The Requirements for New Tools for Use by Pilots A
The Requirements for New Tools for Use by Pilots A
The Requirements for New Tools for Use by Pilots A
4 School of Computer Science & Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Work is part of our wellbeing and a key driver of a person’s health. Pilots need to be fit
for duty and aware of risks that compromise their health/wellbeing. Recent studies suggest that
work-related stress (WRS) impacts on pilot health and wellbeing, performance, and flight safety.
This paper reports on the advancement of new tools for pilots and airlines to support the
management of WRS and wellbeing. This follows from five phases of stakeholder evaluation
research and analysis. Existing pre-flight checklists should be extended to enable the crew to
evaluate their health and wellbeing. New checklists might be developed for use by pilots while off
duty supporting an assessment of (1) their biopsychosocial health status and (2) how they are
coping. This involves the advancement of phone apps with different wellness functions. Pending
pilot consent, data captured in these tools might be shared in a de-identified format with the pilot’s
airline. Existing airline safety management systems (SMS) and flight rostering/planning systems
might be augmented to make use of this data from an operational and risk/safety management
perspective. Fatigue risk management systems (and by implication airline rostering/flight planning
systems) need to be extended to consider the relationship between fatigue risk and the other
dimensions of a pilot’s wellbeing. Further, pending permission, pilot data might be shared with
airline employee assistance program (EAP) personnel and aeromedical examiners. In addition, new
training formats should be devised to support pilot coping skills. The proposed tools can support
the management of WRS and wellbeing. In turn, this will support performance and safety. The pilot
specific tools will enable the practice of healthy behaviors, which in turn strengthens a pilot’s
resistance to stress. Healthy work relates to the creation of positive wellbeing within workplaces
and workforces and has significant societal implications. Pilots face many occupational hazards that
are part of their jobs. Pilots, the aviation industry, and society should recognize and support the
many activities that contribute to positive wellbeing for pilots. Social justice is a basic premise for
quality of employment and quality of life.
Keywords: mobile technologies; behavior change; healthy behavior; work-related stress (WRS);
health monitoring; pilot wellbeing; pilot mental health; stress coping; self-management of health;
flight safety; resilience; privacy; COVID
1. Introduction
[17]. Through the Together4Safety safety promotion initiative, led by the EASA, stakeholders have
been collaborating to promote a common safety agenda that is mindful of the diverse stakeholder
goals, needs, and challenges [18].
The recent COVID-19 outbreak has put increased stress on pilots and airlines. The airline
industry has experienced a decrease in capacity of roughly 60–80% at major carriers [19]. Many pilots
have lost their jobs and/or are on extended leave, which presents some new challenges [20]. Now,
more than ever, there is a need to advance tools to support pilot coping and resilience. Pilots will
need to be ‘cleared for take-off’ on returning to work [15]. This will require self-awareness,
acceptance, and developing new routines and behaviors that enable and foster resilience.
This paper reports on a new tool framework and associated tools concepts supporting the
management of wellbeing and WRS issues for pilots at different levels (i.e., pilots, airline and aviation
industry, and society). Specifically, it focuses on the requirements for new checklists and digital tools
for use by pilots both in and outside work and how these might relate to tools used by other
stakeholders (for example, airline staff involved in flight planning, crew rostering and safety/risk
assessment, and aeromedical examiners), linking to wider operational and safety management
processes. This research follows from several phases of human factors research, involving deep
participation with pilots and industry stakeholders. This research has been structured into five parts.
Aspects of the first two parts of this research have been reported in earlier papers. This includes a
subset of the pilot wellbeing behavior model (i.e., preliminary lived experience model and impact
scenarios) [7,8] and the high-level requirements for new tools supporting pilot wellbeing
management at both pilot and airline levels [7]. Accordingly, this paper reports on the outcomes of
the latter three parts (i.e., parts 3, 4, and 5). First, the theoretical background to this study is presented.
Following this, an overview of pilot wellbeing, coping strategies, airline approaches to
performance/safety management, existing tools, and the COVID-19 context is presented. The
methodological framework for this study along with the research methodology is then outlined. This
is followed by an overview of research results. This includes results in terms of problem framing, the
pilot wellbeing behavior model, sources of WRS associated with COVID, the three operational
scenarios defined by the Flight Safety Foundation (FSF), the proposed tool framework (hereafter
referred to as tool 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5), the specific requirements and prototype concepts associated with
Tool 1 and 2, and issues pertaining to data protection and pilot safeguards. The results are then
discussed and some conclusions drawn.
1.2.1. Wellbeing
As proposed in Engel’s ‘biopsychosocial’ model of health and wellbeing, a combination of
physical, psychological, and social factors (including working conditions) contribute to a person’s
health and wellbeing [21]. Certain lifestyle factors have direct and well understood influences on each
of the three pillars of wellbeing as defined in the ‘biopsychosocial model’ [21]. Physical health is very
much affected by diet, physical activity, and sleep. Our behavior, attitudes, stress management and
coping techniques have a profound impact on our mental health. Lastly, social health is very much
affected by our support networks including the quality of our relationships with family, friends, and
work colleagues.
Some argue that the biopsychosocial model leads to eclecticism [22], while others argue that it
does not sufficiently deal with ‘complexity theory’ [23]. More recently, the social aspect of Engel’s
model has been expanded to include ideas related to spirituality and the arts/culture and an
understanding of health as a dynamic system [24].
