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(eBook PDF) Cultural Anthropology Asking Questions

About Humanity by Robert L. Welsch

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Brief Contents

Anthropology: Asking Questions Economics: Working, Sharing,

About Humanity 3 and Buying 211

Culture: Giving Meaning to Politics: Cooperation, Conflict,

Human Lives 31 and Power Relations 237

Beyond Nature and Nurture: Race, Ethnicity, and Class:

The Individual, Biology, and Understanding Identity and Social
Culture 55 Inequality 265

Linguistic Anthropology: Relating Gender, Sex, and Sexuality: The

Language and Culture 81 Lives of Women and Men 291

Ethnography: Studying Kinship, Marriage, and the

Culture 107 Family: Love, Sex, and Power 317

Globalization and Culture: Religion: Ritual and Belief 341

Understanding Global
Interconnections 133
Medical Anthropology: Health,
Illness, and Culture 371
Foodways: Finding, Making,
and Eating Food 157
The Arts: Objects, Images,
and Commodities 393
Environmental Anthropology:
Relating to the Natural World 185

Letter from the Authors xxi
About the Authors xxiii
Preface xxv
Acknowledgments xxxi

Anthropology: Asking Questions About Humanity 3

How Did Anthropology Begin? 5
The Disruptions of Industrialization 5
The Theory of Evolution 6
Colonial Origins of Cultural Anthropology 7
Anthropology as a Global Discipline 7

What Are the Four Subfields of Anthropology and What Do They

Share in Common? 8
Culture 10
Cultural Relativism 11
Human Diversity 12
Change 14
Holism 15

How Do Anthropologists Know What They Know? 15

The Scientific Method in Anthropology 17
When Anthropology Is Not a Science: Interpreting Other Cultures 20

How Is Anthropology Put to Work in the World? 21

Applied and Practicing Anthropology: "The Fifth Subfield"? 22
Putting Anthropology to Work 22

What Ethical Issues Does Anthropology Raise? 24

Do Not Harm. But Is That Enough? 24
To Whom Are Anthropologists Responsible? 25

~~~ CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: E. B. Tylor and the Culture Concept 11

Responsibilities to Informants and People in Authority 26
~~~ DOING FIELDWORK: Conducting Holistic Research with Stanley
Ulijaszek 16

Culture: Giving Meaning to Human Lives 31
What Is Culture? 33
Elements of Culture 33
Defining Culture in This Book 39


If Culture Is Emergent and Dynamic, Why Does It Feel

So Stable? 40
Symbols 40
Values 41
Norms 41
Traditions 42

How Is Culture Expressed Through Social Institutions? 43

Culture and Social Institutions 44
American Culture Expressed Through Breakfast Cereals and Sexuality 44

Can Anybody Own Culture? 49

CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Franz Boas and the Relativity

of Culture 39
Holism 47
and Collaborative Museum Exhibits 50

Beyond Nature and Nurture: The Individual, Biology,

and Culture 55
What Can the Biology of Brain Development Teach Us
About Culture? 57
The Adaptable Human Brain 57
The Mind and Culture 5 8
Uniting Mind and Matter: A Biocultural Perspective 59

How Do Anthropologists Understand Other People's

Psychologies? 60
What Is an Individual Person? 60
The Culture and Personality School 61
The Individual: Persons and Selves 61
Ethnopsychology 63
Culture and Mental Illness 63

What Role Does Evolution Play in Human Lives? 67

Understanding Evolution Among Human Populations 67
Racism and Early Evolutionary Models in Anthropology 69
Franz Boas and Antievolutionism 69
Moving Beyond Purely Biological Notions of Evolution 71

Is Biotechnology Changing Our Bodies? 72

How Genes Work: The Basics 73
The Dilemmas of Geneticization 74

::: CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Ruth Benedict, the Individual,

and Culture 62



Testing and Mother-Infant Bonding 75
Homelessness, and the Mentally Ill in New York City 65

Linguistic Anthropology: Relating Language

-- and Culture 81

Where Does Language Come From? 82

Evolutionary Perspectives on Language 83
Historical Linguistics: Studying Language Origins and Change 84

How Does Language Actually Work? 87

Descriptive Linguistics 87
Phonology:SoundsofLanguage 87
Morphology: Grammatical Categories 88
Sociolinguistics 89

Do People Speaking Different Languages Experience Reality

Differently? 92
The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 92
Hopi Notions of Time 92
Ethnoscience and Color Terms 94
Is The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Correct? 95

How Can Languages Be So Dynamic and Stable at the Same Time? 96

Linguistic Change, Stability, and National Policy 96
Language Stability Parallels Cultural Stability 97

How Does Language Relate to Social Power and Inequality? 98

Language Ideology 9 8
Gendered Language Styles 99
Language and Social Status 99
Language and the Legacy of Colonialism 10 3

::: CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Edward Sapir on How Language Shapes

Culture 93
::: THINKING LIKE AN ANTHROPOLOGIST: Exploring Relationships
of Power and Status in Local American Dialects 100
::: DOING FIELDWORK: Untangling Language Ideologies in Contemporary
Egypt 102

Ethnography: Studying Culture 107

What Is So Distinctive About Anthropological Fieldwork? 109
Fieldwork 109
Taking Fieldnotes 114
Seeing the World From "The Native's Point of View" 116
Avoiding Cultural "Tunnel Vision" 116

Aside From Participant Observation and Interviews,

Do Anthropologists Use Other Methods? 119
Comparative Method 119
Genealogical Method 119
Life Histories 120
Ethnohistory 121
Rapid Appraisals 121
Action Research 122
Anthropology at a Distance 122
Analyzing Secondary Materials 122
Special Issues Facing Anthropologists Studying Their Own Societies 124

What Special Ethical Dilemmas Do Ethnographers Face? 127

Protecting Informant Identity 127
Anthropology, Spying, and War 128

CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Bronislaw Malinowski on the

Ethnographic Method 118
Mall 110
and Indigenous Rights in Brazil 125

Globalization and Culture: Understanding Global

Interconnections 133
Is the World Really Getting Smaller? 135
Defining Globalization 135
The World We Live In 136

Are There Winners and Losers in Global Integration? 140

World Systems Theory 140
Resistance at the Periphery 142
Globalization and Localization 142

Doesn't Everyone Want to Be Developed? 144

What Is Development? 144
Development Anthropology 145
Anthropology of Development 146
Change on Their Own Terms 147

If the World Is Not Becoming Homogenized, What Is It Becoming? 147

Cultural Convergence Theories 148
Clash of Civilizations 148
Hybridization 149

What Strategies Can Anthropologists Use to Study Global

Interconnections? 1SO
Defining an Object of Study 150
Multi-Sited Ethnography 152

;;; CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Eric Wolf, Culture, and the World System 141
Integration Through Commodities 139
;;; DOING FIELDWORK: Studying Chernobyl's Aftermath with Adriana
Petryna 151

Foodways: Finding, Making, and Eating Food 157

Why Is There No Universal Human Diet? 159
Human Dietary Adaptability and Constraints 159
Cultural Influences on Human Evolution: Digesting Milk 160

Why Do People Eat Things That Others Consider Disgusting? 162

Foodways and Culture 162
Foodways Are Culturally Constructed 163
Foodways Communicate Symbolic Meaning 164
Foodways Mark Social Boundaries and Identities 164
Foodways Are Dynamic 166

How Do Different Societies Get Food? 169

Foraging 170
Horticulture 171
Pastoralism 172
Intensive Agriculture 173
Industrial Agriculture 174

How Are Contemporary Foodways Changing? 175

Growing Environmental Impacts of Industrial Agriculture 178
Industrial Foods, Sedentary Lives, and the Nutrition Transition 178
The Return of Local and Organic Foods? 179
The Biocultural Logic of Local Foodways 180

CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Audrey Richards and the Study

of Foodways 163
and Gender 167
Food Security in Vermont with Teresa Mares 176

Environmental Anthropology: Relating to the

Natural World 185
Do All People Conceive of Nature in the Same Way? 187
The Human-Nature Divide? 187
The Cultural Landscape 189

How Is Non-Western Knowledge of Nature Similar to and Different

From Science? 190
Ethnoscience 191
Traditional Ecological Knowledge 192


Do Only Industrialized Western Societies Conserve

Nature? 195
Artifactual Landscapes 195
The Culture of Modern Nature Conservation 196
Is Collaborative Conservation Possible? 198

How Do Social and Cultural Factors Drive Environmental

Destruction? 199
Population and Environment 200
Ecological Footprint 202
Political Ecology 203

~~~ CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Roy Rappaport's Insider and Outsider

Models 194
Costs 204
~~~ DOI NG Fl ELDWORK: James Fairhead and Melissa Leach on Misreading
the African Landscape 201

