1. John was asked by his mother to clean the dishes. After hearing that, John automatically went
outside the house to play with his friends. In the statement, John manifests what kind of pathway to
a. Authority-conflict pathway c. Covert pathway
b. Overt pathway d. Defiance pathway
2. These youths become delinquents as a result of distortions in their personality and their ideas and
perception of the world around them. They commit delinquent acts because of their insecurities about
their masculinity.
a. Socialized delinquents c. Psychotic delinquents
b. Neurotic delinquents d. Sociopathic delinquents
3. This type of youths has distorted view of reality and delusional thoughts that may compel them to
commit weird acts that violate the law.
a. Socialized delinquents c. Psychotic delinquents
b. Neurotic delinquents d. Sociopathic delinquents
4. These youths are characterized by an egocentric personality. Because of this character defect, they
can easily victimize others with little or no anxiety or guilt.
a. Socialized delinquents c. Psychotic delinquents
b. Neurotic delinquents d. Sociopathic delinquents
5. These delinquents participate in a group. They have common or similar characteristics. They are
“pro-social”. They do what others are doing.
a. Occasional delinquents c. Maladjusted delinquents
b. Psychiatric delinquents d. Emotionally maladjusted delinquents
6. They have weak ego, asocial, experienced early and severe parental rejection. They are disorderly,
confused and not dependable with pathological disturbance.
a. Occasional delinquents c. Maladjusted delinquents
b. Psychiatric delinquents d. Emotionally maladjusted delinquents
7. What is that old code or law that severely punishes children who run away, children who disowned
their parents, and sons who cursed their fathers?
a. Roman law and Canon law c. Ancient Jewish law
b. Code of Hammurabi d. Anglo Saxon Common law
8. This law made a distinction between juveniles and adults based on the notion “age of responsibility”?
a. Roman law and Canon law c. Ancient Jewish law
b. Code of Hammurabi d. Anglo Saxon Common law
9. It is defined as the responsibility of the courts and the state to act on behalf of the child and provide
care and protection equivalent to that of a parent.
a. Patria potestas c. Guardian ad le tem
b. Foster parents d. Parens patriae
10. What type of gang according to Cloward and Ohlin which emerges in areas where conventional as
well as non-conventional values of behavior are integrated by a close connection to illegitimate and
legitimate business?
a. Criminal gang c. Conflict/Violent gang
b. Retreatist gang d. Organized gang
11. This gang is equally unsuccessful in legitimate as well as illegitimate means. Members are known
as double failures, thus they move into a world of sex, drugs and alcohol.
a. Criminal gang c. Conflict/Violent gang
b. Retreatist gang d. Organized gang
12. Offenses which discriminate only against a child, while an adult does not suffer any penalty for
committing similar acts. These shall include curfew violations; truancy, parental disobedience and the
a. Child offense c. Delinquency
b. Status offense d. All of these
13. It refers to a type of delinquent gang in which the manipulation of violence predominates as a way
of winning status respect.
a. Criminal subculture c. Conflict subculture
b. Juvenile gang d. Retreatist subculture
14. He believes that punishment is in the form of infliction of pain, should always be justified in terms of
a greater good?
a. Jeremy Bentham c. Cesare Lombroso
b. Enrico Ferri d. Henry Goddard
16. What theory of criminality attributes delinquent and criminal behaviour to a conscience so
overbearing that it arouses feelings of guilt, a conscience so weak that it cannot control the individual’s
impulses and needs immediate gratification?
a. Psychological Theory c. Psychiatric Theory
b. Social Learning Theory d. Psychoanalytical Theory
17. Argued that criminal behavior may also be related to anger and frustration that result when an
individual is treated in a way he or she does not want to be treated in a social relationship.
a. Social Disorganization Theory c. Conditioning theory
b. General Strain Theory d. Strain theory
18. According to Robert Agnew the following are the strain producing events, except?
a. Strain caused by failure to achieve positively valued goals
b. Strain caused by the removal of positively valued stimuli from the individual
c. Strain caused by the presentation of negative stimuli
d. None of the above
19. What theory argues that our society is made up of various groups and subgroups, each with its own
standards of right and wrong?
