cs 3re year
cs 3re year
cs 3re year
CO 3 Identify and solve the redundancy problem in database tables using normalization. K2, K3
Understand the concepts of transactions, their processing so they will familiar with broad range K2, K4
CO 4
of database management issues including data integrity, security and recovery.
CO 5 Design, develop and implement a small database project using database tools. K3, K6
Unit Topic Proposed
Introduction: Overview, Database System vs File System, Database System Concept and
Architecture, Data Model Schema and Instances, Data Independence and Database Language and
Interfaces, Data Definitions Language, DML, Overall Database Structure. Data Modeling Using the
I 08
Entity Relationship Model: ER Model Concepts, Notation for ER Diagram, Mapping Constraints,
Keys, Concepts of Super Key, Candidate Key, Primary Key, Generalization, Aggregation,
Reduction of an ER Diagrams to Tables, Extended ER Model, Relationship of Higher Degree.
Relational data Model and Language: Relational Data Model Concepts, Integrity Constraints,
Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity, Keys Constraints, Domain Constraints, Relational Algebra,
Relational Calculus, Tuple and Domain Calculus. Introduction on SQL: Characteristics of SQL,
II Advantage of SQL. SQl Data Type and Literals. Types of SQL Commands. SQL Operators and Their 08
Procedure. Tables, Views and Indexes. Queries and Sub Queries. Aggregate Functions. Insert,
Update and Delete Operations, Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors, Triggers,
Procedures in SQL/PL SQL
Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, 8 third
III normal forms, BCNF, inclusion dependence, loss less join decompositions, normalization using 08
FD, MVD, and JDs, alternative approaches to database design
Transaction Processing Concept: Transaction System, Testing of Serializability, Serializability of
Schedules, Conflict & View Serializable Schedule, Recoverability, Recovery from Transaction
IV 08
Failures, Log Based Recovery, Checkpoints, Deadlock Handling. Distributed Database: Distributed
Data Storage, Concurrency Control, Directory System.
Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency Control, Locking Techniques for Concurrency
V Control, Time Stamping Protocols for Concurrency Control, Validation Based Protocol, Multiple 08
Granularity, Multi Version Schemes, Recovery with Concurrent Transaction, Case Study of Oracle.
Text books:
1. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan,” Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill
2. Date C J, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Addision Wesley
3. Elmasri, Navathe, “ Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Addision Wesley
4. O’Neil, Databases, Elsevier Pub.
5. RAMAKRISHNAN"Database Management Systems",McGraw Hill
6. Leon & Leon,”Database Management Systems”, Vikas Publishing House
7. Bipin C. Desai, “ An Introduction to Database Systems”, Gagotia Publications
8. Majumdar & Bhattacharya, “Database Management System”, TMH
Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme: Computer Engineering and Information Technology,
Computer Science and Information Technology, IT (V & VI semester)
Text books:
1.Burdman, Jessica, “Collaborative Web Development” Addison Wesley
2.Xavier, C, “Web Technology and Design” , New Age International
3.Ivan Bayross,” HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Perl & CGI”, BPB Publication
4.Hans Bergsten, “Java Server Pages”, SPD O’Reilly
5. Margaret Levine Young, “The Complete Reference Internet”, McGraw Hill.
6. Greg Lim, “Beginning Node.js, Express & MongoDB Development”, 1 September 2020, Greg Lim
7.Shannon Bradshaw, Eoin Brazil, Kristina Chodorow, “MongoDB: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition”,
December 2019, O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme: Computer Engineering and Information Technology,
Computer Science and Information Technology, IT (V & VI semester)
Object Oriented System Design with C++ (BCS054)
Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
At the end of course , the student will be able to:
To Understand the application development and analyze the insights of object oriented K2, K4
CO 1
programming to implement application
CO 2 To Understand, analyze and apply the role of overall modeling concepts (i.e. System, structural) K2, K3
CO 3 To Understand, analyze and apply oops concepts (i.e. abstraction, inheritance) K2, K3, K4
CO 4 To know the concepts of C++ for understanding the implementation of object oriented concepts K2, K3
CO 5 To understand and apply object oriented paradigm concepts to implement real world problems. K2, K3
Unit Topic Proposed
Introduction: The meaning of Object Orientation, object identity, Encapsulation, information hiding,
I polymorphism, generosity, importance of modelling, principles of modelling, object oriented 08
modelling, Introduction to UML, conceptual model of the UML, Architecture.
Basic Structural Modeling: Classes, Relationships, common Mechanisms, and diagrams. Class
&Object Diagrams: Terms, concepts, modelling techniques for Class & Object Diagrams.
Collaboration Diagrams: Terms, Concepts, depicting a message, polymorphism in collaboration
Diagrams, iterated messages, use of self in messages. Sequence Diagrams: Terms, concepts, depicting
II asynchronous messages with/without priority, call-back mechanism, broadcast messages. 08
Basic Behavioural Modeling: Use cases, Use case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, State Machine ,
Process and thread, Event and signals, Time diagram, interaction diagram, Package diagram.