(cognitive or physical) or external (environmental) to the individual [28]. Personal stressors include
issues or events outside the workplace, like family problems, health challenges, or financial issues,
that can contribute to stress. Although stress is a state and not an illness, prolonged or excessive stress
can lead to mental and physical health conditions [29].
respondents were found to have moderately severe depression (4.38%) or severe depression (1.58%)
Further, the relationship between fatigue and aspects of mental health is receiving increased
attention. A cross-sectional survey of >700 pilots investigating self-reported anxiety and depression
reported that respondents who typically spent longer hours on duty per week (>40 h vs. <25 h) were
three times more likely to report feeling anxious or depressed [69].
However, all involve features such as confidentiality, mutual respect, social inclusion, social support,
and the promotion of resilience [75,76]. Social isolation combined with feelings of lack of belonging,
helplessness, and hopelessness are contributory factors to suicide (including murder suicide) [13].
Thus, peer support programs are essential to the promotion and management of emotional wellbeing
for pilots along with suicide prevention [13]. In this regard, ‘Project Wingman’, the pilot-assist
program run by American Airlines represents best practice in terms of promoting pilot mental fitness
and emotional well-being and fostering supportive relationships amongst pilot colleagues.
Airlines are now moving towards Safety-II practices and specifically proactive and predictive
safety/risk management approaches to examine workplace factors that have the potential to
contribute to safety events. Recently, this has involved the application of data driven approaches
related to fatigue management in relation to flight planning [77].
1.6. Existing Tools and Interventions to Support Pilot Wellness and Stress Management
Stress management forms part of an airline’s crew resource management (CRM) syllabus, as
defined by the EASA [78]. CRM training focuses on understanding the factors that lead to stress, as
well as how to cope with stressful situations. However, WRS and techniques for managing
WRS/wellbeing issues spanning the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of a pilot’s
wellbeing are not alluded to. Moreover, the guidance does not address the links between the
home/work interface and stress coping behaviors while on and off duty. Nonetheless, airlines have
implemented stress management courses and obtained some positive effects [53].
Following crew resource management (CRM) and threat and error management (TEM)
frameworks, pilots adhere to formal briefing procedures at the pre-flight, flight planning, and
briefing stages [73,79]. However, the existing pre-flight briefing processes do not address factors
pertaining to WRS/wellbeing. In addition, pre-flight checklists do not require pilots to assess
individual crew wellbeing and the joint crew state [79].
Several pilot checklists have been advanced to address pilot risk assessment at an operational
level (and fitness for flight). This includes the ‘I’m Safe Checklist’ [80,81], and the ‘Personal
Minimums Checklist’ [82,83]. However, these do not address the three pillars of wellbeing.
QANTAS is now providing pilots will information on mental health and wellbeing via an app
on their crew iPads [84]. In addition, Jeppesen has introduced a new pilot mobile app, ‘Crew Alert’,
enabling pilots to risk assess their current and future alertness and fatigue levels [77,85]. Some
software companies have advanced electronic flight bags (EFBs) and mobile phone apps which
enable pilots to report on their fatigue levels [86]. However, reporting of crew states linking to
biopsychosocial not part of the normal process—as currently conceived.
health, to improve their wellbeing, while also enhancing productivity, engagement, and
performance. Such tools harness the personal goals of workers for health, fitness, happiness, and
meaningful social connection, for the purpose of introducing self-disciplinary methods to enhance
work performance [90]. Some argue that CWST approaches conflate work and health and increase
worker anxiety levels [91,92]. Sensory tracking technologies which aim to regulate employee
behavior via workplace wellness initiatives raise many ethical issues [93]. Many argue that such
systems should only be used on an opt in and opt out basis [93].
pertaining to stress coping for pilots [7,16]. As indicated in Figure 1 below, these include activities,
physical exercise, diet, sleep, stress management, and social relationships.
Figure 1. Wellbeing wheel (An Aviation Professional’s Guide to Wellbeing, Flight Safety Foundation,
givers, and care organization (i.e., interrelated outcomes). By implication, systems supporting pilot
wellbeing and flight safety should be jointly optimized for all stakeholders (i.e., pilots, airlines, the
aviation industry, and society).
Part # Objective and Description Method
Preliminary, semi-structured
Advancement of initial lived
A and explorative interviews Pilots, (N = 103)
experience model.
with pilots
Analysis of airline processes to
manage pilot WRS and
B Literature review N/A
wellbeing (including MH) and
associated regulation.
Validation of the lived
experience model—phase 1.
Participatory workshops
C Assessment of the impact of Pilots (N = 33)
with pilots
WRS on pilot health, human
performance, and flight safety.
Analysis of problem.
Modelling problem from
Specification of problem and
A human factors/systems N/A
change requirements from a
systems perspective.
Validation of lived experience Survey with pilots (N = 325)
B Pilots (N = 325)
model—phase 2. —phase 1
Initial data analysis
C Analysis of coping strategies. following first wave of N/A
2 survey
Specification of interventions
and tools requirements—
airline and pilot levels.
