i) Supporting efforts to close the developmental gap between developed and
developing nations;
ii) Addressing intra-national income inequality through programs respecting the
sensitivities of each nation, particularly those affected by AI-induced job
b) Establishing a legal framework and operational guidelines to ensure the fund’s efficacy,
i) A conference to address the creation of a treaty to provide legal backing for
ii) Inclusion of all relevant stakeholders in the governance structure, with provisions
for their active participation and input;
iii) An exit strategy ensuring that the fund will scale down or dissolve upon reaching
predefined benchmarks in recipient nations;
c) Implementing accountable operations, by:
i) Holding a convention to determine the global fund’s member nations, the
contributions each shall be making, the location of its headquarters, and the
ii) Determining an allocation system, prioritizing nations and communities most
affected by and vulnerable to AI displacement;
iii) Coordinating with the OECD’s skills strategy, ensuring complementary action
and minimizing duplication of efforts;
iv) Safeguarding vulnerable populations by setting up committees consisting of low-
income workers and marginalized community members.
d) Mitigating risks to the fund’s success by address potential challenges by:
i) Establishing neutral, multilateral governance and creating a dispute resolution
mechanism and to handle political disagreements;
ii) Establishing anti-corruption protocols, such as strict oversight, to prevent misuse
of funds;
iii) The inclusion of provisions for economic diversification in beneficiary nations to
avoid over-reliance on the fund;