Tlt 022016
Tlt 022016
Tlt 022016
T R I B O LO G Y &
12 YEARS Applications, performance and the challenges
of publishing excellence
in bringing a new product to market.
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Contents TLT / FEBRUARY 2016 / VOLUME 72 / NO. 2
16 22 24
16 Lynn Massad 28 The challenge of bringing 36 Properties and Performance
synthetic lubricants to of Gas-Expanded Lubricants
With 25 years of industry
market in Tilting Pad Journal
experience, this corporate R&D
chemist discusses the evolution Performance, price and product Bearings
of quality inspections and differentiation are keys to entry, By Brian K. Weaver, Amir A.
technology. but acceptance still can take Younan, Timothy W. Dimond,
years. Zhuosong Wang, Paul Allaire
By Rachel Fowler
By Debbie Sniderman and Andres F. Clarens
Front cover photo: © Can Stock Photo Inc. / ldambies
Debbie Sniderman
This month’s newsmakers
COORDINATORS Tracy Nicholas VanEe
Calumet Specialty Products Myrna Scott Phone: (630) 922-3459
Partners, L.P., Chemtura Corp., Judy Enblom Fax: (630) 904-4563
Des-Case Corp. and more. COLUMNS (847) 825-5536
Joe Ruck
56 New Products 4 President’s Report
Deep groove ball bearings; Darwinian tribology
amino alcohol product; Patrick Brutto Michael N. Kotzalas
super-resolution microscope 6 From the Editor ANGUS Chemical Co. The Timken Co.
Finding efficiencies Buffalo Grove, Illinois North Canton, Ohio
and more.
Vincent Gatto Dr. Anoop Kumar
Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC Royal Manufacturing Co.
58 Sounding Board 8 Headquarters Report Norwalk, Connecticut Tulsa, Oklahoma
What is your favorite book on What’s keeping you up David B. Gray Shawn McCarthy
Evonik Oil Additives
tribology, lubrication or a at night? Horsham, Pennsylvania
Ocean State Oil, Inc.
Riverside, Rhode Island
related topic? Dr. Martin Greaves
68 Social Media Marketing The Dow Chemical Co. Dr. Mary Moon
Horgen, Switzerland Presque Isle
64 Advertisers Index Baby steps Innovations, LLC
Michael D. Holloway Yardley, Pennsylvania
ALS Tribology
70 Automotive Tribology Highland Village, Texas William Nehart
66 Resources Calumet Specialty
Speed demon Tyler Housel Products Partners, L.P.
Keep up to date with the latest INOLEX, Inc. Apple Valley, Minnesota
technical literature available in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
72 Cutting Edge Jason Papacek
print and online. Dr. Robert Jackson POLARIS Laboratories
Auburn University
In memoriam: Auburn, Alabama
Indianapolis, Indiana
Kenneth L. Johnson Dr. Zulfiqar Khan Dr. Mehdi Shafiei
Bournemouth University Novelis Global Research
Poole, Dorset, & Technology Center
© Can Stock Photo Inc. / Ammit
Copyright © 2016 Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. All Rights Reserved. TRIBOLOGY AND LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGY (USPS 865740)
TLT magazine is owned and published in print and electronically by the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE). Vol. 72, Number 2, (ISSN-1545-858), is published monthly
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Dr. Martin Webster
individuals may focus on either a theoretical
approach using such tools as molecular dynam-
ics simulations or a more experimental ap-
approaches produce a continuum of specializa-
tions much like Darwin’s Finches.
Our visit to the Galápagos Islands coincided
with an El Niño year in which the cool Humboldt
The Galápagos Islands Current is replaced by a warmer Equatorial Cur-
rent. The changes in sea temperature influence
show us a unique local and global weather patterns. Crucially, it
ecosystem and the also disrupts the distribution of nutrients associ-
ated with the Humboldt Current and has a dra-
fragility of life. matic effect on the entire Galápagos food chain.
The sea lion is just one of the species Lack of food forces some animals to pro-
naturalists study on the Galápagos duce fewer offspring in El Niño years while
RECENTLY MY WIFE JANET AND I UNDER- Islands, which have been described other groups are less affected. Even at the
TOOK AN ECO-TOUR OF THE GALÁPAGOS IS- as an ecological laboratory. early stage of this year’s El Niño, we witnessed
LANDS. This has been on our bucket list for a albatross eggs and even sea lion pups that had
while, and we were anxious to learn more about been abandoned. In our tribological archipela-
the wildlife and ecosystem of this unique archi- existing ideas and concepts were transported go, lean economic times reduced funding
pelago. The islands began to form almost 10 from the worlds of engineering, physics, chem- sources from government and industry can
million years ago, created by undersea volcanic istry and materials science. force some hard decisions. Some activities
eruptions. Subsequent movement of the tec- Over time, new islands have been created such as work toward meeting global fuel econ-
tonic plates moved the newly formed islands to add to the original archipelago. Likewise, we omy and emission standards might be main-
away from the active volcano site. The repeated have seen new tribological islands created that tained while other programs are delayed until
process of island formation and tectonic drift, have added to the original classical topics. A funding returns at a later date.
which continues today, eventually resulted in great example is the emergence of nanotribol- The chance to visit the unique ecosystem
the existing group of islands we see today. ogy, which is now providing us with a mecha- that exists on the Galápagos Islands has left
The island’s most famous visitor was nistic understanding of friction and wear pro- Janet and me with a renewed appreciation for
Charles Darwin. His famous book, The Origin cesses at the molecular level. Furthermore, like the fragility of the life that exists there. Hap-
of the Species, published in 1859, was inspired the final fate of a Galápagos Island that ends pily, Ecuador and naturalists around the world
by some of the observations of the life he up being eroded below sea level, we have seen have recognized the need to maintain the en-
found and catalogued during his stay. This waning interest in some hitherto topical areas. vironment and natural resources on the is-
work was controversial at the time but even- An example would be research into the tribol- lands. Tours such as ours are limited and are
tually formed the basis for the evolutionary ogy of magnetic recording media that had its well managed in order to limit their impact.
biology concepts we know today. heyday more than a decade ago. Visitors to the islands are encouraged to be
Their isolation from the mainland and the Evolutionary forces have created diversity ambassadors for the wildlife that inhabits the
fact that each island represents a different even among a single species. The Galápagos islands to make sure they remain preserved for
stage in an evolutionary cycle creates a unique Islands are home to 13 different subspecies of future generations.
series of different environments. Naturalists birds that are often referred to as Darwin’s Similarly, through various advocacy ef-
and biologists still conduct research studies on Finches. The variations can be recognized by forts, STLE is striving to improve the public
the Galápagos Islands, which have been de- looking at something as simple as the beaks, perception of how important lubrication and
scribed as an ecological laboratory. In learning which range in size and shape from being blunt tribology are to human existence both so-
more about how the evolutionary process has and well suited to crushing seeds to sharp cially and economically. Each of us should
worked on these islands, I began to realize that needle-shaped versions that are adapted to- consider ourselves as ambassadors to carry
parallels exist in the formation and evolution ward probing for food sources. The changes are the message at every opportunity.
of our own discipline. driven by external environmental factors and
Since they have never been connected to can be imperceptibly gradual between the dif-
Martin Webster is a senior
the mainland, life on the islands gained its start ferent sub-species. research associate for
by life forms that were transported by wind, In our tribological world, a group of experts ExxonMobil Research and
ocean currents or carried by visiting sea birds might have a common interest, but their indi- Engineering in Annandale, N.J.
and animals. Likewise when the term tribology vidual expertise may be honed to solve specific You can reach him at martin.n.
was first used to unify our disparate disciplines, problems. Taking our nanotribology example,
4 The word volcano is from the Latin Volcanus for Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.
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Finding efficiencies
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6 Volcanoes are vents in the Earth’s crust through which lava, rock, fragments, hot vapors and gases are ejected.
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Edward P. Salek, CAE / Executive Director
8 The three different kinds of volcanoes—composite cones, shields and cinder cones—are categorized by size, composition and explosive style.
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ONE OF THE CHALLENGES FACED IN MANU- just below the melting point of a metal
C S FACTURING A COMPLEX PIECE OF MACHIN- substrate enabling the second metal al-
ERY such as an automobile is finding loy to effectively bond to that substrate.
• The problem with resistance
the best approach for joining dissimilar The traditional approach used to
spot welding is the formation metals. This process is becoming more join dissimilar metals is resistance
off joints that become
beco e the weak important due to the growing use of spot welding. Glenn Daehn, profes-
point of the joined
join d metals. lighter-weight, nonferrous metals such sor of materials science and engineer-
as aluminum being used with ferrous ing at The Ohio State University in
• A new process for joining
joiningg metal alloys in automobile manufacturing. Columbus, Ohio, says, “In resistance
kno n as vaporizedd foil
known A significant example is Ford Motor spot welding, a high electrical current
t t r do
does nott impact
p ct the Co.’s replacement of 1,000 lbs. of steel is passed through the two metals that
h al properties
pr t es of thee with 600 lbs. of aluminum in its best- need to be joined. This generates heat
selling F-150 pickup truck.1 that partially melts both metals togeth-
join d metals.
A previous TLT article described er, forming a weld.”
• Weld strength
stre th is dependent a modification of a technique known Daehn continues, “The main prob-
as cladding that is used to bond one lem with this technique is that the
p the types of metal alloys
metal alloy.2 The modification is known melted portions of metal are never as
used and the speed at which the as high-energy-density fusion cladding strong as they were prior to welding.
t o alloys aree pushed together.
two t g th . and utilizes a high-density infrared arc With the continuing introduction of
lamp to heat the temperature to a point stronger metal alloys, joints have be-
10 Composite cone volcanoes are composed of layers of lava, ash and rock debris, grow to heights of 8,000 feet or more and erupt violently.
lide. Some alloy pairs weld extremely
well and display very distinguished in-
terfaces such as the weld shown in Fig-
ure 1—between copper at the top and
titanium at the bottom—which shows
curls of titanium interacting with the
Daehn believes that copper and tita-
nium form the most beautiful interface.
In contrast, the interface between alu-
minum and steel while forming strong
welds does not produce distinguishing
Daehn says, “Certain pairs of alu-
Figure 1 | A microscopic view of the interface formed when copper (at the top) and titanium minum and magnesium alloys stick
(at the bottom) are joined together through a new technique known as vaporized foil actuator together after VFA but do not exhibit
is shown. (Figure courtesy of The Ohio State University.) good strength. Our ultimate objective
is to push the failure of the welded ma-
terial into the base metals.”
come the weak point. In effect, joints Daehn says, “VFA is a form of im- One area of concern in working
have not become stronger to match the pact welding that facilitates the colli- with dissimilar metals is the possibility
new metals used.” sion of two dissimilar metals at high of galvanic corrosion. Daehn says, “We
The result is a decrease in the joint speeds over a short distance to form a believe that if the metals being welded
efficiency, which is the ratio of the very strong weld without melting the have corrosion potentials within 150
strength of the joint to the strength of metal. A typical piece of metal will millivolts of each other, they will not
the base material. The goal is to achieve move at a speed of 300-700 meters per cause problems. One example of an
100% joint efficiency, but this cannot second during this process. This is typi- alloy combination that is much fur-
be realized using resistance spot weld- cally the sweet spot for the process.” ther apart than 150 millivolts and may
ing. One other problem is the need to cause problems is ferrous alloys and
generate high currents that require a magnesium.”
large amount of costly energy. The researchers will continue to
Some alloy pairs weld
Two other methods for joining dis- examine other alloy combinations and
similar metals are adhesives and fasten- extremely well and display work to make the system more robust
ers. Adhesives are weaker than metal very distinguished in the future. Additional information
alloys while fasteners exhibit joint ef- can be found in a recent reference3 or
ficiencies less than 100%, add weight interfaces. by contacting Daehn at Daehn.1@osu.
and expense and can corrode. edu.
There is need for a new welding ap-
proach that can achieve the 100% joint VFA differs from other welding
efficiency goal. Such an approach has techniques in that the physical prop-
1. Canter, N. (2014), “Developing
now been developed. erties of the metal are little changed,
metalworking fluids for light
which means that a strong weld should
metals,” TLT, 70 (3), pp. 46-57.
