Annex Ure
Annex Ure
Annex Ure
Application for Recruitment I Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200-Grade Pay Rs. 1800 /-in South Eastern Railway
Railway Recruitment Cell /South Eastern Railway, For Office Use Only
BungalowNo.12A11, Garden Reach Road, Kolkata-43. Control Number ……………………………………
Employment Notice No. SER/RRC/2/2010. Roll No.
01. Category/Post applied for( indicate your order of priority /choice in the Box below
Your will be considered for the post applied only
Option/ Category Name of the Option/ Category Name of the Please paste
(not older than
Performance Number Post Performanc Number Post one month
e recent Passport
1. 3. size Photograph
2. 4. 3.5x3.25cm
with full Sign.
08. Nationality:
09. Religion:
10. SEX(Tick p) M F
11. Marital Status Tick p M UM DIVORCED
16. List of Documents enclosed ( fill in the details of the Certificates/documents enclosed)
i) iii) v)
ii) iv) vi)
19. Declaration by the Candidate : ( Copy the passage in the box below in your running hand writing ):-
I declare that all the particulars given above by me are true , complete and correct to the best of my
Knowledge and belief . I am aware that in the event of any information furnished by me is found /
Incorrect at any stage, my candidature will be rejected summarily and I am also liable for criminal
Action . I will abide by the instruction given in the notification.
1. Minorities will mean Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians ( Parsi).
2. Economically Backward classes will mean the Candidates whose family income is less than Rs.50,000/- Per
Annum. the following authorities are authorized to issue income certificates for the purpose of identifying
economically backward classes.
i) District Magistrate or any other Revenue Officer up to the level of Tehsildar.
ii) Sitting Member of Parliament of Lok Sabha for persons of their own constituency.
iii) BPL Card or any other certificate issued by Central Government under a recognized poverty alleviation
programmed or izzat MST issued by Railway.
iv) Union Minister may also recommended to Chairman/ RRB’s for any persons from any where in the country.
v) Sitting Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha for persons of the district in which these MP’s normally reside.
1. Name of Candidate :
2. Father’s /Husband’s Name :
3. Age :
4. Residential Address :
5. Annual Family Income :
(in Words & Figures)
6. Date of Issue :
7. Signature :
Note:- At the time of document verification such candidate claiming waiver of examination fee will be required to
furnish ‘minority’ community declaration affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper that he/she belongs to any of the
minority community notified by Central Government (i.e. Muslim/Sikh/ Christian/Buddhist /Parsis)
Performa for declaration to be submitted by Other Backward Class Candidates along with the application
while applying for the posts against Employment Notice No ___________________________________________
of RRC________________________________