Architectural Modeling: Component, Deployment, Component diagrams and Deployment diagrams.
Object Oriented Analysis: Object oriented design, Object design, Combining three models, Designing
algorithms, design optimization, Implementation of control, Adjustment of inheritance, Object
representation, Physical packaging, Documenting design considerations.
III Structured analysis and structured design (SA/SD), Jackson Structured Development 08
(JSD).Mapping object oriented concepts using non-object oriented language, Translating classes into
data structures, Passing arguments to methods, Implementing inheritance, associations encapsulation.
Object oriented programming style: reusability, extensibility, robustness, programming in the large.
Procedural v/s OOP, Object oriented language features. Abstraction and Encapsulation.
C++ Basics : Overview, Program structure, namespace, identifiers, variables, constants, enum,
operators, typecasting, control structures
IV 08
C++ Functions : Simple functions, Call and Return by reference, Inline functions, Macro Vs. Inline
functions, Overloading of functions, default arguments, friend functions, virtual functions
Objects and Classes : Basics of object and class in C++, Private and public members, static data
and function members, constructors and their types, destructors, operator overloading, type conversion.
Inheritance : Concept of Inheritance, types of inheritance: single, multiple, multilevel, hierarchical,
V 08
hybrid, protected members, overriding, virtual base class
Polymorphism : Pointers in C++, Pointes and Objects, this pointer, virtual and pure virtual
functions, Implementing polymorphism
Text Books
1. James Rumbaugh et. al, “Object Oriented Modeling and Design”, 2nd Edition Pearson Education
2. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”, Pearson
3. Object Oriented Programming With C++, E Balagurusamy, McGraw-Hill Education
4. C++ Programming, Black Book, Steven Holzner, dreamtech
5. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Robert Lafore, Galgotia
6. Object Oriented Programming with ANSI and Turbo C++, Ashok Kamthane, Pearson
7. The Compete Reference C++, Herbert Schlitz, McGraw-Hill Education
Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme: Computer Engineering and Information Technology,
Computer Science and Information Technology, IT (V & VI semester)
Machine Learning Techniques (BCS055)
Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
Text books:
1. Tom M. Mitchell, ―Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2013.
2. Ethem Alpaydin, ―Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and
Machine Learning), The MIT Press 2004.
3. Stephen Marsland, ―Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, CRC Press, 2009.
4. Bishop, C., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme: Computer Engineering and Information Technology,
Computer Science and Information Technology, IT (V & VI semester)
Design and Analysis of Algorithm (BCS-503)
Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
Understand basic techniques for designing algorithms, including the techniques of recursion, K2, K3
CO 5
divide-and-conquer, and greedy.
Unit Topic Proposed
Introduction: Algorithms, Analyzing Algorithms, Complexity of Algorithms, Growth of
I Functions, Performance Measurements, Sorting and Order Statistics - Shell Sort, Quick Sort, Merge 08
Sort, Heap Sort, Comparison of Sorting Algorithms, Sorting in Linear Time.
Advanced Data Structures: Red-Black Trees, B – Trees, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps,
II 08
Tries, Skip List
Divide and Conquer with Examples Such as Sorting, Matrix Multiplication, Convex Hull and
III Greedy Methods with Examples Such as Optimal Reliability Allocation, Knapsack, Minimum 08
Spanning Trees – Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithms, Single Source Shortest Paths - Dijkstra’s and
Bellman Ford Algorithms.
Dynamic Programming with Examples Such as Knapsack. All Pair Shortest Paths – Warshal’s and
Floyd’s Algorithms, Resource Allocation Problem.
IV 08
Backtracking, Branch and Bound with Examples Such as Travelling Salesman Problem, Graph
Coloring, n-Queen Problem, Hamiltonian Cycles and Sum of Subsets.
Selected Topics: Algebraic Computation, Fast Fourier Transform, String Matching, Theory of NP-
V 08
Completeness, Approximation Algorithms and Randomized Algorithms
Text books:
1. Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Printice Hall of
2. E. Horowitz & S Sahni, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms",
3. Aho, Hopcraft, Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms” Pearson Education, 2008.
4. LEE "Design & Analysis of Algorithms (POD)",McGraw Hill
5. Richard E.Neapolitan "Foundations of Algorithms" Jones & Bartlett Learning
6. Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson, 2005.
7. Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples,
Second Edition, Wiley, 2006.
8. Harry R. Lewis and Larry Denenberg, Data Structures and Their Algorithms, Harper Collins, 1997
9. Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Algorithms, fourth edition, Addison Wesley, 2011.
10. Harsh Bhasin,”Algorithm Design and Analysis”,First Edition,Oxford University Press.
11. Gilles Brassard and Paul Bratley,Algorithmics:Theory and Practice,Prentice Hall,1995.
Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme: Computer Engineering and Information Technology,
Computer Science and Information Technology, IT (V & VI semester)