Nested + Elseif

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Else If Question

1. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated as weight / (height * height) (weight in kg, height in
meters). Write a C++ program that takes weight and height as input from the user and calculate the
BMI to display the BMI category.
The BMI categories are:

 BMI < 18.5 → Underweight

 18.5 ≤ BMI < 24.9 → Normal weight

 25 ≤ BMI < 29.9 → Overweight

 BMI ≥ 30 → Obese

2. Write a C++ program that takes the person's age as input and determine the ticket price. A cinema
charges ticket prices based on age:

 Age < 5 → Free ticket

 5 ≤ Age < 18 → Child ticket: $10
 18 ≤ Age < 60 → Adult ticket: $20
 Age ≥ 60 → Senior citizen ticket: $15
3. Write a C++ program that takes the student's marks as input and determine and display the grade.
A student’s performance is evaluated based on their marks:
 Marks ≥ 90 → Grade: A
 Marks ≥ 80 → Grade: B
 Marks ≥ 70 → Grade: C
 Marks ≥ 60 → Grade: D
 Marks < 60 → Grade: F
4. Write a C++ program that takes a number as input to determine and display the day of the week.
Displays "Invalid input" if the number is outside 1–7. Given a number (1–7), determine the
corresponding day of the week:

 1 → Sunday

 2 → Monday

 3 → Tuesday

 4 → Wednesday

 5 → Thursday

 6 → Friday

 7 → Saturday
Nested-if Questions:
1. Write a C++ program to determine the largest of three numbers
2. Write a program to classify a triangle based on its angles:
 Acute Triangle: All angles are < 90°.

 Right Triangle: One angle is exactly 90°.

 Obtuse Triangle: One angle is > 90°

3. Write a C++ program using nested-if to display the grade. If marks are invalid, display "Invalid
marks." A student is graded based on their marks, but the grade is only displayed if marks are valid
(between 0 and 100):

 Marks ≥ 90 → Grade: A

 Marks ≥ 80 → Grade: B

 Marks ≥ 70 → Grade: C

 Marks ≥ 60 → Grade: D

 Marks < 60 → Grade: F

4. Write a C++ program to determine if the person can donate blood. To donate blood, a person must
satisfy the following conditions:

 The age must be 18 or older.

 The weight must be 50 kg or more.

5. Write a program to classify an input number as:

 Even and Positive

 Even and Negative

 Odd and Positive

 Odd and Negative

 Zero
You're developing a program for a mobile phone store that offers discounts based on the
model and brand of the phone selected by the customer. Consider the following scenario:
a) The store offers two brands: "Samsung" and "Apple".
b) Each brand has one model: “Budget".
c) If the customer selects a "Budget" model, they receive a 10% discount.

You're developing a program for a coffee shop that offers discounts based on the size of the
coffee selected by the customer. Consider the following scenario:
a) The coffee shop offers two sizes: "Small" and "Large".
b) If the customer selects a "Large" coffee, they receive a 20% discount.
Write a program to calculate the electricity bill based on units consumed:

 Units <= 100: $5/unit

 Units > 100 but <= 300: $7/unit

 Units > 300: $10/unit

 Fixed charges of $50 to the total

Write a program to simulate an ATM machine:

 If the withdrawal amount is divisible by 100, check if the account balance is sufficient.

 If yes, deduct the amount. Otherwise, display an "Insufficient Balance" message.

 If not divisible by 100, display "Invalid Amount."

Write a program to check if a given year is a leap year:

 A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4.

 However, if the year is divisible by 100, it must also be divisible by 400 to be a leap year.

Write a program to classify a person into an age group:

 Age < 13: Child

 Age >= 13 and < 20: Teenager

 Age >= 20 and < 60: Adult

 Age >= 60: Senior Citizen

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