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Course Title: Introduction to Management Principles Credit Units: 3 L T P/S SW/F TOTAL

Course Level: UG Course Code: MGMT109 UNITS
2 0 0 2 3

Course Objectives: The aim of the course is to build knowledge and understanding about principles of management among the students. The course seeks
to give detailed knowledge about the subject matter by instilling basic ideas about management. The course aims to orient the students in theories and
practices of Management so as to apply the acquired knowledge in actual business practices. This is a gateway to the real world of management and
decision-making. The course is aimed at developing an understanding of basic management principles applicable to individuals, small and large

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Business Studies

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I Introduction 15
Introduction: Concepts, objectives, nature, scope and significance of management, Contribution of Taylor, Weber and Fayol in
management, Management Vs. administration.
Module II Management Planning Process 20
Planning: Concept, objectives, nature, importance and limitations of planning, planning process. Concept of Decision Making and
its Importance, Forecasting techniques and process.
Module III Organizing 20
Organizing: Concept, objectives, nature of organizing, Types of Organization, Delegation of authority, Authority and
responsibility, Centralization and Decentralization, Span of Control.
Module IV Staffing & Directing 25
Meaning of staffing, importance, Job analysis, Manpower planning, Recruitment and selection, Training.
Directing: Concept, principles & aspects of directing, Concept of leadership, Supervision, Motivation - Maslow’s Need Hierarchy
Theory, Herzberg Two Factor Theory, Theory X & Y, ERG Theory and Communication. Concept and types of Coordination
Module V Management Control 20
Controlling: Concept, Principles, Process and Techniques of Controlling, Relationship between planning and controlling, need for
Control system, techniques of control and linkage between planning and control.
Application of technology in functions of management.

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

 Define and summarize the key concepts of management and functions of a manager.
 Understand professional skills required of managers and contrast different types, roles, and styles of managers.
 Apply and develop the insights about the views of management thinkers and their contributions
 Analyze applications of principles of management in the organizations
 Assess the management issues in organizations and apply the management skills in real practice
 Formulate theoretical and practical insights on decision making & problem-solving capabilities for effective management

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

Theoretical inputs and applications will be introduced during class through in-class activities like group discussions and case studies using the blended
learning approach. The course will be a combination of theoretical and case based styles. Case studies, active participation in team exercises, and
practical information by Industry experts reinforce learning.

Lab/ Practical details, if applicable:


List of Professional Skill Development Activities (PSDA):

 PSDA 1: Project on staffing practices in an organization

 PSDA 2: Project and presentation: Students to interview managers and understand the different approaches of management used in the modern
 PSDA 3: Case Discussion: Cases to be prepared by students on any of the functions of management by interviewing industry people and then
presented in the class with solutions implemented or suggested solutions to problems.

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

40 60

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous End Term
Assessment/Internal Examination
Assessment (60 %)
(40 %)
Components Class Mid Report Presentation Assignment Attendance
(Drop down) Test Term Writing
Weightage (%) 10 10 5 5 5 5 60

Mapping Continuous Evaluation components/PSDA with COs

Bloom’s Level Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Course CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO 6
Learning Define and Understand Apply and Analyze Assess the Formulate theoretical
Outcomes summarize the key professional skills develop the applications of management and practical insights on
concepts of required of insights about principles of issues in decision making &
management and managers and the views of management in organizations and problem-solving
Assessment functions of a contrast different management the apply the capabilities for effective
manager. types, roles, and thinkers and their organizations management skills management
styles of contributions in real practice

Class Test  
PSDA 1:   
Project on
practices in an

PSDA 2:   
Project and
on different
approaches of
PSDA 3: Case   

Text & References:

 Koontz O' Donnel, Essential of Management,
 Stoner, Freemand and Gilbert ,Management,
 Burton & Thakur , Management Today
 Pagare Dinkar, Principles of Management
 Prasad L.M., Principles and Practice of Management
 Satya Narayan and Raw VSP, Principles and Practice of Management
 Srivastava and Chunawalla, Management Principles and Practice

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