Skin Problems in the Community Pharmacy (2)
Skin Problems in the Community Pharmacy (2)
Skin Problems in the Community Pharmacy (2)
Community Pharmacy
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Rash in contact dermatitis often
Location aligns with areas affected by
clothing or jewelry.
Rash timing helps identify
cause; e.g., symptoms
Exposure worsening at work but
improving on holiday suggests
work-related exposure.
What you need to know…
➢Common Features: All dermatitis types cause
redness, dryness, irritation, and itching. Papules
and vesicles may be present; scratching often leads
to broken skin.
➢Chronic Exposure: Leads to dry, scaly, cracked,
or fissured skin.
➢Rash Location: Rash appears at the site of
exposure for both ICD and ACD.
➢Acute Phase: Lesions in ICD appear within 6–12
hours of contact; in ACD, lesions can appear up to
72 hours after exposure.
➢Rash Characteristics:
➢ICD: Rash is well-defined.
➢ACD: Rash is less defined; may spread mildly
beyond exposure site and reactivate on previously
exposed areas.
What you need to Eliminate …
•Commonly caused by food allergies, additives,
and medications.
•Rash is itchy, red, or white and surrounded by
•Appears suddenly and fades within 24 hours;
skin may be swollen and whitens when pressed.
•Treatment: Responds well to systemic
•Lesions appear red and scaly with minimal
•Distinct distribution from dermatitis, typically
unaffected by irritants or allergens.
•Does not respond to allergen or irritant exposure
as dermatitis does. 7
When to refer?
➢Evidence of infection (weeping, crusting, spreading)
➢Severe condition: badly fissured/cracked skin, bleeding
➢Failed medication
➢No identifiable cause (unless previously diagnosed as eczema)
➢No improvement after 1 week with topical corticosteroids
➢Children <10 years in need of corticosteroids
➢Lesions on the face, unresponsive to emollients
Treatment timescale
Treatment timescale
Medicine Use in Children Very Common Patients in Doses and Important Notes
or Common Whom
Side Effects Care is
Salicylic Acid Depending on the Local skin Avoid in Soak the area, dry, remove hard skin.
product, some > 2 / > irritation diabetic Apply a few drops daily to the lesion.
6yo / No lower age patients Avoid unaffected skin.
Salicylic Acid and Depending on the Use as salicylic acid products with daily
Lactic Acid product, >2 years / No application. No added efficacy proven
lower age stated with lactic acid combination.
Glutaraldehyde No lower age stated Local skin Apply twice daily, similar to salicylic acid
(Glutarol) irritation, skin application. Protect surrounding skin.
stains brown
Silver Nitrate No lower age stated Moisten pencil tip, apply to lesion for 1–2
min. Repeat after 24 hours; three
applications for warts, six for verrucas.
Avoid contact with surrounding skin.
Practical Points
➢Often mistaken for corns or calluses; have a spongy texture
with tiny black spots in the center.
➢Rarely found on or between toes; more common in younger
patients than corns or calluses.
➢10x more common in women due to tight shoes.
➢Begins as bursitis of the big toe; inflammation leads to
hardening, forming a gelatinous mass in the joint.
➢Causes pain and difficulty walking in normal shoes.
➢Referral to a podiatrist is recommended.
Treatment Timescale
➢ Relief may be noticed in a few days to weeks
➢ When using keratolytics (e.g., salicylic acid-based treatments):
Visible reduction may take up to 2-3 weeks, but results vary and
treatment may be ongoing to manage symptoms.