a. Social Disorganization theory c. Human Ecology Theory
b. Culture Deviance Theory d. Culture Conflict Theory
20. People come into contact with “definitions favorable to violations of law” and definitions unfavorable
to violations of law. The ratio of these definitions determines whether a person will engage in criminal
behavior. This statement came from what theory?
a. Reinforcement Theory c. Differential Association theory
b. Differential Reinforcement theory d. Conditioning Theory
21. This is to remove or reduce in status the criminal classification through legislation of certain criminal
a. Deinstitutionalization c. Aging Out
b. Decriminalization d. Sanction
22. This is based on the assumption that individuals choose a course of action that is most in line with
their personal preferences. This theory is used to model human decision making, especially in the
context of microeconomics, where it helps economists better understand the behaviour of a society in
terms of individual actions as explained through rationality, in which choices are consistent because
they are made according to personal preference.
a. Classical theory c. Freewill
b. Rational Choice Theory d. Choice theory
23. What theory argued that people are not actually born with the ability to act violently but that they
learn to be aggressive through their life experiences; the experiences include personally observing
others acting aggressively to achieve some goal or watching people being rewarded for violent acts on
television or in the movies?
a. Learning theory c. Social Learning theory
b. Psychodynamic theory d. Behavioral theory
24. What theory states that people in all strata of society share the same success goals but those in the
lower-class have limited means of achieving them?
a. Social Disorganization theory c. Differential Association theory
b. Differential Opportunity theory d. Culture Deviance theory
25. This theory viewed the process of becoming a criminal as a learning experience in which potential
delinquents and criminals master techniques that enable them to counterbalance or neutralize
conventional values drift back and forth between illegitimate and conventional behavior.
a. Differential Opportunity theory c. Neutralization theory
b. Subculture Theory d. Differential Association theory
26. A person who has not reached adulthood or the age of majority. The term covers a child, an
adolescent, a minor, a youth, or a youngster below 18 years old.
a. Juvenile Delinquency c. Juvenile Person
b. Juvenile d. Status Offense
27. A person who repeatedly commits an act that is against the norms or mores observed by the
a. Identity Crisis c. Status Offense
b. Delinquent Person d. Recidivist
28. Pedro commits murder after he was apprehended; he was punished by putting a hole in his
forehead believing that the evil spirit will be casted away.
a. Demonological Theory c. Labeling Theory
b. Social Control Theory d. Anomie Theory
29. The Differential Association Theory provides a good illustration of a social learning approach
perspective in Criminology. Criminal behavior according to this theory is:
a. A result of an emotional disturbance
b. An inmate quality of goodness or badness
c. Learned and not inherited
d. An excess of wisdom
30. This focuses on the decision to commit crime involving weighing the costs and benefits associated
with that crime.
a. Classical Theory c. Choice Theory
b. Strain Theory d. Utilitarianism
31. Links delinquent acts to the formation of independent subcultures with a unique set of values that
clash with the mainstream culture.
a. Culture Deviance Theory c. Social Disorganization Theory
b. Social Control Theory d. Social Conflict Theory
32. It holds that youth engaged in delinquent or criminal behavior due to aberrant physical
psychological traits that govern behavioral choices.
a. Trait Theory c. Nature Theory
b. Biological Theory d. Nurture Theory
33. What theory explains that the failure of a man to achieve a higher status in life caused them to
commit crimes in order for that status to be attained?
a. Sub-Culture Theory c. Anomie Theory
b. Strain Theory d. Differential Association Theory
34. What theory explains that social interaction to behavior, which the original cause of crime cannot be
known, no behavior is intrinsically criminal, and behavior becomes criminal if it is labeled as such.
a. Labeling Theory c. Nurture Theory
b. Containment Theory d. Nature Theory
35. Crime control policies that depend on the fear of criminal penalties, such as long prison sentences
for violent crimes; the aim is to convince law violators that the pain outweighs the benefit of criminal
a. Labeling Theory c. Nurture Theory
b. General Deterrence Theory d. Nature Theory
36. Sending convicted offenders to secure incarceration facilities so that punishment is severe enough
to convince offenders not to repeat their criminal activity.
a. General Deterrence c. Routine Activity Theory
b. Specific Deterrence d. Differential Association Theory
37. What branch of psychology that holds that the human personality is controlled by unconscious
mental processes developed early in childhood?