Economics: Working, Sharing, and Buying 211

Is Money Really the Measure of All Things? 213

Culture, Economics, and Value 214
The Neoclassical Perspective 214
The Substantivist-Formalist Debate 215
The Marxist Perspective 218
The Cultural Economics Perspective 218

How Does Culture Shape the Value and Meaning of Money

Itself? 220
The Types and Cultural Dimensions of Money 220

Why Is Gift Exchange Such an Important Part of All

Societies? 222
Gift Exchange and Economy: Two Classic Approaches 222
Gift Exchange in Market-Based Economies 226

Why Does Having Some Things Make You Cool? 227

Are There Distinct Cultures of Capitalism? 229

Culture and Social Relations on Wall Street 230
Entrepreneurial Capitalism Among Malays 231

CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Marshall Sahlins on Exchange in

Traditional Economies 217
in Managing Social Relationships 224
Reconstruction of the Afghan Economy 232

Politics: Cooperation, Conflict, and Power Relations 237

Does Every Society Have a Government? 239
The Idea of ((Politics" and the Problem of Order 240
Structural-Functionalist Models of Political Stability 240
Nee-Evolutionary Models of Political Organization: Bands, Tribes, Chiefdoms,
and States 242
Challenges to Traditional Political Anthropology 243

What Is Political Power? 244

Defining Political Power 245
Political Power Is Action-Oriented 245
Political Power Is Structural 246
Political Power Is Gendered 247
Political Power in Non-State Societies 248
The Political Power of the Contemporary Nation-State 250

Why Do Some Societies Seem More Violent Than Others? 252

What Is Violence? 253
Violence and Culture 253
Explaining the Rise of Violence in Our Contemporary World 255

How Do People Avoid Cycles of Aggression, Brutality,

and War? 257
What Disputes Are ''About" 257
How People Manage Disputes 257
Is Restoring Harmony Always the Best Way? 260

CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: E. E. Evans-Pritchard on Segmentary

Lineages 241
......... THINKING LIKE AN ANTHROPOLOGIST: The Power of Personal
Connections 249
and Democracy in Ghana 251

Race, Ethnicity, and Class: Understanding Identity

and Social Inequality 265
Are Differences of Race Also Differences of Biology? 267
The Biological Meanings (and Meaningless) of ((Human Races" 268
Race Does Have Biological Consequences 270

How Is Race Culturally Constructed? 270

The Absence of Race in Colonial Virginia 271
How Africans Became ((Black" and Europeans Became ((White" in Seventeenth-
Century Virginia 271
The One-Drop Rule 273
Racialization in Latin America 273
Saying ((Race Is Culturally Constructed" Is Not Enough 276
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How Are Other Social Classifications Like Ethnicity, Class,

and Caste Naturalized? 276
Ethnicity: Common Descent 277
Class: Economic Hierarchy in Capitalist Societies 278
Caste: Moral Purity and Pollution 279

Are Prejudice and Discrimination Inevitable? 281

Understanding Prejudice 282
Discrimination, Explicit and Disguised 282
The Other Side of Discrimination: Unearned Privilege 287


on Prejudice 283
and Classifying Race in the American Census 274
••• DOI NG Fl ELDWORK: Tamie Tsuchiyama and Fieldwork
in a Japanese-American Internment Camp 285

£=--" Gender, Sex, and Sexuality: The Lives of Women

and Men 291
In What Ways Are Males and Females Different? 293
Toward a Biocultural Perspective on Male and Female Differences 293
Rethinking the Male-Female Dichotomy 295
Hormones and Differences in Male and Female Behavior 297

In What Ways Are Men and Women Unequal? 298

Debating "The Second Sex" 299
Taking Stock of the Debate 300
Reproducing Gender/Sex Inequalities 300

What Does It Mean to Be Neither Male Nor Female? 302

Navajo Nddleehe 303
Indian Hijras 304
"Transgender" in the United States 305

Is Human Sexuality Just a Matter of Being Straight

or Queer? 308
Cultural Perspectives on Same-Sex Sexuality 308
Controlling Sexuality 312

••• CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Margaret Mead and the Sex/Gender
Distinction 294
and Advocacy With Transgender People 307
••• DOING FIELDWORK: Don Kulick and "Coming Out"
in the Field 310

Kinship, Marriage, and the Family: Love, Sex,

and Power 317

What Are Families, and How Are They Structured in Different

Societies? 319
Families, Ideal and Real 319
Nuclear and Extended Families 320
Clans and Lineages 321
Kinship Terminologies 323

How Do Families Control Power and Wealth? 328

Claiming a Bride 328
Recruiting the Kids 329
The Dowry in India: Providing a Financial Safety Net for a Bride 329
Controlling Family Wealth Through Inheritance 330
Inheritance Rules in Nonindustrial Societies 330

Why Do People Get Married? 331

Why People Get Married 331
Forms of Marriage 333
Sex, Love, and the Power of Families Over Young Couples 333

How Are Technological Changes Reshaping How People Think

About Family? 335
In Vitro Fertilization 335
Surrogate Mothers and Sperm Donors 336

~~~ CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: A. L. Kroeber on Classificatory Systems

of Relationship 324
in Bali, Indonesia, and the United States 327
~~~ DOING FIELDWORK: Ellen Lewin on Studying Lesbian and
Gay Commitment Ceremonies 332

Religion: Ritual and Belief 341

How Should We Understand Religion and Religious Beliefs? 343
Understanding Religion version 1.0: Edward B. Tylor and Belief in Spirits 343
Understanding Religion version 2.0: Anthony F. C. Wallace on Supernatural
Beings, Powers, and Forces 344
Understanding Religion version 3.0: Religion as a System of Symbols 345
Understanding Religion version 4.0: Religion as a System of Social Action 346
Understanding Suicide Bomber Attacks 347

What Forms Does Religion Take? 350

Clan Spirits and Clan Identities in New Guinea 351
Totemism in North America 351
Shamanism and Ecstatic Religious Experiences 352
Ritual Symbols That Reinforce a Hierarchical Social Order 353

Polytheism and Monotheism in Ancient Societies 354

World Religions and Universal Understandings of the World 355
How Does Atheism Fit in the Discussion? 356

How Do Rituals Work? 356

Magical Thought in Non-Western Cultures 356
Sympathetic Magic: The Law of Similarity and the Law of Contagion 357
Magic in Western Societies 360
Rites of Passage and the Ritual Process 360

How Is Religion Linked to Political and Social Action? 363

The Rise of Fundamentalism 363
Understanding Fundamentalism 364

;;; CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Sir James G. Frazer on Sympathetic

Magic 358
of Passage 361
;;; DOI NG Fl ELDWORK: Studying the Sikh Militants 365

Medical Anthropology: Health, Illness, and Culture 371

What Do We Mean by Health and Illness? 373
The Individual Subjectivity of Illness 373
The "Sick Role": The Social Expectations of Illness 374

How and Why Do Doctors and Other Health Practitioners Gain

Social Authority? 376
The Disease-Illness Distinction: Professional and Popular Views of Sickness 377
The Medicalization of the Non-Medical 380

How Does Healing Happen? 383

Clinical Therapeutic Processes 383
Symbolic Therapeutic Processes 383
Social Support 384
Persuasion: The Placebo Effect 384

What Can Anthropology Contribute to Addressing Global Health

Problems? 386
Understanding Global Health Problems 386
Anthropological Contributions to Tackling the International HIV/AIDS Crisis 388

CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Arthur Kleinman and the New Medical

Anthropological Methodology 379
Disease Categories 381
on an Engaged Anthropology of Health 389


The Arts: Objects, Images, and Commodities 393

How Should We Look at Art Objects Anthropologically? 395
The Many Dimensions of Objects 396
A Shiny New Bicycle, in Multiple Dimensions 397
An Anthropological Perspective on Aesthetics 398

Why and How Do the Meanings of Things Change Over Time? 402
The Social Life of Things 402
Three Ways Objects Change Over Time 403

How Do Certain Objects Come to Represent People's Goals

and Aspirations? 409
The Cultural Biography of Things 409
The Culture of Mass Consumption 410
How Can Some People Use Objects to Manipulate Us? 413

How Do Images Shape the Worlds in Which People Live? 414

The Power of Visual Media 414
Manipulating Images 415
Films Have Social Lives, Too 417

::: CLASSIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Nancy Munn on Graphic Signs Among the

Walbiri of the Australian Desert 400
Multiple Perspectives 407
::: DOING FIELDWORK: Christina Kreps Studies Indigenous Indonesian
Perceptions of Museums 411

