Air Travel Operations Management
Air Travel Operations Management
Air Travel Operations Management
Level 5
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................3
2. Flight delays and the impact on passengers, airlines and airports.................................................4
I. Impact on passengers.................................................................................................................5
II. Impact on airlines.......................................................................................................................7
III. Impact on Airports..................................................................................................................8
3. Solutions.........................................................................................................................................9
4. Conclusion....................................................................................................................................10
5. Reference List...............................................................................................................................11
1. Introduction
The global airline industry has rapidly grown since the 1978 Deregulation
Act and also because of the Open Skies Policy in 2001 (Lee and Yip, 2017).
The result is that the United Stated government takes care of things like
fares, routes and also new airlines coming to the market. The main task of
the 1978 Deregulation Act is to make the commercial airline industry a
“free” market. According to Lee and Yip (2017) the result is a huge
increase in the number of flights as well as the growth of passenger’s
number and also decreased fares.
2. Flight delays and the impact on passengers, airlines and
Flight delay is when landing or taking off of a particular airline is later than
a scheduled time of departure or arrival. The more we, passengers, travel
the biggest/greater the demand is. One of the biggest and the most
important factor in the air industry is the shortness of the trips and
satisfaction of customers (Rahil, Majd and Bouchoum 2017). According to
Rahil, Majd and Bouchoum (2017), passengers prefer direct flights
between their origin airport and their final destinations. Airlines provide a
lot of services. Responsibility, quality of coordination and the company's
priorities can be clearly reflected in the average delay per flight. It is also a
pointer, which is just as important as for the evaluation of the quality of
the product by travellers/passengers, as well as for the evaluation of
management capabilities. An analysis of the causes of delay within the
company helps to find the bottlenecks in their organization. The
association of European carriers (AEA) measure the average delays of
airlines and the results can be found on its website
According to Deshpande and Arikan (2012), there are 9 biggest causes of
flight delays – security, weather, national aviation system, late arriving
aircraft, fuelling, congestion in air traffic, maintenance issues, baggage
loading and computer glitches. When it comes to security, events like a
holiday might increase the number of travellers waiting in the security
lines and later this can be the factor causing a flight delay. As Abdelghany
et al (2004) highlighted, 75% of delays are caused by bad weather
conditions, especially storms and strong winds. The National Aviation
System (NAS) is taking care of many different factors, such as non-server
weather events, heavy air traffic or airport operations, that might impact
on flight delays. All of those mentioned factors account for almost 25% of
all airport delays or even their cancellations. The air space/ air traffic is
very overcrowded according to the latest data from Statista. In 2004, the
total number of flights (globally) was around 23, 8 million. 38, 1 million
flights is the number that was reached last year in 2018 and the forecast
for the year 2019 is 39, 8 million flights.
I. Impact on passengers
For each flight, the type of aircraft has been considered and the number of
passengers in each flight has been estimated as a function of the
maximum capacity of the aircraft (Montlaur and Delgado, 2017).
Airport delays are increasing significantly in the last years. In 2007, the
FAA came with an idea to get the airlines together and have them
collectively hammers out a solution (Whalen et al, 2008). However, this
would require costly compromises on a scheduling decision. Another
solution that was proposed to airport and flight delays is to eliminate the
problem by expanding the airports and improving the air traffic control
systems to eliminate the capacity scarcity (Whalen et al, 2008). This would
lead to spending a lot of money to build a new runway and expand the
airport capacity, such as building new gates. Anyway, there are also
people who think that it will not solve the flight delays.
4. Conclusion
This report was focused on flight delays and their impact, both on the
passenger, the airline, but also on the airport. In this report, notions like
Montreal Convection, the CURIA, the concept of extraordinary
circumstance and their impact on passengers, were mentioned. Then
compensation on which travellers can apply, if their flight was a delay or
even cancelled, were introduced. Last, but not least, a potential solution to
airline delays and also tips for travellers and how to avoid are these delays
have been mentioned.
5. Reference List
ABDELGHANY, K.F. et al., 2004. A model for projecting flight delays during
irregular operation conditions. Journal of Air Transport Management, 10(6),
ICAO, 1999. The Montreal Convention for the unification of certain rules for
international carriage by air. Available
SHARPLES PETER, 2016. 6 Top Tips how to avoid flight delays and
cancellations Available