VAPORIZED FOIL ACTUATOR have comparable properties to the base
Daehn, in collaboration with his col- metal alloys used. The researchers have 2. Canter, N. (2011), “A cost-effec-
leagues, has developed a new system evaluated different combinations of fer- tive metal-cladding process,” TLT,
67 (12), pp. 10-11.
to join dissimilar metals that is known rous, aluminum, magnesium, titanium
as vaporized foil actuator (VFA). This and nickel alloys. Daehn says, “In our 3. Liu, B., Vivek, A. and Daehn, G.
system uses a high-voltage capacitor experiments, we collide one piece of a (2015), “Use of vaporizing foil
bank to create a short electrical pulse metal into a second metal at multiple actuator impact welding of
aluminum alloy sheets with steel
within a thin piece of aluminum foil. angles. Then we evaluate the physical
and magnesium alloys,” Light
After only microseconds, a burst of properties and welding interface using
Metals 2015, edited by M. Hyland,
hot gas is generated by the very rapid optical microscopy.”
The Minerals, Metals & Materials
vaporization of aluminum pushing The strength of the weld is depen- Society. DOI: 10.1002/9781119
two pieces of metal together at very dent upon the types of metal alloys 093435, pp. 463-468.
high speeds. used and the speed at which they col-
Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier in Washington state are impressive examples of composite volcanoes. 11
Sustainable manufacturing
A six-step methodology enables manufacturers
to evaluate different production processes
through quantification of sustainability metrics.
SUSTAINABILITY IS ONE OF SEVERAL well positioned to improve all of these vironmental and social metrics is the
TERMS THAT define more environmen- factors because they reduce the fric- most important and relevant to the spe-
tally favorable or green processes, but tion and wear in various applications, cific operation. Selection of the proper
it also encompasses ensuring economic which also enhances the sustainability metrics is dependent upon the condi-
viability and social responsibility. In a of the application. tions such as the required accuracy and
previous TLT article, answering the Karl Haapala, associate professor in completeness of the results and time
“What is green?” question was found to the School of Mechanical, Industrial and resource constraints.” The analysis
be a complex matter when concerned and Manufacturing Engineering at combines the use of life cycle inventory
with defining a process that uses bio- Oregon State University in Corvallis, techniques with unit process modeling.
based raw materials converted into a Ore., says, “Sustainable manufacturing
new substance that has a minimal haz- is similar to quality in that it represents
ard to human health and the environ- a journey of continuous improvement.
ment.1 Rather than using quality metrics, sus- The lens of sustainability
The lens of sustainability can de- tainable manufacturing uses economic,
scribe the economic, environmental environmental and social factors to de- can be used to describe the
and social aspects of a specific pro- velop metrics about a specific manufac- economic, environmental
cess. In manufacturing, lubricants are tured product or process.”
One of the problems faced in show- and social aspects of a
ing that sustainable manufacturing specific process.
should be seriously considered is how
KEY CONCEPTS to best quantify so that companies in-
volved in producing a specific material
• With demand for sustainable can then use this concept to find the The second step is to select and
nufa t g growing,
growi g, one best possible procedure. Haapala and quantify the metrics to be examined in
problem is how best to quantify his graduate research assistant, Michael a specific manufacturing process. Haa-
thhis process.
this proccess. Eastwood, have developed a six-step pala says, “The metrics chosen should
methodology that provides means for be of the highest importance in influ-
• A six-step methodology has manufacturers to quantify sustain- encing how the process is conducted
b en devised
been de d to to quantify
qu tify ability metrics. This approach will en- over the economic, environmental and
able manufacturers to evaluate several social domains that define sustainabil-
sustainability metrics.
different approaches for producing a ity. The scope of the evaluation can
• This strategy has been
be n used
u ed to specific component or assembly and involve a cradle-to-grave approach if
pick the best option not only from an warranted.”
determine which of three
economics standpoint but also from the In the third step, key unit manu-
pathways for
forr making bevel viewpoint of environmental and social facturing processes are identified and
geears generates the best
gears issues. defined. Haapala indicates that what-if
stai b lityy performance. Haapala says, “The first step is to scenarios are applicable in this step of
define which among the economic, en- the analysis. He says, “Such factors as
Haapala and Eastwood applied the Figure 2 | In one of the three processes evaluated for sustainability, this bevel gear is pre-
sustainable manufacturing methodol- pared by a mechanical joining technique. (Figure courtesy of Oregon State University.)
ogy to evaluate three approaches for
manufacturing bevel gears. He says,
“As part of a sustainability assessment three bevel gears are functionally Haapala also is initiating work on
with a large OEM, we evaluated two equivalent. Haapala says, “We used a an approach for composability model-
alternative ways to manufacture bevel gate-to-gate analysis which covers the ing that will enable the decision maker
gears to determine if either of the al- raw materials entering the plant, going to provide a small amount of informa-
ternatives offer better sustainability through the process flow and ends up tion about the product and processes
performance.” with the finished bevel gear.” to be evaluated into a software tool. He
Bevel gears currently used are pro- The economic metric used is the says, “Our hope is that the user will not
duced from a singular component de- operating cost of each gear while the have to enter data for each and every
sign made of AISI 4340 steel alloy. The social metrics focused on occupational process in the process flow to get an
researchers examined this design ver- health and safety, which covers workers answer on sustainability performance.
sus two designs where the gear head having acute injuries, lost work days This approach will provide a more in-
also is prepared from AISI 4340 steel and chronic illnesses. A series of six telligent tool for the user.”
alloy and the shaft is a titanium alloy metrics were included in the environ- Additional information can be
known as Ti-6Al-4V. In the first case, mental area. One of them is known as found in a recent article2 or by con-
assembly is done using an inertial fric- the input material non-flyway content. tacting Haapala at Karl.Haapala@oregon-
tion welding process, while the second Haapala says, “Non-flyway content is
approach involves assembling the bevel the ratio of material purchased to mate-
gear through a mechanical joining pro- rial used in the finished product. The
cess by press fitting the splines. Figure objective is to reduce this ratio to the
2 shows an image of a bevel gear pre- lowest figure possible.”
1. Canter, N. (2010), “What is
pared by a mechanical joining process. The result from the analysis is that
green?” TLT, 66 (12), pp. 50-58.
Haapala says, “The objective is to both alternative designs display better
determine if a bevel gear produced us- sustainability performance, but neither 2. Eastwood, M. and Haapala, K.
ing a lighter shaft material delivers bet- alternative is clearly superior compared (2015), “A unit process model
based methodology to assist
ter sustainable performance. No change to the other one. Haapala says, “The
product sustainability assessment
is made to the alloy used in the head next step is to introduce subjectivity
during design for manufactur-
because of the need to retain strength and weightings for metrics into the ing,” Journal of Cleaner Produc-
and resist wear.” process, which will enable experts to tion, 108 Part A, pp. 54-64.
The assumption is made that all evaluate both designs.”
Magnetocaloric effect
using high-entropy alloys
A high-entropy alloy exhibits the magnetocaloric effect
at room temperature.
14 Shield volcanoes are broad, domed-shaped volcanoes with long, gently sloped sides which, from above, resemble a warrior’s shield.
Figure 3 | The local magnetic
moment is disordered in no field
(on the left), but becomes or-
dered in an applied magnetic
field (on the right). This transi-
tion can be accompanied by a
temperature change in magne-
tocaloric materials. (Figure cour-
tesy of the Rochester Institute of
compared to rare earth metals and are The high-entropy alloy is prepared be found in a recent reference3 or by
easier to machine. Research documented by mixing the five elements in an arc contacting Miller at A
in another previous TLT article supports furnace under an argon atmosphere. second paper that was recently pub-
Miller’s opinion about high-entropy al- After cold rolling, which was done to lished discusses theoretical work done
loys.2 An alloy containing equal percent- process the alloy into thin sheets, the al- to predict the magnetocaloric effect for
ages of aluminum, lithium, magnesium, loy is sealed in a quartz tube with argon high-entropy alloys prepared with face-
scandium and titanium exhibits a higher gas and annealed at 900 C for one hour. centered cubic transition metal alloys.4
strength-to-weight ratio than any other Miller says, “The rolled alloy is full of
existing metal. crystal defects. Annealing removes these
A high-entropy alloy has now been dislocations, which do tend to affect the
identified that exhibits the magnetoca- magnetic properties of the alloy.” REFERENCES
loric effect at room temperature. The researchers measured the mag- 1. Canter, N. (2009), “Magnetic
netic phase transition as a function of refrigeration: Another way to
TUNABILITY cool,” TLT, 65 (5), pp. 12-13.
temperature for the high-entropy alloys
Miller and his colleagues have deter- prepared with palladium concentra- 2. Canter, N. (2015), “High-entropy
mined that a high-entropy alloy pre- tions ranging from 0-0.5 equivalent. alloys,” TLT, 71 (3), pp. 14-15.
pared with equal parts of iron, cobalt, Miller says, “Our objective is to maxi- 3. Belyea, D., Lucas. M., Michel, E.,
nickel and chromium in combination mize the magnetic entropy change.” Horwath, J. and Miller, C. (2015),
with palladium exhibits the magne- The researchers found that the al- “Tunable magnetocaloric effect in
tocaloric effect at room temperature. loy prepared with 0.5 equivalent of transition metal alloys,” Scientific
He says, “Palladium has the ability to palladium yields the maximum entropy Reports, 5:15755, DOI: 10.1038/
tune the Curie temperature or critical change, which is still about a factor of srep15755.
temperature of the metal alloy, which 20 less than that seen with gadolinium. 4. Kormann, F., Ma, D., Belyea, D.,
is the temperature at which a material Future work will focus on evaluation of Lucas, M., Miller, C., Grabowski,
loses its permanent magnetic proper- other face-center cubic metals besides B. and Sluiter, M. (2015),
ties. By changing the concentration of palladium to determine how they can “‘Treasure maps’ for magnetic
high-entropy alloys from theory
palladium in the alloy, we can tune the be used to tune the magnetic properties
and experiment,” Applied Physics
critical temperature giving us the abil- of the alloy.
Letters, 107 (14), 142404.
ity to dictate the temperature at which Miller says, “We hypothesize that
high-entropy alloys engage in the mag- substituting other face-centered cubic
netocaloric effect.” metals such as aluminum, copper and
Neil Canter heads his own
Palladium accomplishes this role by gold may lead to even stronger magne- consulting company, Chemical
changing the crystal lattice. Miller says, tocaloric effects while further reducing Solutions, in Willow Grove, Pa.
“Small changes in the crystal structure cost.” Ideas for Tech Beat can be
generate large differences in magnetic Additional details on the research submitted to him at
properties.” done with the high-entropy alloy can
Shield volcanoes can cover large areas but never grow very tall due to their lava composition, which is very fluid and spreads without piling up. 15
By Rachel Fowler / Associate Editor
Lynn Massad
With 25 years of LYNN MASSAD – The Quick File
16 Cinder cone volcanoes are comprised of loose cinders and are more like sand dunes than a mass solidified by lava.
bottle (beginning) is obviously neces-
sary, but having inspection points like
the middle and end need to be defined
for package type and length of run. For
example, a small run of four 55-gallon
drums may only need a beginning and
end sample. Longer runs should re-
quire more inspections. For example,
thousands of quarts need to have be-
ginning, middle and end inspections
and start-of-shift if it extended into
another shift.
Each inspection point also should
have recommended tests for capturing
the critical aspects of the fluid. Inspec-
tion of raw materials is critical to en-
sure the fluid integrity, yet it should be
quick to prevent demurrage or trans-
portation charges. Inspection of the
blend sample typically has the high-
est number of required tests, verifying
that all of the components were added
and in the correct ratio. It is critical to
have blend procedures that document
the correct mixing temperature, the
time for mixing and the sampling pro-
cedure. It is crucial that the blending
department proactively participates in
developing the blending and sampling
procedure. Bottom line, the sample
must be representative of the tank. In-
spections of packaged product should
be staged based on the stage of the
product: a higher number of inspec-
tions placed on the beginning sample
and fewer on middle and end.
Calumet Specialty Products Partners’ Cotton Valley, Louisiana, facility.
