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International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.

7 (November 2012)
Available online on http://www.rspublication.com/ijeted/ijeted_index.htm ISSN 2249-6149

Cost effective curing arrangement for Geopolymer

concrete specimens
Pradeepa.J#1, Kumar.S#2, Ravindra P.M.#3
#1 Structural engineer, structural department Design tree consultant Pvt Ltd.
Bangalore,Karnataka ,INDIA
#2Assistant professor,Department of civil engineering Jyothy institute of technology
Bangalore,Karnataka ,INDIA
#3Associative professor, Department of civil engineeringBangalore Institute of Technology
Bangalore, Karnataka ,INDIA

The heat curing process is being used for Geopolymer concrete product. The
conventionalmethod of heat curing is generally done by using steam curing chamber or by
oven at controlled temperature of about 650 C. the effort has been taken for alternative
arrangement for curing the specimen in the laboratory other than conventional one.

The arrangement of controlled heat curing chamber has been made with locally available
material for the experimental purpose and named the chamber as HACC. The strength of the
Geopolymer concrete specimens was cross checked with conventional oven cured specimens
and there is no significant variations found in the results. The variations of results observed
+/-5% with oven cured specimens.
Key words: Heat Curing, Geopolymer concrete
Corresponding Author: Kumar.S

The Geopolymer concrete is the emerging technology in concrete and structural area. The
research works has been effectively carried from past one decade. The curing process of
Geopolymer concrete carried either ambient curing system or heat curing system. Most of the
experimental work carried through heat curing system either through oven or through steam
curing chamber.
Facilitating the curing arrangement for small size test specimens can be done with available
laboratory ovens but the specimens like beam, column slab may require more space to
accommodate for curing, in this concern the oven has to be design according to the size of the

The steam curing chamber is conventional arrangement made for research work which can be
designed according to the requirement and usage, nevertheless HACC is provide the
significant and reliable result.
The design of steam curing chamber is the cost effective alternative solution to large size
laboratory oven. Most of the literature on Geopolymer concrete expresses the curing

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International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.7 (November 2012)
Available online on http://www.rspublication.com/ijeted/ijeted_index.htm ISSN 2249-6149

arrangement through steam curing chamber. HACC is also an alternative arrangement over
conventional oven and steam curing chamber, which is very much cost effective and it will
take less time to prepare.

Basic planning of HACC

It was planned to prepare the chamber size of 25 sft to accommodate 9 No of beam specimens
with ease handling and operation. The time and cost of constructions were planned to reduce
at considerable extent. The HACC planned to make with locally available materials and
equipment with lesser maintenance. It was also designed for easy assemble and dismantle.

Construction of HACC
HACC prepared like a box of size 1.5x1.5x0.75m made up of plywood of 12 mm thick. In
side face of chamber is flushed with GI sheet supported over wooden reapers of size 25mm x
50mm. The space between plywood and GI sheet filled with thermo coal sheets as low
thermal conductivity material to avoid temperature loses. The chamber has removable top
cover for access and operation purpose. The top cover was air tightened by providing rubber
gasket.The chamber has removable top cover for access and operation purpose. The top cover
was air tightened by providing rubber gasket. The handle is provided for both sides of
chamber for lifting and carrying purpose. The body of the chamber is connected by screws
and clamps for easy dismantling and assembles while transporting the chamber. After
assemblage the corner joints were filled by metal paste as sealant to provide air tightness. The
arrangements are shown in fig1
Two No of eclectically operated coiled room heaters of each 2000Watts was used as the
heating source. The heaters were placed facing opposite to each other. The arrangement made
in such way that the heaters can be placed at any desired location. The chamber was designed
to maintain the temperature in the range of 300C to 1000C.
The provisions were made to inspect the inside temperature of the chamber by using
thermometer through small holes on each side of the chamber. After the inspection the holes
were closed by threaded bolts.

Fig 1. Sectional details of HACC

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International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.7 (November 2012)
Available online on http://www.rspublication.com/ijeted/ijeted_index.htm ISSN 2249-6149

The control unit comprised of switches, indicators and thermostat fixed on outer face of the
chamber. The capacity of thermostat used was 30 0 C to 1200C and calibration of thermostat
was checked before connection. Four square mm electrical cables and 5 amps switches were
used to connect heaters. The connections are made as shown in circuit diagram fig 2.

Fig 2.Circuit diagram of HACC

Operation of HACC
The chamber was planned for two aspects of specimens casting, one is casting the specimen
inside of the chamber and other is placed the chamber over the specimen after the casting. The
sufficient space is available to a person to get inside the chamber to cast the beams specimen
or testing samples if the samples are considerably lesser. After the casting the cover has to be
closed over the chamber.