D Research analysis N/A
Situate concepts in relation to
Validation of lived experience Survey with pilots (N = 1050)
E Pilots (N = 1050)
model—phase 3. —phase 2
Specification of tools Preliminary prototype
framework. development
Specification of preliminary Process mapping—as is and
prototypes (Tool 1 and 2). future process
Specification of airline Analysis and advancement
process—existing and to be. of tool framework
Preliminary validation
research with airlines
Preliminary validation
Preliminary validation of tools research with software
framework with stakeholders. companies
3 B (N = 7)
Preliminary validation of Tool Preliminary review with
1 and 2 with stakeholders. regulatory authority
(European Aviation Safety
Authority (EASA) and Irish
Aviation Authority (IAA)
Business analysis and Specification of business
development of business logic and allied tools concept
model canvas (BMC) about the from perspective of
C N=1
aviation industry. stakeholder need
Analysis of customer need. Specification of existing and
Analysis of customer journey. future customer journey
Refinement of problem Analysis of problem
4 A analysis from a systems Application of Fogg model N/A
perspective. of behavior change to
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 13 of 51
Collectively, the studies have produced evidence-based recommendations for technologies and
other socio-technical interventions (i.e., process change, training, culture, and so forth) to promote
wellbeing in the workplace, both at a pilot self-management level and airline operational and safety
management level. To date, this research has been structured into five parts. Table 1 below provides
an outline of research parts and phases. A description of specific field research methodologies is
provided in Appendix A. Much of parts 1 and 2 of this research has been previously reported as
indicated in Appendix B. This paper focuses on reporting the outcomes of parts 3, 4, and 5.
2.3. Part 1
The first part of this study focused on advancing a preliminary specification of the wellbeing
problem and its impact. This comprised three research phases. In the first phase, semi-structured
interviews were undertaken with pilots (N = 103). A scoping literature review was undertaken to
identify existing airline processes to manage pilot WRS and wellbeing and any gaps therein. This
included an examination of specific operational and safety processes. The existing regulation in
relation to aeromedical assessment and supporting pilot wellbeing was analyzed. Following this,
three participatory workshops were undertaken with commercial pilots (N = 33). Appendix A
provides an overview of the methodology for both the interviews and workshop sessions. The detail
of this research is reported in an earlier paper [8].
2.4. Part 2
In part 2, there was a deeper dive into the problem definition and potential solution in relation
to the goals, experiences, and requirements of one stakeholder group—pilots. Overall, the purpose
was to identity how sources of WRS and wellbeing issues might be better managed both from a pilot
and airline perspective. This comprised five stages of research. In the first stage, the wellbeing
problem was mapped from a systems perspective. As part of the analysis, the different systems
relevant to the problem definition were mapped along with the associated contributory factors. In
the second stage, the initial ‘pilot lived experience’ model was further validated using an anonymous
online survey. The first wave of data analysis (N = 365) focused on modelling (1) contributory factors
and outcomes and (2) coping mechanisms. Following this, the collective evidence from part 1 and
part 2 was integrated and analyzed to identify the requirements for solutions at a pilot and airline
level. The proposed solutions were situated in terms of the new IR outlined by the EASA (i.e., in line
with IR, gap in relation to IR/extending existing IR), along with therapeutic approaches to managing
wellbeing (including mental health). Further, they were classified in terms of different types of socio-
technical intervention. This includes process redesign, training, new technology, culture change, and
so forth. In parallel to this, a second wave of survey data were collected. The survey methodologies
and data analysis approach are defined in Appendix A. The detail of this research is reported in an
earlier paper [7].
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 14 of 51
2.5. Part 3
The objective of part 3 was to further elaborate on the requirements for solutions at different
levels and to validate such solutions with aviation industry stakeholders. In particular, the purpose
was to identity how emerging technologies might be used to develop solutions to enable pilots and
other airline and aviation stakeholders (for example, an airline Employee Assistance Program (EAP),
airline flight rostering/flight safety, and aeromedical examiners) collect and share information, so that
wellbeing issues and risks might be better managed from a systems perspective.
This involved three phases of research. In the first phase, the high-level solution requirements
defined in part 2 were further elaborated in terms of a proposed ‘tools framework’ encompassing five
interrelated tools. Following this, preliminary prototypes for Tool 1 and 2 were modelled using the
prototyping tool Balsamiq Process maps were then advanced to define the existing process and the
location of these tools in a future improved process (i.e., the ‘to be’ process). The process maps were
elaborated from process maps advanced by the researcher in a prior research project [72]. Specifically,
the maps addressed four pertinent processes: (1) flight planning and crew rostering, (2) real-time
flight operations process, (3) quality and safety management process, and (4) processes pertaining to
human resource management, aeromedical assessment, the EAP function, and health promotion.
In the second phase, the tools framework, prototypes, and process maps were validated with a
panel of stakeholders. A series of individual participatory workshop/co-design sessions were
undertaken with industry stakeholders (N = 7). As part of the sessions, the researcher presented the
background to this research, the tools framework, and the indicative prototypes for Tool 1 (pilot off
duty) and Tool 2 (pilot on duty). Participants were invited to provide feedback about the overall tools
framework and specific features of Tool 1 and 2. This included the logic and ethos, behavior change
motivations, enablers and barriers, and implementation requirements (both short and longer term).
The panel included the Senior Aeromedical Officer of the Irish Aer Corps, a safety manager from an
Irish airline, representatives from the national aviation authority (IAA) and EASA, the CTO of an
aviation software company responsible for the electronic flight bag (EFB) and mobile app solutions,
the product owner of an aviation software company responsible for pilot app solutions and fatigue
risk management software, and the CEO of an aviation training company.