From the beginning of the life cycle
of a product, typically the specifications
are set as the new product enters into Some of the trends we are seeing in Know your supplier’s min and max. Are
the facility process from R&D. Any the licensed motor oil category are in- they acceptable for achieving the neces-
chemical or physical specifications creased certifications by OEMs. Specifi- sary performance of the product? If so,
required per batch should be defined cations on OEM oils need to be under- use API 1509 Annex K as a guideline
with the following in mind: industry stood and accounted for when adding to set ranges -10% (MIN) and +15%
specifications, supplier specifications, new items. For example, dexos1™ pas- (MAX) ranges. If the supplier ranges
customer specifications and critical senger car motor oils (PCMOs) have are not able to meet the desired perfor-
fluid identifiers, instrumentation re- a 13.0 maximum on ASTM D5800, mance, develop a procedure to adjust
peatability and reproducibility and the noack volatility, where API specifica- the treat rate per batch of material to
company quality goal. Physical and tions on the same viscosity grades are meet the performance requirements.
chemical ranges for licensed motor a 15 maximum. The dexos specification On a positive note, many companies
oils can be found in API 1509 Annex is not only lower, it adds a significant want to set their specifications much
K. Standardized test methods such as figure. tighter than typical industry standards.
ASTM should be used since they are In cases where there are no industry The desire to be better and eliminate
validated and contain the accepted cali- specifications for elements, have a pro- any risk is a great strategy unless your
bration, repeatability and reproducibil- cedure for setting specs based on other process becomes bottlenecked. Here are
ity requirements. industry standards or requirements. some variables that should be consid-
Cinder cones are the most common volcano and can form quickly but rarely grow higher than a few hundred meters. 17
ered when setting specifications tighter: able to step through the entire process
with the product and process owners
• Process capability. Is your process ca- in itself is a team-building opportunity
pable of meeting the tighter specs? and a great way to communicate. Defin-
If not, know the cost to continually ing inspection points, tests and risks is
reprocess to meet the spec. imperative to setting up the appropriate
• Raw material specifications. If your system.
raw material specifications are wid- The product inspections ensure
er than your final specifications al- the integrity of the fluid by testing to
low, a procedure to change treat per the product specifications. PFMEA
batch of raw material is necessary or can help by ensuring the risk of con-
your process will halt. tamination is minimized as well. Us-
ing PFMEA to set quality inspection
• Instrument applicability. Using ASTM points and verify specifications is rec-
methods, allow the reproducibility ommended to aid with communication
and repeatability to be factored into for customer specs and identifying and
the specification for expanded range. minimizing risk. Lynn Massad testing a sample for ASTM
• Annual product reviews. Continue to D5293. This instrument is a good ex-
ample of keeping up with updated ASTM
monitor changes and perform an- TLT: What is the challenge of keeping methods. The most current update
nual product reviews. R&D in touch with operations? changed the calibration procedure
• Market. Does the market need the drastically and it helps improve repeat-
tighter specifications? Massad: Communication, communica- ability and reproducibility numbers.
tion, communication! Communication is
the foundation of successful businesses.
TLT: Do you use PFMEA to set your
quality inspections? TLT: Which lab staffing and metrics • Number of samples. Broken down by
help identify operations? type, if necessary.
Massad: Process Failure Mode Effects • Number of hours, shifts, employees and
Analysis (PFMEA) is a powerful ana- Massad: I was fortunate to have the cost.
lytical tool, especially when used by opportunity to work directly with the
• Sample turnaround time versus the
cross-functional teams. I’m speaking owners at TruSouth Oil, LLC in set-
from my quality and lab manager expe- ting up the laboratory. I was fortunate
rience specific to blending and packag- because they challenged me to prove • Number of active products and for-
ing facilities. Engaging members from myself and my results daily. They chal- mulations. Details of changes were
quality, product management, sales, lenged me to have a lab with consis- listed.
tent, solid and verifiable results. The • Number of instruments and down time
owner was persistent in making sure due to instrument issues. Examples
Communication is the that I knew that the integrity of his include calibration, repair, preven-
company and products depended on
foundation of successful the integrity of my lab. His persistence
tive maintenance, etc.
businesses. in questioning and challenging the lab • Results for ASTM interlaboratory round
processes made me better personally robin (or other round robin). This is
and professionally. I grew more pro- my favorite and most important. I
laboratory, blending, packaging, engi- fessionally because they invested time always felt as a lab manager it was
neering and R&D is necessary to un- discussing details with me. imperative to measure yourself.
derstand the impact of failure, define Laboratories are critical to moni- Your numbers are only as good as
and prioritize action items and elimi- toring plant processes and managing you know they are. Celebrate the
nate and alleviate and minimize risk. product quality. I treated the labora- successes and actively correct and
Although PFMEA may not be new tory as a miniature version of a plant learn from errors.
to the industry, I was introduced to it in and built key performance indicators • Results for one to two plant operations
recent years. Learning and understand- for the lab. Metrics are extremely im- that function from the laboratory re-
ing this analytical tool was helpful to portant in identifying and understand- sults. For example, first time pass
me as a quality and lab manager by ing capabilities. As a laboratory man- for blending. Whether or not they
increasing and developing my under- ager, I would report these metrics on a met the plant goal, the data is use-
standing of the overall process. Being monthly basis: ful for improving, especially when
18 Lava is magma flowing out of a volcano and can reach 2,200 F (1,204.4 C) while burning a glowing red or white as it flows.
some of the failures are repeated. chemistry degree, I worked for Spe- TLT: In your view, has industry cer-
This is a good opportunity to use cialty Oil as a laboratory technician tification (API) helped the industry?
the lab data to help improve pro- testing used oil and environmental How?
duction processes. samples. I performed viscosity, induc-
• Industry report. I would monitor tively coupled plasma (ICP), moisture Massad: Industry certification is neces-
the Petroleum Quality Institute of and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) sary, but is it enough? Unfortunately
America (PQIA) weekly and report analysis by GC. in the blending and packaging industry
any of our products that were test- there are a number of uninformed con-
ed. I also would note any items they TLT: What has been your biggest sumers and suppliers providing sub-
were discussing. challenge over the years? standard products. Certifications like
the API starburst and donut are a start
These metrics are good discussion Massad: Two things: keeping pace with to standardizing products. For blended
points, especially when you need to con- the growth of business and being a lubricants, the API offers certifications
sider new staff, instruments and/or po- working mother. I’ve been blessed with for PCMOs, diesel oils and diesel ex-
tential expansion. If your turnaround is supportive colleagues and family that haust fluid. The API motor oil matters
not meeting expectations and that older are a team and allow me to balance work (MOM) program is intending to pro-
instrument has been down for repairs and family. As my children become more vide a place for reporting problems,
too many times, these metrics will help independent, I look forward to partici- educating consumers and licensing dis-
support the capital request. pating in more industry groups and ac- tributors. Did they wait too long to act
tivities. I’ve recently joined Calumet’s on motor oil quality issues? Were they
TLT: What was your first role or research and development team. I’m not aggressive enough? Is this working
experience in the lubricants industry? excited about the opportunity to learn and is this enough? In my opinion this
from many of my mentors, and I’m is a good start. However, I believe much
Massad: From 1990-1992 while I was ready to focus on what I love. That is more is needed.
in undergraduate school obtaining my why I chose to come home to Calumet. Has API struggled to enforce the
Lava derives from the Latin lavara meaning ‘to wash’ and can flow up to speeds of 62 mph. 19
requirements? I believe that API strug-
gled at developing, implementing and
enforcing their monitoring system.
This struggle and an uneducated con-
sumer base have left the door open for
the entrepreneurial creativity to pro-
vide substandard products.
So how do OEMs and consumers
who want, at minimum, a standard
product ensure they are getting what
they pay for? I believe we are about to
see a big change in certifications to en-
sure blended product quality. But this
brings up some new concerns. I am
concerned with the growing number
of OEM certifications and the associ-
ated cost of these certifications. The
new fees issued for several specifica-
tions alone seem excessive. Looking Lynn Massad’s family. From left to right: Brad, Barro, Carson and Lynn.
at certifications for PCMO and diesel
blended products (API, dexos, Mack,
Cummins, Volvo and Detroit Diesel), products aren’t just for PCMO and die- newer technology as well as faster anal-
makes me wonder if ILMA companies sel. A number of other lubricants don’t ysis times and inspection cost savings.
will be able to survive in the OEM cer- have certifications available. I hope I really enjoy the social aspect of
tification market. PQIA continues its efforts into these technology. From email and texts to
As a formulated motor oil requires other areas. LinkedIn and Facebook, it is very easy
balanced components, a balance is to keep in touch with friends, col-
needed for certifications to achieve the TLT: How has technology and com- leagues and businesses. Collaborative
desired goal. puting aided your job function? efforts are much faster. Information is
usually just a few keystrokes away.
TLT: Where is the industry trending? Massad: I have a passion for new tech- My children laugh when I tell them
nology at work and at home. Com- we didn’t have cell phones in school.
Massad: I’m thrilled to see our industry puters have changed the laboratory I wonder what their children will be
trending toward higher quality. A grow- from data collection and analysis to laughing about in 20 years.
ing number of companies supports big improvements in instrumentation.
PQIA’s efforts to assure the quality and In my 25 years as a chemist I’ve been TLT: Has having STLE’s CLS and OMA
integrity of motor oils in the U.S. PQIA through four laboratory information I certifications benefited your job?
is leading the way to inform consumers management systems (LIMS) imple-
by testing and reporting on the quality mentations. Although it is a struggle Massad: While I was working at BASF
getting the information into the system as a chemist I chose to obtain a mas-
in a usable and structured fashion, it ter’s in business administration to help
is always beneficial. Having access to bridge my gap between chemistry and
Laboratories are critical data and the ability to manipulate and business. The CLS and OMA I certifica-
calculate instantaneously is imperative tions have benefited my job by bridging
to monitoring plant to keeping on top of processes. Setting the gap from chemical and business un-
processes and managing an LIMS system up with the laboratory derstanding to application and perfor-
team can develop process understand- mance understanding. Understanding
product quality. ing and good laboratory practices. the details of the product’s application
Instrumentation has improved is imperative to formulating a product
greatly. From chromatography to IRs, for the right application, price and mar-
and integrity of lubricants in the mar- we now have smaller, less expensive ket. I look forward to becoming more
ketplace. They have done an aston- instruments that have the ability to involved with STLE.
ishing job on identifying substandard collect and manipulate data. Accuracy,
products and protecting and educating precision, repeatability and reproduc- You can reach Lynn Massad at
consumers. The tactics for substandard ibility improvements can be seen with
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22 Scientists believe 20% of volcanoes are underwater but 80% of volcanic eruptions occur under the oceans.
Stuart F. Brown / Contributing Editor
Industry Report:
Chlorinated paraffins
under EPA scrutiny
Current deadline for stopping importation
and production is mid-2017.
• Chlorinated paraffins
p ffins are
WITH THE EPA SET TO STOP IMPORTATION and production of 99% of all chlorinated paraffins,
the most cost-effective EP an extreme pressure (EP) additive, in mid-2017, metalworking fluid (MWF) formula-
addd tives in the
additives t e market.
th arket.
k tors and ingredient makers are in the process of developing and evaluating new recipes.
This article is based on an STLE University Webinar presented by Dr. Neil Canter
• The MWF industry is inin the on June 10, 2015. Canter runs his own consulting company, Chemical Solutions, is
p ocesss of developing
process d velopp ng andd a contributing editor responsible for writing the monthly Tech Beat column in TLT
l t g alternatives
lt t too and serves on STLE’s board of directors.
medium- and long-chain Chlorinated paraffins are the most cost-effective EP additives in the market.
chlorinated paraffins. Other parts of their appeal are that they have no objectionable odor and do not
cause some of the other problems, such as staining copper and promoting microbial
• Currently the EP
EPA indicates growth, that can occur with sulfur- and phosphorus-based EP additives.
that medium- and long- When used in MWFs, chlorinated paraffins react with metal surfaces to serve as
a special type of boundary lubricity enhancer that forms a metal-salt layer between
chain chlorinated
chain chlori atted paraffin
metallic surfaces at elevated temperatures. This layer acts as a barrier to reduce
production and importation
friction, wear and damage (see Figure 1). These compounds range in length from
into the U.S.
S. must stop
stopp by C10-C30 and are divided into groups consisting of short-chain (C10-C13), medium-
the middle of 2017. chain (C14-C17), long-chain (C18-C20) and very long-chain (C21-C30) chlorinated
paraffins. The latter is a fourth type of chlorinated paraffin that was commercialized
24 Volcanoes can be the size of mountains. While some take thousands of years
aquatic environment. The says, “These alternative extreme pres-
Additives Available to model, however, does not sure additives will need to be used in
Replace MCCPs and LCCPs take into account the sig- combination to achieve the desired ex-
nificant use of chlorinated treme pressure protection.”
