Computer p1
Computer p1
Computer p1
Software Hardware
Quiz 1
1. Fill in the blanks.
a. The primary storage unit is also called as …………………
b. Arithmetic logic unit is a part of …………………………
c. The unit of the computer which gives t h e results of the process and
computations is the ……………
2. Answer in brief
a. Define a system.
b. Write the functions of the input unit.
Computer - Applications
Computer is used in business organizations for −
Payroll calculations
Sales analysis
Financial forecasting
Managing employee database
Maintenance of stocks, etc.
Banks provide the following facilities −
Online accounting facility, which includes checking
current balance, making deposits and overdrafts,
checking interest charges, shares, and trustee
ATM machines which are completely automated are
making it even easier for customers to deal with
Insurance companies are maintaining a database of
all clients with information showing −
Procedure to continue with policies
Starting date of the policies
Next due installment of a policy
Interests due
Survival benefits
The computer helps in the education system.
The computer provides a tool in the education system
known as CBE (Computer Based Education).
CBE involves control, delivery, and evaluation of learning.
Computer education is rapidly increasing the graph of
number of computer students.
There are a number of methods in which educational
institutions can use a computer to educate the students.
It is used to prepare a database about performance of a
student and analysis is carried out on this basis.
In marketing, uses of the computer are following −
Advertising − With computers, advertising professionals
create art and graphics, write and revise copy, and print
and disseminate ads with the goal of selling more
Home Shopping − Home shopping has been made
possible through the use of computerized catalogues that
provide access to product information and permit direct
entry of orders to be filled by the customers.
Also, used in the following :
Engineering Design
Analog computers
Digital Computers
Hybrid Computers
Computer - Types
Computers can be classified by their speed and computing power.
Type Specifications
PC (Personal It is a single user computer system having moderately powerful
Computer) microprocessor
It is also a single user computer system, similar to personal
computer however has a more powerful microprocessor.
It is a multi-user computer system, capable of supporting hundreds
Mini Computer
of users simultaneously.
It is a multi-user computer system, capable of supporting hundreds
Main Frame of users simultaneously. Software technology is different from
It is an extremely fast computer, which can execute hundreds of
millions of instructions per second.
Advantages of Computers
High Speed
Storage Capability
Reduction in Paper Work and Cost
Disadvantages of Computers
No I.Q.
No Feeling
Organization of human being & computer
Similarities and Difference between
Human and Computer
Computer - Input Devices
Following are some of the important input devices which are
used in a computer −
Keyboard - Mouse
Joy Stick - Light pen
Track Ball - Scanner
Graphic Tablet - Microphone
Optical Character Reader(OCR)
Bar Code Reader
Computer - Output Devices
Graphic Plotter
The computer as a data processor
Storage Drives
SHAPE NAME Capacity Drive Letter (usually) Characteristics
Hard Disk Between 1 and 16 Shape Recordable, Very fast, Boot disk, Safe, Very
Drive Gigabytes Expensive.
ZIP or Between 100 D:, E:, F: etc... (The PC Recordable, Fast, Safe, Very Expensive,
LS-120 Megabytes and 1 assigns them the next Exchangeable, Easy to carry.
Gigabyte (1000 available letter while
Megabytes) booting)
CD-ROM 650 Megabytes D:, E:, F: etc...(The PC Some Recordable (expensive), Capacity for Audio,
assigns them the next Very Fast,
(0.65 Gigabytes)
available letter while Very Safe, Cheap , Easy to carry.
booting, usually the last
DVD-ROM Up to 17 Gigabytes D:, E:, F: etc... (It takes New, Capacity for Audio and Video, Very Fast,
non-used letters by other Very Safe, Very Expensive, Easy to carry.
(Up to 17000
drives, usually the last
available one)
The PC motherboard
The program and data in memory
Functionalities of a Computer
If we look at it in a very broad sense, any digital computer carries out
the following five functions −
Step 1 − Takes data as input.
Step 2 − Stores the data/instructions in its memory and uses them as
Step 3 − Processes the data and converts it into useful information.
Step 4 − Generates the output.
Step 5 − Controls all the above four steps.
Computer - Components
Computer - Memory
Memory is just like a human brain.
It is used to store data and instructions.
Computer memory is the storage space in the computer,
where data is to be processed and instructions required for
processing are stored.
The memory is divided into large number of small parts
called cells.
Each location or cell has a unique address.
Computer - Memory
Memory is primarily of three types :-
A group of 4 bits is called nibble.
A group of 8 bits is called byte. A byte is the smallest unit, which can represent a data item or a character.
A computer word, like a byte, is a group of fixed number of bits processed as a unit, which varies from computer to
computer but is fixed for each computer.
The length of a computer word is called word-size or word length. It may be as small as 8 bits or may be as long as 96 bits.
A computer stores the information in the form of computer words.
The following table lists some higher storage units
1 - 36
Computer – Software
a) Machine Language
b) Assembly Language
c) High Level Language
Computer – Software (cont.)
Computer – Software (cont.)
The stages in the development of a computer program are :
Problem Definition
Program Design
Computer – Software (cont.)
Write an algorithm and develop a flowchart to convert the
temperature input in Celsius scale to Fahrenheit scale.
Solution :
Algorithm :
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Input values of A and B.
Step 3: Compare values of A and B (Is A > B?).
Step 4: If yes then print “A is greater than B”.
Step 5: If no, the print “B is greater than A”.