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Lecture 7_2

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Industrial Process Control

Course Code: POW 7321

Instructor: Dr. Mahmoud Elshenawy

Email: mahmoudelshenawy@h-eng.Helwan.edu.eg
Telephone: 01224535402
Faculty of engineering, Helwan university
Lecture 7

Industrial controllers

Different types of industrial controllers
1. Two Position Controller
2. Proportional Controller
3. Integral Controller
4. Differential Controller
5. PI – Controller
6. PD – Controller
7. PID-Controller
8-Intelligent Controller ( Fuzzy , Neural , …)
9-Other Controllers.

1-Two position (ON-OFF) controller

• For some systems, on-off signaling is sufficient. For example, a thermostat, when
the heater is either on or off, and control systems as airflow or speed control also do it.
• Depending on the frequency of control, overhead of on-off, etc, this could cause
overshoots and undershoots (ripples) .
• Oscillation is a common behavior in control systems Need to avoid it at all costs… well, almost
all costs

Two position controller

Two position controller with dead zone

Some applications of two position controller

a) Temperature control
using ON-OFF controller

open loop temperature control

closed loop temperature control

ON-OFF controller operation and the system response

Some applications of two position controller

b) Level control using ON-OFF controller

Plant: water tank water q1(t)

Input: water flow piston
Output: water level h (t )
Expected value: h lever
Sensor: float 0

Controller: lever h0
Actuator: piston h(t)

Controller Actuator Plant

h0 threshold
q1 (t ) Water h(t )
Lever Piston Tank

The Controller as a System
• We usually specify a value we want some output of the system to have , usually called
the Setpoint (SP)
• The set point can be motor speed, temperature of a room, level in a tank, flow rate in a
• The value can be fixed, or may change with time ( tracking or time table)
• We need some kind of control input which can create changes in the behavior of the
• Can be a heater, a valve, a pump…
• Typically it is not the same physical quantity as what we are controlling
• If we knew exactly how the process worked, we would know what the output would be
for a given control input…
• Most of the time we don’t know exactly, so we need to measure what the process does
– Usually called Measured Variable (MV) or Process Variable (PV)
The Controller as a System
• Now we have a measurement (MV), some value that we want it to be (SP), and
some way to make changes to the process (control input)
• We can ‘close the loop’
• Now we can see that any controller can be
thought of as a system that takes a setpoint and
a measured value as inputs, and gives a control
signal as an output


• The controller needs to convert two signals of one physical quantity (such as
temperature) into one signal of another (such as valve position)
The Controller as a System
• We know that the process is a dynamic system:
– Its outputs depend on current inputs as well as its past state
• For the controller to deal with this, it makes sense that it should be a dynamic system
• Very often we can think of the controller acting on the difference between SP and

+ error
SP Σ Controller Process

Classic closed loop block diagram representation of a control system
The Controller as a System
• We said that since the process is dynamic (dependent on inputs made at
different times), it makes sense that the controller should be too
• How do we usually think of time?
– ‘Present’
– ‘Past’
– ‘Future’
The Controller as a System
The Present
• This part of the controller is only concerned with what the error is now
• Let’s take a simple law: let the control signal be proportional to the error:
𝒖 = 𝒌𝒑 × 𝒆
The past
• This part of the controller is only concerned with what is the error past.
• We can let the control be given by the sum of past values of the error, scaled by some
gain. In continuous time the sum is an integral:
𝒖 = 𝒌𝒊 න 𝒆 𝒕 𝒅𝒕
The future
• This part of the controller is only concerned with what the error will be in future.
• Let’s let the control be dependent on the derivative of the error:
𝒖 = 𝒌𝒅
The Controller as a System
𝒖 = 𝒌𝒑 𝒆 𝒕 + 𝒌𝒊 න 𝒆 𝒕 𝒅𝒕 + 𝒌𝒅
𝟎 𝒅𝒕

+ e u
SP Σ Integral Process


Industrial PID Controller

2-proportional controller
P-controller block diagram.
P- controller electronic circuit

p (t ) = k p
e(t )

the controller transfer function is:

where: R
k = 2

P( s ) p
T .F = =k p 1

E ( s)

- advantages of p-controller are : simplicity and fast response.

-Drawback is : it does not eliminate the steady state error .

Characteristics of proportional controller

3-Integral controller

This controller is called an integral controller because it approximates the

mathematical function of
integration. The integral control method is also known as reset control.
. It is commonly used in industries to eliminate the steady state error.
. Time equation is :
p(t ) = k i  e(t )dt
where KI is the integral constant.