The third stage addressed the production of a business model canvas (BMC) for the emerging
tools. This followed the requirement to justify tool concepts both from a human factors/ethical
perspective and a business perspective. The BMC followed the paradigm developed in Osterwalder’s
business model canvas [103]. The purpose of this analysis was to articulate and locate the emerging
tools framework and concepts, in terms of the diverse needs of different actors in the aviation
industry (for example, pilots, airlines, families of pilots, aeromedical examiners, aviation software
developers, companies providing training support to airlines, the regulator, and so forth). As part of
this, the researcher engaged in a series of participatory sessions with (1) an aviation industry expert
and (2) a business analysis expert, to define the value proposition for different stakeholders and how
the individual tools would address this. Three sessions were undertaken with (1), while two sessions
were undertaken with (2). The output of this included a refinement of the tools framework in relation
to the needs of the aviation community, a BMC for the proposed tools, a specification of the customer
journey from the perspective of the two primary stakeholders (i.e., the pilot and the airline), and an
analysis of implementation motivations, enablers, and barriers. In relation to motivations, specific
dimensions of the value proposition were integrated with prior research addressing the problem
framing and an allied model of six interacting systems.
2.6. Part 4
The research in part 4 focused on further validation of the problem definition, the behavior
model, and the emerging solution. This comprised three analysis stages. In the first stage, the problem
was further specified from a systems perspective and assessment in relation to the needs of the
aviation industry/community. This included additional elaboration of the six interacting systems
which contribute to the problem space, the potential solution, and the implementation case (i.e.,
including both human/ethical and business considerations). Further, the behavior change model was
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 15 of 51
elaborated. As part of this, additional motivations, enablers, and barriers were specified in relation
to each of the six systems impacting on the problem definition and solution.
In the second stage, the second wave of survey data was analyzed. The purpose of the data
analysis was to (1) identify sources of WRS and wellbeing impact, (2) measure depression levels in
pilots, (3) examine the use of coping strategies (CS), and (4) examine the relationship between coping
strategies used by pilots and their mental health, specifically in terms of depression severity levels.
Sources of WRS and wellbeing impact were reported based on pilot self-reported data. Depression
levels were scored using the depression severity scale [104]. The prevalence of pilots using CS and
the most frequently used CS were also examined. An ordered logistic regression model was advanced
to explore the relationship between the PHQ-9 scores and each of the coping strategies for WRS (i.e.,
those listed in the survey). The objective was to model the relationship between each frequency level
of each coping strategy and PHQ-9 scores. Following this, the odds ratio was interpreted, to assess
statistically significant coping strategies. Appendix A provides further detail on the analysis
In the third stage, the prototypes for Tool 1 and 2 were further elaborated, using Balsamiq
Further, a preliminary risk algorithm was specified.
2.7. Part 5
Part 5 refers to our most recent research with stakeholders, as part of the COVID response for
pilots and other aviation professionals led by the Flight Safety Foundation (2020). Two members of
the research team participated in a series of remote workshops/discussion sessions with a panel of
stakeholders, to support the specification of a wellness guide for aviation professionals (Flight Safety
Foundation, 2020). As part of this, the team presented a subset of research findings relevant to the
production of the wellbeing guide. This included findings in terms of framing the problem, the
biopsychosocial approach and allied pilot lived experience model, the behavior model, the
relationship between stress coping and depression, the tools framework, and specific checklist ideas.
Although these sessions did not focus on evaluating the ‘lived experience’ approach and/or the tools
framework and specific concepts, the panel provided useful feedback on this. Overall, the panel
included pilots and industry experts (N = 5), stakeholders involved in safety promotion (N = 2), a
stakeholder involved in aeromedical assessment (N = 1), and a stakeholder involved in the promotion
of healthy behavior (N = 1).
3. Results
The first strand of the behavior model is the model of pilot lived experience. This is represented
in a series of infographics which depict the lived experience of pilots in terms of the three pillars of
wellbeing and associated issues, sources of WRS/contributory factors, and health outcomes.
Appendix C provides an overview of the high-level model. Appendix D provides a summary of the
sources of WRS.
The second layer is the impact scenarios. As indicated in Figure 5, six impact scenarios are
proposed reflecting much diversity in terms of the ‘pilot lived experience’, along with a spectrum of
impact (i.e., spectrum of impact in terms of the pilot’s wellbeing, performance, and flight safety). The
six impact scenarios include:
1. Pilot mostly coping well
2. Pilot mostly coping well but impact on physical health
3. Pilot experiencing difficulties but mostly coping well
4. Pilot mostly coping but long-term impacts
5. Pilot not coping
6. Extreme cases
As suggested by workshop participants (part 1, phase 3 research), wellbeing interventions
should primarily focus on addressing routine suffering (scenario 1 and 2), the avoidance of scenario
3 (i.e., pilot not coping on the day with potential implications for flight safety) and scenario 5 (i.e.,
pilot suffering which leads to self-harm). Scenario 6 specifically pertains to a person who might have
a pre-existing MH issue. Currently, such a person is not obtaining adequate support at an airline
level. Participants noted that such a scenario is comparable to the Germanwings accident. Figure 3
provides an overview of the impact scenarios.
