Short-term: Work hard with willing-to-learn attitude to
achieve personal as well as organizational goals, learn more about pharmaceutical industry. Long-term: Become a well-skilled expert, oriented to CONTACT become a dedicated manager in the next 2-3 years.
+84917416268 EXPERIENCE
Binh Thanh, HCMC SELLER ONBOARDING INTERN Mar 2022 - May 2022 ABOUT ME Searching and supporting suppliers in registering accounts and operating on the Thuocsi Seller Center system As a hard - working, optimistic, creative and enthusiastic PHARMACIST INTERNSHIP pharmacist, I always build self- Pharmacy Retail improvement to widen my Jul 2022 - Sep 2022 knowledge as much as possible Assist customers with purchasing and using medications, and become more competitive. manage warehouse inventory, and support procurement based on sales data. EDUCATION RESEARCH ASSISTANT Bachelor of Pharmacy Department of Organic chemistry University of Medicine and Oct 2022 - Aug 2023 Pharmacy, HCMC Developing a research protocol, synthesizing bioactive 2018-2023 chemical structures, and reporting scientific research findings. SKILLS Research EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Communication Presentation STUDENT UNION CHAPTER PRESIDENT Teamwork CLUB FAIR Flexibility Chief Organizer Presentation The annual biggest program for over 500 freshmens; MS Officice Directly managed New Student Orientation Program Canva Adobe Photoshop SPORT COMPETITION Vice-organizer 2020 LANGUAGES Organized sport competition for more than 500 participants in 5 sports; Directly managed media team, English opening and closing event.