. The controller transfer function is: T .F = k i

Electronic circuit of the integral controller

I-controller block diagram k i
Advantages and disadvantages of integral controllers

. The major advantage of integral controllers is that they have the unique ability to return the
controlled variable back to the exact set point following a disturbance (i.e, eliminating ess).

. The disadvantages of the integral control mode are that it responds relatively slowly to an
error signal and that it can initially allow a large deviation at the instant the error is produced
which might lead to system instability and cyclic operation. For this reason, the integral control
mode is not normally used alone, but is combined with another control mode.

Characteristics of integral controller

4-Derivative Controller
. It cannot be used individually in industries, but it is usually used with other
. Time equation is: de(t )
p (t ) = k d

where Kd the differentiation constant.

Electronic circuit and gain of the derivative

D-controller block diagram controller.

Where : Kd= R C

The controller T.F is :

T .F = k d s
The important advantage of the derivative controller is that it has a fast response; on
the other hand it does not eliminate the steady state error in addition to amplifying
the disturbances.

Characteristics of derivative controller

5-Proportional-Integral controller

Time equation is : p(t ) = k p e(t ) + k i  e(t )dt

The PI-controller transfer function is : T .F = + k i

k p

where Kp is the proportional constant and Ki is the integral constant.

The block diagram of the PI controller The PI - controller electronic


Characteristics of PI controller

6-Proportional-Derivative controller

. It is commonly used in industries. de(t )

. Time equation is p(t ) = k p e(t ) + k d
The PD-controller transfer function is :
T .F = k p + k d s
where Kp is the proportional constant and
Kdis the derivative constant.
. The block diagram of the PD controller is :

PD-controller block diagram The PD - controller electronic circuit

7-Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller (PID)

. It is commonly used in industries and can be considered as the most powerful controller.
. Time equation is:
de(t )
p (t ) = k p e(t ) + k i  e(t )dt + k d
T .F = + k i
+ kd s
k p
where Kp is the proportional constant, KI is the integral and Kd is the derivative constant.
. The block diagram of the PID controller is :

PID-controller block diagram

PID- controller electronic circuit

Characteristics of PID controller

Effects of Coefficients and the characteristics of P, I, and D

Controllers Tuning

Controller Tuning Methods

1-Manual tuning method (trail and error).

2-Ziegler–Nichols tuning method.

3- PID tuning software methods using Matlab.

PID Controller Tuning
•PID Controllers are everywhere! Due to its simplicity and excellent.

•PID controllers are used in more than 95% of closed-loop industrial processes.

• PID Can be tuned by operators without extensive background in Controls, unlike many
other modern controllers that are much more complex but often provide only slight

K =
is int egration time cons tan t

T =K

is derivative time cons tan t

1-Manual Tuning Method
How do the PID parameters affect system dynamics?
Four major characteristics of the closed-loop step response.

1.Rise Time: the time it takes for the plant output y to rise beyond 90% of the desired level
for the first time.

2.Overshoot: how much the peak level is higher than the steady state, normalized against
the steady state.

3. Settling Time: the time it takes for the system to converge to its steady state.

4.Steady-state Error: the difference between the steady-state output and the desired
The effects of increasing controller parameters

1-Manual Tuning Method

In manual tuning method, parameters are adjusted by watching system responses. Kp, Ki, Kd are
changed until desired or required system response is obtained. Although this method is simple, it
should be used by experienced personal.

1-Manual Tuning Method

50% steady-
state error and
over damping
Constant Transfer Fcn Scope

System Response Without Controller

with PID

Kp=1.3 , ki=2.244 , kd=1.818 steady state error=0. Only

one oscillations before steady state.
2- Ziegler and Nichols tuning of PID
In the this method, we first remove the I and D controllers and using the
proportional control action only (see Figure , increase Kp from 0 to a critical value
Kcr at which the output first exhibits sustained oscillations. (If the output does not
exhibit sustained oscillations for whatever value Kp may take, then this method
does not apply.) Thus, the critical gain Kcr and the corresponding period Pcr are
experimentally determined (see Figure ). Ziegler and Nichols suggested that we set
the values of the parameters Kp , Ti , and Td according to the formula shown in

Closed Loop Control System with P Controller Only system response at Kcr

2- Ziegler and Nichols tuning of PID

T .F = + k i
+ kd s
k p

Kp= R2/R1
Ki= 1/RiCi
Kp= RdCd

3- PID tuning software methods.

Using tune option in PID controller block

By clicking the tune option in PID controller block , MATLAB software is automatically
linearized the system and tuned the controller.


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