Academic Branch
No. NIT/HMRI/Acad./ [ Date:
1. The Registration for Even Semester of Academic Year 2024-25 for all UG, PG and PhD students,
shall be in accordance with the Academic Calendar, as under:
Online Fee deposit for UG, PG and PhD students January 01-06, 2025
Registration of PG and PhD students (in respective Departments/Centre) January 07, 2025
Registration of UG students (in respective Departments) January 08, 2025
2. The UG/PG/PhD students shall submit the completely filed-in Registration Form (Annexure-lll),
along with the self-attested copy of semester fee payment receipt as proof of having paid the
requisite fee, to the respective Registration In-charges in the Departments (Annexure-ll). The PhD
students shall also submit the duly filled-in Academic Registration Form (DPP-01).
3. The Semester registration fee for all the programmes is as per Annexure -1. This semester fee is
required to be paid online through SBI Collect from January 01, 2025 to January 06, 2025.
(a) The late fee for late submission of semester fee is Rs.500/- per day
(b) The late fee for late registration is Rs.200/- per day
4. The UG students who are availing any fee waiver based upon family income are required to also
enclose the self-attested copy of valid income certificate, issued by the Competent Authority, along
with other documents as stated above at Sr. No. 2.
5. The students who were allocated Hostel in the previous semester are required to seek No-Dues
from the concerned Hostel on the 2° page of the Registration Form.
6. The fee of the students admitted under ICCR is deposited by the ICCR itself. Therefore, payment
receipt of fee is not applicable to the students under ICCR Category.
7. The last date for registration with late fee in January 16, 2025.
8. The classes for Even Semester of Academic Year 2024-25 for all UG, PG and PhD Programmes
shall commence w.e.f. January 09, 2025.
9. Students may contact the respective Registration In-charges (Annexure-11) / HoD concerned for any
help/clarifications regarding semester registration.
10. The Heads of the Departments/ Centre shall forward the list of Registered/ Un-registered students
Annex ure IV) along with the duly signed Registration Forms complete in all respects and
(in format,
required enclosures to the Academic Section by January 20, 2025.
Encl.: Annexures I to IV e
ca dine)
Copy to:
1. Dean (Academic)
2. All HoDs/HoC for information and necessary action
3. Associate Dean (A&R)
4. Fl(Registration)
5. Chief Warden (Hostels)
6. Fl(CC), with request to upload it on Institute website for information of all concerned.
7. DR (F&A)
8. Dealing Assistants (UG, PG and PhD seats) for finalizing the Registration Lists for Notification
9. PS to Director, for kind information of the Director please
10. PA to Registrar, for kind information of the Registrar please
DR (Academic)
The Fee (excluding Hostel Charges), for the Even Semester of Academic Year 2024-2025 for
B.Tech./8.Arch./Dual Degree/ M.Tech./M.Arch./MBA/M.Sc. / Ph.D. programmes is as under:
Sr. No. Course Semester Fee for Fee for Fee for Fee for students
open SC/ST/PH students whose whose family
category category family income income is between
students students is less than Rs.1.00 Lac per
Rs. 1.00 Lac per annum and
annum Rs.5.00 Lac
per annum
1. B. Tech/ B.Arch./Dual Degree 24, 4 83100 20600 20600 41433
2. B. Tech/B.Arch./Dual Degree 76450 13950 13950 34783
3. B. Tech/B.Arch./Dual Degree 8 75750 13250 13250 34083
4. B. Arch. 109 75750 13250 13250 34083
5. Dual Degree 10» 48250 13250 48250 48250
6. M.Tech. 24, 4 55600 20600 55600 55600
2%, 40
7. M.Arch./MBA 55600
No Fee Waiver 8
8. M. Sc. (Physics /Chemistry/ 2%, 4 28100
Mathematics & Computing)
* Students allocated Single, Double or Triple Seater Room shall have to deposit additional Room
Rent Fee to the Institute Account, as under:
# The Dissertation Evaluation and Examination Fee of Rs. 5000/- is to be deposited by the
M. Tech./ M.Arch. students at the time of their Dissertation Submission i.e. between 30/04/2025 to
List of Registration In charges (Department-wise)
' I S cence
Department o fM aterials ' & Engineering
S. No. Name of the Programme Semester Name of the Registration Designation Email id
I B.Tech. 2, 4 Dr. Vikram Verma Assistant Professor
2 B.Tech. 6, 8 Dr. Rita Maurya Assistant Professor
3 M.Tech. 2°, 4 Dr. Raj Bahadur Singh Assistant Professor
4 PhD All Sems. Dr. Rita Maurya Assistant Professor
D epartment o f Ch emistry
S. No. Name of the Programme Semester Name of the Registration Designation Email id
I M.Sc. 2w Dr. Raj Kaushal Assistant Professor
2 M.Sc. 4 Dr. Jagannath Kuchlyan Assistant Professor
3 PhD All Sems. Dr. Jai Prakash Assistant Professor
ti &Sw
D epartmen t 0 fM a th emat1cs if C ompumng
cientific ti
s. Name of the Programme Semester Name of the Registration Designation Email id
No. Incharge
I B.Tech. 2¥ Dr. Rifaqat Ali Assistant Professo: in
2 B.Tech. 4 Dr. Subit Kumar Jain Assistant ProfessOi
3 B.Tech. 6 Dr. Talari Ganesh Assistant Professor in
4 B.Tech. g Dr. Soniya Chaudhary Assistant Professm
5 M.Sc. 2°,4 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Assistant Professo1
6 PhD All Sems. Dr Om Prakash Yadav Assistant Professm
The concerned Head of Department/ Centre shall nominate the Registration lncharge in
case any of the above Registration Incharges is absent/ on leave on the day of Semester
Registration, under intimation to the Dean(Academic). ~
Roll Number:
Programme B.Tech./8.Arch./ Dual Degree/M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Sc./MBA/Ph.D.
(Tick appropriate)
Father's Name
Address for Correspondence Jin CAPITAL Letters) Permanent Address (in CAPITAL Letters)
• It will be sole responsibility of the student to fill the information legibly and correctly. For any discrepancy, the concerned student shall be
• The Department Registration lncharge shall verify all the information submitted in the Registration Form.
Page I of2
Result of Previous Semester
Previous SGPI CGPI Course(s) With F Grade, if any
Semester Course Code Course Name
Student Declaration
I hereby declare that the information furnished by me in this Registration Form is true and correct. I have
not concealed any information. However, if any information furnished herein is incorrect or incomplete, I
understand that I am liable to appropriate action and I also agree to forego my registration.
Note: This Registration Form is to be printed back-to-back on the same sheet of paper.
Pae 2 of3,
Department of .
Programme ~-.- .- .- .
Semester - .. _ ~ - -:····
Annexure: DPP-01
Clause- 5.1 (1)
Academic Registration Form
Name of Research Scholar
Registration Number
Academic Year and Semester Number
Date of First Registration
Admission Category and Code of
Research Scholar
Department/Center .
Supervisor and Co-supervisor (if any)