Sulfurized Additives
paraffins in straight oils, With the EPA intending to elimi-
Phosphate Esters
which are not mixed with nate the use of medium-chain and
Overbased Sulfonates
water during use and do long-chain chlorinated paraffins in
Fatty Esters
not end up in the aquatic the future, Canter counsels chlorinat-
environment. ed paraffin users to get working with
Chlorinated Esters
In December 2015 the their suppliers on developing new EP
Combinations of these additives
EPA summarized its find- ingredients that will fit into the rapidly
ings on medium-chain and changing regulatory landscape.
Figure 2 | A list of additives to use when medium-chain long-chain chlorinated par-
affins in the U.S. Federal REFERENCE
and long-chain chlorinated paraffins are banned.
Register and requested that 1. December 23, 2015, “Chlorinated
all interested parties submit Paraffins: Request for Available Infor-
long-chain chlorinated paraffins will available data and/or comments about mation on PMN Risk Assessments,”
be banned. The EPA’s rationale is that the risk assessments.1 All feedback on Federal Register, 80 (246), pp. 79886-
medium-chain and long-chain chlori- these two chlorinated paraffin types is 79888.
nated paraffins represent a risk to en- requested by February 22, 2016.
vironmental organisms and display per- Alternative extreme pressure ad-
sistence and bioaccumulative potential. ditives are available, but they are not
The EPA based its ruling on conserva- direct replacements for the traditional
tive modeling. The agency looked at a medium-chain and long-chain chlori- You can reach free-lance
worst case scenario—that all chlorinat- nated paraffins; nor do they offer one- writer Stuart F. Brown at
ed paraffin-based MWFs end up in the stop shopping (see Figure 2). Canter
People and specialty products
you can count on.
O 46
The marine market is just one area where new synthetic base fluids
from renewable feed stocks are needed. © nightman1965/iStock/Thinkstock
An extinct volcano hasn’t erupted in 10,000 years and isn’t expected to for the same period of time. 29
fluids; it will take time.”
Larson says there is a need for new
oils from renewable feed stocks. “Regu-
lations like the EPA VGP have to be
in place to dictate someone to use it.
Many industries have been using min-
eral oils for decades. If the government
tells them they have to change, they
will. But they won’t just pay more for a
© Can Stock Photo Inc. / Frankljunior
Historians and scientists have categorized more than 6,000 volcanoes on the planet in the past 10,000 years. 31
stock is one way to get that. Extend- The USDA’s BioPreferred® Program with new base fluids because they have
ed life and other performance factors requires government agencies and con- access to low-cost feed stocks, and they
cause them to look for new base stocks, tractors (such as FedEx and UPS) to already have spent the capital to syn-
but patent protection is the real hook. use biobased products when they are thesize things. It’s easy to be a blender
In Europe there is more interest in bet- available. They created a category for but takes a lot of money to get into the
ter performance, and everyone in the motor oil and specified a minimum feed stock business.
compressor market is looking for new 25% biobased content to meet the re- “The majors make PAOs and PAGs;
varnish-free products with longer life quirements. Barbieri says other coun- start-ups don’t. Most of the oxides like
and better resistance to bad environ- tries are setting up similar require- ethylene oxide and butylene oxide and
ments. ments for their government agencies. ANs will come from bigger compa-
Another important driver nies. Start-ups also can’t create
for new base oils, according hydro-treated hydrocarbons. It
to Beatty, is the abundant sup- takes refineries with hundreds
ply of natural gas. He says, of millions of capital and pro-
“Looking for ways to use gas duction on a big scale to cre-
and increase its value is like ate them. Although there are a
bringing a solution and look- few companies that are trying
ing for a problem. Making a to create novel base stocks that
© PRImageFactory/iStock/Thinkstock
good quality base stock from it seem to be fairly small, they
is not looking for a better base didn’t differentiate themselves
stock. Gas to liquids are not well. They didn’t offer anything
performance driven but rather that couldn’t be done with ex-
strictly an economic consider- isting base stocks,” Beatty says.
ation from a much lower cost Biomass feed stocks are the plant and algal materials—such “Esters are the only thing
feed stock. as corn starch and crop residues—used to derive fuels. that will be in the range of
“Metallocene polyalphao- someone starting up working
lefins are next-generation with limited capital,” Beatty
products that are much better than He expects in the long term there will says. “They are one of the simplest
traditional PAOs,” Beatty adds. “They be some level of requirement that all things to make and don’t take a lot of
have higher VIs and better oxidative motor contain some level of environ- hardware to produce. There is no limit
stability and are at a cost fairly compa- mentally friendly ingredients, since it to the number of esters that can be
rable to regular PAOs. It arrived on the often drips out of cars and is illegally made, especially if they are made on
market knowing that it would replace dumped down drains, polluting our the small scale. A different ester comes
existing PAOs and other base stocks. water. from every different fatty acid. That’s
There is not a machine out there sit- The USDA will act as guarantor of the main thing a start-up can accom-
ting idle waiting for someone to de- a bank loan for Biosynthetic Technolo- plish in base fluids.
velop a lubricant for it. Everything is gies to construct its first commercial “The reason most new things fail
running on something. All lubricants plant. Biosynthetic Technologies also is in this industry is not for lack of mar-
displace others because they are either working with and will be announcing keting. Everyone looks at something
better or cheaper. It is the same for that several departments in the federal new when it comes along. It’s usually
base fluids. Create something better, government will start using its product, that the product doesn’t have a niche.
do the same for less money or come as well as three branches of the military Most new products do the same things
up with something evolutionary that and other agencies in a select number as other products and offer a different
could be used in applications that of passenger cars and non-passenger way to reach the same results. This is
were more expensive to fill. When vehicles in their fleets. the biggest challenge for start-ups,”
there is a better product, customers says Beatty.
will gravitate toward it.” MARKET CHALLENGES Larson agrees. He says, “Synthetics
Governments also are helpful in Small companies are at a distinct disad- have the stigma that they cost more. A
supporting the use of new non-petro- vantage when it comes to introducing benefit has to be proven. New products
leum derived products for lubricant new synthetic base oil technologies be- have to meet the performance require-
components in several ways. Accord- cause of the costs to manufacture. Be- ments. If performance improvements
ing to Barbieri, they are helping with atty’s company didn’t develop new base can’t be demonstrated, end-users won’t
financing, the use of biobased products oils; he created new formulations from be interested. Unless there’s a regulation
and regulations that would potentially those that were available. He says, “Big to meet, the product must have an ad-
require their use. companies are more likely to come up vantage. If the regulation can be met, it Î Î Î Î Î
32 About 1,500 active volcanoes now exist on the planet with about 20 of them erupting each day.
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34 Volcanic eruptions bring forth nutrients such as potassium and phosphorus, producing some of the Earth’s most fertile soil.
REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE OR THE thing with tremendous oxidative stabil- more demanding. He says, “As manu-
TRADITIONAL CULTURE ity that has all the desired properties, facturing processes speed up to push
Whether formulators look for and it would be formulated and tested as products out faster and reduce the foot-
adopt revolutionary changes and new quickly as possible, without hesitation. print of equipment to produce more in
technologies versus preferring the tra- But it’s just not there. People have been a given space, lubricants have to handle
ditional evolutionary culture depends looking for a long time. Most of what higher temperatures packed in smaller
on the product itself. Beatty says there has come around is evolutionary, not spaces for longer times. Oil-soluble
is a need for both. He states, “That’s revolutionary.” polyalkylene glycols got people’s atten-
something that is unique about this Barbieri says the revolutionary aspect tion. It was a novel product offering a
industry—the pace of development is of a new product can be problematic: big change. They provide the benefits
very slow. It takes decades for incre- “While our products offer a strong envi- of traditional PAGs and also are oil sol-
mental improvements to happen. If it is ronmental marketing story, better tech- uble. That was more than seven years
a better product, it will do well. No one nical performance and better fuel econ- ago, and they are still considered new.
has stumbled on anything that has to- omy, the higher product validation and The industry is still finding new ways
tally changed the world in this industry certification costs will still cause many to to use them.”
recently, but we’d love to have some- delay adoption of these products.”
thing revolutionary pop out. There is According to Larson, there is always Debbie Sniderman is an engineer and CEO of VI
no fear of that and no barrier to entry. an interest when something new comes Ventures, LLC, an engineering consulting company.
For example, if someone brings some- along because applications are getting You can reach her at
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Editor’s Note: While some Lubricants enable proper function and reduce friction in rotating machinery, but they can
research is directed toward also contribute to power loss and heat buildup. Gas-expanded lubricants (GELs) have been
new technologies for manu- proposed as tunable mixtures of lubricant and CO2 under pressure with properties such
facturing synthetic lubricants, as viscosity that can be controlled directly in response to changing environmental or ro-
alternate research seeks tordynamic conditions. In this work, experimental results of GEL viscosity, gas diffusiv-
to merely modify existing ity, and thermal conductivity were combined with high-pressure phase equilibrium data to
base stocks by other means. understand how these mixtures will behave in tilting pad journal bearings under a range
This month’s Editor’s Choice of industry-relevant high-speed conditions. Simulations were carried out using the experi-
paper investigates tunable mental data as inputs to a thermoelastohydrodynamic model of tilting pad journal bearing
carbon dioxide and synthetic performance. Viscosity could be easily tuned by controlling the composition of the GEL and
lubricant mixtures. Working the effect on bearing efficiency was appreciable, with 14–46% improvements in power loss.
with polyalkylene glycols, This trend held for a range of lubricant chemistries with polyalkylene glycols, polyalpha
polyalpha olefins and polyol olefins, and a polyol ester tested in this work. Diffusivity, which drives how readily CO2
esters, the diffusion charac- and lubricants form homogenous mixtures, was found to be a function of the viscosity of
teristics and energy efficiency the synthetic lubricant, with more viscous lubricants having a lower diffusivity than less
are simulated in tilting pad viscous formulations. Model results for a bearing in a pressurized housing suggested that
journal bearings. The former cavitation would be minimal for a range of speed conditions. Other bearing parameters,
seems to match the perfor- such as eccentricity, temperature, and minimum film thickness were relatively unchanged
mance of mineral lubricants between conventionally lubricated and GEL-lubricated bearings, suggesting that the ef-
and that latter shows promise. ficiency improvements could be achieved with few performance tradeoffs.
It may be safe to say we have
not fully exploited all that we INTRODUCTION
can from current base stock Lubricants are needed for the proper function of most rotating machinery and greatly
technologies. reduce friction in these devices when deployed correctly (Taylor, et al. (1)). However,
lubricants also introduce inefficiencies of their own. In many high-speed rotating ma-
Evan Zabawski, CLS chines, the shear in the lubricant film can create an appreciable loss of power in the
Editor system (Harangozo, et al. (2)). This often manifests itself in the form of heat generation
near the pad and in the lubricant itself. The effect is directly proportional to the viscos-
ity of the lubricant, with higher viscosity lubricants exhibit- To avoid this tradeoff between power loss and protection
ing greater power losses. For most rotating machines, these of mechanical components, gas-expanded lubricants (GELs)
higher viscosity lubricants are also the most effective at sepa- have been proposed as a tunable lubricant with properties that
rating rotating surfaces and minimizing wear. Consequently, can be adjusted in real time to improve the overall efficiency
there is a tradeoff between lubricants with high viscosity that of a rotating machine (Figure 1). GELs are binary mixtures of
can protect mechanical components and the power losses synthetic lubricants and liquid/supercritical carbon dioxide
that they generate. For rotating machines in the real world, with properties that can be adjusted by changing the relative
dynamic operating conditions can present a range of load- composition of the mixture (Clarens, et al. (3)). The compo-
ing, temperature, and other environmental conditions that sition can be adjusted by setting the system pressure or by
change the rotordynamics and the physical properties of the adjusting the flow rate of the two mixture components, which
lubricant. Engineers typically select fluids assuming worst- in turn will specify a unique composition with bulk mechani-
case conditions, often resulting in unnecessary power losses. cal and thermal characteristics. Preliminary work suggests
Figure 1 | 1—Schematics of (a) a conventional bearing assembly and (b) a GEL-modified bearing. The viscosity is static for the conventional sys-
tem but can be easily controlled using pressure in the GEL lubricated bearing. This means that for (a) power loss ¾ o ¾ +, where o is shear force
and + is lubricant viscosity but for (b) power loss ¾ o ¾ + ¾ xCO2 ¾ P, where xCO2 is the mass fraction of CO2 in the lubricant and P is the pres-
sure in the bearing.
