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1. If P = (𝑥, 𝑦), F1 = (3,0) , F2 (3,0) and 16x2 + 25y2 = 400, then PF1 + PF2 equals :
[IIT JEE 1998]
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 10 (D) 12

2. The number of values of c such that the straight line 𝑦 = 4𝑥 + c touches the curve + y 2 = 1 is :
[IIT JEE 1998]
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) infinite

3. On the ellipse 4𝑥 2 + 9𝑦 2 = 1, the points at which the tangents are parallel to the line 8𝑥 = 9𝑦 are :
[IIT JEE 1999]
2 1  2 1  2 1 2 1
(A)  ,  (B)  − ,  (C)  − , −  (D)  , − 
5 5  5 5  5 5 5 5

x2 y 2
4. Find the co-ordinates of all the 𝑃 on the ellipse + = 1, for which the area of the triangle PON is
a 2 b2
maximum, where 𝑂 denotes the origin and 𝑁, the foot of the perpendicular from 𝑂 to the tangent at 𝑃.
[IIT JEE 1999]

5. Let ABC be an equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 = 𝑎2. Suppose perpendiculars from A,
x2 y 2
B, C to the major axis of the ellipse + = 1, (a >b) meets the ellipse respectively at P, Q, R so that P, Q,
a 2 b2
R lie on the same side of the major axis as A, B, C respectively. Prove that the normals to the ellipse drawn at
the points P, Q and R are concurrent.
[IIT JEE 2000]

6. Let C1 and C2 be two circles with C2 lying inside C1 . A circle C lying inside C1 touches C1 internally and
C2 externally. Identify the locus of the centre of C.
[IIT JEE 2001]
2 2
x y
7. (a) Let P be a point on the ellipse + = 1, 0  b  a. Let the line parallel to y-axis passing through P
a2 b2
meet the circle x2 + y 2 = a2 at the point Q such that P and Q are on the same side of x-axis. For two
positive real numbers r and s, find the locus of the point R and PQ such that PR : RQ = r : s as P varies
over the ellipse.
(b) If  is the area of a triangle with side lengths a, b, c then show that   ( a + b + c ) abc .
Also show that the equality occurs in the above inequality if and only if a = b = c.
[IIT JEE 2001]

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JEE(Advanced) Topic wise Question Bank
8. Prove that, in an ellipse, the perpendicular from a focus upon any tangent and the line joining the centre
of the ellipse to the point of contact meet on the corresponding directrix.
[IIT JEE 2002]

9. Find the equation of the common tangent in 1st quadrant to the circle x2 + y2 = 16 and the ellipse
x2 y 2
+ = 1 . Also , find the length of the intercept of the tangent between the coordinates axes.
25 4
[IIT JEE 2005]

10. Let P (x1, y1) and Q (x2, y2), y1 < 0, y2 < 0, be the end points of the latus rectum of the ellipse
x2 + 4y2 = 4. The equations of parabolas with latus rectum PQ are
[IIT JEE 2008]
2 2
(A) x + 2 3y = 3 + 3 (B) x − 2 3y = 3 + 3
(C) x2 + 2 3y = 3 − 3 (D) x2 − 2 3y = 3 − 3

11. The line passing through the extremity A of the major axis and extremity B of the minor axis of the ellipse
x2 + 9y2 = 9 meets its auxiliary circle at the point M. Then the area of the triangle with vertices at A, M and
the origin O is :-
31 29 21 27
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 10 10 10
[IIT JEE 2009]

12. The normal at a point P on the ellipse x2 + 4y2 = 16 meets the x–axis at Q. If M is the mid point of the line
segment PQ, then the locus of M intersects the latus rectums of the given ellipse at the points
 3 5 2  3 5 19   1  4 3
(A)   ,  (B)     (C)  2 3,   (D)  2 3,  
 2 7   2 4   7  7 
  
[IIT JEE 2009]

13. An ellipse intersects the hyperbola 2x2 – 2y2 =1 orthogonally. The eccentricity of the ellipse is reciprocal f
that of the hyperbola. If the axes of the ellipse are along the coordinate axes, then
(A) equation of ellipse is x2 + 2y2 =2 (B) the foci of ellipse are (±1, 0)
(C) equation of ellipse is x2 + 2y2 =4 (
(D) the foci of ellipse are  2,0 )
[IIT JEE 2009]

x2 x2
14. The ellipse E1 : + = 1 is inscribed in a rectangle R whose sides are parallel to the coordinate axes.
9 4
Another ellipse E2 passing through the point (0,4) circumscribes the rectangle R. The eccentricity of the
ellipse E2 is -