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 18 of 51
The fourth and final layer is the model of behaviour change in relation to motivation (see Table
4), enablers (see Table 5), and barriers (see Table 6). As indicated in Table 4, these are linked to the
different systems as defined in relation to modelling the problem space.
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 19 of 51
Table 4. Motivations.
Pilot interest in developing/augmenting their health and wellbeing 1, 2
Health attitudes of family and social network 1, 3
Social supports from family and social network 3
Improved experience of home/work interface 1, 2
Public acceptability—addressing MH and wellbeing challenges 1, 2, 3
Flight safety 2, 3
Work policy 2
Commercial reasons—reduction in costs of absenteeism, operational changes, flight
cancellations, due to pilot illness
Work incentives and rewards 2
Social acceptability 2
Productivity and reduction in absenteeism costs 3
Normalisation of health and wellbeing supports across all industries 4
Regulatory support 5
Aviation industry embrace requirement for change 6
Integrated approach across the aviation industry—solve the problem at different
levels (actors, process, operational timeline, etc.)
Acceptance that these issues exist for all workers and not just pilots and must be
Table 5. Enablers.
Piot advocacy 1, 2
Culture change at pilot level—normalisation of MH, acceptability of self-care 1, 2
Use of new digital tools for pilots—supporting awareness, monitoring, and self-
1, 2
management of health
Culture change at airline industry level 2
Airline support—new training, enhancements to airline safety management systems SMS,
wellbeing supports/EAP
Acceptance of holistic model of pilot wellness (including factors pertaining to all three
Management of pilot wellbeing as a risk within an airline safety management system 2
Acceptance of MH and wellbeing challenges—community 3
Change in terms of public expectation—24/7 and low cost 3
Enhancements to existing health systems—public and private 3
Normalisation of health and wellbeing supports across all industries 4
Regulatory support—particularly in area of data protection 5
Availability of new technologies supporting stress coping and healthy behaviour 6
Transparency in terms of technology design in relation to how data is shared and data
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 20 of 51
Table 6. Barriers.
Pilot awareness of need to develop resilience and cope 1
Culture of presenteeism 1
Pilot attitudes to health and wellbeing and practice of resilience 1
Managing privacy issues 1, 2
Pilot trust in system 1, 2
Airline business models and work contracts for pilots 1, 2
Existing pilot culture (not declaring suffering, presenteeism, macho culture) 1, 2
Existing industry culture (stigma around MH and wellness challenges) 3
Lack of support within community for pilots—impact of job on wellbeing 3
Public expectations—expectation of low costs flights, 24/7 operations, flexibility for
Existing approach across all industries re management of health and wellbeing in
work—lack of focus on psychosocial dimensions
Aviation regulatory requirements 5
Lack of transparency in terms of technology design—specifically, in relation to how
data is shared and data protection
High Level
Wellbeing Pillar Example Assessment
Biological Sleep, diet, exercise
Stress management, attitude, emotions, how
Seeing and talking to other people, getting
help when needed
Overall rating
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 22 of 51
Survey analysis indicates that certain coping strategies are associated with lower depression
levels. These include sleep management, physical exercise, and diet/nutrition management. As such,
from a reporting perspective, reporting of certain biological factors is critical (i.e., sleep, exercise, and
diet). Pilot social interaction with others has a large impact on their wellbeing. In addition, obtaining
support from others is critical. This too will need to be factored into the wellness assessment. Each
pilot is different and has a specific baseline stress level. This baseline level will need to be calculated
for different pilots and then factored into the risk assessment. The specific weighting of factors will
need to be determined. An algorithm is being developed to determine how this might be
implemented in practice. Preliminary validation research with stakeholders indicates that a simple
assessment technique might first be trialed/demonstrated. As the adoption of self-monitoring
strategies and the use of wearable and mobile self-monitoring technologies grows, this approach
might be scaled up to include tracking of additional factors. This might include the pursuit of hobbies,
creative activities (for example, the practice of art, music, and dance) and spiritual activity, along with
a more sophisticated assessment of the relationship between such factors. For more information,
please see Appendix G.
Further, as indicated in Figure 4, the checklist could also feature on a mobile app.
Again, the wellness plan and review chart could feature on a mobile application. Further, as
indicated in Figure 5 below, the pilot could track their progress and obtain customized feedback as
to key focus areas. Appendix I provides some additional examples.
In relation to (1), existing pre-flight checklists might be augmented to enable the crew to evaluate
their health and wellbeing. This would represent a step beyond the existing regulatory guidance for
managing wellbeing/MH at an operational level (i.e., assessment of fatigue and pre-flight testing of
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 26 of 51
pilots for alcohol and drugs). It is proposed that the checklist items would link to the findings of this
analysis in terms of assessment of (1) their biopsychosocial health status (i.e., three pillars of
wellbeing) and (2) how they are coping/using coping strategies. Appendix J provides an example of
an adaption of the existing ‘I’m Safe Checklist’ from this perspective. This includes assessment in
relation to current emotional (including mood and attitude) and social state, not just physical health.
Stress coping is included alongside stress levels. Further, physical exercise is also incorporated. It
should be noted that this might be done at an individual level (in advance of the flight and the joint
crew meeting) and at a joint crew level. Both crew members would need to be briefed on their
respective crew member’s health and wellness.
