FTC Alphas Engineering Portfolio Templete #19343
FTC Alphas Engineering Portfolio Templete #19343
FTC Alphas Engineering Portfolio Templete #19343
Season Timeline
Pre-Season Session-1 Session-2/3
Recruit new members Analyze game rules Refine chosen design
Conduct training workshops Develop initial strategies Develop detailed CAD models
Plan season objectives Brainstorm design ideas Source and order materials
Organize fundraising events Define project milestones Start component fabrication
Team-building exercises Assign team responsibilities Begin software development
Review past performances Begin prototyping concepts Test individual prototypes
Develop outreach programs Research necessary materials Evaluate design feasibility
Set up workspace Create preliminary sketches Plan integration of systems
Establish communication Set up project management Document design decisions
channels tools Update project timeline
Session-7 Session-8
Finalize robot modifications Test autonomous code
Perform thorough system Final robot checks SESSIONS ?
checks Driver practice sessions
Prepare competition materials Human player drills
Develop presentation content Refine strategies “ Sessions are short, focused
Rehearse team presentations Conduct mock matches work cycles lasting 2-3
Ensure all documentation is Analyze performance data weeks, aimed at achieving
complete Implement last adjustments specific goals. During these
Pack tools and spare parts Ensure rule compliance periods, Team Alpha
Confirm travel arrangements Team motivation session
members collaborate closely
while staying productive on
1/1/25 - 14/1/25 15/1/25 - 29/1/25 their individual tasks. ”
Design Process
We generate ideas by exploring creative solutions
and building on each other's suggestions. Through
1.Ideate collaborative discussions, we identify key concepts
and map out potential approaches to bring our
vision to life.
Outreach - Local
Wave Foundation Co2 Workshops
Our team partnered with the Wave Our team organized CO2 rocket-building
Foundation to conduct robotics and drag race workshops, engaging over 30
sessions at Richmond High School students in hands-on STEM activities. These
and Wave institution. We introduced sessions introduced engineering concepts
over 50 students to FTC robots, STEM, in a fun and interactive way while raising
and career paths. This initiative aimed ₹46,000 for team resources. Both events
to make robotics accessible and inspired curiosity and created excitement
inspire interest in FIRST programs. for robotics and STEM.