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70 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 69–79
εcm Cc
d’ di ε’s Cs
element i φ εci
t d
εs Ts
EI′x 1
EIx 1
1 EI ′x
1 φ
1 Eb1
1 EIx
EIx u
Fig. 4. Bond stress–slip relation.
σc σ
ES2 1
Z1 – εu 1
0 εu
0.2 Kf ′c
ε0=0.002 εu – σy
Anchored h
δ FE
εcx εs0
ε sl
Ph Ph
ld ld
ε sx - ε cx
σc σc +d σc
Paxial Paxial
Ps Ps + dPs
dx Ps Ps + dPs
(a) RC element. (b) Steel interface.
EIeq Lp
EIeq Lp
M 6. Solution algorithm
where β = α(1 − 2α + 4/3α 2 ), α = Lp /L. In order to establish the validity and applicability of the pro-
The same derivation procedure for a cantilevered beam is posed moment–curvature relation, correlation studies between
applied and the equivalent stiffness EIeq obtained in this case has analytical result (4) including layered section approach by authors
the same form as Eq. (20) except the parameter β has the form of and experimental studies are conducted. Among the many ex-
β = α(1 − α + 1/3α 2 ). The bending stiffness of elements located perimental results available in the literature, five RC specimens
within the plastic hinge length Lp from both end faces of a member are investigated and discussed, as these specimens represent typi-
will be represented by EIeq instead of EI which is still used at cal structural behaviors according to various effects such as steel
the other region. This means that the slope of moment–curvature ratio, boundary condition, and application of axial force. These
relation is finally modified (see Fig. 14). specimens are BEAMR6 and BEAMR4 experimented by Ma [31],
76 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 69–79
#2 40.64
14@10+18.9 = 158.9
#2 40.64
#2 30.48
5.08 87.6
Table 1
Material and sectional properties used in the application.
SPECIMEN Ec (MPa) Es (MPa) fc0 (MPa) fy (MPa) ρ (Ast /bd) ρ 0 (Ac /bd) P (kN)
specimen 00.147 (BEAMS1) and 40.048 (COLUMN1) experimented In these specimens, the plastic deformation is concentrated at the
by Wight and Sozen [32], and specimen 1 (COLUMN2) experi- end of a beam with narrow width, accompanying fixed-end rota-
mented by Low and Moehle [33]. The material and sectional prop- tion that occurs in addition to elastic rotation at the cracking stage.
erties of each specimen are summarized in Table 1. To simulate more exact structural behavior with the beam element
The geometry and cross-sectional dimensions of the three beam formulated on the basis of the average deformation in an element,
members are presented in Fig. 15. The first two specimens are con- a separate consideration of this region is required in the finite el-
nected to columns with hook in the anchorage of main reinforcing ement modeling. This is necessary because the ultimate capacity
bars, and bending mechanism is largely responsible for the struc- may be overestimated if the plastic hinge length is not precisely
tural behavior. On the other hand, the last specimen is connected to taken into consideration. Since the calculated plastic hinge length
RC column without hook and the structural response of this spec- Lp is determined as 20 cm for BEAMR6 and BEAMR4, and 15 cm for
imen appears to be affected more by shear force than the other BEAMS1, the specimens are modeled along the entire span with an
beam specimens because of its relatively small span to depth ratio. element of L = 10 cm except a right end element.
H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 69–79 77
150 120
100 80
50 40
Experiment Experiment
Layered Section Approach Section approach
Layered section Approach
This Study Study
This study
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Displacement(cm) Displacement(cm)
Layered section approach
This study
0 1 2 3 4
(c) BEAMS1.
Fig. 16 compares the load–deflection relations obtained by because the introduced numerical model does not reflect the stiff-
a layered section approach and the proposed model with the ness degradation caused by shear cracks accompanied with bend-
experimental results of BEAMR6, BEAMR4 and BEAMS1. The laye- ing cracks. Nevertheless, the proposed model can effectively be
red section approach gives very satisfactory predictions of the used in simulating the nonlinear response of RC beams.
elastic behavior before initial cracking and of the value of yielding The next two specimens, COLUMN1 and COLUMN2, are selected
moment itself, but the displacements corresponding to the yielding to demonstrate additional effects by the axial load, and details of
moment are underestimated. This means that the layered section these specimens are presented in Fig. 17.
approach, which adopts a perfect bond assumption, is limited in Since λ in Eq. (15) and βc in Eq. (16) represent the different
terms of describing the cracking behavior of RC beams that are values as the axial load acts (λ = 0.631, βc = 1.4 for COLUMN1,
accompanied by a fixed-end rotation concentrated at the end of λ = 0.484, βc = 1.24 for COLUMN2), ∆bending calculated in Eq. (15)
the beam. will be changed, and RC columns show different slip behavior from
In contrast, the introduced numerical model, which considers that of RC beams. In addition, the specimens are modeled along the
the fixed-end rotation effect according to the aforementioned entire span with an element of l = 5 cm on the basis of the plastic
modification procedure, provides good agreement with experi- hinge length, excluding a right end element.
mental results through the entire loading steps. The elastic stiff- The responses represented in Fig. 18 compare the load–defle-
nesses before the initial cracking are underestimated because ction relations obtained by the layered section approach and the
the fixed-end rotation is taken into account by changing the av- proposed model with the experimental results. The results of
erage bending stiffness EI without any further consideration of the present study display very satisfactory agreement with the
uncracked or cracked section states (see Fig. 14). However, these measured data. Meanwhile, the numerical results not considering
differences at the elastic loading steps do not represent a remark- the axial force effect represent an underestimation of the stiffness
able influence on the entire structural response ranging from ini- and the ultimate strength of RC columns. These differences will
tial cracking to large deformations after yielding of steel. In spite be enlarged as the magnitude of the axial load increases. Finally,
of relatively accurate consideration of the fixed-end rotation ef- the proposed analytical method can also be effectively used to
fect in the introduced numerical model, a slight difference be- calculate the nonlinear behavior of RC columns subject to axial load
tween the analytical response and the experimental data still exist, as well as RC beams without axial force.
78 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 69–79
#2 30.48 P
5.08 87.6
(a) COLUMN1.
1.27 P
#2 #6
(b) COLUMN2.
120 30
80 20
40 10
Experiment Experiment
Layered section approach Layered section approach
This study This study
with axial force effect with axial force effect
without axial force effect without axial force effect
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3
Displacement(cm) Displacement(cm)
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