Cloud Networking

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Ahmed Mohamed Abdelmoniem Sayed

PhD Student at CSE Department

Hong Kong University of Science and
1 Introduction

2 Data Center Networks

3 Internet Congestion Control

4 DCN Congestion Control

5 Our work & Future Works

Cloud Computing Era
• Cloud computing is Internet-based computing,
whereby shared resources, software and
information are provided to computers and other
devices on-demand, like the electricity grid.

*source : Wikimedia Commons – Cloud Computing
Why Cloud Computing?
• Elastic resources
– Expand and contract resources
– Pay-per-use
– Infrastructure on demand
• Multi-tenancy
– Multiple independent users
– Security and resource isolation
– Divide the cost of the (shared) infrastructure
• Simplify app deployment & management
– Common programming model across mobile, browser,
client, server, cloud

Microsoft’s Cloud Platform
Finished Services
Dev Tools
& Solutions

Building Block




*source : Wikimedia Commons – Public Domain

• Multiple virtual machines on one physical machine

• Applications run unmodified as on real machine
• VM can migrate from one computer to another
• Each VM is typically owned by a tenant in public DC
Multi-Tier Applications
• Applications consist of tasks
Front end
– Many separate components
– Running on different VM machines
• Service-Level Agreements
– Per layer deadline
– Missed deadlines = Revenue Loss Aggregator

Aggregator Aggregator Aggregator

… …
Worker Worker Worker Worker Worker
1 Introduction

2 Data Center Networks

3 Internet Congestion Control

4 DCN Congestion Control

5 Our work & Future Works

Applications inside Data Centers

…. …. ….


Front end Aggregator Workers

Gmail, Bing, Dropbox, …
The Need for Reconciliation
• Partition/Aggregate is the foundation for many large-scale web
services (e.g Google Search, Facebook Queries)

• Query [1KB-100KB]
- Delay-sensitive
• Short messages [100KB-1MB] - Large in number
- Few bytes amount
(Coordination, Control state)

• Large flows [>1MB] - Throughput-sensitive

(Data update, VM migration) - Few in number
- Large bytes amount

Typical Sources of Performance Degradation
in Data Center Networks [4]

a) Incast : many flows go through the same port within a short interval  The
buffer space get exhausted  packets of some flows dropped  miss
b) Queue buildup : even with no packets are dropped  short flows
experience increased latency queued behind packets from the large flow
c) Buffer Pressure: when shallow buffered switch (shared memory) is used 
short flows on one port to be impacted by activity of long flows on other
1 Introduction

2 Data Center Networks

3 Internet Congestion Control

4 DCN Congestion Control

5 Our work & Future Works

TCP Congestion Control
• Designed to address Internet congestion problem
– Window-based (AIMD) adjustment of sending rates.
– Assume packet losses  network congestion
– many variants: Tahoe, Reno, Vegas, Cubic, Westwood, ..
• Router assistance to TCP
– Random Early Detection (RED) : measures congestion based
on weighted moving average of queue length and either
drop/mark probabilistically
– Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) : is used for conveying
congestion information to the senders
• Clean-slate approach
– eXplicit Congestion Control (XCP): Congestion Window +
Feedback (in ACKs)
Differences Between DCN and
Characteristic Internet/WAN DCN

Latencies Milliseconds to Seconds Microseconds

Bandwidths Kilobits to Gigabits/s Gigabits to tens of Gbits/s

Causes of loss Congestion, link errors, … Congestion

Administration Distributed Central, single domain

Statistical Multiplexing Significant Minimal, 1-2 flows

dominate links

Incast Rare Frequent, due to

synchronized responses

1 Introduction

2 Data Center Networks

3 Internet Congestion Control

4 DCN Congestion Control

5 Our work & Future Works

Data Center Transport
1. High Burst Tolerance
– Incast due to Partition/Aggregate is common.

2. Low Latency
– Short flows, queries

3. High Throughput
– Continuous data updates, large file transfers

The challenge is to achieve these three

Conflicting Requirements

Existing Solutions
1. Sender-Based :
– Mirco-seconds MinRTO [3] and DCTCP [4]
2. Receiver-Based :
– ICTCP [10] and PAC [11]
3. Switch-Assisted :
– PFabric [7] and Cutting-Payload [12]
4. Deadline-Aware :
– D3 [5] , D2TCP [8] and PDQ [9]
Data Center TCP (DCTCP)
Sender 1
ECN = Explicit Congestion Notification

ECN Mark (1
bit) Receiver

Sender 2

Two Key Ideas
1. React in proportion to the extent of congestion, not
to its presence.
 Reduces variance in sending rates, lowering queuing


1011110111 Cut window by 50% Cut window by 40%

0000000001 Cut window by 50% Cut window by 5%

2. Mark based on instantaneous queue length.

 Fast feedback to better deal with bursts.
DCTCP Cluster results
Background Flows Query Flows

1 2 3

1 - Low latency for short flows.