Fire Fountains are fiery masses that volcanoes shoot straight up, as high as 200 feet. 37
that significant power loss reductions in a tilting pad journal the lubricant, creating air cavities that are then rapidly com-
bearing are possible using these mixtures when compared to pressed by the dynamic load. This causes a collapse of the air
conventional petroleum-based lubricants in a flooded lubrica- cavity on the surface of the material, resulting in an erosive
tion bearing. GELs are made using synthetic lubricants because damaging effect on the bearing surface.
their chemistry is more homogeneous than conventional petro- In order to fully estimate the phase behavior of GELs in
leum and the properties of the mixture can be more easily pre- journal pad bearings, it is necessary to make assumptions
dicted. This has the added advantage of enhancing the thermal about thermodynamic equilibrium in the lubricant. Tempera-
characteristics of the fluid because synthetic lubricants tend to ture has an important impact on phase behavior in the GEL.
have higher thermal conductivities and viscosity indexes. As Grando and coworkers (28) applied a two-phase modeling
a result, the pad temperatures in GEL systems are lower, and approach to a journal bearing lubricated with a mixture of
several other important process parameters such as lubricant polyol ester (POE) and refrigerant with a mass fraction of
film thickness, eccentricity, and stiffness/damping behavior can 7.13%, comparing both equilibrium and nonequilibrium flow
be maintained within acceptable ranges. conditions to the classical Reynolds approach that utilizes
Though GELs are a relatively new concept for improving boundary conditions in the cavitation region to assume ther-
the energy efficiency of rotating machines, mixtures of syn- modynamic equilibrium. Their results produced pressure pro-
thetic lubricants and carbon dioxide have been studied for files that were very similar to that of the classical approach,
their behavior in refrigeration systems. The phase behavior suggesting that the generalized Reynolds approach used here
and flow properties of these mixtures have been reported for a is accurate for the GEL systems being proposed. They studied
range of lower temperatures and mixture compositions (Hauk an equilibrium case where the pressure returns to the supply
(4); Yokozeki (5); Hauk and Weidner (6); Youbi-Idrissi, et pressure at the end of the cavitation region and a nonequilib-
al. (7); Bobbo, et al. (8)). The diffusion of carbon dioxide rium case where the gas has not been reabsorbed, resulting
into various fluids (Matthews, et al. (9); Wang, et al. (10); in a multiphase flow throughout the bearing. The multiphase
Zhang, et al. (11); Tharanivasan, et al. (12); Shiflett and Yo- flow simulations had only minimal effect on the maximum
kozeki (13); Sheikha, et al. (14); Tharanivasan, et al. (15); film pressure in the loaded region and produced a wider over-
Yang andGu (16); Farajzadeh, et al. (17); Hou and Baltus all pressure profile, indicating adequate support for the same
(18); Rasmussen and Civan (19); Etminan, et al. (20); Mo- bearing load but under a lower eccentricity. This behavior
ganty and Baltus (21)) and the diffusion of refrigerants into could be beneficial for the case of GELs, resulting in a more
lubricant oils (Yokozeki (22); Prata, et al. (23); Gessner and stable rotor motion while reducing friction forces.
Barbosa (24); Barbosa and Ortolan (25); Marcelo Neto and This work tests the hypothesis that GELs will not exhibit
Barbosa (26)) have been described in the literature. Despite significant cavitation in journal bearings using a combination
this effort, a number of important parameters have not yet of experimental and modeling tools. The results of this analy-
been explored, including the diffusion of carbon dioxide into sis help establish the feasibility of using GELs over a range of
synthetic oils and the implications of using these mixtures operating conditions and GEL properties to understand how
in rotating machinery bearings in terms of phase behavior, the technology could be deployed. The relationship between
cavitation, thermal behavior, and oxidative stability. carbon dioxide composition in the GEL and viscosity is re-
This work characterizes the phase behavior of GELs and ported for a library of representative lubricants and the power
simulates their behavior in tilting pad journal bearings. In loss from using these lubricants in a bearing is reported. The
fluid film bearings, the lubricant pressure profile changes con- thermodynamic and thermochemical properties of GELs are
siderably as it passes through the region of shaft support. In also studied and incorporated into the modeling effort.
standard journal bearings and load-on-pad tilting pad journal
bearings, the pressure in the lubricant film is highest directly EXPERIMENTAL
below the region of peak load and then quickly drops as the CO2 diffusivity into a group of representative lubricants was
lubricant film expands through this zone. In conventionally measured using a modified pressure-decay method developed
lubricated bearings, this pressure drop can result in cavita- by Hou and Baltus (18). Lubricant was added gravimetrically
tion, which can result in pitting or other forms of enhanced to a pressure vessel of known volume and dimensions. The
corrosion. Khonsari and Booser (27) described two primary vessel was sealed, placed into a 25°C water bath, and pres-
forms of cavitation in journal bearings: gaseous cavitation surized with 30 psi of CO2. The vessel was then thermally
and vapor cavitation. Gaseous cavitation, the most common isolated and the pressure was recorded using a pressure trans-
form, involves phase separation as the fluid film expands in ducer (Omega Engineering PX41). The CO2 diffused into the
the divergent region of the pad and the pressure drops below lubricant until an equilibrium pressure was achieved. The
the gas saturation pressure. This low-pressure cavity of air time to reach equilibrium ranged between 20 h and 7 days,
is then reintegrated into the fluid as the pressure increases depending on the molecular weight of the fluid. Each pres-
again, resulting in no damaging effects on the bearing. Vapor sure curve could then be fit by nonlinear regression to Eq.
cavitation, which is more typical in dynamically loaded bear- [1], derived from Fick’s law for one-dimensional diffusion,
ings, results from pressure drops below the vapor pressure of Henry’s law, and a mole balance of the gas column above the
38 The worst volcanic disaster of the 20th Century is considered to be the eruption of Mount Pelée in 1902 on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean, which killed
fluid film. The full derivation of Eq. [1] can be found in Hou been used in the past by other researchers to analyze the oxi-
and Baltus (18). dative stability of various fluids, including lubricants, often
in conjunction with one or more other metrics of oxidation
P k ∞ 1
ln = such as total acid number (TAN) or oxidation induction time
P0 HCO2 n=1 (2n + 1)2
(Hamblin (30); Adamczewska and Love (31); Maleville, et al.
(2n + 1)2 π2 DCO2 t
× exp − − 1 , [1] (32); Cerny, et al. (33)). Methods that utilize these metrics,
including differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) (Hamb-
where lin (30); Adamczewski and Love (31); Maleville, et al. (32);
8RTV Oil ρOil Erhan, et al. (34)), TAN (Hamblin (30); Cerny, et al. (33);
k= . Erhan, et al. (34)), and the rotary bomb oxidation test (RBOT;
π2 VCO2 MW Oil
Maleville, et al. (32); Erhan, et al. (34)) were also considered
The regression resulted in outputs of diffusion coefficients, but were found to be challenging to apply to a pressurized
DAB (cm2/s), and Henry’s constants, H (bar). Because Henry’s CO2 environment because these methods typically require the
law is only appropriate for predicted solute mole fractions use of pressurized oxygen atmospheres (RBOT), oxygen flows
at very low concentrations, this parameter could be used for (DSC), or reagents that could react with the carbon dioxide
method verification purposes but is generally less important (TAN). Two replicates each of pure lubricant and GEL pres-
when considering higher concentration lubricant–CO2 mix- surized to 2.76 MPa were loaded into sealed pressure vessels
tures. The diffusion coefficients do provide some insight into and placed into an oven at 100°C. Each week the samples
how GELs form, how the two components separate, and what were cooled to room temperature and the CO2 was removed
physical mechanisms are the primary drivers of this process. from the GELs by depressurization and a vacuum pump. Sam-
The accuracy of this method was verified by measuring ples were then measured for viscosity at 40°C before being
the Henry’s constant for a mixture of carbon dioxide and pressurized and placed back in the oven.
n-dodecane. Henry’s constants for this mixture were pub-
lished by Henni and coworkers (29), with an empirical equa- Test Lubricants
tion developed for predicting the values at any temperature. Seven lubricant base stocks representing three of the most
At 25°C this value was calculated to be 79.36 bar, within 3.3% common synthetic lubricant chemistry classes were analyzed
of our experimentally measured value of 76.72 bar. Two rep- to calculate a CO2 diffusion coefficient and Henry’s constant.
licates were measured for each lubricant, with the cutoff time The lubricants included were three polyalkylene glycols (Dow
for the data used in the regression established by the shorter Chemical Company, Midland, MI), three polyalpha olefins
of the two replicates. (Chemtura, Fords, NJ, and ExxonMobil Chemical, Houston,
The viscosity of the pure lubricants and GELs was mea- TX), and one polyol ester (POE; Chemtura). These three
sured using an Anton Paar MCR 301 rheometer equipped with synthetic oil types are widely used in bearing and gearbox
a high-pressure cell rated to 15 MPa. The CO2 was delivered to applications. The lubricant selection within each class was
the pressure cell using a Teledyne ISCO 500HP syringe pump based on viscosity grade and molecular structure. A total of 11
with a constant-temperature jacket. The temperature jacket en- lubricants were evaluated for viscosity, diffusivity, and thermal
sured the delivery of liquid CO2, allowing for the calculation of stability as pure fluids and as GELs.
the CO2 mass fraction via volumetric measurements and mass The lubricant used for modeling GEL phase behavior in a
balance calculations. The temperature of each sample was con- tilting pad journal bearing was a POE because POEs are known
trolled to within ±0.1°C using a Peltier-style temperature con- to be highly compatible with CO2 and because extensive litera-
troller integrated into the rheometer. All measurements were ture data are available detailing the high-pressure fluid-phase
performed at 40 and 100°C, which represent a typical operating behavior of POE–CO2 mixtures. A combination of experimen-
temperature range in bearing and gearbox environments. tal and published parameters was used as inputs to the model.
The thermo-oxidative stability of the pure lubricants and Viscosity and carbon dioxide solubility data were obtained from
GELs was also evaluated, using viscosity as an indicator of Hauk (4) for a POE 3. The effect of dissolved carbon dioxide
degradation, by monitoring the viscosity of the lubricants sub- on the viscosity of the GEL was measured experimentally and
jected to high temperatures and pressures over 6 weeks. The the results were fit using a modified Grunberg and Nissan equa-
synthetic lubricant base stocks tested contained no antioxi- tion, which has previously been used to accurately predict the
dants and were susceptible to thermo-oxidative breakdown viscosity of these mixtures (Grunberg and Nissan (35)):
under the conditions tested in this study. The petroleum oil
lnμMix = m1 lnμ1 + m2 lnμ2 + m1 m2 d. [2]
benchmark used in this study did contain phenolic antioxi-
dants, but because this is an industry standard for these ap- The POE thermal conductivity was measured using a
plications, it was appropriate to benchmark its performance to Decagon KD2 Pro equipped with a KS-1 sensor for measuring
the synthetic fluids selected. Our analysis represents a conser- the thermal conductivity of liquids. The thermal conductivity
vative analysis of the potential of synthetic lubricants in GELs. was also measured for a polyalkylene glycol and polyalpha
The use of viscosity as an indicator of oxidative stability has olefin of similar viscosity. The density was obtained from the
30,121 people. Only two people survived: a shoemaker living on the edge of the island and a prisoner locked in a dungeon cell with thick stone walls. 39
manufacturer of a POE 2926 lubricant. The effect of dissolved
carbon dioxide on thermal conductivity was found to be neg- 16
14 100 C
ligible, and Hauk (4) had previously reported that the effect 40 C
on density was minor. The properties of the POE 3 and the 12
25 C
Pressure (MPa)
POE 2926 were considered together and found to be con- 10
fusion into lubricants has been shown to correlate well with Viscosity
molecular weight, which is typically proportional to the vis- The viscosity–mass fraction relationship of GELs for three
cosity in synthetic lubricants. Diffusion has been shown in the representative lubricants is shown in Figure 4 for composi-
past to be a function of solvent viscosity for a variety of fluids, tions up to 20% CO2. The experimental data were fit using the
including ionic liquids, organic solvents, aqueous solutions, modified Grunberg and Nissan (35) equation. As discussed by
and oils (Moganty and Baltus (21); Ferrando, et al. (42)). This Clarens and coworkers (3), these fluids also exhibit Newto-
relationship held for the GELs evaluated here with a log-linear nian behavior for a wide range of shear rates, thus validating
relationship between viscosity and CO2 diffusivity observed.