Glossary 421
References 427
Credits 439
List of Boxes 444
Index 445
Letter from the Authors
Dear Reader,

Imagine how people would react to you if the next time you went to the university
bookstore you tried to haggle at the cash register for your textbooks. Or if the next
time you caught a cold you explained to your friends that you were sick because a
jealous person had hired a witch to cast a spell on you. In both cases, a lot of people
would think you are crazy. But in many societies throughout the world, a lot of ordin-
ary people would consider you crazy for not haggling or for not explaining your mis-
fortunes as the workings of a witch.
Issues such as these raise some interesting questions. How do people come to believe
such things? How are such beliefs reflected in and bolstered by individual behavior
and social institutions in a society? Why do we believe and act in the ways we do?
Such questions are at the core of the study of culture. The idea of culture is one of
anthropology's most important contributions to knowledge.
The goal of our textbook is to help students develop the ability to pose good an-
thropological questions and begin answering them, our inspiration coming from the
expression ((99°/o of a good answer is a good question." We present problems and ques-
tions that students will find provocative and contemporary, and then use theories,
ethnographic case studies, and applied perspectives as ways of explaining how anthro-
pologists have looked at these topics over time. Our approach emphasizes what is
currently known within the study of cultural anthropology and issues that continue
to challenge.
Central to the plan of this book are three underlying principles that guide our ap-
proach to cultural anthropology:

• An emphasis on learning how to ask important and interesting anthropological

• Applying anthropology to understand and solve human problems.
• Respecting tradition, with a contemporary perspective.

Every chapter, every feature of the book has been written with these principles in mind.
We have written a book about anthropology that draws on insights anthropologists
have learned during the twentieth century. At the same time, with its cutting-edge
content and pedagogy, this is a textbook that provides what students need for the
twenty-first century.
For most students, an introductory course in cultural anthropology is the only edu-
cational exposure they will have to anthropological thinking. Most readers are un-
likely to see anthropological thinking as relevant to their own lives unless we find a
way to make it so. This book represents our endeavor to do just that.
Here's wishing you greater appreciation of cultural anthropology and a lifetime of
cultural revelations to come.


Robert L. Welsch

Luis A. Vivanco

About the Authors
Robert L. Welsch currently teaches cultural anthropology at Franklin Pierce Univer-
sity and previously taught for many years at Dartmouth College. He was affiliated
with The Field Museum in Chicago for more than two decades. Trained in the 1970s,
at a time when anthropologists still focused mainly on non-Western village-level soci-
eties, and when cultural materialist, Marxist, structuralist, and interpretive theories
dominated the discipline, Welsch's research has focused on medical anthropology, re-
ligion, exchange, art, and museum studies in the classic anthropological settings of
Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

Luis A. Vivanco teaches cultural anthropology and global studies at the University
of Vermont, where he has won several of the university's top teaching awards.
He was trained in the 1990s when post-structuralist perspectives and "studying up"
(studying powerful institutions and bureaucracies, often in Western contexts) was
becoming commonplace. Vivanco has worked in Costa Rica, Mexico, Colombia,
and the United States, studying the culture and politics of environmentalist social
movements, the media, science, ecotourism, and urban mobility with bicycles.
In addition to this book, he is author of two ethnographic monographs, co-editor
of two others, as well as numerous articles and book chapters.

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SAVAGE, GEORGE F., Pvt., 1939 N. Tripp Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
SCHABLOCKE, WILLIAM, Pvt., 3127 Walnut St., Chicago, Illinois.
SCHELL, CHARLES M., Pvt., 1706 Diversy Parkway, Chicago,
SCHEUER, NICOLOS, Pvt., Hollenfels, Luxembourg.
SCHROEDER, RALPH M., Pvt., 949 W. Decatur St., Decatur,
SEELEY, ROBERT N., Pvt., 5120 S. Park St., Chicago, Illinois.
SEILER, HERMAN M., Sgt., 573 Lianbuell Ave., Detroit, Michigan.
SHEETZ, A. VERNON, Pvt., R.F.D. 2, Freeport, Illinois.
SIBLEY, LAWRENCE C., Pvt., 6950 Lowe Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
SITHEN, ROSCOE R., Pvt., Garrett, Indiana.
SMITH, EARL N., Horseshoer, 2610 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago,
SMITH, HAROLD W., Far., 11239 S. Hermosa Ave., Morgan Park St.,
Chicago, Illinois.
SMITH, LESTER C., Pvt., 834 Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
SNOWHOOK, JOHN C., Pvt., 1829 Warren Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
SNYDER, EDWARD, Pvt., 401 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign,
SODERLAND, CLARENCE E., Pvt., 7637 Paxton Ave., Chicago,
SOMERS, FRANCIS P., Pvt., 439 S. Chicago St., Kankakee, Illinois.
STANGEL, VICTOR, Corp., 607 W. White St., Champaign, Illinois.
STANTON, JOHN G., Pvt., 4305 Greenview Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
STASKA, JOSEPH P., Horseshoer, 2923 Quinn St., Chicago, Illinois.
STEWART, CECIL C., Pvt., Sadorus, Illinois.
STEWART, PAUL J., Pvt., 6116 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
STOVICH, JOHN, Pvt., 514 Belvidere St., Waukegan, Illinois.
SUMMERS, DON, Pvt., 513 S. Pine St., Champaign, Illinois.
THOMAS, EARL, Pvt., 6325 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
TOWER, DONALD A., Pvt., Mendota, Illinois.
TOWER, TRACI T., Pvt., Mendota, Illinois.
TUCKER, HARLEY B., Pvt., 813 E. 39th St., Chicago, Illinois.
URE, CHARLES, Pvt., 2580 Ash St., Denver, Colorado.
VANCE, JOHN W., Sgt., 78 Rombocke Ave., Wellington, Ohio.
VAN DORN, THEODORE J., Bugler, 1144 W. Cook St., Springfield,
VAN SICKEL, SPENCER R., Pvt., 2338 Osgood St., Chicago, Illinois.
VAN SLYKE, VERNON P., Pvt., 215 High St., Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
WALDO, HENRY M., Pvt., Libertyville, Illinois.
WALLACE, SAM H., Pvt., 836 North Boulevard, Oak Park, Illinois.
WALSH, EARL J., Pvt., Huron, South Dakota.
WATSON, DEWEY R., Pvt., R.F.D. 1, Fairmount, Illinois.
WEART, JAMES G., Pvt. 1st class, Winnetka, Illinois.
WEAVER, GEORGE, Pvt., Cumberland, Iowa.
WEINER, JACK, Pvt., 3437 Grenshaw Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
WEIR, HARRY S., Pvt., 409 N. Elm St., Champaign, Illinois.
WESTBROOK, HAROLD W., Pvt. 1st class, Mounds, Illinois.
WESTERLING, OSCAR, Pvt., 1420 N. Kenzie Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
WIDENER, CHARLES A., Pvt., 935 N. Gilbert St., Danville, Illinois.
WILLIAMS, ARTHUR C., Pvt., 820 E. 7th Ave., Oskaloosa, Iowa.
WILLIAMS, JOHN M., Pvt., 1125 N. Galena St., Dixon, Illinois.
WOOD, WILBUR S., Pvt., 605 W. Macon St., Decatur, Illinois.
YACULLO, JOSEPH, Pvt., 1902 W. Erie St., Chicago, Illinois.
YOUNGMAN, WILBUR H., Pvt., Santa Paula, California.
YUSKEVITZ, STANLEY, Pvt., Box 154, Steger, Illinois.
150th Regiment (1st Indiana)
Field Artillery, Heavy
Regimental Staff and Field Officers

Colonel ROBERT H. TYNDALL, 2016 N. Meridian St.,

Indianapolis, Ind.
Lieut.-Colonel THOMAS S. WILSON, 813 South St., Lafayette,
Major GUY A. WAINWRIGHT, 241 W. Georgia St., Indianapolis,
Major SOLON J. CARTER, 1514 Merchants Bank Bldg.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Major MARLIN A. PRATHER, Oaklandon, Indiana.
Captain DANIEL I. GLOSSBRENNER (Regimental
Adjutant), 3210 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
Captain ARTHUR O. BROCKENBROUGH (Adjutant 1st
Battalion), 803 Central Ave., Lafayette, Indiana.
Captain MARK ALBERT DAWSON (Adjutant 2d Battalion),
5356 Ohmar St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
Captain FRANK W. BUSCHMANN (Adjutant 3d Battalion),
1227 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
Sanitary Corps

Major FRANK C. ROBINSON, Martinsville, Indiana.

