Diesel loco
Diesel loco
Diesel loco
DIESEL English
37. In transition panel of WDM2 locomotive no. of transition card are .............
(A) 06 (B) 08 (C) 04 (D) 02
37. C
44. Rear truck traction motor blower cools ............ traction motor.
(A) 4,5,6 (B) 2,3,5 (C) 2,4,2 (D) 1,2,4
44 A
46. Test of .......... is done whether Governor is able to open full fuel rake.
(A) Dry run (B) load test (C) Current test (D) Slip test.
46 A
63. The bearing used in rotor of Traction Alternator type 10106 AZ is……….
(A) NU 330 (B) NH 330 (C) NU 314 (D) NH 300
63 A
65. BHP of a WDM.2 loco is ………… (A) 2300 (B) 2400 (C) 2600 (D) 3100
65 B
66. The colour of fixed pointer of Air Flow Indicator is …………. (A) Red (B) White (C) Blue
(D) Black
66 A
ANSWER 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C
11. A 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. D
21. B 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. A 29. C 30. A
31. A 32. B 33. A 34. A 35. A 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. C 40. C
41 B 44 A 45 C 46 A 47 A 48 A 49 C 50 A
51 C 52 C 53 C 54 D 55 C 56 C 57 A 58 A 59 B 60 B
61 A 62 C 63 A 64 A 65 B 66 A 67 C 68 A 69 B 70 D
71 D 72 A 74 A 75 A 76 A
2. What is the height of rail guard of WDM2 loco from rail level?
(a). 3 inch. (b) 4 inch (c) 5 inch (d) none of these
2. B
4. What should be the temp. Difference between cylinder head and valve seat insert
during the fitment of valve seat insert? (a).2500 F (b) 2050 F (c)2250 F (d) none of these
4. A
5. What is the water capacity of GM loco?
(a) 1045 lit. (b)1145 lit(c)945 lit(d)1050 lit.
5. A
6. what is the elongation of piston Conn. Rod bolt WDG 3A loco Motive ?
12. what should be the minimum height of cylinder valve spring at weight of 118 pound ?
(a) 2 13 /16 inch (b) 315/16 inch(c) 313 /16 inch (d)none of these
12. C
26. Current generated by traction motors during Dynamic brake is supplied to whom?
(a)Main Generator (b) exciter Generator (c) Grids (d) Non of these
26. C
27. At what pressure PCS drop ?
(a)3.1 kg/ cm2 (b)4.11kg/cm2 (C)2.81kg/cm2 (d)5.01kg/cm2
27. C
28. Up to what time start button is pressed in pre lube motor fitted locomotive?
(a)50sec (b)60sec (c) 70sec (d) 40sec
35. In micro control based Governor by pass switch is fitted for whom?
(a) BAP (b) Lube oil (c) Starting ground (d) None of these
35. A
36. Which contractor is picked up by ETS2?
(a)R-3 (b) R-2 (c) R-1 (d) None of these
36. B
41. What is fitted at water pump to protect the mixing of water and lube oil?
(a) Oil ring (b) O ring (c) oil clinger (d) None of these
41 A
42. What material is used of main bearing Upper and back side?
(a) Lead (b) Aluminum (c) Copper (d) Tin
42 A
47. What is the Axle Box lateral clearance of wheel no. 1,3,4&6 of WDM2 Loco?
(a) 3to 6cm (b) 2to 8mm (c) 6 to 12cm (d) 12 to 18mm
47 C
50.How many studs are provided for fitment of cylinder head with block (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 8
(d) 5
50 A
ANSWER 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. A C 10. A
11. C 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. B
21. B 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. C 28. 29. C 30. B
31. D 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. A 36. B 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. D
41 A 42 A 43 B 44 B 45 C 46 B 47 C 48 A 49 D 50 A
1. Permissible wheel diameter difference on the same axle in WDM2 loco is 0.5mm.
1. True
2. One End of ‘S ‘pipe is mounted on the needle valve in the lubrication system of
2. False
13.During Dynamic braking main generator is used to excite the field of traction motor.
13. True
15.In single BKT type loco at the time of dynamic braking P2, P22, S21, S31, Power
contactors do not pick up.
15. True
17. Engine will not race up if ERR does not pick up.
17. True
25. In Alternator fitted locomotive while starting engine, exciter generator works as a
25. True
26. Loco will shut down if MUSD is taken from run position to stop position
26. True
27. The Alternator and exciter is mounted on the same shaft in WDP4/WDG4
27. True
31. Load meter will show current if any traction motor is isolated in microprocessor
31. True
35. The VCD indication will glow if there is no operation done up to 60 seconds in VCD
fitted loco.
35. True
49.Normal temperature of diesel loco is 650 C to 700 C, Engine should not raced below
550 C of engine temp.
49. True
51. Distance between TDC and Injector point on Fly wheel is 11-5/8”.
51. False
52.Loading and unloading time of compressor are 3 min. and 1 min. respectively.
52. True
59.In high speed bogie roller bearing is used in place of suspension bearing.
59. True
79. Concentricity of the valve seat after grinding should not be more than 0.05mm.
79. True
82. Minimum and maximum buffer height of a WDM2 loco over buffer is 1030 And 1105
82. True
84. The minimum engine RPM of GM locomotive with LIR is 250 RPM.
84. False
89. The function of breather valve assembly is to maintain vacuum in the compressor
crank case.
89. True
90. 50 cms vacuum is prescribed by RDSO in engine for mail express train.
90. False
98. During Dynamic braking auxiliary generator is used for charging of Batteries.
98. True
109. Engine shutdown when dead mains relay drop during running of locomotive.
109 False
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. False 9. True 10. False
11. False 12. False 13. True 14. True 15. True 16. True 17. True 18. True 19. False
20. True
21. False 22. False 23. False 24. True 25. True 26. True 27. True 28. True 29. False
30. True
31. True 32. True 33. True 34. True 35. True 36. False 37. True 38. True 39. False 40.
41. True 42. True 43. False 44. True 45. True 46. False 47. True 48. True 49. True 50.
51. False 52. True 53. True 54. False 55. True 56. True 57. False 58. False 59. True 60.
61. False 62. False 63. False 64. True 65. False 66. False 67. True 68. False 69. False
70. True
71. True 72. False 73. True 74. True 75. False 76. True 77. True 78. True 79. True 80.
81. True 82. True 83. True 84. False 85. True 86. False 87. True 88. True 89. True 90.
91. True 92. True 93. False 94. True 95. False 96. True 97. True 98. True 99.
False 100. False
101 True 102 False 103 True 104 False 105 True 106 True 107 True 108 True 109
False 110 True