Subject: CIVICS
Compostion – Chief Justice of India and 33 Compostion – Chief Justice of the High Court and
other judges. as many judges as appointed by the President of
A judge of the High Court may be India.
appointed by the Chief Justice of India as Additional judges to clear arrears of work in a
an Ad Hoc judge in the Supreme Court High Court and
whenever it is necessary and for a period of Acting Judges to work in the place of a Permanent
time that is necessary. Judge in his absence
are also appointed from time to time.
Qualifications – Qualifications –
a. A citizen of India.
b. Has been judge of the High Court for 5 a. A citizen of India.
years in succession. b. Has held a judicial office in India for at least 10
c. Has been an advocate of the High Court years in succession.
for 10 years in succession. c. Has been an advocate of the High Court for 10
d. Is, in the opinion of the President, a years in succession.
distinguished jurist.
Term of Office - Holds office until he Term of Office - Holds office until he attains the
attains the age of 65 age of 62
Worksheet No:
Grade: X
Subject: CIVICS
Worksheet No:
Grade: X
Subject: CIVICS
4. Interpretation of Constitution –
All cases requiring interpretation of
the Constitution can be directly filed
in the Supreme Court.
It is the final interpreter of the
The Supreme Court can declare any
law made by the Central or State
Government null and void if it
violates the Constitution. This
power is called Judicial Review.
It has original jurisdiction in this
It is the power of the Supreme court to hear It is the power of the High court to hear appeals
appeals against the decisions of lower against the decisions of District courts. It has the
courts. It has the power to change the power to change the decisions passed by the lower
decisions passed by the lower courts. courts.
The Supreme Court has appellate The High Court has appellate jurisdiction in three
jurisdiction in three types of cases – types of cases –
Worksheet No:
Grade: X
Subject: CIVICS
The power of the Supreme Court to review The power of the High Court to review any
any Judgement or order made by it to Judgement or order made by a subordinate court
remove any errors that might have crept to when it feels that the subordinate court has
into the decision. exceeded its jurisdiction or has not followed proper
The Supreme Court is a court of record and procedure or where there has been grave injustice
its decisions are not questioned in any court It can review the judgements and take appropriate
of law. They are produced as precedents in action.
lower courts and the judges of the lower
courts are bound by these
judgements.Hence it is important to remove
errors which might have crept into its
Judicial Review Judicial Review
The Supreme Court is the final interpreter The High Court along with the Supreme Court has
of the Constitution. the power of Judicial Review.
It has the power to look into the laws It has the power to look into the laws passed by
passed by the Union or State Government the State Government and declare them ‘ultra
and declare them ‘ultra vires’ or Null and vires’ or Null and Void if they are against the
Void if they are against the Constitution. Constitution.
This power is called Judicial Review. This power is called Judicial Review.
Need for Judicial Review –
The Supreme Court has a right to
intervene if either the Union or State
Government goes beyond the limits
of its authority.
Worksheet No:
Grade: X
Subject: CIVICS
The Supreme Court is a court of record. The High Court is a court of record. That means its
That means its judgements are recorded judgements are recorded and preserved as
and preserved as evidence and testimony. evidence and testimony.
They can be produced in any subordinate They can be produced in any subordinate court as
court as precedents. precedents.
The judgements of the Supreme Court The judgements of the High Court cannot be
cannot be disregarded or questioned by any disregarded or questioned by any lower court.
lower court. If a person commits contempt of court, the court
If a person commits contempt of court, the has the authority to punish him.
court has the authority to punish him.
Lok Adalat
Worksheet No:
Grade: X
Subject: CIVICS
Worksheet No: