Millimeter-wave Mobile Broadband with Large Scale Spatial
Millimeter-wave Mobile Broadband with Large Scale Spatial
Millimeter-wave Mobile Broadband with Large Scale Spatial
54GHz 99 GHz 99 GHz
Pr r
All cellular mobile
Potential 252 GHz Pt
available bandwidth
60 GHz Oxygen Water vapor (H2O)
absorption band absorption band
where is the free-space loss in dB, is the carrier We note that for given aperture areas of transmit and
frequency in GHz, and is the distance between the receive antennas, shorter wavelengths (higher frequencies)
transmitter and receiver in meters. can propagate longer compared to longer wavelengths (lower
It is often assumed that higher frequencies propagate frequencies) as the transmission at higher frequencies
poorly in free space compared to lower frequencies. This becomes more directive (narrower beams). For example, a
only applies when path loss is calculated at a specific beam at 30 GHz will have about 22 dB gain (narrower beam)
frequency between two isotropic antennas or half-wavelength compared to the beam at 2.4 GHz frequency if the antenna
dipoles. Let us consider the case of omni-directional areas are kept constant. Therefore, millimeter wave
transmission between two isotropic antennas as shown in frequencies (3 – 300 GHz) are unlikely to suffer any inherent
Figure 2. The ratio of the power received by the receiving disadvantage relative to the lower frequencies (< 3 GHz) as
antenna, , to the power input to the isotropic transmitting long as directional transmissions using beamforming are
antenna, , is given by: considered. Furthermore, narrow beams and directional
transmissions reduce interference and increase spatial
o n nn multiplexing and spatial division multiple access (SDMA)
o p capabilities for cellular applications.
C. Penetration and other losses per km at mmWave frequencies [11]. In those cases, fallback
While signals at lower frequencies can penetrate more mechanisms to lower-frequency cellular bands can be
easily through buildings, millimeter waves do not penetrate considered as a part of the MMB system design.
most solid materials (e.g., brick wall and concrete) very
well. Millimeter-wave penetration through some materials D. Doppler
such as drywall, glass and wood is comparable to that at 2.5 The Doppler of a millimeter-wave channel depends on
GHz as shown in Table 1. Millimeter-wave signals the carrier frequency and the mobility. The maximum
transmitted from outdoor base stations may largely be Doppler shift is given by
confined to streets and other outdoor structures although
some signals might reach inside the buildings through glass
windows and doors etc. The coverage deep inside buildings
in this case can be provided by other means such as femto- where is the mobile speed, is the carrier frequency, and
cell or Wi-Fi solutions. is the speed of light. The coherent time . The
Table 1 Attenuations for different materials [9] maximum Doppler shift and the coherence time for carrier
Thickness Attenuation Attenuation frequency of 3 – 60 GHz with mobility of 3 – 350 km/h are
[cm] 2.5GHz [dB] 60GHz [dB] shown in Table 2.
Drywall 2.5 5.4 6.0
Office Whiteboard 1.9 0.5 9.6 Table 2. Time-domain variation for millimeter wave
Clear Glass 0.3/ 0.4 6.4 3.6 Maximum Carrier Frequency (GHz)
Mesh Glass 0.3 7.7 10.2 Doppler (Hz) 3 10 30 60
3 8.3 27.8 83.3 166.7
Mobile speed
Foliage losses for millimeter waves are significant and 30 83.3 277.8 833.3 1666.7
can be a limiting impairment for propagation in some cases.
120 333.3 1111.1 3333.3 6666.7
An empirical formula has been developed in [10] to
calculate the propagation through foliage: 350 972.2 3240.7 9722.2 19444.4
{ √ ( )
components of a millimeter wave link are limited. Studies mobile station . With transmitter and receiver beamforming,
show that the root mean square (RMS) of the power delay the transmitter and the receiver can choose and
profile (PDP) of mmWave channels in an urban environment judiciously such that the SINR in Equation ( ) is
is of the order of 1 – 10 ns [7]. However, it is noted that the maximized. The choice of and can adapt to the
transmitter and receiver antenna gains used in [7] are higher long-term shadowing or the short-term fading, resulting in
than those used for MMB. Therefore, it is possible that in an different signaling overhead and performance.
MMB system longer paths can be observed and the
coherence bandwidth may be smaller than those reported in Transmitter and receiver beamforming that adapt to long-
these studies. term shadowing (i.e., the long-term beamforming) can
support very high mobility (up to 350 km/h). To illustrate
III. MMB AIR INTERFACE DESIGN this, assume that planar antenna arrays are used for
beamforming. The maximum beamforming gain of a planar
A. Beamforming
array can be approximated as [12],
Beamforming is a key enabling technology of MMB
system. For MMB transceivers, a large number of antennas
(e.g., 16 – 1024) can be packed into a small area due to the
short wavelengths, thus enabling beamforming with large where is the half-power beamwidth (HPBW) in the E-
gains. When employed in both the transmitter and receiver, plane and is the HPBW in the H-plane. Assume
beamforming can significantly improve the signal strength , the relationship between the antenna gain and the
and suppress interference from neighboring MMB cells, beamwidth becomes
resulting in much higher cell throughput and cell-edge
performance than traditional cellular systems.