2 3 1 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 4
[IIT JEE 2012]

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x2 y 2
15. A vertical line passing through the point (h, 0) intersects the ellipse + = 1 at the points P and Q. Let
4 3
the tangents to the ellipse at P and Q meet at the point R. If D(h) = area of the triangle PQR, 1 = max (h)
1/2  h 1

and 2 = min (h) , then 1 − 8 2 =
1/2  h 1 5
[JEE (Advanced) 2013]
16. List-I List-II
P. Let y(x) = cos (3 cos–1 x), x  [–1, 1], x  ± . 1. 1
1 ( 2 ) d 2 y(x) dy(x) 
Then  x −1 +x  equals
y(x)  dx 2
dx 
Q. Let A1, A2, ......, An (n > 2) be the vertices of a 2. 2
regular polygon of n sides with its centre at the
origin. Let be the position vector of the point
Ak, k = 1, 2, ..... n.

 (a  a k +1 ) =  (a .a k +1 ) , then the
n −1 n −1
If k =1 k k =1 k

minimum value of n is
R. If the normal from the point P(h, 1) on the ellipse 3. 8
2 2
x y
+ = 1 is perpendicular to the line x + y = 8,
6 3
then the value of h is
S. Number of positive solutions satisfying the equation 4. 9
 1  −1  1  −1  2 
tan −1   + tan   = tan  2  is
 2x + 1   4x + 1  x 
Codes :
(A) 4 3 2 1
(B) 2 4 3 1
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 2 4 1 3
[JEE (Advanced) 2014]
x2 y 2
17. Suppose that the foci of the ellipse + = 1 are (ƒ1,0) and (ƒ2,0) where ƒ1 > 0 and ƒ2 < 0. Let P1 and P2 be
9 5
two parabolas with a common vertex at (0,0) and with foci at (ƒ1,0) and (2ƒ2,0), respectively. Let T1 be a
tangent to P1 which passes through (2ƒ2,0) and T2 be a tangent to P2 which passes through (ƒ1,0). If m1 is the
 1 
slope of T1 and m2 is the slope of T2, then the value of  2 + m22  is
 m1 
[JEE (Advanced) 2015]

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JEE(Advanced) Topic wise Question Bank
18. Let E1 and E2 be two ellipses whose centers are at the origin. The major axes of E 1 and E2 lie along the x-
axis and the y-axis, respectively. Let S be the circle x2 + (y – 1)2 = 2. The straight line x + y = 3 touches the
curves S, E1 and E2 at P,Q and R, respectively. Suppose that . If e1 and e2 are the eccentricities of E1 and E2,
respectively, then the correct expression(s) is(are)
[JEE (Advanced) 2015]


x2 y 2
Let F1(x1, 0) and F2(x2, 0) for x1 < 0 and x2 > 0, be the foci of the ellipse + = 1 . Suppose a parabola
9 8
having vertex at the origin and focus at F2 intersects the ellipse at point M in the first quadrant and at point
N in the fourth quadrant.

19. The orthocentre of the triangle F1MN is-

 9  2   9  2 
(A)  − ,0  (B)  ,0  (C)  ,0  (D)  , 6 
 10  3   10  3 

[JEE (Advanced) 2016]

20. If the tangents to the ellipse at M and N meet at R and the normal to the parabola at M meets the x-axis at
Q, then the ratio of area of the triangle MQR to area of the quadrilateral MF1NF2 is-

(A) 3 : 4 (B) 4 : 5 (C) 5 : 8 (D) 2 : 3

[JEE (Advanced) 2016]

21. Consider two straight lines, each of which is tangent to both the circle x 2 + y2 = and the parabola
y2 = 4x. Let these lines intersect at the point Q. Consider the ellipse whose center is at the origin
O(0, 0) and whose semi-major axis is OQ. If the length of the minor axis of this ellipse is 2 , then the which
of the following statement(s) is (are) TRUE ?
(A) For the ellipse, the eccentricity is and the length of the latus rectum is 1
1 1
(B) For the ellipse, the eccentricity is and the length of the latus rectum is
2 2
1 1
(C) The area of the region bounded by the ellipse between the lines x = and x = 1 is (  − 2)
2 4 2
1 1
(D) The area of the region bounded by the ellipse between the lines x = and x = 1 is (  − 2)
2 16

[JEE (Advanced) 2018]

