Microbial Growth Kinetics Final
Microbial Growth Kinetics Final
Microbial Growth Kinetics Final
Bacterial Division
• Bacteria divide by binary fission
• Alternative means
• Budding
• Conidiospores (filamentous bacteria)
• Fragmentation
Fig. 7.13
Generation Time
• Time required for cell to divide/for population to double
• Average for bacteria is 1-3 hours
• E. coli generation time = 20 min
• 20 generations (7 hours), 1 cell becomes 1 million cells!
Standard Growth Curve
Microbial growth kinetics
1. Microbial growth kinetics
Microbial growth kinetics is the
relationship between the specific growth
rate (μ) of a microbial population and
the substrate concentration (s)
Microbial growth kinetics
Growth kinetics is an autocatalytic
reactionRate of growth is directly
proportional to the concentration of cell
Measuring Growth
• Direct methods – count individual cells
• Indirect Methods – measure effects of bacterial growth
Microbial growth kinetics
1. Growth is affected by physical,
chemical and nutritional conditions*
Cell concentration
2. Direct methods. Dry weight,
Turbidity (optical density) or Plate
3. Indirect methods Concentration of
proteins, ATP or DNA content
Fig. 7.17
Metabolic Activity
Dry Weight
Batch Culture
1. Biomass:The end-product is viable cellular material eg, single cell protein, baker’s
yeast, probiotic cultures.
2. Extracellular metabolites: Chemical compound intermediates of microbial
biochemical pathways are produced and can be divided two groups:
• Primary metabolites (produced during the growth phase of the organism, eg,
ethanol, citric acid, glutamic acid, lysine, vitamins and polysaccharides)
• Secondary metabolites (produced during the stationary phase, eg, penicillin,
cyclosporin A, gibberellin, and lovastatin).
• 3. Enzymes and other proteins (intracellular components): A key component
of this process is lysis of cells at the end of fermentation. Proteins are typical end
products and need to be purified and crystallized.
• 4. Substrate transformations: Raw material is biologically transformed into a
finished product. Generally used for steroid transformations, food fermentations
and sewage treatment.
Primary metabolites
• Primary metabolites
• Involved in growth, development and reproduction. Hence, essential for
survival and existence of the organism and reproduction.
• Formed at the same time as new cells. Production curve follows the growth
• Formed in trophophase during exponential growth as normal end products
of primary metabolism.
• Also called central metabolites as these maintain normal physiological
processes. Cells maintain optimum concentration of all macromolecules
(proteins, DNA, RNA etc.).
• Produced in adequate amount to sustain cell growth for example vitamins,
amino acids, nucleosides etc.
Primary metabolites
• Overproduction can be genetically manipulated. Auxotrophic (auxo,
“increase,” and trophos, ‘‘food’’) mutants having a block in steps of a
biosynthetic pathway for the formation of primary metabolite .
Growth rate slows down due to limited supply of any other nutrient.
• Metabolism does not stop but product formation stops. Industrially
important for example ethanol, acetone, lactic acid, CO2.
• Common food supplements, L-glutamate and L-lysine, are produced
and purified via the mass production Corynebacterium glutamicum
(Gram-positive) .
• Citric acid, commonly used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries
is produced by Aspergillus niger.
Secondary metabolites
❖Secondary metabolites are not produced until the microbe has
largely completed its logarithmic growth phase and entered the
stationary phase of the growth cycle. Period of production is called
idiophase and metabolites as idiolites.
❖In the idiophase, cells do not divide but are metabolically active.
❖Idiolites are organic compounds produced only after considerable
number of cells and a primary metabolite have accumulated (end or
near the stationary phase of growth). Rather it can be said that these
are produced under sub-optimal concentrations of O2 , deviations of
pH or when primary nutrient source is depleted.
Secondary metabolites
❖Though idiolites are a characteristic feature of fungal, yeast, actinomycetes
and bacterial growth but are not produced by a few strains of E. coli.
❖In some strains secondary metabolite are produced by further conversion
of a primary metabolite..
❖Not necessary for growth, development, and reproduction like primary
metabolites. Their production is influenced by environmental factors.
❖Secondary metabolites are synthesized for a finite period by cells that are
no longer undergoing balanced growth.
❖A single microbial type can produce very different metabolites.