As shown in Figure 4, beamforming in MMB systems can
be achieved in the digital baseband, analog baseband, or RF
For a planar array with a 30 dB gain, °, which
front end. With digital baseband beamforming and multiple
translates into 10 meters at a distance of 100 meter from the
RF chains, it is possible to transmit multiple data streams
base station. For a mobile station with 350 km/h speed, it
simultaneously, thereby enabling SDMA and MIMO type
takes about 100 ms to travel 10 meters. As the beamforming
transmission schemes. However, the cost of implementing
gain will mostly be less than 30 dB for MMB, we expect the
RF chains for every antenna element can be high for MMB
adaptation rate of long term beamforming to be less than 10
systems. With analog baseband beamforming or RF
beamforming, the beamforming weights are applied to the
same signal transmitted via multiple antennas. This approach The adaptation rate of transmitter and receiver
reduces the number of RF chains but may also limit the beamforming to exploit the short-term fading (i.e., the short-
multiplexing capability of the system. term beamforming) needs to be faster than the Doppler of the
channel. As a result, it is only applicable when the coherent
time of the channel is much longer than the delay of the
DAC PA PA channel state information feedback. In an MMB system, by
DAC choosing the system design parameters appropriately, the
DAC PA PA short-term beamforming can be made to support short-term
(a) Digital baseband beamforming (b) Analog baseband beamforming
fading with Doppler up to 1 kHz.
B. Frame structure
Beamforming weights
DAC OFDMA and single-carrier FDMA were chosen to be the
PA multiple access schemes of 4G systems due to a variety of
(c) RF beamforming reasons (e.g., flexibility in support multiple bandwidths,
Figure 4. Three different beamforming approaches simpler equalizer and MIMO receiver, and ability to support
efficient multiple access, etc.). For largely the same reasons,
we propose the use of OFDM and single-carrier waveform
The SINR of the signal from BS to MS , , can be for MMB. Table 3 shows a possible MMB OFDM
represented as numerology with 1/8 CP and system bandwidths of 250
‖ ‖ MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz.
∑‖ ‖ ( ) Table 3. OFDM numerology (1/8 CP)
Short CP Configurations
where is the channel from BS to MS , is the System Bandwidth (MHz) 250 500 1000
transmission power of BS , and are the angle of Sampling rate (MHz) 276.48 552.96 1105.92
departure (AoD) and angle of arrival (AoA) for the link OFDM symbol length (FFT size) 1024 2048 4096
between BS and MS , respectively. The transmit antenna CP length 128 256 512
pattern at BS and the receiving antenna pattern at MS are Subcarrier spacing (kHz) 270
denoted by and . Therefore, and OFDM symbol duration (us) 3.70
CP duration (us) 0.46
represent the transmit beamforming gain and receiver
Number of OFDM symbols per slot 30
beamforming gain for the channel from base station to Slot duration (us) 125
The OFDM / single-carrier numerology is carefully A typical link budget for such a MMB communication
chosen to cater to a number of engineering considerations. system is shown in Table 4 . A 28 GHz system is chosen as a
The 270 kHz subcarrier spacing, for instance, is small enough design example that captures the impact of higher frequency
to stay within the multipath coherent bandwidth on the one operation while simultaneously meeting device
hand while being wide enough to keep small FFT / IFFT implementation and feasibility constraints. Our goal is to
sizes (4096 points for 1 GHz system bandwidth), and to provide a minimum of 1 Gb/s for the mobile uplink and 4
accommodate inaccuracies of low-cost VCXOs. A carrier Gb/s for the downlink over 0.25 km distance within a 500
frequency of 28 GHz and a 20 ppm VCXO generates a clock MHz bandwidth. RF component efficiency can be poor at
drift of no more than 560 kHz – about twice the proposed mmWave frequencies, although there is active research in
subcarrier spacing. This enables simple design of improving mmWave RF component efficiency [4-6]. We
synchronization and system acquisition. The chosen Cyclic assume 23 dBm as the transmit power for the uplink and 40
Prefix (CP) provides sufficient margin for accommodating dBm for the downlink. We assume a 7 dB noise figure [5].
the longest path [13-16] in different deployment scenarios, Channel models for mmWave communication have been
and the potential increase of delay spread in the case of small traditionally studied for outdoor, fixed environments for
antenna arrays (e.g., smart phones with small form factors) or LMDS applications [13] and for indoor, mobile for 60 GHz
wider beams (e.g., control channel transmissions) while applications. We assume an additional loss of 20 dB to
keeping a small CP overhead (11.1%). account for shadowing, fading and NLOS communication.
1 frame = 10ms
However, deeper understanding of the mmWave channel is
needed for outdoor, mobile environments to understand path
1 Frame
loss, angular spread, delay spread, NLOS beamforming and
= 10 subframes
1 subframe = 1ms
blocking issues and is a focus of on-going research in this
area [14-16].
