Does carnivore diet increase testosterone
Does carnivore diet increase testosterone
Does carnivore diet increase testosterone
August 22, 2023 by Hans Amato
“Does carnivore diet increase testosterone?” you might be wondering.
Most people that switch to a carnivore diet experience an increase in testosterone. However,
here’s the nuance…
Hans here! I increased my testosterone to 1254ng/dl and have been maintaining high T naturally.
I’ve turned myself into an Alpha Energy Male.
An Alpha Energy Male with high energy, fast recovery, high sex drive, and confidence.
This is why I research obsessively, experiment and write, and have been doing so for the past
But the overarching premise is low/zero carb. So that’s why we can use ketogenic studies as a
close proxy.
Study 2
13 weeks of a very low-calorie ketogenic diet increased LH and total testosterone (R).
Study 3
12 weeks of a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet increase average testosterone by 218.1 ± 53.9%
(R). They also experienced a 14.9 ± 3.9% loss of the initial body weight
Their diet consisted of <30 g/day of carbs, ~44%, and ~43% of fats and proteins (1.4–1.5
Insulin resistance and obesity are two big reasons for low testosterone. Improving both can help
to increase testosterone. So basically, those with the greatest fat loss experienced the greatest
increase in testosterone (R).
But carnivore diets are higher in protein, is that bad?
As long as you’re not eating very high protein, then you should be fine.
Very high-protein diets (> 3.4 g/kg/day) appear to decrease testosterone, however high- and
moderate-protein diets (1.25-3.4 g/kg/day) do not (R).
Anecdotal evidence that carnivore diet increases
I’ve worked with a bunch of ex-carnivores who came to me because they had low libido and ED.
Oftentimes, their testosterone is in the upper range of normal and sometimes even over
Example 1 – 51 male
He did a carnivore diet for 2 years after which his testosterone was 732.
But as you can see his free testosterone is 10.5pg/ml. Very close to the lower end of the range.
His testosterone will likely be even higher if his LH increased more, but the low carb diet is
keeping his LH low. Also, he lost 30 lbs despite being already slim, so likely he was undereating,
which was keeping his LH suppressed.
His total testosterone was just over 900ng/dl, but his SHBG was very high and his free
testosterone was also close to the bottom of the range.
He did carnivore for close to 2 years and his testosterone was close to 900ng/dl. Later on, he did
another test which he send to me and his T was over 1000ng/dl.
But as you can see, his SHBG is very high and his free T low. Also, his DHEA-S is very low.
As you can see, low carb diets can increase your testosterone, but only if it:
Actually, total testosterone is able to increase like that because SHBG is going up. More SHBG,
less free T, less inhibition on LH release (less negative feedback loop).
Why did I point out DHEA?
As you can see, I pointed out DHEA in those that got it tested. DHEA is an adrenal steroid, but
adrenal-related steroids (androstenedione, androstenediol, DHEA, androsterone, androstanediol,
etc) contribute to about 30-50% of the total androgen pool. Yes, 50%!
DHEA and the other adrenal steroids also bind to SHBG, which displaces testosterone and DHT.
So if you have low DHEA and related steroids, calculated free T is complete BS, because it
doesn’t take into consideration DHEA and other steroids.
Eat more carbs (shoot for 200-300g daily) – milk, honey, fruit, starches, etc.
Use 25-50mg topical DHEA (until your levels are optimal)