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22. Define the collections {𝐸1 , 𝐸2 , 𝐸3 , . . . . . } of ellipses and {𝑅1 , 𝑅2 , 𝑅3 , . . . . . } of rectangles as follows :
x2 y 2
+ =1;
E1 :
9 4
𝑅1 ∶ rectangle of largest area, with sides parallel to the axes, inscribed in 𝐸1 ;
x2 y 2
𝐸𝑛 ∶ ellipse + = 1 of largest area inscribed in 𝑅𝑛–1 , 𝑛 > 1 ;
an2 bn2
𝑅𝑛 ∶ rectangle of largest area, with sides parallel to the axes, inscribed in 𝐸𝑛 , 𝑛 > 1.
Then which of the following options is/are correct ? [JEE (Advanced) 2019]
(A) The eccentricities of 𝐸18 and 𝐸19 are NOT equal
(B) The distance of a focus from the centre in 𝐸9 is
(C) The length of latus rectum of 𝐸9 is
(D)  ( area of R )  24 , for each positive integer 𝑁
n =1

23. Let a, b and  be positive real numbers. Suppose P is an end point of the latus rectum of the parabola y2 =
x2 y2
4x, and suppose the ellipse + = 1 passes through the point P. If the tangents to the parabola and
a 2 b2
the ellipse at the point P are perpendicular to each other, then the eccentricity of the ellipse is
1 1 1 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 3 5
[JEE (Advanced) 2020]
2 2
x y
24. Let E be the ellipse + = 1. For any three distinct points P, Q and Q' on E, let M (P, Q) be the mid-point
16 9
of the line segment joining P and Q, and M (P, Q') be the mid-point of the line segment joining P and Q'.
Then the maximum possible value of the distance between M(P, Q) and M(P, Q'), as P, Q and Q' vary on E,
is ____.
[JEE (Advanced) 2021]

25. Consider the ellipse

x2 y2
+ = 1.
4 3
Let H(𝛼, 0), 0 < 𝛼 < 2, be a point. A straight line drawn through 𝐻 parallel to the 𝑦-axis crosses the ellipse
and its auxiliary circle at points 𝐸 and 𝐹 respectively, in the first quadrant. The tangent to the ellipse at the
point 𝐸 intersects the positive 𝑥-axis at a point 𝐺. Suppose the straight line joining 𝐹 and the origin makes

an angle  with the positive 𝑥-axis.

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JEE(Advanced) Topic wise Question Bank
List-I List-II

( )
 3 −1
(I) If  = , then the area of the triangle 𝐹𝐺𝐻 is (P)
4 8

(II) If  = , then the area of the triangle 𝐹𝐺𝐻 is (Q) 1
 3
(III) If  = , then the area of the triangle 𝐹𝐺𝐻 is (R)
6 4
 1
(IV) If  = , then the area of the triangle 𝐹𝐺𝐻 is (S)
12 2 3
3 3
The correct option is:
(A) (I) → (R); (II) → (S); (III) → (Q); (IV) → (P)
(B) (I) → (R); (II) → (T); (III) → (S); (IV) → (P)
(C) (I) → (Q); (II) → (T); (III) → (S); (IV) → (P)
(D) (I) → (Q); (II) → (S); (III) → (Q); (IV) → (P)
[JEE (Advanced) 2022]
x 2 y2
26. Let T1 and T2 be two distinct common tangents to the ellipse E : + = 1 and the parabola
6 3
P : y2 = 12x. Suppose that the tangent T1 touches P and E at the point A1 and A2, respectively and the tangent
T2 touches P and E at the points A4 and A3, respectively. Then which of the following statements is(are)
(A) The area of the quadrilateral A1A2A3A4 is 35 square units
(B) The area of the quadrilateral A1A2A3A4 is 36 square units
(C) The tangents T1 and T2 meet the x-axis at the point (–3, 0)
(D) The tangents T1 and T2 meet the x-axis at the point (–6, 0)
[JEE (Advanced) 2023]
2 2
x y p2 q 2
27. Consider the ellipse + = 1. Let S(p, q) be a point in the first quadrant such that +  1 . Two
9 4 9 4
tangents are drawn from S to the ellipse, of which one meets the ellipse at one end point of the minor axis
and the other meets the ellipse at a point T in the fourth quadrant. Let R be the vertex of the ellipse with
positive x-coordinate and O be the center of the ellipse. If the area of the triangle ORT is , then which
of the following options is correct ?
(A) q = 2, p = 3 3 (B) q = 2, p = 4 3

(C) q = 1, p = 5 3 (D) q = 1, p = 6 3
[JEE (Advanced) 2024]

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