a. Biosocial Theory c. Psychodynamic Theory
b. Arousal Theory d. Cognitive Theory
38. The branch of psychology that studies the perception of reality and the mental processes required
to understand the world we live in.
a. Biosocial Theory c. Psychodynamic Theory
b. Psychoanalytical Theory d. Cognitive Theory
39. Pathway to delinquent career that begins with minor underhanded behavior, leads to property
damage, and eventually escalates to more serious forms of theft and fraud.
a. Authority Conflict Pathway c. Covert Pathway
b. Pathway d. Overt Pathway
40. Pathway to delinquent career that begins at an early age with stubborn behavior and leads to
defiance and then to authority avoidance.
a. Authority Conflict Pathway c. Covert Pathway
b. Pathway d. Overt Pathway
41. Pathway to a delinquent career that begins with minor aggression, leads to physical fighting, and
eventually escalates to violent delinquency.
a. Authority Conflict Pathway c. Covert Pathway
b. Pathway d. Overt Pathway
42. The child begins with petty larceny between 8 and sometime during the 12th year.
a. Conflagration c. Exploration
b. Emergence d. Explosion
43. It holds that a child’s learning and social experiences, coupled with his or her values and
expectations, determine behavior.
a. Behavioral Theory c. General Strain Theory
b. Social Learning Theory d. Psychodynamic Theory
44. They become delinquents as a result of their social association with people whom they learned
deviant values.
a. Psychotic Delinquents c. Neurotic Delinquents
b. Socialized Delinquents d. Sociopathic Delinquents
45. A type of gang in which it concentrates on drug use and sales, forgoing most delinquent behavior,
except vandalism.
a. Party Gang c. Social Gang
b. Organized Gang d. Serious Delinquent Gang
47. It was the first house of Corrections in England and confined both children and adults considered to
be idle and disorderly.
a. Hospice of San Michele c. House of Refuge
b. Bridewell Prison d. Borstal Institution
48. It is a person who has not reached adulthood or the age of majority.
a. Youth c. Juvenile
b. Child d. All of them
49. It is defined as one who repeatedly commits an act that is against the norms or mores observed by
the society.
a. Juvenile delinquent c. Delinquent person
b. Youthful offender d. Juvenile delinquency
50. This is a term used to describe a large number of disapproved behaviors of children and youth.
a. Status offense c. Misdemeanor
b. Juvenile Delinquency d. All of them
51. Lea was born and raised in a slum area. Josie was born and raised in the suburb. Lea’s set of
values differ from Josie. Accordingly, lower class people have different sets of values that tend to
conflict with the values of the middle class. Consequently, when lower class persons conform to their
own value system, they may be violating the conventional or middle class norms. This theory was
claimed by:
a. Strain theory c. Differential association theory
b. Social disorganization theory d. Cultural deviance theory
52. What theory explains deviance in terms of the process by which a person acquires a negative
identity, such as “prosti” or “ex-con” and is forced to suffer the consequences of outcast status?
a. Social disorganization c. Labeling
b. Differential association d. Anomie
53. This theory views crime and delinquency as a result of the frustration and anger people experience
over their inability to achieve legitimate social and financial success.
a. Strain theory c. Psychological theory
b. Labeling theory d. Control theory
54. It views that youths are in charge of their own destinies and are free to make personal behavior
choices unencumbered by environmental factors.
a. Choice c. Freewill
b. Utilitarianism d. Rationality
55. These are ideas that youth move in and out of delinquency and that their lifestyles can embrace
both conventional and deviant behavior.
a. Drift c. Shifting
b. Exposure d. Neutralization
56. Riz wanted to pursue her studies to college but due to poverty, her parents cannot afford to send
her in school. Riz thinks of some strategy, she works as a GRO at night and student at daytime. This
best explains the theory of?
a. Anomie c. Control theory
b. Labeling d. Strain
57. Sean grew up from a well-disciplined family. However, due to friends’ influence in school he turned
out to be a delinquent individual. This is the notion of?