Captain ARETT C. ARNETT, 516 S. 7th St., Lafayette, Indiana.
1st Lieut. JAY D. NUSBAUM, 3002 Ruckle St., Indianapolis,
1st Lieut. J. ROY BURLINGTON, 500 N. Perry St., Attica,
1st Lieut. FRED M. HICKMAN, 2848 Northwestern Ave.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
1st Lieut. DANIEL B. NEWTON, 88 River St., Salamanca, New
1st Lieut. ROY B. WHITESELL, Carmel, Indiana
2d Lieut. JOSEPH L. KLOTZ, Noblesville, Indiana.
BAKER, CHARLES F., Pvt. 1st class, 260 W. Walnut St., Martinsville,
BEECHAM, JOHN N., Pvt. 1st class, 540 W. Morgan St.,
Martinsville, Indiana.
BELL, WILLIAM A., 1st Sgt., 134 S. West St., Tipton, Indiana.
CAMERON, HOWARD E., Pvt., R.R. 3, North Manchester, Indiana.
CARSKADON, WILLIAM E., Pvt., 1101 W. 32nd St., Indianapolis,
DaVEE, DALE R., Pvt., R.R. 7, Martinsville, Indiana.
DEITRICH, EARL F., Pvt., 1417 Hoyt Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
FORSYTHE, JOHN, Pvt., 407 W. Armstrong St., Frankfort, Indiana.
GROOMS, WILLIAM W., Pvt., 760 S. Lincoln St., Martinsville,
HARPER, CECIL, Pvt., 659 E. Pike St., Martinsville, Indiana.
HARPER, FLOYD L., Pvt. 1st class, 659 E. Pike St., Martinsville, Ind.
ISENHOWER, TRONIE M., Pvt. 1st class, 140 W. Harrison St.,
Martinsville, Indiana.
KENWORTHY, DONALD F., Pvt. 1st class, Monrovia, Indiana.
McCRACKEN, BONNIE P., Pvt. 1st class, Monrovia, Indiana.
McCRACKEN, HOWARD C., Pvt. 1st class, Monrovia, Indiana.
MARS, BRUCE S., Pvt. 1st class, 250 E. Harrison St., Martinsville,
OVERTON, GERALD P., Pvt. 1st class, 509 E. Columbus St.,
Martinsville, Indiana.
PETERSON, WILLIAM R., Pvt., 759 E. Jackson St., Martinsville, Ind.
PHELPS, RALPH H., Pvt., 144 W. Harrison St., Martinsville,
REID, JAMES J., Pvt. 1st class, 490 W. Morgan St., Martinsville, Ind.
RUDICEL, BOYD, Pvt., 522 Reed St., Connersville, Indiana.
SANDERS, EARL H., Pvt. 1st class, 260 W. Jackson St., Martinsville,
SCHMIDT, CLYDE C., Pvt., 189 N. Wayne St., Martinsville, Indiana.
SHIREMAN, EVERETT, Pvt., 1010 E. Pike St., Martinsville, Indiana.
SHIREMAN, HARRY A., Pvt. 1st class, 1089 E. Morgan St.,
Martinsville, Indiana.
SMITH, STEPHEN C., Pvt., 834 Bates St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
SMITH, SYDNEY H., Pvt., Martinsville, Indiana.
STANTON, NOBLE D., Pvt. 1st class, R.R. 1, Mooresville, Indiana.
STEELE, SAMUEL L., Pvt. 1st class, 309 N. Main St., Martinsville,
TALBOTT, HERBERT E., Pvt., Center Point, Indiana.
THOMPSON, GEORGE R., Pvt. 1st class, Monrovia, Indiana.
TOWNSEND, FOREST, Pvt. 1st class, 340 S. Sycamore St.,
Martinsville, Indiana.
WRIGHT, CHARLES R., Pvt., Bicknell, Indiana.
Headquarters Company