1 subframe
= 8 slots
1 slot = 125us
The antenna aperture size decreases with the square of the
carrier frequency. This means that a 100X more antennas
1 slot can be used at 20 GHz to capture the same energy as an
penetration and omni-directional reception at the mobile. is 1°, i.e., there are 60 beams in the base station transmit
The number of paths arriving at the mobile is typically much beamforming codebook for each sector. Further details on
higher than the number of antennas. In contrast, the the simulation methodology and design considerations are
mmWave MIMO channel is more reflective, and discussed in [22].
beamforming techniques are needed to capture the energy Mobile stations with random orientations are randomly
from appropriate directions. The number of antennas dropped. The resolution of mobile station receiver
supported is typically much greater than the number of paths beamforming is also 1°, i.e., there are 360 beams in the
at the mobile and the nn l l ly mo “g om ” mobile station receiver beamforming codebook.
as opposed to being omni-directional.
Current phased antenna array design implementations
MIMO precoding is primarily a baseband precoding can attain a resolution of 5° [5]. Although it could be argued
mechanism where the the number of digital chains are equal that a resolution of 1° for transmit and/or receive
to the number of antennas, and the channel matrix is beamforming may be difficult to realize in practice, such
relatively small. In contrast, the mmWave MIMO precoding precision in resolution is not required since the HPBW used
comprises substantial RF processing with phased antenna by the antenna arrays for steering in azimuth and elevation
arrays and the number of digital processing chains are fewer can cover a wide range of resolution angles without
than the number of antennas resulting in a relatively larger significant performance loss.
matrix, However, since the channel is more geometric, the 1
number of principal components in the channel matrix is 0.9
relatively few, resulting in a sparse matrix. Table 5 compares 0.8
design aspects between cellular communications below 3 0.7
GHz and mmWave cellular communication. 0.6
Table 5 Comparing regular and mmWave cellular communication
Feature Current cellular mmWave cellular
Antenna size Large antennas Small antennas
Limited MIMO Massive MIMO 0.2
MIMO order
(BS & MS) (BS & MS) 0.1
BF Digital Processing Hybrid spatial processing 0
architecture (Digital MIMO & BF) (Digital MIMO & RF BF) -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
#Paths >> #Antennas #Antennas >> #Paths Geometry (dB)
Joint digital and analog
Precoder Cellular MMB, NoBF MMB, RxBF
Digital optimization optimization
design MMB, TxBF MMB, TRBF
(phase only analog)
Figure 7. Geometry distribution in an MMB system
The performance of MMB system is studied using system The mobile station geometry distribution in the MMB
level simulations. The system configuration largely follows system is shown in Figure 7. Base station Tx power of 40
the system simulation methodology of [21] with a few dBm per sector is assumed for both the MMB systems and
changes to model the MMB-specific features. The list of the cellular reference system. A 4G LTE-A cellular
important system parameters are shown in Table 6. The path reference system is assumed for comparison with 4 Tx
loss formula, more realistic to the mmWave channel, based MIMO per sector, 3-sector cell and 20 MHz system
on [13] is assumed. bandwidth as in [23]. W ou b m o m ng (“NoBF”),
Table 6. MMB system simulation configuration
geometry of MMB performs worse than a comparable 4G
Cell layout 19-cell wrap around d gn (“ llul ”). How , w b m o m ng, at the
Number of sectors per cell 6 mob l on only (“RxBF”) o b on only (“TxBF”),
Site-to-site distance 500 meters provides a better performance than cellular design. Joint
Carrier frequency 28 GHz transmit and receive b m o m ng (“TRBF”) gn n ly
System bandwidth 500 MHz improves the geometry of the mobile stations by enhancing
Path loss formula 157.4 + 32log10d (d in km)
BS Tx power per sector 40, 43, 46, 49 dBm
the d d MS’ 5 p n l signal strength by at least 6 dB
BS antenna configuration 48-element (12x4) horn antenna as well as suppressing the interferences to other MSs.
array per sector Beamforming at the BS and the MS appears to be an
Lognormal shadowing STD 12 dB essential component of the MMB system design.
Mobile station noise figure 7 dB
MS antenna configuration 2 arrays, each with 4 elements The system throughput and cell-edge performance of the
System overhead 30% designed MMB system are shown in Figure 8. A single
Implementation loss 3 dB stream transmission and simple round-robin scheduling are
assumed for the simulations. With 40 dBm BS Tx power, a
Each base station is deployed with 6 horn antenna arrays cell throughput of 8.37 Gb/s (including all 6 sectors in a cell)
of 12x4 elements each, an antenna array covering a 60° and a cell-edge throughput of 680 Mbps can be achieved. As
sector. The resolution of base station transmit beamforming we raise the BS Tx power to 49 dBm, a cell throughput of
9.07 Gb/s and a cell-edge throughput of 882 Mbps are REFERENCES
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