Version 1.2.x
User's Guide
Revision: 04
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1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 GLOSSARY....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................. 4
2 CONTEXT .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 FBM REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 STORE-AND-FORWARD .................................................................................................................... 7
3 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 7
4 CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 HSCS COLLECTOR CONFIGURATION FILE ......................................................................................... 8
4.2 HSCS COLLECTOR TAGS CONFIGURATION FILE .............................................................................. 10
5 DATA ACQUISITION CONFIGURATION FOR REAL-TIME VALUES .................................... 12
5.1 TAG CONFIGURATION RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................................... 12
Discrete Tags .......................................................................................................................... 12
Analog Tags ............................................................................................................................ 13
5.2 HISTORIAN SERVER TAGS .............................................................................................................. 13
Batch Configuration for the Tags............................................................................................. 13
Manual Tag Configuration ....................................................................................................... 15
5.3 WONDERWARE EVENT ACQUISITION ............................................................................................... 17
Alarm Provider ......................................................................................................................... 17
Alarm Consumer...................................................................................................................... 17
5.4 REDUNDANT TAGS FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCE............................................................ 19
6 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................... 21
6.1 ARCHESTRA SMC LOGS ................................................................................................................ 21
7 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................ 23
7.1 APPENDIX A – SIGNAL CONDITIONING INDEX (SCI) .......................................................................... 23
7.2 APPENDIX B - SE.HSCSCOLLECTOR.EXE.CONFIG FILE EXAMPLE ..................................................... 24
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Table 4-1 Fields of the configuration file ....................................................................................... 9
Table 3-2 Description of HSCS Tags configuration file ............................................................... 11
Table 5-1 Typical fields used for analog tags ............................................................................. 13
Table 5-2 Typical fields used for discrete tags............................................................................ 15
Table 5-3 Provider information ................................................................................................... 17
Figure 3-1 Typical HSCS Collector Architecture ...................................................................... 7
Figure 4-1 Discrete tags configuration........................................................................................ 12
Figure 4-2 Mix of discrete and analog tags configuration ........................................................... 12
Figure 5-1 Add a new Discrete Tag ............................................................................................ 15
Figure 5-2 Define a unique Tag name ........................................................................................ 16
Figure 5-3 Define the Description and Message Pair ................................................................. 16
Figure 5-4 Define the acquisition type ........................................................................................ 16
Figure 5-5 Define the storage method ........................................................................................ 17
Figure 5-6 Alarm DB Logger Manager View ............................................................................... 18
Figure 5-7 Alarm DB Logger Configuration ................................................................................ 18
Figure 5-8 Alarm DB Logger Query Selection ............................................................................ 19
Figure 5-9 Possible scenarios when using 2 sources for a tag ................................................... 19
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1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document is intended for the engineers responsible for the configuration of the High-Speed
Control Software Collector (HSCS Collector).
1.2 Glossary
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2 Context
2.1 Scope
This document contains general concepts and guidelines on the configuration of the HSCS
The installation steps are not part of the scope of this document, please refer to the Installation
Guide (HSCSCollector-0IG-001) for the complete installation details.
The HSCS Collector can acquire data from the following EcoStruxture Foxboro DCS Field Bus
Module (FBM):
• FBM201/b/c/d
o Analog inputs must be configured with AIN or MAIN blocks
• FBM207/b/c
• FBM208/b
o Analog inputs must be configured with AIN or MAIN blocks
• FBM217
• FBM219
o Must be configured with ECB5
o Digital inputs must be configured with CIN or MCIN blocks
• FBM247
o Analog inputs must be configured with RIN blocks
▪ The PNT_NO parameter for RIN blocks have to be CURRENT, 10V or 5V.
o Digital inputs must be configured with BIN blocks
▪ The PNT_NO parameter in BIN blocks have to be SOE
• FBM248
o Analog inputs must be configured with RIN blocks
▪ The PNT_NO parameter for RIN blocks have to be CURRENT, 10V or 5V.
o Digital inputs must be configured with BIN blocks
▪ The PNT_NO parameter in BIN blocks have to be SOE
The HSCS Collector provides data collection for up to 500 analog and 1000 discrete points with
time resolution of 1ms for digital signals and 10ms for analog signals (with a maximum of 128
analog points from a single FCP/FCM).