2 - High throughput for long flows.
3 - High burst tolerance for query flows.
DCTCP Summary
 Handles bursts well
 Keeps queuing delays low
 Achieves high throughput
 Based on ECN, a mechanisms already available in Silicon.
× Can not handle incast of very large number of senders
× Limited by the lower bound on window size
× Requires modification to sender and receiver TCP stack
× Fine-tuning of switch parameters
× Not suitable for public data centers

1 Introduction

2 Data Center Networks

3 Internet Congestion Control

4 DCN Congestion Control

5 Our work & Future Works

Our Work
• Simple yet efficient switch-assisted solution
• No modification to the TCP sender or receiver
• Solution that fits in regardless of TCP flavor.
• Appealing to public cloud operators.
• Incremental deployment is possible.
• IQM [12] at Globecom15
• RWNDQ [13,14] at Cloudnet15 and IPCCC15

TCP Flow Control is the answer
Flow Control is part of all TCP flavors
Data Data

Sender Receiver


• TCP header has a Receive Window Field which is a major

part of TCP’s rate control (sending rate).
• Send Window = Min (Congestion Win, Receive Win).
• Hence, No modification is required to TCP
IQM - Two Key Ideas
1. Switch port toward destination monitors connection setup rate.
 Count the number of SYN-ACKs and FINs.
 The difference represents the expected new connections.
 If expected number will overflow buffer  incast flag.

2. Set TCP receive window to 1 MSS during Incast.

 Proactively react to possible incast congestion event.
 Clear the buffer space occupied by elephants.
 Make room for the incoming incast traffic.
 Disable rewriting when incast event clears.
 Low computation and rewriting overhead.

IQM Algorithm
Switch side (Continuously monitor incoming SYN/FIN):
– If extra traffic > “limit”  raise incast flag.
– Set TCP RWND=1 MSS during incast epoch.
– Disable window rewriting when the queue drops back to
“Save thr”.
Switch Port
Limit Safe Thr
Data Data


Sender and Receiver side (No Change):

Send Window = Min(Congestion Win, Receive Win)
Testbed Setup
• 12 servers: 1 master, 1 OVS physical machine, 5
senders and 5 receivers with OVS for the vPorts.
• Mice flows are Web page requests of 11.5 KB.
• Elephants flows are iperf long lived connections.
Recievers Master Senders


Sample - Experimental Analysis
 Small Scale Testbed using Open vSwitch
 Scenario depicting 150 elephants against 30 Mice.
 Mice Goal: Low Latency and low variance.
 Elephants Goal: High and enough throughput

RWNDQ - Two Key Ideas
1. Switch egress port toward destination is a receiver of the data.
 Buffer occupancy change over time
 Buffer occupancy reflects level of congestion.
 Locality of number of ongoing flow information.

2. Send explicit feedback by leveraging TCP receive window.

 Similar to XCP and ATM-ABR techniques.
 Receive window controls the sending rate.
 Feedback is less than ½ RTT away.
 Fast reaction to congestion events.
 Low computation and rewriting overhead.

RWNDQ Algorithm
Switch side (Local window proportional to queue occupancy):
– Increase receive window when below the target.
– Decrease when we are above the queue target.
– Slow start to initially reach target fast.
Switch Port
Queue Target

Data Data


Sender and Receiver side (No Change):

Send Window = Min(Congestion Win, Receive Win)
Sample - Experimental Analysis
 Small Scale Testbed using Open vSwitch
 Scenario depicting 200 elephants against 30 Mice.
 Mice Goal: Low Latency and low variance.
 Elephants Goal: High and enough throughput

• DCN congestion is a hot research topic
– Business needs and service agreements
– Quality of service (QoS)
• DCN congestion control is a necessity
– Incast is a very serious and frequent problem.
– Employing an efficient packet queueing-
scheduling to preserve small switch buffers
– Meeting deadlines either by achieving low
latency or building a deadline-aware
networking architecture.
Future Research Directions
• Leveraging functionalities of SDN
• Stability analysis and study.
• Handling persistent TCP connections.
• Adapting to varying initial congestion
• Bandwidth allocation in Multi-tenant
datacenter with QoS constraints.


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13. Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem and Brahim Bensaou, “Reconciling Mice and Elephants in Data
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14. Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem and Brahim Bensaou, “ Efficient Switch-Assisted Congestion
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