a. Imitation c. Social bond
b. Cultural deviance d. Differential association
59. It refers to concerned citizens who eventually formed a social activist group called Child Savers,
who believed that: children were born good and became bad”. Juvenile children were blamed on bad
environments. The best way to save children was to get them out of “bad” homes and placed in “good”
a. Keating-Owen Act c. Child-Saving Movement
b. Stubborn Child Law d. None of these
60. A school of thought which believes that criminals should be treated not punished.
a. Italian/Positivist School of Thought c. Neo-classical School of Thought
b. Classical School of Thought d. All of These
61. Jean saw her boyfriend with another girl; upon seeing her boyfriend, she felt so depressed, jealous
and in pain. She also questioned herself why her boyfriend did that to her. So, to end her sadness and
depression she decided to terminate her life. What mode of adaptation is described in the scenario?
a. Rebellion c. Conformity
b. Retreatism d. Ritualism
63. This theory suggests that an individual would commit a crime if he/she has an undeveloped
a. Moral development theory c. Personality theory
b. Social learning theory d. Psychodynamic theory
64. This theory states that the process of becoming a criminal as a learning experience in which
potential delinquents and criminals master techniques that enable them to counterbalance or neutralize
conventional values and drift back and forth between illegitimate and conventional behavior.
a. Victimization c. Neutral Theory
b. Neutralization Theory d. Victimology
65. “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are,” a Mexican proverb and a quote from
Cecil Thounaojam would best describe the theory of:
a. Social Learning Theory c. Differential Association Theory
b. Evolutionary Theory d. Differential Reinforcement Theory
66. It holds that if offenders are punished so severely, the experience will convince them not to repeat
their illegal acts. Its main targets are those offenders who have already been convicted and it also
claimed that punishing more criminals will reduce their involvement in criminal activity.
a. Incapacitation Theory c. General Deterrence
b. Deterrence Theory d. Specific Deterrence
67. This states that crime is essentially a social and natural phenomenon, and cannot be treated by the
imposition of a punishment but rather through the enforcement of individual measures in each particular
case after a thorough, personal and individual investigation.
a. Classical c. Positivist
b. Neo-Classical d. Italian
68. It argues that the pursuit of pleasure and intrinsic goods are the primary or most important goals of
human life.
a. Hedonism c. Determinism
b. Utilitarianism d. Freewill
69. It refers to the process by which a person who has been negatively labeled accepts the label as a
personal role or identity.
a. Stigmatization c. Self-fulfilling prophecy
b. Self-labeling d. Dramatization of evil
70. Jay had a brother and John killed his brother. In return, out of anger because John killed his ever-
loved brother, Jay killed the latter. What specific source of strain is present?
a. Strain caused by the failure to achieve positively valued goals.
b. Strain caused by disjunction of expectations and achievements.
c. Removal of positively valued stimuli.
d. Presentation of negative stimuli.
71. Albert K. Cohen’s classification of lower class boys where he adopts a set of norms and principles
in direct opposition to middle-class values. He strives for independence and that nobody can control his
behavior, he may join gangs and willing to take risks and violate the law.
a. College boy c. Delinquent boy
b. Corner boy d. Deviant boy
72. This theory explains that society creates deviance through a system of social control agencies that
designate (label) certain individuals as delinquent, thereby stigmatizing a person and encouraging them
to accept this negative personal identity.
a. Drift theory c. Labeling theory
b. Social bond theory d. Containment theory
73. Lea and Rea were both graduated Cum Laude in college with the same course BS Criminology.
Lea’s father is currently the City Police Director. Unfortunately, when they applied in PNP Lea was hired
as first priority compared to Rea. This situation illustrates the theory of?
a. Social Disorganization theory c. Differential Opportunity theory
b. Differential Association theory d. Labeling theory
74. This theory explains that delinquency is caused by the difficulty of those in poverty in achieving
socially valued goals by legitimate means.
a. Social Control Theory c. Differential Association Theory
b. Strain Theory d. Social Disorganization Theory
75. Examples of this theory are slum dwellers or informal settlers who are forced to violate the law
because they obey the rules of the deviant culture with which they are in close and immediate contact.
a. Culture Deviance c. General Strain
b. Delinquent Subculture d. Anomie
76. This mode of adaptation of strain theory is also known as the escapist mode, in which the individual
tends to reject both the goals and means of the society.