• AINR blocks are not supported; corresponding points from each FBM must be monitored
• Required FBM buffer space for event storage is a minimum of 32K. If that much space is
not available, then the FBM memory must be increased.
• Required FCP/FCM buffer space for event storage is a minimum of 700K. A value of 1
Meg is recommended.
• When using FCM, FCM must be connected to an Ethernet switch; not connected directly
to the ZCP270.
• Digital FBMs can store up to 4000 unread events per FBM. These events will be read from
each FBM at a maximum rate of 40 events per second. This implies:
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• 40 events per second per FBM is the maximum sustained rate of events that can
be reliably recorded.
• Data will be lost during the time when the internal buffer is full.
To assure reliable functionality, the FBM software must be upgraded to a revision that is compatible
with version of TDR/TDA package used. Refer to Transient Data Recorder and Analyzer
(TDR/TDA) User’s Guide (B0700AL) for more details.
When using HSCS Collector with TDR/TDA v1.7, the minimum FBM software versions are:
The EEPROM update should be done before using the HSCS Collector and the FBM should be
switched to off-line mode before updating the EEPROM.
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2.3 Store-And-Forward
HSCS Collector connects and stores the data in the Wonderware Historian. If the connection with
the Historian is interrupted or if the Historian is shut down, the data can be automatically buffered
in a local “Store-And-Forward” folder. When the Historian comes back online, the locally stored
data is fed into the Historian.
This feature ensures there will be no data loss while if the Historian temporarily gets disconnected
or shut down, up to a certain time limit.
3 Overview
The High-Speed Control Software (HSCS) Collector is a high-speed collector that retrieves data
from compatible FBMs (ref 2.2) connected to the MESH network of a Foxboro DCS system. It is
used to collect and store discrete and analog values with a high timestamp precision. It installs as
a Windows service.
To collect data from the FBM, the HSCS Collector uses the FoxHSDAI software component of the
Transient Data Recorder and Analyzer (TDR/TDA) package.
Once collected, the data is sent to the Wonderware Historian, or it can be sent optionally to the
Wonderware Alarm Database (WWALMDB) using the Wonderware Alarm DB Logger.
A typical HSCS Collector installation consists of one (or more) collector workstations and one
Wonderware Historian server.
The following figure shows the typical HSCS Collector architecture, coupled with the SOE-TRA
Suite package used to detect specific plant events and trip events and perform post event custom
actions and reporting.
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4 Configuration
4.1 HSCS Collector Configuration File
The HSCS Collector configuration file is used to configure the data archiving functionality.
The configuration file is found, when using default installation path, under C:\Program Files
(x86)\Schneider Electric\HSCS Collector\ HSCSCollector_ConfigFile.csv
The HSCS Collector reads the configuration file only at service startup. The service must be
restarted for any change to take effect.
Refer to table below for a description of the parameters contained in the configuration file.
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Use a standard text editor or an XML editor to modify the parameters in the configuration file.
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Edit the parameters in the applicationSettings section (between the XML tags
<applicationSettings> and </applicationSettings>) to configure the HSCS Collector.
When done, save the configuration file and close the text editor or the XML editor.
The configuration file is found, when using default installation path, under C:\Program Files
(x86)\Schneider Electric\HSCS Collector\ HSCSCollector_ConfigFile.csv
• Tag information consisting of the Tag name, Description, Engineering unit, and the IOType.
o For Analog tags additional information can be defined for: Min, Max, the Signal
Conditioning Index (SCIIVO), the Value Deadband and the Time Deadband.
o For Discrete tags additional information can be defined for the Invert Option (SCIIVO).
• Event Group and Event Priority associated to the Tag.
• Identification of the hardware hosting the Tag: Primary/Secondary Station,
Primary/Secondary FCM, Primary/Secondary FBM, Primary/Secondary Channel.
• Storage Type.
Note: Refer to the Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for the AIN block for a
description of the Signal Conditioning Index (SCI).
The HSCS Collector reads the configuration file only at service startup. The service must be
restarted for any change to take effect.
Refer to table below for a description of the parameters contained in the configuration file.
Note that some fields can be left empty, in which case the default value for the field will be used.