Captain EDWIN G. HOFMANN, 1929 Talbott Ave., Indianapolis,

1st Lieut. JESSE FLETCHER, 2847 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis,
1st Lieut. ROBERT J. MITCHELL, R.F.D. A, Evansville, Indiana.
1st Lieut. CHARLES W. STRICKLING, 430 6th Ave.,
Huntington, W. Va.
1st Lieut. ARTHUR J. SUMMERS, 35 Delaware Ave., Sharon,
1st Lieut. PERLEY WIMMER, Rosedale, Indiana.
2d Lieut. FIELD T. DAILEY, 520 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis,
2d Lieut. PRESTON ST. GEORGE FLOYD, Nation Hotel,
Wharton, Texas.
2d Lieut. M. G. HAYDEN, 56 Spring St., Oberlin, Ohio.
2d Lieut. EDWARD J. HUPE, 1503 Ferry St., Lafayette, Indiana.
2d Lieut. DONALD H. JONES, 1711 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne,
2d Lieut. RAY KECK, 319 S. 7th St., Richmond, Indiana.
2d Lieut. EDWARD H. LINDEMAN, 3739 Carnegie Ave.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
2d Lieut. PHILIP BOWDEN McGHIE, 101 S. Mountain Ave.,
Montclair, New Jersey.
2d Lieut. A. KEITH RICHTER, care Bee Hive, Plymouth,
2d Lieut. JOHN J. RINEHARD, Office Solicitor of Treasurer,
Washington, District of Columbia.
2d Lieut. DALLAS MERLE SMITH, 2450 Park Ave.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
2d Lieut. STANISLAW W. SOKOLOWSKI, Petrograd, Russia
(Kronversky pr 77 Kw8).
2d Lieut. GEORGE T. STANTON, 6317 Bessemer Ave.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
2d Lieut. WALTER B. VICK, 604 S. Mahoning St., Alliance, Ohio.
2d Lieut. IRWIN G. VONNEGUT, 1626 Broadway, Indianapolis,
ARCHER, CLAYTON, G., Pvt. 1st class, 4628 Winona St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
ARMSTRONG, EMMET E., Pvt., East Conner St., Noblesville,
ARNOLD, LEO K., Pvt., 3111 E. Washington St., Indianapolis,
ATWOOD, BYRON L., Pvt., Acton, Indiana.
AUSTIN, ARNOLD L., Pvt. 1st class, R.R. 2, New Albany, Indiana.
AUSTIN, HENRY H., JR., Pvt. 1st class, R.R. 2, New Albany, Indiana.
BAILEY, FRED P., Pvt., Brooks, West Virginia.
BAKER, HAROLD S., Band Sgt., Camden, Indiana.
BALYEAT, JOHN E., Pvt., R.F.D., Topeka, Indiana.
BARRY, WILLIAM P., Pvt., 612 S. Grant Ave., Crawfordsville,
BEARD, ROY D., Musician, 3rd class, 342 S. Jackson St.,
Bloomington, Indiana.
BEHNKE, KARL L., Corp., 803 E. Market St., Bloomington, Illinois.
BELL, ELMER, Pvt., R.F.D., Burnettsville, Indiana.
BENEFIEL, CLAUDE L., Pvt. 1st class, R.R. 11, Shelbyville, Indiana.
BERG, IRVING C., Pvt. 1st class, Michigan City, Indiana.
BONHAM, PAUL B., Sgt., 2812 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
BOWEN, FOREST J., Corp., Danville, Indiana.
BOWERS, LEE M., Band Leader, 371 Etna Ave., Huntington,
BRATT, CLYDE, Pvt., 112 E. Center St., Warsaw, Indiana.
BRIGHT, CHARLES K., Sgt., 97 N. 3rd St., Covington, Indiana.
BRINKLOW, HOWARD K., musician, 2nd class, Pleasantville,
BRINKLOW, REGINALD A., Assistant Band Leader, Pleasantville,
BROSS, HARMON P., Musician, 3rd class, 3556 Washington Blvd.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
BROWN, DOUGLAS H., Sgt., Seafield, Indiana.
BROWN, KENNETH J., Cook, R.R. 54, Pesotum, Illinois.
BROWN, OTIS E., Pvt., 1218 Pleasant St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
BROWN, PAUL V., Bn, Sgt.-Major, 5087 E. Washington St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
BRUDER, RAYMOND E., Pvt. 1st class, 212 W. Spring St., New
Albany, Indiana.
BRYAN, ARTHUR D., Corp., 109 N. Independence St., Tipton,
BUCHER, EARL C., Musician, 1st class, 737 Warren St., Huntington,
BUCHER, ROY H., Band Corp., 737 Warren St., Huntington,
RUST, LLOYD A., Band Sgt., 109 S. W. 5th St., Richmond, Indiana.
BURKETT, ERNEST C., Pvt., Etna Green, Indiana.
BURT, CYRIL, Pvt., 79 B. Queens Road, London, S. W., England.
CARROLL, LELAND E., Corp, Knightstown, Indiana.
CARROLL, PETER A., Pvt., 337 N. Buffalo St., Warsaw, Indiana.
CAYLOR, JOHN M., Pvt., 147 S. 9th St., Noblesville, Indiana.
CHAPMAN, SAMUEL E., Sgt., 404 E. Main St., Boonville, Indiana.
CHILCOTE, GUY F., Pvt., 522 Mt. Vernon Road, Newark, Ohio.
CHRISMAN, LESTER, Pvt., R.R. 1, Connersville, Indiana.
CLEARWATERS, LEON M., Musician, 3rd class, Rock Springs,
CLYMER, JOHN H., Pvt., 114 E. Franklin St., Peru, Indiana.
COBB, FRANCIS M., Mechanic, R.R. 9, Lebanon, Indiana.
CONNER, CLAUDE H., Pvt. 1st class, 1816 Lexington Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
COOK, MELVIN, Pvt., 1005 Tuttle Ave., Crawfordsville, Indiana.
COPE, LESTER N., Color Sgt., 2946 Ruckle St., Indianapolis,
CORBIN, THEODORE V., Pvt. 1st class, Worthington, Indiana.
CORNELIUS, ROUL E., Pvt. 1st class, R.R. 12, Cicero, Indiana.
COTTINGHAM, MALCOLM, Corp., 342 N. 10th St., Noblesville,
COTTINGHAM, NORRIS, Bn. Sgt.-Major, R.F.D. 3, Noblesville,
COTTINGHAM, RUSSELL, Corp., 82 E. Hannibal St., Noblesville,
CROSLEY, LeROY H., Cook, 1410 N. Tuxedo St., Indianapolis,
CROWDER, RALPH I., Pvt., New Richmond, Indiana.
DANIELS, FRED, Corp., R.R. 4, Tipton, Indiana.
DARLIN, LEWIS R., Corp., North Perry St., Attica, Indiana.
DAVIS, DAVID J., Bugler, 957 Tecumseh Place, Indianapolis,
DENK, ANDREW L., Cook, New Palestine, Indiana.
DEMICK, ORVILLE, Pvt., 114 Upper 6th St., Evansville, Indiana.
DIERKING, WILLIAM, Pvt., 17 N. Duncan St., Louisville, Kentucky.
DOOLEY, DEAN, Pvt. 1st class, R.F.D. 8, Marion, Indiana.
DUNN, FLEET E., Pvt., Park Lane, Muncie, Indiana.
EASLEY, LUCIAS W., Pvt., Frederica Street Road, Owensboro, Ky.
EDWARDS, BRIANT, Pvt. 1st class, South Whitley, Indiana.
EMRY, EDMUND H., Sgt.-Major, 624 W. Maple Blvd., Indianapolis,
ERNST, PAUL I., Pvt., Box 324, Monona, Indiana.
FAULKNER, ROBERT W,. Pvt., 524 N. Pennsylvania St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
FINNEY, MILTON C., Pvt. 1st class, 721 Short St., Frankfort,
FLINCHUM, DANIEL, Mess Sgt., 6738 S. Wabash St., Chicago,
FLETCHER, ARCHIE, Pvt., 1218 S. 25th St., Newcastle, Indiana.
FUNKHOUSER, OTHEL, Pvt., 956 W. Barner St., Frankfort,
GABBERT, OTTO F., Corp., 815 E. 3rd St., Owensboro, Kentucky.
GADDIS, EUGENE H., Pvt., 620 N. Oakland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
GASCHO, CLARENCE, Pvt., 231 E. Conner St., Noblesville, Indiana.
GLOVER, RALPH, Pvt., 611 W. 9th St., Michigan City, Indiana.
GOLTRA, ALBERT W., Pvt., 612 W. Main St., Crawfordsville,
GRAHAM, CARL, Pvt., R.R. 8, Vincennes, Indiana.
GRAHAM, EZRA A., Saddler, R.F.D. 28, Edinburgh, Indiana.
GRAVES, HARRY A., Pvt., Foresman, Indiana.
HADLEY, ELLIOTT B., Sgt., 2116 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis,
HALEY, JOSEPH W., Pvt. 1st Class, 1209 N. New Jersey St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
HALL, DONALD R., Corp., Box 232, Covington, Indiana.
HALL, LOYAL J., Pvt., 333 S. Park Ave., Newcastle, Indiana.
HANLEY, WILLIAM, Pvt., 222 N. State St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
HARDY, JAMES F., Corp., Albion, Indiana.
HEEB, FRANK K., Pvt. 1st class, 314 Eastern Ave., Connersville, Ind.
HEINZMANN, FRANK N., Sgt., 165 E. Conner St., Noblesville,
HELCK, EDWIN J., Pvt. 1st class, 1935 Spring St., New Albany, Ind.
HICKS, RILEY, Pvt., S. Buffalo St., Warsaw, Indiana.
HIXON, CARL K., Pvt. 1st class, 851 N. Forest Ave., Brazil, Indiana.
HOAGLAND, JERRY, Pvt., 833 N. 8th St., Warsaw, Indiana.
HOLBERT, ALBERT R., Pvt., Montezuma, Indiana.