Fig 3. Curing arrangement for specimens

If castings of the samples are considerably more, then the samples are casted over the GI sheet
equal to inside dimension, laid on the floor and properly organized the sample to suit the

Page 229
International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.7 (November 2012)
Available online on http://www.rspublication.com/ijeted/ijeted_index.htm ISSN 2249-6149

inside chamber dimensions. The chamber can be opened both top and bottom, manually the
chamber will be lifted over the specimen and then cover it by exactly keeping on GI sheet
which laid on ground, then the top cover has to be placed over the chamber.
While working inside the chamber or handling chamber it should be ensured that the power
supply should be disconnected and heater has to be removed from the chamber along with the
connected cable. After the casting, position the heater at desired location and cover the
chamber properly and plug-in the electrical supply. Ensure the power supply status through
indicators and also ensure the heaters for its working conditions. Insert the thermometers in
the temperature inspection holes, at least two at opposite sides to check the temperature
variations after 15minutes.

Fig 4. Temperature measurement

Table.1 Temperature consistency in HACC

Thermometers readings
Time in Average
(centrally placed on each face) in °C
(min) temperature
Left Right Front Back
5 39.4 39.8 39.7 39.5 39.6
10 46.3 46.8 46.7 46.4 46.55
15 56.2 56.8 56.3 56.5 56.45
20 68.5 68.6 68.2 68.9 68.55
25 75.3 75.6 75.6 75.4 75.47
30 79.8 80.5 79.6 79.7 79.9
35 84.4 84.2 84.5 84.8 84.47
40 88.6 88.8 88.6 88.4 88.6
45 94.5 93.8 93.8 93.7 93.95
50 98.9 99.3 99.2 99.4 99.2

Thermostat range kept at 1200C and the temperatures checking were limited up to 100°C. The
required temperature for our experiment is 60°C to 65°C which can reach within 20 to
25minutes. The variations among the thermometer were observed less than 1 0C and it is
consistent in specified four directions of chamber.

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International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.7 (November 2012)
Available online on http://www.rspublication.com/ijeted/ijeted_index.htm ISSN 2249-6149

Fig 5 Curing the specimens

Temperature in °C

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in min

Fig 6 Increase in temperature with respect to time

Performance of HACC:
HACC Performance is checked by placing 15cm compression test cube samples made from
two different mixes of FGC and FFGC. Six samples were casted from each mix and left 3
days in the mould at the room temperature. After 3 rd day, three samples were kept in hot air
laboratory oven and three were kept in HACC at the same time. The temperature set both
HACC and oven to 650C. The samples were cured up to 24 hours duration. The samples were
taken out at the same time from HACC and oven and kept in the room temperature until the
date of testing. The samples were tested at 7th day in compression testing machine by applying
the uniform increasing load of 3.5N/mm2/min. The results of compressive strength are shown
in the table 2.

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International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.7 (November 2012)
Available online on http://www.rspublication.com/ijeted/ijeted_index.htm ISSN 2249-6149

Table 2 Efficiency of HACC

Compressive strength (N/mm2)
Efficiency over
Average Average
Mix samples From From Oven
Strength Strength
oven HACC [B/A]X100(%)
(A) (B)
1 27.33 27.13
2 27.55 27.18 26.24 26.6 97.86
3 26.66 26.44
1 31.11 30.89
2 33.55 32.22 31.55 96.15
C5 32.81
3 33.77 31.56
1 38.66 39.23
2 38.66 38.06 38.11 38.59 101.39
3 36.88 38.44

Fig 7 Cured specimens

Fig 8 Placing the concrete in beam form work

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International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.7 (November 2012)
Available online on http://www.rspublication.com/ijeted/ijeted_index.htm ISSN 2249-6149

Specifications and cost of the HACC:

The specifications of material and cost analysis for the manufacturing of the HACC of size
1.5x1.5x0.75m are shown in table 3.

Table 3 Specification and costing of HACC

SL Material and Amount
Specifications Quantity Unit Rate/unit
No equipments Rs
12 mm thick
1 Ply wood 10 sqm 350 3500.00
quality plywood
0.25 mm reflective
2 GI sheet 14 sqm 25 350.00
Fixtures and
3 fastenings Lump sum 300.00

4 Thermostat Analogy 1 No 400 400.00

Electrical 1000 watts of two
5 room heater coils in each 2 No 400 800.00
Switch and
6 15 amps switch 1 No 250 250.00
Indicators box
Connection Three square 3
7 8 m 100 800.00
wires phase cable
8 Lump sum 600.00
Total 7000.00
** Costing sheet prepared based on Indian market rate


As we stated earlier the HACC is the alternate arrangement made for heat curing of
Geopolymer concrete test specimens. It found economical and efficient throughout our
experimental work, we casted and Cured 18 No of beams in two set,around 18-20 sets of
cubes, 10 -12 sets of prisms, and 8-10 sets of cylinders were cured in the period of around
2months.the maintenance cost is very less and the replacement of the chamber component is
very easy and also the component price is vey cheap.


1. Kumar.S (2011) “Experimental investigation on flexural behaviour of fiber reinforced

Geopolymer concrete beams”, M.tech thesis Report,Vishweshwaraiahtechnical

2. Pradeepa J (2011) “Behaviour of fly ash based Geopolymer concrete beams in

bending”M.tech thesis Report Vishweshwaraiah technical University,Karnataka,India.

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