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The required fields are the fields that must be filled out by the engineer. The other field which are
not required can be left empty, except for some case.
* These fields should be filled by the engineer if the Wonderware Event archiver is used, but they
are not required.
** If SCI/IVO field is set to 1 for Discrete tags, then the value is inverted, 0 if not. For analog SCI
values, see Appendix A – Signal Conditioning Index (SCI).
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The figures below are typical examples of the HSCS Collector tags configuration file (Excel view).
The Figure 4-1 is an example of discrete tags configured with a primary source only.
The Figure 4-2 is an example of a mix of discrete and analog tags configured with a primary source
only. Note the presence of the mandatory minimum and maximum values for the analog tags.
For tags that require a secondary source, the respective parameters must be added in the
corresponding columns similar to the primary source.
Notice that in the two examples above, several columns are hidden for readability purposes. Only
the columns with relevant information are displayed in the screen shots.
Refer to Table 3-2 for a complete list of the fields present in the configuration file and their
• Configure the HSCS Collector on the workstation (using the two configuration files).
• Add the tags to the Wonderware Historian on the Historian server.
WARNING: Any change in the configuration of either the HSCS Collector or the historian server
may interrupt data acquisition and lead to data loss during the reconfiguration time.
Therefore, all the discrete tags should be configured with the Forced storage method since the
FBM is already applying a delta on the coming data.
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Analog Tags
The analog FBMs will scan every 10ms for the analog inputs and send the value as a raw count to
the FoxHSDAI. The FoxHSDAI does not forward identical values from the FBM to the HSCS
This means that the FoxHSDAI is acting with a built-in value delta of 1/64000 (64000 is the
resolution of the FBM’s analog-to-digital converter).
Therefore, analog tags can be configured either with the Forced storage method to store all the
analog values coming from the FoxHSDAI or with the Delta Storage if an additional large value
delta must be used to minimize the storage size or avoid collecting “noise” values.
Alternatively, the user can create the tags manually either in batch mode or individually as
described in the sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2.
Note that the HSCS Collector collected data will not be historized if the configured Historian tags
listed in the HSCS Collector tags configuration file either exist in the Historian or will be added
• Make sure that you keep the header lines starting with a colon “:”
• Add all HSCS Collector analog tags under the line starting with “:(AnalogTag)”
• Add all HSCS Collector discrete tags under the line starting with “:(DiscreteTag)”
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EngUnits None
MinEU 0
MaxEU 100
MinRaw 0
MaxRaw 100
Scaling None
RawType MSFloat
IntegerSize 0
ValueDeadband 0
InitialValue 0
CurrentEditor 0
RateDeadband 0
InterpolationType System Default
RolloverValue 0
ServerTimeStamp No
DeadbandType TimeValue
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• Provide a name (it is recommended to use the format C:B.P but you can decide otherwise)
• Provide a description
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• Right click on Configuration Editor and select “Commit Pending Changes” and click
These events must be further collected to the Wonderware Alarm Database WWALMDB using the
Alarm DB Logger.
Alarm Provider
When the “WonderwareEvent” option is enabled the HSCS is acting as an Alarm Provider within
the Wonderware Alarm System.
The HSCS collector initializes an alarm provider at the start of the services with the following
provider information.
Alarm Consumer
The Events raised by the HSCS acting as an Alarm Provider are made available to any Alarm
Consumer by the Wonderware Alarm System.
The Wonderware Alarm DB Logger is the Alarm Consumer that must be used to store the events
to the Wonderware Alarm Database.
The Wonderware Alarm DB Logger can reside on the same computer node as the HSCS or can
reside on a different node.
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To configure the Alarm DB Logger, launch the Wonderware Alarm DB Logger Manager and click
on Settings. If the Alarm DB Logger is running you need to click the Stop button first.
Fill in the correct information for the location of the Alarm Database server, the name of the
Alarm Database and the user credentials.
Click Next to configure the alarm query that will retrieve the Events form the Wonderware Alarm
If the HSCS is running on a different computer node then the Alarm DB Logger, then the alarm
query must be prepended by the remote Computer name where the HSCS is running using the
syntax “\\HSCSNodeName”.