HUGO, FRED J., Pvt. 1st class, 300 N. 17th St., Richmond, Indiana.
HURST, KENNETH W., 1st Sgt., Cor. Pennsylvania & Georgia Sts.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
INGRAM, LeROY, Pvt., 118 Blake St., Indianapolis, Ind.
JACKSON, VERNE R., Color Sgt., 5436 College Ave., Indianapolis,
JARVIS, CHARLES G., Pvt., Greentown, Indiana.
JOHNSON, BURL, Pvt., 903 Harrison-Meibers, Decatur, Indiana.
JOHNSON, EDGAR N., Pvt., R.R. 4, Logansport, Indiana.
KELSO, FRED B., Pvt. Rib Lake, Wisconsin.
KIDD, LINNAEUS, Sgt., 27 N. Washington St., Brazil, Indiana.
KLINE, RANDALL, Pvt., 2343 Stewart St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
KLINKICHT, CHARLES, Pvt., 2862 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.
KNIGHT, VIRGIL T., Musician, 3rd class, 4221 S. Harmon St.,
Marion, Indiana.
KNOLL, HAROLD, Pvt., 315 Pine St., Michigan City, Indiana.
KNOLL, HENRY, Pvt., 315 Pine St., Michigan City, Indiana.
KOPINSKI, LOUIS, Pvt., Waozwsa, Russian Poland.
KURTZ, WILLIAM B., Bn. Sgt.-Major, 237 N. Beville Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
KUSSURELIS, THOMAS, Pvt., Frankfort, Indiana.
LACEY, EDWARD P., Sgt., 2545 College Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
LANDIS, VERNON B., Musician, 3rd class, Camden, Indiana.
LARSH, ROBERT L., Corp., 316 Layman Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
LEE, ROBERT E., Corp., 4020 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
LINDSTROM, EDWARD A., Pvt., Chesterton, Indiana.
LONG, CHARLES D., Pvt. 1st class, 2033 Highland Place,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
LOCKRIDGE, JESSE E., Pvt., S. 10th St., Noblesville, Indiana.
LOWE, CHETT C., Pvt., 218 W. Spring St., New Albany, Indiana.
McCLAIN, JOHN B., Pvt., Whiteland, Indiana.
McCORD, RUSSELL E., Pvt. 1st class, 1242 S. Talbott Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
McDOWELL, JOHN W., Pvt., R.F.D., Cromwell, Indiana.
McGLOTHLIN, RALPH T., Pvt., 425 W. Navarre St., South Bend,
McLEAR, HARRY, Pvt. 1st class, National Road, East Richmond,
McLEOD, RALPH A., Corp., 338 Colorado St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
McMULLAN, WILBUR N., Musician, 2nd class, 4310 S. Washington
St., Indiana.
MADDUX, WALTER W., Pvt. 1st class, 608 W. Main St., New
Albany, Ind.
MANNING, FRANK, Pvt., Darlington, Indiana.
MARQUETTE, ARTHUR F., Pvt., 109 Colorado Ave., Indianapolis,
MEEKS, ERNEST L., Pvt., R.F.D. 1, Cyclone, Indiana.
MOORE, HARRY VIRGIL, Sgt. Bugler, 911 Nickle Ave., Anderson,
MOORE, ROBERT TYNDALL, Corp., 2019 N. Illinois St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
MOORE, WILLIAM A., Pvt. 1st class, 232 W. 28th St., Indianapolis,
NORMAN, HUGH W., Musician, 1st class, 506 S. Fess St.,
Bloomington, Marion, Indiana.
OGG, PAUL M., Pvt., 703 North St., Greenfield, Indiana.
OLDS, GARRETT W., Corp., Apartment 13, Lexington Flats,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
OLIVER, CHARLES M., Cook, 131 E. Center St., Noblesville, Indiana.
OWEN, DWIGHT, Pvt., 936 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
PELZ, GUS, JR., Pvt., 920 Chestnut St., Evansville, Indiana.
PETERSON, JOHN C., Pvt. 1st class, 324 S. Detroit St., Warsaw,
POINDEXTER, JEFF, Pvt., R.F.D. 3, Newcastle, Indiana.
PORTER, ERNEST L., Pvt., Monticello, Indiana.
POTTER, NED O., Pvt., 315 W. Linden Ave., Logansport, Indiana.
POTTS, WILLIE A., Pvt., R.R., Fair Oaks, Indiana.
POWERS, JAMES M., Pvt., Soldiers Home, Marion, Indiana.
PURDUE, SAMUEL, Band Corp., Newburg, Indiana.
RADY, BYRON S., Musician, 3rd class, Marco, Indiana.
RANDOLPH, RALPH C., Musician, 3rd class, R.R. B, Rockville,
RANKIN, JAMES H., Sgt., 183 E. Washington St., Martinsville,
READY, RICHARD L., Musician, 3rd class, Decker, Indiana.
REED, ROLLIN, Pvt., 931 N. Tacoma Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana. ’
REENE, FRED O., Pvt. 1st class, Clarks Hill, Indiana.
REYNOLDS, CLARENCE E., Pvt., 831 Grant St., Elkhart, Indiana.
RHOADARMOR, PAUL F., Pvt. 1st class, 230 South St., Greenfield,
RHODES, RALPH C., Pvt., R.F.D. 5, Kewanee, Indiana.
RINGO, WALTER B., Sgt., Poland, Indiana.
ROSE, WILLIAM E., Pvt., McCoysburg, Indiana.
SEIDENSTICKER, OSWALD E., Pvt., 2354 Central Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
SEROVEY, EDWARD T., Pvt., Algona, Wisconsin.
SEUSS, MARTIN M., Pvt. 1st class, 325 S. Eddy St., South Bend,
SCHLAAK, HERMAN, Pvt., 420 Emily St., Michigan City, Indiana.
SCHULTZ, GEORGE F., Pvt., 729 Patterson St., Decatur, Indiana.
SHEETS, FRED C., Pvt., 8th St., Decatur, Indiana.
SHIELDS, EWING, Pvt., Greencastle, Indiana.
SHORT, HUBERT V., Pvt., 134 W. Broadway, Mishawaka, Indiana.
SKINNER, LLOYD W., Pvt., 902 S. Locust St., Greencastle, Indiana.
SMITH, CHARLES S., Musician, 2nd class, Dillsboro, Indiana.
SMITH, JESSE, Pvt., 1352 S. 14th St., Newcastle, Indiana.
SPENNER, RAYMOND W., Sgt., 2952 Shriver Ave., Indianapolis,
STEED, HARRY W., Pvt., R.R., Geneva, Indiana.
STEEG, CHARLES P., Corp., 340 N. Arsenal Ave., Indianapolis,
STOUFFER, GLENN C., Pvt., 2502 Portage Ave., South Bend,
STEPHENSON, BENJAMIN F., Pvt. 1st class, R.F.D. 1, Windfall, Ind.
STEWART, LEWIS H., Pvt. 1st class, R.R. 2, Roachdale, Indiana.
STRATTON, FRED N., Pvt. 1st class, 2257 Ashland Ave.,
STRONG, HERBERT E., Sgt., 922 College Ave., Indianapolis,
STUBBS, DEAN F., Corp., West Elkton, Ohio.
SWICKARD, ATLEE, Pvt., R.F.D., Topeka, Indiana.
THOMAS, SAMUEL R., Pvt., 350 Park Ave., Newcastle, Indiana.
TODD, CARL H., Pvt., Ladoga, Indiana.
TOOLE, CARL M., Band Corp., 421 Anderson St., Greencastle,
TOCHTERMANN, TRUMAN A., Pvt. 1st class, 78 S. 8th St.,
Noblesville, Indiana.
TRAVIS, ALEXANDER, Pvt., 1409 Palmer Ave., Pueblo, Colorado.
TRUITT, GRAY, Pvt. 1st class, E. Logan St., Noblesville, Indiana.
TRENT, DONALD C., Corp., R.R. 1, Flora, Indiana.
TYNER, EARL L., Supply Sgt., 3158 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis,
WATERS, HUGH H., Pvt., Hackett, Arkansas.
WEBB, CECIL E., Musician, 3rd class, 104 W. 7th St., Bloomington,
WEESNER, EDWARD J., Musician, 3rd class, Iowa St., Clayton,
WEESNER, ROLLIS S., Musician, 3rd class, Iowa St., Clayton,
WEDEL, WILLIAM, Pvt., R.R. 1, Box 197, Michigan City, Indiana.
WEIGENT, FRED, Pvt., Watervliet, Michigan.
WELCH, WALLACE M., Corp., 411 Jacob St., Greencastle, Indiana.
WILD, FORRAY N., Pvt. 1st class, 1639 N. Meridian St.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
WILLIAMS, GEORGE I., Corp., 1213 Darwin St., Owensboro,
WILSON, DONALD E., Corp., Bloomingdale, Indiana.
WITHERSPOON, FRED R., Pvt. 1st class, 2402 N. Alabama St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
WOHLFELD, CLARENCE, Pvt. 1st class, South East St., Frankfort,
WOODWARD, GLEN B., Band Corp., 203 S. Walnut St.,
Bloomington, Ind.
WRIGHT, ALBERT W., Pvt. 1st class, 305 Porter St., Crawfordsville,
WRIGHT, CECIL C., Pvt., E. Church St., Waynetown, Indiana.
WYNKOOP, SHAFTER, Pvt., R.F.D. 1, Wolcott, Indiana.
YARIAN, LLOYD D., Pvt., Nappanee, Indiana.
ZAHN, WILLIAM, Horseshoer, 2145 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis,
ZECHIEL, ALLEN N., Musician, 3rd class. Monroeville, Indiana.
ZOLMAN, CHARLES, Pvt., 409 N. Columbia St., Warsaw, Indiana.
Supply Company