a. Conformity c. Ritualism
b. Innovation d. Retreatism
77. Camia, criminology student as well as a working student of a known food chain. Because of lack of
preparation, she cheated during their final examination just to pass the subject. What mode of
adaptation does Camia apply?
a. Conformity c. Ritualism
b. Innovation d. Retreatism
78. Mr. X has the intention to buy a car (his goal), but he has no enough money for down payment and
may resort to carnapping (his means) in order to attain his dream. What theory explains his behavior?
a. Anomie c. Relative Deprivation Theory
b. Strain d. Cultural Deviance Theory
79. This theory combines the effects of social disorganization and strain to explain how people living in
deteriorated neighborhoods react to social isolation and economic deprivation.
a. Anomie c. Relative Deprivation Theory
b. Strain d. Cultural Deviance Theory
80. Under Agnew’s types of causes of strain, which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Strain caused by the failure to achieve positively valued goals.
b. Strain caused by disjunction of expectations and achievements.
c. Removal of positively valued stimuli.
d. Exposure to positive stimuli.
81. Crime and delinquency are caused by society telling children to seek without providing them the
means to do it.
a. Anomie c. Relative Deprivation Theory
b. Strain d. Cultural Deviance Theory
82. They thrived in highly disorganized areas marked by temporary residents and physical
deterioration. Members of these are tough adolescents who fight with weapons to win respect from
rivals and engage in destructive assaults on people and property. They are willing to fight to protect
their own and their gang’s integrity and honor.
a. Criminal gang c. Retreatist gang
b. Conflict gang d. Salisi gang
83. It was passed by the General Court of Massachusetts which stated that children who disobeyed
their parents could be put to death.
a. Children Only Law c. Stubborn Child Law
b. Child Abuse Law d. All of these
84. What model was established by the Illinois Court Act, viewing crimes as a disease that could be
treated and cured by social intervention?
a. Medical model c. Social model
b. Psycho-social model d. Mental model
85. It was opened to house juvenile delinquents, who were defined in its charter as “youths convicted of
criminal offenses or found in vagrancy”.
a. House of Refuge c. Bridewells
b. Hospice of San Michele d. Alcatraz
86. This type of family is characterized by lack of gender differences in the consumption and production
a. Egalitarian family c. Nuclear family
b. Blended family d. Mixed family
87. Who argued that women are actually as criminal as men but their criminality is hidden or masked?
a. Cesare Lombroso c. Karl Marx
b. Otto Pollak d. Freda Adler
88. This theory argues that girls engaged in less delinquency because their behavior is more closely
monitored and controlled by parents.
a. Social Bond c. Power Control
b. Feminist d. Differential Opportunity
89. This family, the father works outside the home and has control over others, while the mother stays
at home and raises the children.
a. Egalitarian c. Nuclear
b. Blended d. Patriarchal
90. Who believes that women were lower on the evolutionary scale than men and therefore closer to
primitive origins?
a. Cesare Lombroso c. Cesare Beccaria
b. Sigmund Freud d. Albert Bandura
91. Which of the following is a true statement about differential association theory?
a. The theory is based upon the idea that criminals commit crimes based upon their
association with other people.
b. The theory is based upon existentialism.
c. The theory is based upon the non-learning concepts.
d. None of the answers are correct.
93. Which of the following statements is true about ego, according to Freud?
a. It exists prior to id c. It follows the pleasure principle.
b. It lends its libidinal energy to the superego. d. None of the above is correct
94. Mark is taking a high-stakes university exam and is sitting next to the smartest student in the class.
Mark can clearly see his classmate’s response but refrains from copying the answers. Which of the
following is affecting Mark’s behavior?
a. Superego c. Ego
b. Instinct d. Id
96. One of the circumstances that people used as a defense in the course of insanity. The Juvenile
Justice and Welfare Act also exempts children (15) years old or younger from criminal liability. The
rationale behind these circumstances can be traced back during the 18th century. Which school of
thought conceptualized this?
a. Classical c. Neo-classical
b. Positivist d. Latent trait
97. It is the participation in illegal behavior by a minor who falls under a statutory age limit.
a. Delinquency c. Deviance
b. Juvenile delinquency d. Deviancy
100. When the values of subculture clash with those of the dominant culture is explained in what
a. Subculture c. Culture conflict
b. Cultural conflict d. Social conflict