As highlighted by stakeholders, the specific implementation of this tool at an operational level
requires careful consideration. Potentially, a pilot might review the checklist and ‘make a decision as
to their fitness’ at least eight hours before the flight. This would allow the airline sufficient time to
manage the staffing consequences (i.e., substitute the pilot). Further, this necessitates a supportive
culture, at an airline and pilot level.
4. Discussion
4.1. Framing Problem, Need for Stakeholder Engagement, and Behaviour Change
As indicated in Figure 6, the ‘pilot wellbeing problem’ can be framed in relation to the six
interacting systems and model of diversity, as identified in this research. Evidently, this problem is
worsened by the current COVID-19 context and requires consideration in relation to the three
scenarios outlined by the Flight Safety Foundation (2020).
Overall, pilots, the aviation community (i.e., airlines, the aviation industry, and the aviation
authority), and society must accept their role and responsibilities in relation to supporting pilot
wellbeing and enabling behavior change. Stakeholders will have differing goals and perspectives on
the problem. These perspectives will influence how the problem is framed and how the emerging
solution is conceived. Thus, all stakeholders must be engaged in finding a solution.
Improved working environments necessitate behavior change on the part of employers,
employees, and society. This means changing how we conceptualize work and how we design
systems to promote wellness, resilience, and safety. As illustrated in this research, such behavior
change needs to be framed in the context of the six interacting systems. It is argued that behavior
change for airlines will be driven by change at a pilot level. Furthermore, it will be driven by what
happens at levels three (society/community), four (health and safety regulation), five (aviation
regulators), and six (aviation community and industry). As noted previously, we are focusing on
pilots first. This is premised on a view that the development of a wellbeing culture starts with pilots
first. This has already been demonstrated by peer support programs. Nonetheless, it needs support
from airline management and the regulator. If a growing number of pilots are practicing behavior
change and adopting technologies capturing data around their wellness, then this may drive change
at an airline level in terms of making use of the data collected by these tools. In line with the
technology-mediated behavior change as outlined by Fogg (2020), these new digital tools will provide
a trigger for pilot assessment of wellness, along with motivating and supporting the individual and
organizational behavior required. In addition, the above tools will provide a link into
societal/community supports and enabling change at a societal level.
The pilot’s ‘lived experience’ and associated home/work interface needs to be designed so that
the pilot is set up for success. However, this requires a fundamental rethinking of the design of the
overall aviation system and the human role within it. More progress is required to ensure that the
person (i.e., the human factor) is at the center of the system. From an airline operations and safety
management perspective, pilot interaction with different aspects of the socio-technical system (i.e.,
training, culture, process, tools) at different career time points (i.e., training, early stage career, mid-
career with family and mortgage, etc.) and at different operational points (i.e., while on duty and off
duty) must be considered. Following a systems approach, change at an organizational level will be
multicomponent and at different levels (i.e., culture, training, process design, etc.). As part of this, the
motivations, enablers, and barriers, as defined in the pilot wellbeing behavior model, will need to be
In addition, the social model which underpins the ‘human factor’ needs to be mapped and
addressed. In terms of examining social interactions and relationships, attention must be given to the
quality and value of a pilot’s interactions with those who (1) provide support to the pilot (i.e., pilot
wellbeing benefiting from support from social network, health providers, and colleagues) and (2)
those the pilot provides support to (i.e., pilot wellbeing benefiting from support given to others,
volunteering, and contributing within their social community). On the flipside, this social community
can potentially create barriers to identifying wellbeing problems, accepting the need for change,
fostering wellbeing behaviors, maintaining wellbeing, and providing sincere and credible support
for the routine practice of healthy behaviors.
Overall, we are seeking to change the relationship between the individual and employer and
other aviation stakeholders (for example, the aeromedical examiner) and societal actors (i.e., families
and those people providing support to pilots in the community, etc.). This includes information
sharing relationships (for example, sharing information about our personal health, lifestyle, and
fitness for duty). In many cases, regulation also needs to change and/or catch up. Evidently, such
information is sensitive and ethical dimension such as consent, autonomy, and protection of the
personal sphere must be considered.
work concepts’, airlines have a responsibility to pilots (i.e., their employees), to shareholders, and to
society. Specifically, airlines and the aviation industry need to engage with ideas around the ‘triple
bottom line’ and enabling social justice in the workplace (i.e., decent work agenda). By practicing
corporate citizenship, airlines and the industry can become aware of the impact they are having on
different aspects of society and proactively address the challenges associated with WRS and pilot
There is a moral, business, and legal case for addressing issues pertaining to WRS, pilot
wellbeing, and healthy work practices (including the management of the home/work interface). First,
employers have a duty of care to their employees in terms of the promotion of healthy and safe work.
Such duties are legally enshrined in workplace legislation. The operating environment and terms of
work should not adversely impact an employee’s wellbeing and/or create the conditions conducive
to the onset of wellbeing issues (including MH issues) and/or contribute to the worsening of a pre-
existing issue. Workplace systems and practices should foster trust and engagement, the promotion
of wellbeing (including psychological wellbeing), and the avoidance of work-related stress (WRS)
and burnout. Moreover, the operating environment should not present a threat to the person’s safety
or that of other stakeholders (for example, other aviation workers and the travelling public).