Captain PAUL W. FECHTMANN, 934 S. Noble St., Indianapolis,

1st Lieut. THEODORE TAYLOR, 605 State St., Chicago, Illinois.
2d Lieut. KARL FRATH, 123 W. 27th St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
ALBEE, EDWARD, Pvt., W. Main St., Madison, Indiana.
ALBERTSON, FRANK, Pvt., R.R. 4, Claypool, Indiana.
ALBRIGHT, FATE, Pvt., R.R. 1, Last Creek, Tennessee.
ALLEY, JOHN, Pvt., Windfall, Indiana.
ALLISON, HAROLD C., Pvt., R.R. 3, Caledonia, Michigan.
AMES, HOWARD J., Pvt., Moody, Indiana.
ARRICK, GEORGE R., Pvt., R.F.D., Monticello, Indiana.
AUTON, JOHN W., Sgt., Freedom, Indiana.
BAKER, THEODORE, Wagoner, Woodburn, Indiana.
BARRY, THOMAS M., Horseshoer, 1311 Ringold St., Indianapolis,
BARTON, HARLEY J., Pvt., Linden, Indiana.
BASS, ESTIE W., Wagoner, R.F.D. 1, Shelbyville, Indiana.
BECRAFT, ROBERT L., Pvt., R.R. 8, Madison, Indiana.
BEHRINGER, JOSEPH E., Pvt., 2248 N. Pennsylvania St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
BENNETT, CARL D., Pvt., 609 Congress Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
BILLS, CORWIN A., Pvt., 401 E. Jefferson St., Columbia City,
BLANFORD, LESLIE M., Pvt., Washington, Indiana.
BREEN, THOMAS A., Pvt., 249 S. State St., Marion, Ohio.
BROADHEAD, CHARLES A., Regimental Supply Sgt., 1230 Harding
St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
BROWN, FRANCIS O., Company Clerk, 856 Myrtle Ave., Frankfort,
BURGET, MYRON E., Pvt., Donaldson, Indiana.
CANNADAY, PAUL E., Corp., 3800 Highland Ave., Indianapolis,
CARDEN, OSCAR, Pvt., Gratz, Kentucky.
CHANDLER, BERNICE B., Pvt., 2331 Lynn St., Anderson, Indiana.
CLARE, HOWARD H., Corp., 250 W. 38th St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
CONNIFF, JAMES W., Wagoner, 13 Virginia Apartments,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
CONRAD, CLARENCE, Pvt., 733 N. Hill St., South Bend, Indiana.
COOK, EDWARD P., Pvt. 1st class, 625 Fort Wayne Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
COOK, HAROLD E., Pvt., 503 Walbridge St., Toledo, Ohio.
COOK, VICTOR, Pvt., Hendricks St., Warsaw, Indiana.
COOK, WALLACE G., Pvt., Main St., Darlington, Indiana.
CORN, BENJAMIN A., Pvt., R.R. 2, Markle, Indiana.
COSGROVE, GEORGE, Pvt., Gilbert & Madison Sts., Muncie,
CRAWFORD, GLENN D., Corp., 315 Pike St., Martinsville, Indiana.
CRONE, HOBERT E., Pvt., R.R. 6, Martinsville, Indiana.
DAVENPORT, W. WALLACE, Pvt. 1st class, 3425 Kenwood Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
DOAN, HERMAN R., Wagoner, 1425 S. 25th Street, Elwood,
DOUGHERTY, BARTON L., Pvt. 1st class, 2004 Ruckle Street,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
DRISCOLL, EDWARD P., Pvt., 247 Douglas Ave., Fort Wayne,
EATON, JAMES K., Pvt., 546 Marion Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
EMERSON, FRANK, Pvt., New Harmony, Indiana.
FIFER, FRED, Pvt., 722 E. Market St., Warsaw, Indiana.
FISHER, ELMER, Pvt., R.R. 1, Milton, Kentucky.
FROST, JOHN R., Wagoner, 606 Covington Street, Crawfordsville,
GAYMAN, HAROLD, Pvt., 907 Milton Ave., South Bend, Indiana.
GORMAN, HARRY A., Pvt. 1st Class, 59 S. Tremont Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
GORMAN, John J., Mechanic, 59 S. Tremont Ave., Indianapolis,
HACKER, CHARLES, Pvt., Union Mills, Indiana.
HARDY, JAMES O., Cook, Jonesboro, Indiana.
HAUSER, ERNEST C., Pvt., Grand Hotel, Jacksonville, Illinois.
HENNEGAR, GILFORD H., Pvt. 1st class, 824 S. 10th St., Lafayette,
HENRY, FRANK C., Pvt., 405 E. Washington St., Indianapolis,
HOLLIDAY, ROY, Pvt., R.R. 8, Connersville, Indiana.
HOLLOWAY, HOBART, Pvt., R.R. 1, Burket, Indiana.
HORN, REUBEN A., Pvt., 2023 N. Market St., Kokomo, Indiana.
HOUGH, CLAUDE S., Wagoner, 3338 College Ave., Indianapolis,
HOWE, ESTES J., Pvt., P. O. Box 53, Edgerton, Indiana.
HURLEY, GEORGE, Mechanic, 3102 N. Western Ave., Indianapolis,
HURLEY, WESLEY N., Pvt., R.R. 1, Wheatfield, Indiana.
HUSE, HARRY, Pvt., R.F.D. 31, Elwood, Indiana.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM, Pvt., R.R. 1, Magley, Indiana.
JONES, RAYMOND E., Pvt., R.R. 6, Madison, Indiana.
KINDIG, VERNON, Pvt., Akron, Indiana.
KOSER, MILES, Pvt., 309 W. Market St., Warsaw, Indiana.
KRAUSE, JOHN, Pvt., 811 Ohio St., LaPorte, Indiana.
KULESZA, PETER, Pvt., Warsaw, Russia.
LANK, FAY, Stable Sgt., R.R. B, Lafayette, Indiana.
LAWRENCE, ELIGH, Pvt., R.R. 14, Mt. Vernon, Indiana.
LEWIS, ANDREW H., Pvt. 1st class, 427 W. State St., Princeton, Ind.
LOCKARD, JAMES E., Saddler, R.R. B, Clarks Hill, Indiana.
LOBOUGH, RALPH, Pvt., 1714 Miami St., South Bend, Indiana.
LOOMIS, G. BRACE, Corp., 1613 College Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
LUDLOW, HARRY A., Pvt. 1st class, 971 Lexington Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
McCROSKEY, MERL, Pvt., Geneva, Indiana.
McKINNEY, THOMAS, Horseshoer, 816 E. Washington St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
MAGGART, CHESTER A., Pvt., R.R. 2, Syracuse, Indiana.
MARKEY, ALBERT V., Mechanic, 420 E. 33rd St., Indianapolis,
MEEK, BASIL E., Pvt., Cataract, Indiana.
MURDOCK, JOHN R., Wagoner, 1703 Alford St., Anderson, Indiana.
NEFF, CHESTER V., Mess Sgt., 1620 Broadway, Indianapolis,
NEVIL, OMER F., Pvt., R.F.D. 4, Geneva, Indiana.
NICHOLS, CHARLES W., Cook, 602 E. Emerson St., Princeton,
OPPY, HARRY B., Pvt., R.R. 2, New Richmond, Indiana.
OVERTON, ISAAC, Pvt., R.R. 3, Evansville, Indiana.
PACE, ROBERT, Pvt., R.R. 1, Bedford, Indiana.
PASSWATERS, CLARENCE L., Pvt., 718 East St., Rensselaer,
PAVELIC, PETER, Pvt., Custrig, Austria.
PFRIMMER, LOWELL, Regimental Supply Sgt., 109 Elm St., Poplar
Bluff, Missouri.
PHILLIPS, JAMES M., Pvt., 1142 W. Second St., Madison, Indiana.
RANKIN, JOHN D., Pvt., Store St., Mt. Vernon, Indiana.
READE, CLARENCE L., Pvt., R.R. 1, Stroub, Indiana.
REED, WILLIAM F., Pvt., R.R. 2, Fair Oakes, Indiana.
ROBINSON, CHARLES, Pvt., 221 E. Filmore St., Madison, Indiana.
ROBINSON, LESTER, Pvt., Archbold St., Decatur, Indiana.
RUSH, FRANK, Pvt., Woodburn, Indiana.
SANDERS, HERSCHEL M., 1st Sgt., 1912 Blvd. Place., Indianapolis,
SARGENT, LEONARD, Pvt., R.R. 1, Bedford, Kentucky.
SCHAFER, HARRY T., Pvt., 1806 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
SEBRING, GRANT, Pvt., 415 Grant St., Hartford City, Indiana.
SECOR, HUGH, Pvt. 1st class, 223 E. 10th St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
SIEGRIST, CHARLES F., Regimental Supply Sgt., 205 E. Garfield
St., Alexandria, Indiana.
SMITH, HENRY, Pvt., R.R. 11, Rushville, Indiana.
SMITH, ORA G., Pvt., R.R. 1, Otisco, Indiana.
SOUTHARD, WILLIAM H., Wagoner, McCordsville, Indiana.
SPARKS, RUSSELL H., Horseshoer, 1124 Fletcher Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
STAHL, HOWARD C., Pvt., R.R. 1, Sidney, Indiana.
STEWART, CLARENCE J., Pvt. 1st class, 21 Columbia Court,
Columbus, Ohio.
STINGER, WILLIAM, Pvt., 111 Stone St., Oneida, New York.
STOUT, CLARENCE W., Pvt., R.F.D. 1, Muncie, Indiana.
STREZELECKI, JOHN, Pvt., Terre Coupee, Indiana.
STREZELECKI, FRANK, Pvt., Terre Coupee, Indiana.
SUTTON, AUBERT W., Company Supply Sgt., 2935 Indiana Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
SWANK, DANIEL, Wagoner, R.F.D. 2, Sheldon, Indiana.
SWIHART, JACOB, Wagoner, R.R. 14, Columbia City, Indiana.
TAYLOR, FRED C., Pvt., R.R., Bippus, Indiana.
THURMAN, GROVER C., Pvt., R.R. 5, Princeton, Indiana.
TRIBBY, EVERETTE L., Pvt. 1st class, 2124 Ashland Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
TURNER, PAUL, Pvt., W. Main St., Madison, Indiana.
UMMEL, SIMON, Pvt., R.F.D. B, West Terre Haute, Indiana.
VANNATI, CLYDE, Pvt., R.R. 1, Pennville, Indiana.
WAGONER, FRED E., Pvt. 1st class, 5910 E. Washington St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
WALTON, ROY W., Pvt., 10 Maplewood Court, Indianapolis,
WEIMER, CLAUDE J., Pvt., R.R. 2, Cromwell, Indiana.
WEIR, ERNEST G., Pvt., R.F.D., Laurel, Indiana.
WENTWORTH, WILLIAM J., Pvt., R.R. 3, Milton, Kentucky.
WILDE, JOSEPH, Cook, 1134 Knose Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
YORK, HERMAN, Pvt., Maunie, Illinois.
Battery A

Captain SIDNEY S. MILLER, 1427 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis,

