lecture 1
lecture 1
lecture 1
Abdalla M Abdalla
Chapter 1: Selection of Engineering
Some of Materials Engineer responsibilities are :
1) Design Process:
a) Drawing the basic design.
b) Proper selection of materials :
Selection according to different parameters such as :
Mechanical loads, Wear, Electrical insulation, Thermal properties ,Availability & cost.
This includes: Selection of the proper manufacturing processes,
2) Proper choice (selecting) of substitute (alternative) materials when needed.
3) Contributing and evaluating materials tests results,
4) Studying and composing materials data sheets before placing an order,
5) Enhancing the performance of the materials by carrying out research activities.
2. Materials Selection:
One of the most challenging task of materials engineer is the proper selection of the material
for a particular job,
Factors affecting the selection of materials:
(i) Component shape: The shape and size of a component has great effect on the choice of the
processing unit which ultimately effects the choice of the material.
(ii) Dimensional tolerance: There are some materials which can be finished to close tolerance
while others cannot. Obviously, the required dimensional tolerance for finished components will,
influence the choice of materials.
(iii) Mechanical properties: To select a suitable material for specific conditions, all mechanical
properties, e.g., toughness, hardness, strength, etc. guide us.
(iv) Fabrication (Manufacturing) requirements: Method of processing of the material also affects
the properties of a component, e.g.,
forged components can be stronger than the casted components.
(v) Service requirements:
(vi) Cost :
(A) Cost of the material: In most of the cases, the cost of raw material accounts about
50 % of the finished cost.
(B) Cost of processing: In most of the industries, the processing cost (labour cost) and
other costs such as overhead costs account for about 50% of the production cost.
(vii) Availability of the material: The availability of the material becomes a governing
factor. When the desired material supply is limited, then a costly material which is
available in ample quantity may be chosen
The selection of a specific material for a particular use is a very complex process.
However, one can simplify the choice if the details about:
(i) Operating parameters,
(ii) Manufacturing processes,
(iii) Functional requirements
(iv) Cost considerations are known.
3. Engineering Materials:
Basic Classifications of Materials:
The basic factors for classifications of materials in material science and engineering