Society and the travelling public expect and have a right to transparency in relation to how safety
is managed including the measurement and assessment of human capital. It is expected that all risks
(including human factors risks) are adequately managed. Further, given the significant challenges
faced by pilots and the aviation industry in terms of COVID-19, the public have (or will have)
legitimate concerns around the fitness to fly of pilots who are re-entering the workforce. On the
flipside, we (as a society) have responsibilities to pilots. We need to accept our role in relation to
supporting the wellbeing of pilots. Further, we need to consider the implications of public
expectations for low cost flights and 24/7 flight schedules. This is discussed in more detail below.
This is not to minimize the contribution of individuals to harmful work practices. As stated
previously, workplace wellbeing relates to the creation of positive wellbeing within both workplaces
and workforces. Employees also need to understand their role and responsibilities here. As with their
employers, pilots must be educated about boundaries between our life inside and outside of work
and managing conflicting demands.
Psychological problems amongst aircrew present a threat to flight safety, given the ensuing
impairments to task performance. Factors such as stress, physical state (for example, fatigue), and
emotional state (for example, anxiety and depression) are considered to substantially increase the
likelihood of human error. This presents a risk both from a flight safety and commercial perspective
(i.e., potential for injuries and aircraft damage, brand damage, legal exposure, and associated costs).
Pilot absenteeism along with the impacts of absenteeism on flight operations (i.e., replacing crew,
flight delays, flight operations changes) represents a significant cost to airlines. This is likely to be a
significant motivating factor for airlines to address the development of a wellbeing culture, along
with addressing wellbeing as part of the wider safety management system.
safety risk. Although positive, such coping can be interpreted as a potential safety risk. Moreover, it
gives the impression that all risks are identified and properly managed. Risk is managed within the
context of a functional safety management system, which makes safety assessments in relation to
different timeframes (i.e., past, present, future), using a diversity of evidence pertaining to different
subject elements (i.e., crew, aircraft, environment), and the socio-technical system. A resilient and
robust safety management system does not rely on opportunistic and/or ad hoc prevention. It is not
acceptable to depend on coping (i.e., the identification and correction of a slip or error by the co-pilot
in real time—impact scenarios 1, 2, and 3). Moreover, important outcomes linked to pilot wellbeing
and suffering (from minor to severe) are not being managed (see scenarios 2, 4, and 5).
5. Conclusions
Pilots face many occupational hazards that are endemic to their jobs. Pilots, the aviation
industry, and society should recognize and support the many activities that contribute to positive
wellbeing for pilots.
The aviation community needs the right tools to safeguard the wellbeing and mental fitness of
pilots and ensure flight safety. Overall, work should be designed to benefit all stakeholders. Airlines
and the aviation industry need to be socially accountable. Behavior change is required at an
individual, organizational, and societal level. Further, this change needs to be conceptualized from a
socio-technical perspective and deliver benefits to employers, employees, and society.
There is a moral, legal, and business case for supporting pilot resilience and addressing
wellbeing factors within an airline’s safety management system. Post Covid-19, the aviation industry
will not be the same, and nor will those who remain working in the industry. Solutions are required
for pilots and other stakeholders to address (1) the new requirements proposed by EASA [9] (2) gaps
in relation to existing regulatory requirements and enabling a preventative and holistic approach to
wellbeing management and supporting resilience, (3) the existing evidence on pilot wellbeing
challenges, the prevalence of suffering, and the use of coping strategies, and (4) the immediate
COVID need and allied three scenarios defined by the flight safety foundation.
Pilots are adapting to the job and managing wellbeing issues. However, there is much variation
in relation to coping ability. This variation needs to be considered in terms of (1) operational safety
risk assessments and (2) designing wellbeing interventions at pilot and airline levels. Pilot wellbeing
needs to be treated from a holistic perspective (biopsychosocial). Pilots, airlines, and the regulator
can learn from the existing use of coping strategies as evidenced in this research. New tools are
required at different levels (i.e., pilot, airline, aeromedical examiners) to support pilot self-
management of their health and wellbeing.
In support of the EASA directives, best practice in relation to preventative approaches to health
management, predictive risk management, and associated data driven approaches, preliminary
concepts and prototypes for tools have been advanced. These prototypes pave the way for rethinking
how pilots and airlines effectively manage issues pertaining to WRS and its impact on pilot
wellbeing/mental health, pilot performance, and flight safety. Stress cannot be eliminated from the
work life of pilots. However, the proposed tools can support the management of pilot WRS and its
effects on pilot wellbeing, performance, and safety. The tool concepts are predicated on significant
field research and validation with pilots and the industry. The concepts emerge from a framing of the
wellbeing problem from a systems perspective and a focus on addressing outcomes (i.e., impact
scenarios). Further, they are linked to behavior change frameworks and practices, at an individual,
organizational, and societal level.
Existing pre-flight checklists should be extended to enable the crew to evaluate their health and
wellbeing. New checklists might be developed for use by pilots while off duty, supporting an
assessment of (1) their biopsychosocial health status (i.e., three pillars of wellbeing) and (2) how they
are coping/using coping strategies. This research underscores the need to introduce digital tools to
enable pilot self-management of wellbeing and safety behavior. This might involve the advancement
of a phone app with different wellness functions. Data captured in this tool might be shared in a de-
identified format with the pilot’s airline.
