1.Introduction of Neonatology

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Neonatology Overview

Dr.Abdikarim Awale
MBBS, Pead's-resident, HPE, MPH-HSM
Doctor at Neonatal Unit Hargeisa Group

5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale

What is neonatology?

5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale

Neonatology is a branch of
pediatrics that studies the care,
development, and diseases of
newborn infants.

5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale

Neonatal Health care
neo, "new", natal, "pertaining to birth o
r origin“
Neonatal period: the first 4 weeks
after delivery.
Neonatal healthcare: is the care given
to newborn babies within their first four
weeks of life.
5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale
Why we need this course ?
“In 2019, 2.4 million deaths, or roughly 47%
of all under-five deaths, occur during this
period. This translates to 6700 newborn
deaths every day.” source WHO.
In developing countries nearly half of all
mothers and newborns do not receive
skilled care during and immediately after

5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale

Why we need this course ?
The majority of the neonatal deaths are
concentrated in the first day and week,
with about 1 million dying on the first
day and close to one million dying
within the next six days. Reducing
neonatal mortality is increasingly
important not only because the
proportions of under-five deaths that
occur during the neonatal period
5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale
Why we need this course ?
There are more than 1 million
neonatal deaths in Africa
75% of the neonatal deaths occur
in the first week of life.
30% of the deaths are in the first
24 hours of life.

5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale

Why we need this course ?
Up to two thirds of newborn
deaths can be prevented if
known, effective health measures are
provided at birth and during the first
week of life.

5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale

Why we need this course ?
Neonatal mortality rate of
Somaliland is estimated 37/1000
live birth.
Most of their deaths are unrecorded
and remain invisible.
Somaliland is just starting postnatal
care programmes to reach mothers
and babies at this critical time.
5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale
Why we need this course?

At birth the need for resuscitation

is not predictable
The right skills and knowledge plus
simple equipment can save many
newborn lives
Anyone who delivers babies should
be able to provide at least the
simple resuscitation if necessary.
5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale
Somaliland situation of the
health of Maternal And Child
Under 5 mortality 131.5/1000
Infant mortality(IMR) 65/1000
Neonatal mortality(NMR) 37 to
maternal mortality ratio (MMR)
692 per 100,000.

5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale

Target : Word Sustainable
Millennium Development goals
By 2030, end preventable deaths of
newborns and children under 5 years of
age, with all countries aiming to
neonatal mortality to at least as
low as 12 per 1,000 live births and
under-5 mortality to at least as low
as 25 per 1,000 live birth.
5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale
The Somaliland Health and
Demographic Survey- 2020 key findings
13% of children aged 12-23 months had received all
basic vaccination.
30% of children had received BCG.
15% of the children had received polio 3 vaccine, and
15% of children had received measles vaccination
The prevalence of early initiation of breastfeeding in
the first hour of birth is 69%.
30% of children aged 0-5 months were exclusively
7% of children aged less than 2 years have their birth
5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale
The Somaliland Health and Demographic
Survey- 2020 key findings

33% of live births were delivered at health

48% were assisted by a Traditional Birth
Attendant (TBA) whereas 40% of deliveries
are assisted by a skilled provider.
4% of deliveries were performed using
Caesarean section in the 5 years preceding
the survey.
66% of women aged 15-49 have no education
5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale
The main Global causes of
neonatal mortality are:


2. prematurity.
3. Intrapartum-related complication
(Birth Asphyxia)
4. Neonatal infections: e.g., tetanus
neonatorum, neonatal septicemia,
neonatal meningitis, neonatal pneumonia
and neonatal diarrhea.
5. Birth defects

5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale

Questions ?

5/28/23 Dr.Abdikarim Awale

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