The slope of the relationship between viscosity and diffusiv-
ity (−0.535) was highly consistent with values reported by
Moganty and Baltus (21) for other fluids (−0.66 to −0.44).
For the lubricants measured in this study, the diffusion coeffi-
cients decreased by an order of magnitude between the lowest
and highest viscosity lubricants. From a practical standpoint,
these data are important in the design of GEL systems because
they will drive the design of gas–liquid exchangers and de-
termine the residence times needed to cycle the lubricants
through and either add or remove gas, depending on the stage
in the cycle. Because diffusion and low-concentration solubil-
ity information is also relevant for the refrigeration industry,
Table 2 presents both the diffusion coefficients and Henry’s
constants for all of the lubricants analyzed.
Thermo-Oxidative Stability finite element code (He (40)) for a range of speeds from 200
The thermo-oxidative stability of pure lubricants and GELs, to 20,000 rpm. Model inputs are summarized in Table 3.
shown in Figure 5, was found to be unchanged by the ad- Pressure and temperature distributions are shown in Figure
dition of carbon dioxide to the lubricant. In all cases only 6 for the loaded pad #4 of the bearing for low- and high-
mild fluctuations in viscosity were found, typically within speed cases. For the low-speed case, both lubricants showed
the margin of error. Visually, all of the synthetic lubricant and little change in temperature as the fluid passed through the
synthetic-based GELs remained clear at the end of the 6-week loaded region. As expected, the pressure increased by about
period. The petroleum-based ISO VG 68, however, became 0.5 MPa as the fluid passed through the region of high load-
black as the lubricant began forming higher molecular weight ing and then dropped rapidly as the fluid expanded and ex-
species despite the fact that it contained phenolic antioxi- ited this support region beneath the shaft, returning to the
dants. This behavior is typical of petroleum-based lubricants supply pressure. This pressure spike was enhanced at higher
because they degrade more quickly than synthetic lubricants. speeds, shown in the lower panels, with an overall change in
Future studies might explore the impact of higher tempera- pressure of over 7MPa with the pure POE and 5 MPa with the
tures or longer contact times as well as other mechanistic GEL. Both lubricants exhibited higher operating temperatures
connections using modified DSC or TAN methods that are under high-speed conditions, with the temperature increasing
compatible with pressurized carbon dioxide environments. by approximately 20°C across the length of the pad. In this
case, the GEL produced lower operating temperatures than
Thermoelastohydrodynamic Modeling the pure POE by approximately 6 to 10°C. This has impor-
The performance of pure POE and a GEL containing POE tant implications for long-term bearing performance because
and 20% mass fraction CO2 was modeled using the TEHD lower operating temperatures are commonly associated with
lower rates of wear and increased component longevity.
To evaluate the likelihood that a bearing operated using
68 GELs would not produce a multiphase fluid film, the pressure
and temperature distributions from the analysis above were
substituted into the Jensen solubility model to determine the
composition of the GEL as a function of position in the fluid
Viscosity (mPa*s)
film. This approach assumes a uniform distribution of carbon
53 dioxide in the bearing due to mixing, as well as thermody-
namic equilibrium in the form of instantaneous mixing at
ISO 68 ISO 68 + CO2 PAO 1 all locations within the bearing. Figure 7 illustrates how the
POE 1 POE 1 + CO2 PAO 1 + CO2
43 PAG 2 PAG 2 + CO2
solubility of carbon dioxide in the GEL changes as a func-
tion of position for the low- and high speed cases. For the
38 low speed case, the pressure spiked but never fell below the
0 10 20 30 40 supply pressure at constant temperature; therefore, the CO2
Time (days)
solubility remained constant through the region of support
because mass transfer was limiting carbon dioxide dissolution
Figure 5 | Thermo-oxidation of lubricant–CO2 mixtures does not ap- into the lubricant.
pear to influence the long-term stability of the lubricants compared The high-speed case presents a more relevant discussion
to lubricants alone. on the solubility of the GEL and the operational consider-
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
Pressure (MPa)
Pressure (MPa)
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
Pressure (MPa)
Pressure (MPa)
6 11.5
90 90
4 9.5
85 85
2 7.5
80 80
0 75 5.5 75
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Circumferenal Direcon (cm) Circumferenal Direcon (cm)
Figure 6 | 6—Pressure (solid lines) and temperature (dashed lines) distributions on the loaded pad #4 of the tilting pad journal bearing. Profiles
are shown for (a) POE at 200 rpm, (b) the POE-based GEL at 200 rpm, (c) POE at 20,000 rpm, and (d) the GEL at 20,000 rpm.
operating temperatures across the pad began at values above
the supply temperature and increased across the length of
the pad. CO2 solubility increased with the pressure buildup 0.1
on the pad but because of the higher temperature the overall
value was low and it dropped to its lowest value at the end
of the pad. 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
In a bearing operated as in the low-speed case, these con- Circumferenal Direcon (cm)
ditions could result in multiphase flow through the region GEL - 20,000 RPM
ing the operating pressure. This would effectively control the
mixture such that the amount of carbon dioxide delivered
to the bearing would only be enough to reach the solubility
point of the minimum pressure and maximum temperature
conditions, eliminating the solubility spike and subsequent
drop as the fluid exits the region of support. Because changes 0
to these operating inputs would have a direct effect on the 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Circumferenal Direcon (cm)
temperature of the bearing, any adjustments to the system
would be performed in a stepwise fashion to enhance the
control over the mixture properties. Maintaining proper film Figure 7 | GEL composition in the fluid film region along pad #4 of
thickness would remain an important consideration in these the tilting pad journal bearing at (a) 200 rpm and (b) 20,000 rpm.
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operational decisions as well.
2.5 In an effort to avoid localized phase separation and cavita-
tion, additional simulations were conducted to understand
80% POE + 20% CO2
2 the operating conditions that could produce pressure drops
below the ambient supply pressure. A second low-speed case
Power Loss (kW)
1.5 was performed using twice the previously used radial clear-
ance in the bearing. For both the pure POE and GEL, the pres-
1 sure and temperature distributions appeared similar to those
in Figure 6, with the only exception being a slight drop (<0.1
MPa) below the ambient pressure in the divergent region of
the fluid film. These results indicate that even though local-
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
ized phase separation is possible under certain sets of operat-
Speed (rpm) ing conditions, this separation does not occur in the critical
region of load support and is no more likely to be detrimental
to the bearing than a standard lubrication environment.
Figure 8 | Power loss as a function of speed.
These results suggest that cavitation in GELs would not
be any more acute than in conventionally lubricated bearings,
but the effects of this phase behavior on power loss were also
of interest. The power loss estimates are presented in Figure
8 for a range of shaft speeds. Reductions of 14–46% were
possible though the highest values (e.g., 46% reduction) are
for low-speed conditions. Over the entire range of speeds
80% POE + 20% CO2
measured, reductions around 20–25% were the average. These
Eccentricity Rao
Dynamic Damping Coefficient, Cyy (lb·s/in) · 103
Dynamic Sffness Coefficient, Kyy (lb/in) · 106
1 1
80% POE + 20% CO2 80% POE + 20% CO2
0 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Speed (rpm) Speed (rpm)
46 In 79 AD Mount Vesuvius buried the city of Pompei under 13-20 feet (4-6 m) of superheated volcanic ash, killing 11,000-16,000 people. The Vesuvius eruption
24 The formation of gas-expanded lubricants was analyzed us-
ing experimental and modeling techniques of high-pressure
Minimum Film Thickness (m) · 10-6
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TOP STORIES Research was developed at The Ohio This achievement is listed in an
State University’s Nanoprobe Labora- article titled Top Ten Science Stories
BHARAT BHUSHAN AND PHILLIP tory for Bio- and Nanotechnology and of 2015. To read this article, go to
BROWN WIN 2015 IChemE GLOBAL Biomimetics.
AWARD “Oil spills are devastating to natural ten-science-stories-of-2015.
Bharat Bhushan, STLE Life Member and habitats and wildlife,” says Bhushan. “We are humbled and proud that
Ohio Eminent Scholar, and postdoctor- “Today oil spills are sometimes handled our work has gained significant atten-
al researcher Phillip Brown were present- using dispersants more toxic than the tion,” says Bhushan.
ed with an IChemE Global Award at the oil itself. Additionally, the emergence
Chemical Engineer’s (IChemE) Global of fracking has shed new light on in- DOW CHEMICAL, DUPONT
Awards 2015 in Birmingham, UK, rec- dustrial water contamination. We de- SEEK MERGER
ognizing outstanding achievement in veloped a durable coating that, when Dow Chemical in Midland, Mich., and
chemical and process engineering in applied to a mesh or membrane, can DuPont, based in Wilmington, Del.,
the Water Management and Supply help reduce the environmental impact are merging to form a company val-
category for their research, Separating of various industries by separating oil ued at about $130 billion as they try
oil from water. from water.” to counter falling commodities prices
The black-tie event was attended by The work began more than 10 years and weakness in some key markets that
more than 450 people from 18 countries, ago when Bhushan began building and have pressured their giant agriculture
hosted by BBC business journalist Steph patenting nano-structured coatings and chemicals businesses.
McGovern at the Hilton Metropole. that mimic the texture of the lotus The two companies will first form
A new mesh has been developed leaf. Since then he and his team have DowDuPont, then separate into three in-
using a special coating that contains worked to amplify the effect and tailor dependent publicly traded companies
thousands of tiny holes that act like a it to different situations. focused on agriculture, material science
colander. When a mixture of oil and “Nature reaches a limit of what it and specialty products.
water is poured over the treated mesh, can do,” says Brown. “To repel synthet- The proposed merger would tempo-
the oil gets trapped and the water ic materials like oils, we need to bring rarily create the world’s second-largest
passes straight through, separating the in another level of chemistry that na- chemical company behind BASF. It
liquids and helping to clean oil spills. ture doesn’t have access to.” comes as both Dow and DuPont have
seen recent declines in agricultural per-
formance and been pressured by activ-
ist shareholders to control spending
and shift away from commodities to
faster-growing parts of their businesses.
“Overall this transaction represents
a tectonic shift in an industry that
has been evolving over the last many
years,” says Dow chairman and CEO
Andrew Liveris, calling the merger a
seminal event for employees and cus-
tomers of the two companies, which
have a combined workforce of more
than 110,000.
DuPont chairman and CEO Edward
Breen says the industrial logic behind
the deal was compelling. “When I look
at DuPont and Dow, I see businesses
that fit together like hand and glove,”
Breen says.
Liveris will be named executive
chairman of the combined company,
while Breen will be CEO. The company
will have dual headquarters in Midland
and Wilmington.
STLE Life Member Bharat Bhushan (second from right) and Phillip Brown (second from left)
are presented with the IChemE Global Award for their research Separating oil from water. The deal, which the companies ex-
pect to close in the second half of 2016,
Venus may have at one time produced more volcanoes than any other planet in our solar system, though they are all now extinct. 51
met to capitalize on its biggest strength: meet future market demands in the au- to market need.
its people. tomotive petroleum additive industry When automotive lubricants such
With the vision of its executive team worldwide. as engine oils and transmission fluids
and the innovation of its Missouri per- The expansion features the building are formulated with antioxidants, they
sonnel, Calumet delivers world-class of a new ADPA plant that doubles the provide excellent protection against
options for polyol esters in specialized ADPA capacity of the Latina facility. It lubricant degradation and help reduce
lubricants. is expected that this new plant will be- automotive emissions as mandated by
The Missouri facility has a rich his- gin producing Naugalube® antioxidants the EPA; European Union; Japanese
tory entering its sixth decade of pro- before the end of 2016. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Indus-
ducing polyol esters. It has more than “As the transportation sector gears try; and other countries.