Tools to support pilot coping and resilience are recommended. Nonetheless, airlines must also
manage these risks. This might involve the adoption of Safety II approaches—predicated on data
driven risk assessment. To this end, there is a requirement for corresponding tools for other
stakeholders. Existing airline SMS and flight rostering/planning systems might be extended to make
use of pilot data from an operational and safety management perspective. Fatigue risk management
systems (and by implication airline rostering/flight planning systems) need to be extended to
consider the relationship between fatigue risk and the other dimensions of a pilot’s wellbeing. This
requires making use of a pilot’s wellbeing data within the airline SMS and raises significant issues
pertaining to privacy rights and the protection of personal data. In addition, a new training format
should be devised to support pilot development of coping skills. Pilot information might also be
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 33 of 51
shared with the airline EPA to support coping and the targeting of interventions at a cohort/fleet
level. Moreover, information might also be shared with aeromedical examiners.
The proposed tool concepts are preliminary and further validation research is planned with
pilots and other stakeholders. As part of this, specific information sharing roles, processes, and
safeguards will need to be defined, in line with legal frameworks and societal values.
Author Contributions: conceptualization, J.C., P.C.; methodology, J.C., P.C., S.A., S.W.; software, J.C., S.A.;
validation, J.C., P.C., K.G.; formal analysis, J.C., P.C., S.A., SW.; investigation, J.C., PC.; writing—original draft
preparation, J.C.; writing—review and editing, S.A., P.C.; visualization, J.C., P.C.; supervision, S.W.; project
administration, J.C.; all authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the pilots for their participation in this study. The views
expressed in this study do not represent the views of the authors’ employers. The authors would like to thank
Mark Atherton and Thomas Anthony for their feedback on this paper. We acknowledge their contributions but
do not infer that they take responsibility for the content of the article.
Pilots were recruited using social media platforms such as LinkedIn and
Twitter. The survey was powered by the SurveyMonkey service and did
not collect any identifying information about the person. Further, no
internet protocol (IP) addresses were collected. It was assumed that each
participant was a pilot and only completed one survey. Several questions in
the survey required knowledge that would only be readily available to
pilots. An active pilot (co-author in this study: PC) reviewed surveys for
potential non-pilot participants. All surveys passed this screening.
Ethics approval was granted by the School of Psychology, Trinity College
Dublin (TCD), in August 2018.
The purpose of the data analysis was to (1) identify sources of WRS and
wellbeing impact, (2) measure depression levels in pilots, (3) examine the
use of coping strategies (CS), and (4) examine the relationship between
coping strategies used by pilots and their mental health—secifically
depression severity levels.
Appendix B
Objective Stakehold
and er
Part # Method Outcomes Date Status Referen
Descriptio Involvem
n ent
ent of Semi-
initial structured Pilots, (N May 2015 to
A experience Complete
lived interviews = 103) June 2017
model 1
experience with pilots
of airline
to manage Airline
pilot WRS process
Literature January 2016
B and N/A mapping Complete [7]
review to June 2017
wellbeing Evaluation of
(including regulation
MH) and
of lived
model— Lived
phase 1 experience
Assessme model 2
ry Pilots (N = April to May
C nt of Preliminary Complete [8]
workshop 33) 2018
impact of impact model
WRS on Impact
wellbeing, scenarios
ce, and
Analysis June 2018 to
human Problem
A of N/A December Complete [7]
factors/sys Definition
problem 2018
Validation Survey experience
of lived with pilots model 3
Pilots (N = Jan to April
B experience (N = Preliminary Complete [7]
325) 2019
model— 325)— assessment of
2 phase 2 phase 1 coping
Initial data assessment of April to May
C of coping N/A Complete [7]
analysis coping 2019
and tools
on of
Research —airline level April to July
D ons and N/A Complete [7]
analysis Interventions 2019
and tools
—pilot level
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 37 of 51
airline and
pilot levels
in relation
of lived Lived March 2019
with pilots Pilots (N =
E experience experience to January Complete
(N = 1050) 1050)
model – model 4 2020
– phase 2
phase 3
on of tool
ent Tool
Process framework
on of
Mapping (Tool 1, 2, 3, 4, August 2019
—as is and and 5) to
A y N/A Complete N/A
future Prototypes for September
process Tool 1 and 2 2019
(Tool 1
Analysis Process maps
and 2)
and (as is/future)
on of
ent of tool
3 of tools
k with Updated
stakeholde framework September
B rs N=7 Updated to October Complete N/A
Preliminar prototypes for 2019
y Tool 1 and 2
of Tool 1
y review
and 2 with
and IAA)
of Specificati
customer/ on of
airline existing Customer December
C N=2 Complete N/A
need and and future journey maps 2019
customer/ customer
airline journey
Specificati Analysis Definition of
on of of problem in
Jan to Feb
4 A problem/c problem N/A relation to five Complete [16]
hange Applicatio interacting
requireme n of Fogg systems
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 38 of 51
Potential bereavement
Health challenges in family
Figure A5. Pilot on duty: Tool 1 and process, Tool 1 (pilot off duty).
Technologies 2020, 8, 40 43 of 51
Figure A6. Pilot off duty: Tool 2 and process, Tool 2 (pilot on duty).
F Fatigue Am I tired and not adequately rested? Have I been managing my sleep?
Eating and
E Am I adequately nourished and hydrated? Am I taking physical exercise?
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