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For example, if the HSCS resides on the computer AWIN10, then the alarm query syntax is
Possible Scenarios:
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Case #1: Both points from FBMs have a good quality. HSCS will use the point from the primary
source as the input source for the configured Tag.
Case #2: Both points from FBMs have a good quality. Values from primary and secondary source
are different but since the priority is given to the primary source, HSCS will use the point configured
on the primary source as the value for the Tag.
Case #3: The quality of the point configured on primary source is bad. HSCS will use the point
from the secondary source as the value for the configured Tag.
Case #4: The quality of the point configured on the primary source is back to normal. HSCS will
use the point from the primary source as the value for the configured Tag.
Case #5: The 2 points configured on both FBMs have a bad quality. HSCS will set a bad quality
for the configured tag and STS will report a NULL value.
A Tag Name needs to be defined in “HSCSCollector_ConfigFile.csv” before being added into the
Historian Server.
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6 Troubleshooting
6.1 ArchestrA SMC Logs
The following items describe possible errors, warnings or information displayed in the SMC log.
To correct this error, make sure you answer to all the system requirements (TDR v1.7, control
software). Make sure that you have I/A installed on this server. If the error persists, contact SE
To correct this error, make sure that the tags listed in the HSCS tag configuration file are entered
correctly with no typo.
To correct this error, make sure the tag configured in the HSCS Collector match those configured
in the Historian.
To correct this error, make sure the tag configured in the HSCS Collector match those configured
in the Historian.
To correct this error, make sure that no mandatory fields are missing and that the configuration file
follow the general guidelines written in the user guide.
To correct this warning find the tags where the name is missing and write a name for the tags.
restart the service once the file is saved.
Storage Type not specified for tag: <TagName>. Using default value: Forced
This warning indicates that the storage type is not specified for the Tag and the default “Forced”
storage type will be used.
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To correct this issue, first verify that the FBM requirements for this package are fulfilled and perform
any necessary image updates if necessary. If the issue persists, contact SE support.
To correct this issue, first verify that the FBM requirements for this package are fulfilled and perform
any necessary image updates if necessary. If the issue persists, contact SE support.
Event Group defined in configuration file, but no event priority defined for tag: <TagName>.
This Warning indicates that no event priority was defined for the Tag.
To correct this issue, specify an event priority for the tag in the HSCS Tag configuration.
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7 Appendices
7.1 Appendix A – Signal Conditioning Index (SCI)
SCI = 0: No linearization; output = input
SCI = 1: Linear (0 to 64000) (“0 to 100%”)
SCI = 2: Linear (1600 to 64000) (“0 to 100%, Elevated Zero”)
SCI = 3: Linear (12800 to 64000) (“20 to 100%”)
SCI = 4: Square root (0 to 64000) (“0 to 100%”)
SCI = 5: Square root (12800 to 64000), clamped (“20 to 100%”)
SCI = 6: Square root, low cutoff (0 to 64000), clamp < 3/4% (“0 to 100%”)
SCI = 7: Square root, low cutoff (12800 to 64000), clamp < 3/4% (“20 to 100%”)
SCI = 8: Pulse rate
SCI = 9: Linear, low cutoff (1600 to 64000) (“0 to 100%, Elevated Zero”)
SCI = 10: Linear, low cutoff (12800 to 64000)(“20 to 100%”)
SCI = 11 Square root, Intelligent Transmitter 2 (0 to 64000)
SCI = 12: Linear (14080 to 64000)(“20 to 100%, Elevated Zero”)
SCI = 13: Square root, low cutoff (14080 to 64000),(“20 to 100%, Elevated Zero”)
SCI = 15 Square root, low cutoff (1600 to 64000)
SCI = 50: Linear 0 to 65535 raw counts
SCI = 51: Linear -32768 to 32767 raw counts
SCI = 52: Linear 0 to 32767 raw counts
SCI = 53: Linear 0 to 1000 raw counts
SCI = 54: Linear 0 to 9999 raw counts
SCI = 55: Linear 0 to 2048 raw counts
SCI = 56: Linear 409 to 2048 raw counts
SCI = 57: Square root 0 to 2048 raw counts
SCI = 58: Square root 409 to 2048 raw counts with low cutoff
SCI = 59: Linear 0 to 4095 raw counts
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