400 years of combined experience up for the latest requirements in greater “Chemtura is the ADPA market
among its more than 30 staff members fuel efficiency, the market is indicating leader for lubricant additive applica-
including plant operations, plant man- a step increase in antioxidant demand tions,” says Laurence Messé, global as-
agement, technical and commercial. in years 2017 and 2018,” says Kerim set manager inhibitors. “As such, we’re
The corporate support groups in- Wewer, head of asset management committed to meeting the increased de-
clude technical, regulatory and HS&E. EMEA. “Our efforts are part of a long- mand for antioxidants and the evolving
To learn more about Calumet’s polyol range capacity expansion program that needs of the global lubricant industry.”
esters, visit started in 2014 to ensure a continuous
supply of high-quality antioxidants to DES-CASE ACQUIRES OILMISER
ITALY SITE In 2014 and 2015, Chemtura in- Goodlettsville, Tenn.-based, Des-Case
Philadelphia-based, Chemtura Corp. will creased APDA capacity at its Elmira site Corp., a manufacturer of specialty fil-
expand its Latina, Italy, site to increase in Ontario, Canada, and at its Latina tration products that improve process
capacity for primary antioxidants (AD- site. Additional capacity increases and equipment reliability and extend lubri-
PAs) as one of the company’s efforts to expansions will be initiated according cant life for companies around the world,
to the field —
We can help design and demonstrate performance in all
phases of lubricant development.
QCustom additives QField technical service
QStandard and unique QFormula development
application testing The specialty additive company!
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068,,
announces its acquisition of JLM Systems Woodfall comes to Monson from market opportunities; working with
Limited, most popularly known in the in- Bunge North America where he was suppliers; and providing support for
dustry for their OilMiser products. national account Sea-Land Chemical’s lubricant testing
The OilMiser product line includes manager for their business, SLC Testing Services. She pre-
oil mist adapters, oil sampling prod- industrial oils viously worked as an alloy chemist and
ucts, reservoir aspirators, equipment group. Woodfall as a hazard communications specialist.
adapters and more that protect gear- also worked for Charlene Levitte was hired as a cus-
boxes and hydraulic reservoirs from Afton Chemi- tomer service representative. Her roles
harmful contamination. The Vapor cal as an account include assisting customers with plac-
Guard oil mist adapter, which enables manager in the ing orders, product and service ques-
oil to condense back into the reservoir Houston area. He tions and concerns; maintaining cus-
creating a safer work environment, is started his career tomer records by updating account
Mike Woodfall
the company’s leading product and an in a lab working information; and working with account
important strategic fit to Des-Case’s with D.A. Stuart as an application en- managers to identify and assess cus-
desiccant breathers. Dick Gangnon, gineer. tomer needs. She previously worked as
president of JLM Systems, has always Woodfall has a chemical engineer- a field support administrative assistant.
stood by the goal of “saving a million ing degree from University of Illinois. Rita Closson was hired as a recep-
gallons of oil, one ounce at a time.” STLE-member Craig H. Mott, vice tionist. Her roles include welcoming
“Bringing the OilMiser array of president, LMW Group Monson Co., visitors by greeting them in person or
products into the Des-Case product says, “We are very fortunate to have on the telephone, answering or refer-
portfolio will continue our growth such a high-quality individual on board ring inquiries and maintaining employ-
as the industry’s top resource to help to help us support and grow this very ee and department directories. She pre-
companies improve equipment reliabil- important territory. Woodfall has the viously worked as an office manager.
ity,” says STLE-member Brian Gleason, perfect background for this position “As we continue to grow, the addi-
president & CEO of Des-Case. “Equally being involved in both the industrial tion of talented and committed staff
important, with our global network of lubes and metalworking markets.” remains important,” says Sea-Land
distributors and OEM partners, we’ll Chemical Co. president and STLE-
enable the OilMiser product line— ADDITIVES INTERNATIONAL NAMES member Joseph Clayton. “We welcome
which has been trusted by hundreds TECHNICAL SALES MANAGER them to our team.”
of companies for years—to address Additives International, based in Flint,
far more reliability needs around the Mich., announces the addition of
world.” STLE-member Aaron Myers as techni-
Gangnon says, “I’ve always been an cal sales manager.
innovator and problem-solver. OilM- Myers has held a series of technical
iser products have played a key role in and sales roles for Gateway and then
helping increase equipment reliability, Lubrizol, and brings a wealth of experi-
but in the hands of Des-Case, they will ence in emulsifier and rust prevention
T R I B O LO G Y &
support so many more global reliabil- additives. Myers holds a bachelor’s of LU B R I C AT I O N
ity engineers in their efforts to improve science degree in chemistry with a mi- T E C H N O LO G Y
equipment uptime. I feel like I’m leaving nor in communications and biology
my innovations in the hands of a leading from University of Pittsburgh. Want to be recognized in TLT?
company that will take them far.”
Following the sale, Gangnon will SEA-LAND CHEMICAL CO. APPOINTS TLT is interested in hearing from our
become a product technical consultant THREE EMPLOYEES readers. Let us know what’s happen-
to Des-Case to help provide a seamless Westlake, Ohio-based, Sea-Land Chemi- ing in your company. If you have news
transition. cal Co. has appointed three employees about a new employee or if someone
as part of its ongoing commitment to in your company has been recognized
PROMOTIONS & TRANSITIONS growth and to providing excellent ser- with an award or any other interest-
vice to customers in the U.S., Canada ing items, let us know. Please send
MONSON CO. HIRES TECHNICAL and Europe. us your news releases and photos
SALES REPRESENTATIVE Sarah Krzyminski was hired as prod- for publication in Newsmakers to TLT
Leominster, Mass.-based, Monson Co. uct coordinator to assist the company Magazine, Attn: Rachel Fowler, 840
announces the addition of STLE-mem- in managing its specialty chemical Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068,
ber Mike Woodfall as technical sales rep- portfolio. Her role includes research-
resentative for the Southwest region. ing new chemistries, applications and
54 No planet besides Earth shows active volcanoes, but Io, one of Jupiter’s moons, shows volcanoes that are erupting.
71st STLE
Annual Meeting & Exhibition
• 400 Technical Presentations
• 13 Industry-Specific Education Courses
• 90-Exhibitor Trade Show
• Commercial Marketing Forum
• Networking
• New Products
• Professional Certification
• Peer Recognition
• Emerging Technologies
• Student Posters
• Business Planning
Follow us on #STLE2016
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068,,, 847-825-5536
Bruker Corp.
Billerica, Mass.
(978) 663-3660
56 The most dangerous volcano today is Popocatépetl, just 33 miles (53 km) from Mexico City. It spews thousands of tons of gas and ash into the air each year.
ANGUS Chemical Co., a leading manufacturer and marketer of
nitroalkanes and their derivatives, adds CORRGUARD FLEX, a
new primary amino alcohol product, to its CORRGUARD metal-
working fluid additives portfolio. CORRGUARD FLEX is a glob-
ally compliant, multifunctional additive that extends the life
of metalworking fluids. It also offers excellent neutralization,
effective pH control and is compatible with a wide range of bio-
cides. CORRGUARD FLEX is easy to formulate, broadly registered
with low secondary amines (less than 0.2%) and designed for
enhanced flexibility, enabling metalworking fluid manufacturers
to optimize the functionality of their formulations. CORRGUARD
FLEX leverages the proven benefits of ANGUS’ unique amino
alcohols as well as the company’s formulating expertise and
testing services to help metalworking fluid formulators solve
their market and regulatory-driven challenges.
Send us your new product news with color photos to: TLT Magazine, Attn: Rachel Fowler, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068,
What is your
favorite book
on tribology,
lubrication or a
Lubricants and Lubrication, 2nd Chemistry and Technology of Lubricants and Lubrication by Theo
edition. Lubricants by Roy M. Mortier, Mang and Wilfried Dresel. It is a
Malcolm F. Fox and Stefan Orszulik. large volume that briefly describes
The Principles of Lubrication by A condensed, driven chemical nearly every practical aspect of
Alastair Cameron. A classic that analysis that is very useful for the lubrication and tribology. The book
explains so much that is still relevant. highly skilled chemist. Mostly is strictly structured, which makes it
correct and has stood the test of time easy to find the topic you need.
The Lubrication Engineers Manual. well.
It is the foundation of lubrication Tribology in Metalworking: Friction,
principles. Handbook of Lubrication and Lubrication and Wear by Dr. John
Tribology: Volume 1-Application and Schey.
Metalworking Fluids, 2nd edition. Maintenance by George E. Totten.
It covers everything and does so in a Synthetics, Mineral Oils and Bio-
relatively detailed way. Lubricants and Related Products by Based Lubricants by Leslie Rudnick.
Dieter Klamann. A good compilation
Synthetics, Mineral Oils and Bio- of facts, test methods and other The Practical Handbook of
Based Lubricants. background information. Machinery Lubrication.
58 During the past 400 years, nearly a quarter of a million people have been killed as a direct result of volcanic eruptions.
The Practical Handbook of Intermolecular and Surface Forces How many
ma y work-related
Machinery Lubrication. One of the by Jacob N. Israelachvili. This book books do you
ou have in your
easiest to read and relate to. describes the forces at work in the personal library?
boundary layer.
Grease Lubrication in Rolling 1-5 7%
Bearings by Piet M. Lugt. The Practical Handbook of 6-10 27%
Machinery Lubrication. Easy to read
Practical Lubrication for Industrial and understand. Lots of pictures. 11-15 11%
Facilities by Heinz P. Bloch.
16-20 3%
Lubricant Additives: Chemistry and
Exxon Encyclopedia for the User of Applications by Leslie Rudnick. Mo e than 20
More 52%
Petroleum Products.
Based on responses sent to 13,000 TLT readers.
The one that really got me started
Chemistry and Technology of was Lubricants and Related Products
Lubricants by Roy M. Mortier, by Dieter Klamann. It’s an intelligent
Malcolm F. Fox and Stefan Orszulik. and practical guide on how and Tribology: A Systems Approach
I have always found it a useful where lubricants work. to the Science and Technology of
reference, especially when I was new Friction, Lubrication, and Wear. This
to the industry and now. I prefer journals like Wear, Tribology book covers the basics well and offers
Letters, etc., to books. They contain good models for characterization.
Metalworking Fluids, 2nd edition. newer information.
Great starting point book that hits The Lubrication Engineers Manual
almost all topics relevant to the TLT. It keeps me up to date on the by U.S. Steel. It’s old, but there is a
formulation and upkeep of MWFs. latest technologies. lot of good information in there and
ASM Handbook, Volume 18: The Lubrication Engineers Manual.
Friction, Lubrication and Wear Extremely beneficial in helping me The Friction and Lubrication of
Technology. This one has lots of obtain my Certified Lubrication Solids, Volume I by F.P. Bowden &
basics, photos and test data on a very Specialist™ certification. D. Tabor.
wide range of materials, systems
and different wear and lubrication Handbook of Lubrication and Drive It Forever: Secrets to Long
examples. Well done with lots of Tribology—it’s a good general Automobile Life by Bob Sikorsky. It’s
references. resource and appropriate for my level. something I can relate to.
Indirect aftereffects such as famine, climate change and disease most likely have tripled that number. 59
Chemistry of engine oil additives is A general book on lubricant Tribology testing and simulations
poorly publicized. Many additives applications (if it doesn’t already related to field performances of
are used for engine oils, but since exist). Good application knowledge products.
just three companies dominate in is often a trade secret and passed
additive R&D, chemical information down in the industry. Having access Advances with coatings.
about their composition is often to more detailed information on
confidential. More than 10 million specific applications could help Developments in coolant technology,
metric tons of engine oils are not increase market competition for including the adverse effects of hard
disposed properly and end up lost suppliers looking to enter new water.
in the environment. This is a shame markets.
as we don’t really know what kind Sheet metal deformation. Lubricant
of chemicals are emitted with waste choices are dependent on too many
engine oils. outside variables.
s the
t eaamount
u t of
technical information
Value of viscosity film strength in a Regulations and health and safety
you’re consuming digitally
shock-loading environment. Several issues. It is important to develop
versus print increasing or
different types of milling operations. these products.
Variables are too numerous to count.
I have published a paper on oil
Increasing 70%
Case studies or experiences in filtration but am unaware of a book
lubrication. We often encounter Decreasing 2%
% specifically on the subject.
various lubrication cases in the field
that need solutions. The same
sa e 28% Materials science in general but
Based on responses sent to 13,000 TLT readers. specifically fine particle analysis as
Air compressors. We see point-of- a root cause of progressive failure in
sale material but not much technical lubes.
Lubrication reliability—it’s a fast- Making the application, calculating
A real-world applications guide to developing area. and understanding of lambda more
industrial equipment. accessible to general engineers.
A book that links technical aspects
Additive chemistry for engine oils. of tribology/lubrication and Metalworking fluids—nobody wants
The chemistry is proprietary so no commerce/business practice. to give away all of their secrets!
one wants to share.
A book specifically on commercial Asperity scale contact modeling.