1st Lieut. THOMAS E. HIBBEN, 5433 University Ave.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
1st Lieut. CLARENCE E. TROTTER, 2907 N. New Jersey St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
2d Lieut. VICTOR M. HASSELMAN, 3445 Central Ave.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
2d Lieut. ALOYS KNAFF, R.R. No. 1, Box 24, Belgium,
AIRHART, PAUL T., Pvt., 205 W. Walnut St., Greencastle, Indiana.
ALEXANDER, MERVILL, Pvt., 99 Martin St., Franklin, Indiana.
ARENSMAN, CHARLES F., Pvt., 1410 E. New York St., Indianapolis,
ARMSTRONG, HERMAN R., Saddler, Waldron, Indiana.
ASHLEY, IRA D., Pvt., 503 E. Elm St., Lebanon, Indiana.
ATKINSON, RUSSELL, Pvt., 2106 N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis,
AURINE, GEORGE A., Pvt., P. O. Box 215, Waldron, Indiana.
AYRES, MYRON E., Corp., 3151 Barnes Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
BAKER, ELLIS J., Pvt. 1st class, Market & South Sts., Southport, Ind.
BARCUS, EARL R., Pvt., 2515 Broadway, Indianapolis, Indiana.
BARNEY, JAMES E., Pvt., 323 E. North St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
BASSETT, EDWIN H., Corp., 1912 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis,
BECK, ARBA E., Pvt., R.F.D. 1, Advance, Indiana.
BERAUER, WILBUR, Pvt. 1st class, Waldron, Indiana.
BERRY, CLESTON G., Corp., 2127 College Ave., Indianapolis,
BIDDLE, LEO A., Pvt. 1st class, 122 E. Ridge St., Brazil, Indiana.
BLACK, LEWIS W., Pvt., 1036 W. 31st St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
BLOOM, CLINTON, Pvt., Churubusco, Indiana.
BOSSON, JOHN U., Corp., R.R.L. 1, Box 220, Indianapolis, Indiana.
BOSSON, RICHARD M., Sgt., R.R.L. 1, Box 220, Indianapolis,
BOZELL, GLENN, Cook, 3452 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
BRANDT, LAWRENCE, Pvt., 504 S. Franklin St., Garrett, Indiana.
BRICKEL, HARRY A., Pvt., R.F.D. 8, Rochester, Indiana.
BRUNING, WILLIAM H., Pvt. 1st class, 2415 Bellefontaine St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
BRUNNER, ALBERT R., Pvt., 1247 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis,
BRYAN, NORMAN, Pvt., 4 Alexandria, Vermont & New Jersey Sts.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
BUCK, LILLO, Pvt., Pleasant Lake, Indiana.
BUDD, HARRY F., Sgt., S. Lebanon St., Lebanon, Indiana.
BUDD, ALGER E., Pvt., R.R. 13, Lebanon, Indiana.
BURNS, CHARLEY, Pvt., R.F.D. 1, Martinsville, Indiana.
CAIN, LEE, Horseshoer, R.R. 7, Martinsville, Indiana.
CALLON, GAIL B., Pvt., 24 S. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
CARBIENER, EARL G., Pvt., Bremen, Indiana.
CASEBER, ROBERT A., Pvt., 2166 Northwestern Ave., Indianapolis,
CLAPP, WORRILL G., Pvt., St. Paul, Indiana.
CLIFT, CHARLES D., 1st Sgt., 908 Congress Ave., Indianapolis,
CLIFT, CLARENCE E., Pvt., 908 Congress Ave., Indianapolis,
COLEMAN, LESLIE H., Corp., 1847 Koehne St., Indianapolis,
COLESTOCK, RAYMOND L., Pvt., R.R. 2, Rushville, Indiana.
CONNELL, LATHAM W., Pvt., 32 N. Bradley Ave., Indianapolis,
COOKE, VAUGHN, Pvt., New Dunn Hotel, Logansport, Indiana.
COONS, HOBART, Pvt., Austin, Indiana.
COOPER, JAMES W., Pvt., 2341 Wheeler St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
CORIDAN, EDWIN F., Pvt., 2855 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis,
CORIDAN, EUGENE L., Pvt. 1st class, 2855 N. Illinois St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
CROSBY, RUSSEL I., Mechanic, P. O. Box 31, Waldron, Indiana.
DANIELS, CHARLES T., Pvt., R.F.D. 12, Argos, Indiana.
DEAN, OREL, Pvt. 1st class, 62 N. Germania Ave., Indianapolis,
DIETZ, HENRY F., Pvt. 1st class, 65 Carson St., Indianapolis,
DILL, EGLEASHEAO H., Pvt., 515 N. Mulberry St., Martinsville,
DOUGLAS, WILLIAM O., Pvt., R.F.D. 3, Attica, Indiana.
DRAKE, ORVILLE G., Pvt., 1547 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis,
ELLIS, JOHN C., Corp., 409 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
EVANS, WALTER M., Bugler, 2543 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis,
ENSIGN, GWINN G., Pvt., General Delivery, New Ross, Indiana.
FARLEY, JAMES E., Pvt. 1st class, R.R. 1, Solsberry, Indiana.
FARLEY, WARREN, Corp., R.R. 1, Solsberry, Indiana.
FELD, OSCAR L., Pvt., 23 Euclid Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
FELT, TRUMAN T., Pvt. 1st class, 64 N. Ivington Ave., Indianapolis,
FISHER, JIM, Pvt., 322 S. 13th. St., Noblesville, Indiana.
FOX, JAMES V., Pvt. 1st class, 1714 Madison Ave., Indianapolis,
GADDIS, TREVOR, Pvt., 236 N. Jefferson Ave., Indianapolis,
GEORGE, ROGERS H., Pvt. 1st class, 1209 Broadway, Indianapolis,
GILLESPIE, BRYANT W., JR., Sgt., 1231 Central Ave., Indianapolis,
GOODWIN, FRED, Pvt. 1st class, 840 Washington Ave.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
GORDON, RALPH F., Pvt., Union News Co., Alexandria, Indiana.
GOULD, EDWIN L., Pvt., 2335 Station St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
GREGORY, PAUL, Pvt., 3117 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
GREEN, EDWIN H., Bugler, 316 Church St., Vincennes, Indiana.
GREEN, JOHN W., Pvt., 405 N. Wolcott St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
GREEN, NORVIN E., Pvt., 508 W. Broadway, Louisville, Kentucky.
HAIN, LEE A., Sgt., 701 Main St., DeWagiac, Michigan.
HALL, WILLIAM P., Pvt., 1535 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
HARRINGTON, ARTHUR, Pvt., 657 S. New Jersey St., Indianapolis,
HARBISON, BERRY G., Chief Mechanic, 220 E. 3rd St., New Albany,
HARRISON, MAJOR P., JR., Pvt., 118 E. Pratt St., Indianapolis,
HASTINGS, GIPSON W., Sgt., 34 N. Tenth St., Noblesville, Indiana.
HARTER, GEORGE A., Corp., Old Augusta, Indiana.
HASTINGS, FRANK T., Sgt., 34 N. Tenth St., Noblesville, Indiana.
HASPEL, FRED E., Pvt., 401 W. Columbia, Greencastle, Indiana.
HAYES, ROBERT E., Pvt., 2348 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis,
HAYS, DONALD G., Corp., 141 W. Sheffield Ave., Indianapolis,
HENKLE, DONALD S., Pvt., 1335 N. Parker Ave., Indianapolis,
HICKS, ROBERT L., Pvt., R.R.M. 1, Box 52, Indianapolis, Indiana.
HILL, PRESCOTT W., Pvt., 23 Barrows St., Providence, Rhode
HILLIGOSS, CLIFFORD, Pvt. 1st class, Rushville, Indiana.
HILLMAN, GEORGE W., Pvt., Milan, Indiana.
HOOVER, CHARLES J., Pvt. 1st class, R.R. 1, Box 48, Darlington,
HOSEA, ROY E., Pvt. 1st class, 717 E. Drive, Woodruff Place,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
HUBER, ED., Pvt. 1st class, 314 E. 4th Street, Seymour, Indiana.
HUDSON, FRANK F., Pvt., 1936 Harrison St., Chicago, Illinois.
INNIS, FRANK B., Pvt., 4 Wilson Apartments, 641 Fort Wayne Ave.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
IRVIN, JAMES, Pvt., 736 Cass Ave., Detroit, Michigan.
JOHANNES, IRVIN M., Pvt. 1st class, 322 E. Minnesota St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
JOHNSTON, VERNON T., Pvt. 1st class, 1335 N. New Jersey St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
JONES, SCOTT W., Pvt., 1620 E. Jefferson St., Kokomo, Indiana.
JORDAN, FRED W., Pvt., 641 Morton Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.
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