Assignment midwifery 1
Assignment midwifery 1
Assignment midwifery 1
Iron-Deficient Anemia
Many adolescent girls are deficient in iron because their low protein intake
cannot balance the amount of iron lost with menstrual flows. Deficiency is
revealed by chronic fatigue, pale mucous membranes, and a hemoglobin
level less than 11 g/dL. As if the girl’s body has identified a mineral lack,
iron-deficiency anemia is associated with pica, or the ingestion of inedible
substances. Cravings for ice cubes or candy bars may develop because of
this. A pregnancy compounds iron-deficiency anemia because a girl must
now supply enough iron for fetal growth and her increasing blood volume. All
pregnant women should take an iron and folic acid supplement . This is
especially important for the adolescent. Help a girl plan a daily time for
taking her iron supplement
Preterm Labour
Adolescents are at high risk for preterm labor, probably because their
uteruses are not fully grown. Review the signs of labor with them by the 3 rd
month of pregnancy. Stress that labor contractions begin as only a sweeping
contraction no more intense than menstrual cramps. Also, any vaginal
bleeding is suspicious of labor and should be reported. Adolescent girls have
gained much of their knowledge of labor from television . Therefore, they
may dismiss light contractions as simple discomfort, not realizing they might
be the start of labor. Adolescents who recognize labor contractions early on
can seek care to have premature labor halted.
Cephalopelvic Disproportion
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Adolescents show the same positive bonding behavior with their infants as
their more mature counterparts. They may, however, lack knowledge of
infant care. Although they may consider themselves to be knowledgeable in
child care. They can be overwhelmed in the postpartum period to realize that
when the baby is their own, child care is not as simple as it once seemed.
When the child cries, they cannot hand it to someone else; at the end of 4
hours, when they are tired of caring for the baby, they cannot leave and walk
away. Although these things were most likely discussed with an adolescent
dur- ing pregnancy, these feelings may not arise until the child is actually
born. Unfortunately, most adolescent mothers do not breast- feed. This is
related to their perception of breast-feeding as something that will “tie me
down” and the reality that they will be returning to school full- time soon
after birth.
Discuss drug and substance use in 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy
1st trimester