Green lubrication. Biodegradable vehicle automotive gear oils. It
and environmentally friendly is this way because most books Hot and cold rolling of ferrous and
lubrication information. Examples of concentrate on engine oil topics. nonferrous metals.
green technology applications.
2016 STLE Please mark your calendars for the 2016 TFC,
Tribology Nov. 13-15 in Chicago’s historic Drake Hotel.
We’ll again gather an international community
Frontiers to share tribology’s most cutting-edge research.
March 15 Abstract Deadline
The Drake Hotel Chicago
STLE is seeking papers for the following
Nov. 13-15, 2016
technical tracks:
• Surfaces and Interfaces
• Biotribology
• Fluid Lubrication
• Lubricants
• Machine Elements and Systems
• Energy/Environment/Manufacturing
• Tribochemistry
• Materials Tribology
• Beyond the Cutting Edge
Places of Interest • The Art Institute of Chicago • Museum of Science and Industry • Follow us on:
Field Museum • Shedd Aquarium • Willis Tower • Lincoln Park Zoo •
John Hancock Building • Navy Pier • Millennium Park • Michigan Avenue shopping
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068 • • • 847-825-5536
Editor’s Note: Sounding Board is based on an email survey of 13,000 TLT readers. Views expressed are those of the respondents and do not reflect the opinions of
the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. STLE does not vouch for the technical accuracy of opinions expressed in Sounding Board, nor does inclusion
of a comment represent an endorsement of the technology by STLE.
POWER FEBRUARY 2016 • VOL. 72, NO. 2
BUYERS Company
Acme-Hardesty Co.
INOLEX, Inc. 23
of TLT readers:
Pilot Chemical
Soltex, Inc.
Spectro Analytical 45
• Authorize purchases STLE 2016 Annual Meeting & Exhibition 55
• Evaluate products STLE 2016 Call for Student Posters 69
• Recommend vendors. STLE Certification 71
For information on how to customize STLE 2016 MWF Management Certificate Program 65
a multimedia marketing program that
STLE 2016 STEM Program 53
fits your budget, contact:
STLE 2016 Tribology Frontiers Conference 61
National Sales Manager
Tracy VanEe UL Information & Insights IBC
(630) 922-3459 United Color Manufacturing 33
Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC 27
64 In 1963 an undersea volcano created Earth’s newest land mass, the one-square mile Surtsey Island off the southwest coast of Iceland.
Feb. 23-25, 2016, The Sheraton Suites Philadelphia Airport,
4101 Island Ave., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The STLE Metalworking Fluid Management Program offers a solid overview of metal-
working fluid management and is tailored to provide individuals with a comprehensive look
at the latest techniques and practices that are sure to improve their metalworking fluid
operation. Optimize your metalworking fluid management capabilities and become a more
valuable asset to your company.
Sponsored by the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers and the Metalworking Fluid Education & Training Committee
Stressing strategic and technological solutions to Despite the fact that more
medicinal chemistry challenges, Small Molecule Me- than 90% of production pro-
dicinal Chemistry: Strategies and Technologies pres- cesses in industry are cata-
ents methods and practices for optimizing the chem- lyzed, most chemists and
ical aspects of drug discovery. Chapters discuss engineers are restricted to
benefits, challenges, case studies and industry perspectives for improving trial and error when searching for the proper catalyst.
drug discovery programs with respect to quality and costs. This book also Industrial Catalysis: A Practical Approach, 3rd
focuses on small molecules and their critical role in medicinal chemistry, edition, emphasizes industrial aspects of catalysis and
reviewing chemical and economic advantages, challenges and trends in also is particularly well suited to studying on one’s
the field from industry perspectives. It discusses novel approaches and own. It is dedicated to both homogeneous and het-
key topics like screening collection enhancement, risk sharing, HTS tri- erogeneous catalysis. In its 3rd edition, this book of-
age, new lead finding approaches, diversity-oriented synthesis, peptido- fers all relevant information on catalytic processes in
mimetics, natural products and high throughput medicinal chemistry the industry, including many recent examples. It is
approaches. It also explains how to reduce design-make-test cycle times the ideal companion for scientists who want to get
by integrating medicinal chemistry, physical chemistry and ADME profil- into the field or refresh existing knowledge. Available
ing techniques. Available at List Price: $150 (USD). at List Price: $205 (USD).
Events listed here are local section STLE CERTIFICATION EXAM ly when it comes to certain feed stocks.
programs. For further details and a The two-day event will be held
STLE is offering a certification exam
full listing of other upcoming section June 21-22 in Liverpool, UK. The con-
on Feb. 25 from 1-4 p.m. at the Shera-
events in your area, visit ference will bring together the lead-
ton Suites Philadelphia Airport, 4101
Meeting announcements can be sent ing executives and experts from across
Island Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. For the
to TLT Magazine, Attn: Rachel Fowler, the entire value chain for two days of
online registration form, go to www. informative presentations, interactive; click on the certification tab at
discussion and excellent networking
the top and go to registration. Online
FEBRUARY 2016 opportunities. To learn more, go to
registration closes two weeks prior to
STLE Canton Section: Real-Time Monitor-
the exam date. Onsite registration may
ing to Detect and Differentiate the Metal For more information and to regis-
be available on a first come, first serve
Wear Particles in Lubricant (Speaker: ter, contact Cheryl Williams by email-
basis. For more information and for
Professor Jiang (John) Zhe, University of ing or call +44 (0)
other methods of registering, you may
Akron), Feb. 10, 5:30 p.m. (registration 203 141 0623.
contact STLE headquarters by email-
and networking), 6 p.m. (dinner), 6:45
ing or call (847) RELIABLE PLANT
p.m. (speaker presentation), Courtyard
825-5536. CONFERENCE
Canton, 4375 Metro Cir. NW, North
Canton, Ohio. Contact: Paul Shiller, OLEOFUELS 2016 The Reliable Plant Conference serves the machinery lubrication, oil analysis
Oleofuels 2016 is the progression of
and reliability professionals workshops,
STLE Detroit Section: Driveline Fluids & ACI’s highly successful European Bio-
learning sessions and case studies cov-
GM Approval Process (Speaker: Khaled diesel series of events which ran from
ering today’s trends, technologies and
Zreik, GM), Feb. 24, 4:30 p.m. (registra- 2008-2013. The change of name re-
issues. The conference will be in Lou-
tion), 5 p.m. (speaker presentation), 6 flects the fact that the event will now
isville, Kentucky, April 5-7, 2016, at the
p.m. (dinner), Powers Court Building, cover all fuels made from oils and fats
Kentucky Convention Center. Register
Green Glass Building, 17199 N. Laurel including biodiesel, hydrogenated veg-
early and save at http://conference.reli-
Park Dr., Livonia, Mich. Contact: Beth etable oil and bio jet as well as take a
Zou, more global view, which is key especial-
Baby Steps
When it comes to digital marketing, don’t be afraid to try something new.
1 6 STLE
• The poster must present original work by the
student during the 2015-2016 academic year.
ENGINEERS is seeking student posters for the 71st • The student may submit only one poster as the
Annual Meeting & Exhibition at Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and lead author.
Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), May 15-19, 2016. • As the lead author of the poster, the student
should have performed the major portion of
Event organizers are inviting students from all areas the work.
of tribology research to participate in a special session
• Lead authors must be full-time graduate or
dedicated to student posters. The posters must deal with
undergraduate students registered during the
an aspect of tribology research that can be translated
2015-2016 academic year.
into friction, wear and lubrication. Student poster
research topics can be co-authored by faculty and other • Posters can be no larger than 48 x 48 inches.
researchers, but only students may exhibit their posters • Posters must be set Sunday afternoon or
and discuss their work at the session. The posters will Monday morning. The author must be present at
be judged by a conference committee, and awards the poster display during the judging session
will be given to the best nine posters. Monday, May 16, during lunch and during the
scheduled conference break that afternoon.
STLE is now accepting abstracts for posters at The deadline for abstract submissions
is March 15, 2016. Notification of acceptance will be THREE AWARDS WILL BE GIVEN IN
sent to students shortly after this date. EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES:
Platinum: superior scientific and presentation
quality ($300 prize)
Gold: good technical quality ($200 prize)
Silver: overall quality worthy to be
encouraged ($100 prize)
Winners will be announced during the Presidents
Luncheon Tuesday, May 17.
For additional questions about
the student poster session,
please contact Merle Hedland,
Speed Demon
Scientists use tribology and a supersonic car in an attempt
to reach 1,000 mph on land.
When a distinguished but elderly
scientist states that something
is possible, he is almost certainly
right. When he states that
something is impossible, he is
very probably wrong.
—Arthur C. Clarke’s first law of prediction
70 Well into the Middle Ages many believed volcanoes were entrances into the fiery underworld.
Invest in your greatest
Credibility. Respect. Integrity.
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068,,
Drs. Wilfred T. Tysoe &
Nicholas D. Spencer
IT WAS WITH GREAT SADNESS are remarkable for their breadth and
THAT WE LEARNED OF THE PASS- elegance in many areas, including
ING of professor Ken Johnson, a Life contact mechanics, lubrication, rhe-
Member of STLE, last September. Pro- ology and the wheel-rail contact. His
fessor Johnson was born in Barrow- work on the contact of windscreen
in-Furness, an industrial town at the wipers (Surface Energy and the Con-
southern tip of the Lake District in the tact of Elastic Solids) produced the
north of England, where he attended ‘JKR’ theory of adhesion that remains
the local grammar school. His senior the basis for understanding nanotri-
school years coincided with World bology.
War II when, according to a May 2010 Professor Johnson’s attain-
article in the News and Star newspa- ments are reflected in the plethora
per, he did his bit by cutting wood for of awards that he received, including
pit props with his scout troop. his election as a Fellow of the Royal
He studied mechanical engineer- Society, the William Prager, Royal So-
ing at the University of Manchester, ciety, Timoshenko and Tribology Gold
Faculty of Technology, which subse- Medals and the ASME Mayo D. Hersey
quently became UMIST, and received Award.
his bachelor’s of science degree in He was always a strong supporter
1944 and his master’s in 1948. He then of Tribology Letters. When invited to
went to work with Rotol Airscrews in Ken Johnson, 1925-2015, Life Member of STLE join the editorial board of the newly
Gloucestershire, a manufacturer of founded journal at a meeting in Perth
propellers for Spitfire aircraft. It was organized by Gwidon Stachowiak, he
there he first became interested in contact that he felt were in greater need. He had a questioned the need for yet another tribol-
problems while studying propeller vibrations. self-effacing, northern sense of humor as il- ogy journal. When we explained that our goal
He realized that the damping in structural vi- lustrated by his acceptance speech for the was to focus on the science of tribology, he
brations occurred principally due to slip at Timoshenko Medal. He recounts how drawing eagerly agreed and remained a strong sup-
clamped joints. vectors for the five-bladed Spitfire propeller porter of the journal ever after.
He returned to Manchester in 1949 as an as- was invaluable training for dividing a cake or His wisdom and his council will be sorely
sistant lecturer in engineering and earned his a pie equitably for a family of five. missed.
doctorate there in 1954 with a thesis titled The He joked that his name was so common
Effects of an Oscillating Force at the Interface that, during a visit to a colleague at Harvard,
of Bodies in Contact, published in the Proceed- he had the following conversation: Eddy Tysoe is a Distinguished
ings of the Royal Society (A230, 531 (1955)). “Did you write that book on vibration with Professor of Physical Chemistry
Like many of the greatest minds from Man- Bishop?” at the University of Wisconsin-
chester, he was lured to the glitter and prestige “No, that was Dan Johnson.” Milwaukee. You can reach him at
of Cambridge where he became a demonstra- “Did you edit that British Journal of Me-
tor in engineering in 1954. He remained at chanical Sciences?”
Cambridge for the rest of his career, being ap- “No, that was Bill Johnson.” Nic Spencer is professor of
pointed a Fellow of Jesus College in 1957 and “Then who the hell are you?” surface science and technology
professor of engineering in 1977. Professor Johnson is perhaps best known at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Professor Johnson, in spite of his intel- for his book Contact Mechanics, which is You can reach him at
lectual stature, was extremely modest and mandatory reading for any tribologist and,
generous. He invariably gave away his engi- according to Google Scholar, has been cited Both serve as editors-in-chief of STLE-affiliated
neering department research funds to others 14,600 times. His contributions to tribology Tribology Letters journal.
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