Odisha Clerk - Admit Card

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Odisha Police Ministerial Staff Selection Board,


Admit Card (provisional) for Computer

Based Recruitment Examination for
the post of Jr. Clerk in DPO cadre in
Odisha Police (2024)
Paste your recent
passport size colour
Advertisement photograph in this
No.02/OPMSSB,Dtd.22.09.2024 space
Application No : 2024350228

Roll No : KHO0302783

Email Id : jilubehera777@gmail.com

Mobile No : 7978374219 Candidate’s uploaded Candidate’s signature in the

Signature presence of Invigilator

Candidate Personal Details

Candidate’s name : SUGYAN SEKHAR BEHERA
DOB : 07/02/2001
Spl.Category : No
Correspondence Address : AT/PO-MANHIRA,MANHIRA,BALANGIR,Balangir,767020

Examination Details



Paper Exam Date Reporting Time Gate Closing Time Examination Time

Paper 1 24 Nov 2024 08:00 AM 08:45 AM 09:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Paper 2 24 Nov 2024 01:00 PM 01:45 PM 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM


1. The candidates must note that admission to the examination is strictly provisional. If any information
furnished by the candidate is found false or incorrect or ineligibility detected at any stage after admission of the
candidate to the examination, the candidature shall be rejected. Selection of candidates will be made strictly
based on selection/eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement and subject to verification of original
2. The candidates are advised to reach the allotted examination centre as per the allotted date and time slot
indicated against Reporting /Entry time in the Admit Card. No candidate shall be admitted into the Examination
Hall after the scheduled time of commencement of the examination under any circumstances whatsoever.
3. The candidate is advised to bring the Admit Card to the examination hall to secure admission for the written
4. The candidate must also bring the valid Identity Proof in original (i.e. Voter Identity Card/ Driving License/
PAN Card/ Adhaar Card/ E-Adhaar Printout/ Passport/ Identity Card of Educational Institution) and its one
photocopy. On the photo copy of Identity Proof, the candidates should write their Roll No. on the top and put full
signature and date at the bottom. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the premises without original Photo ID
Card and a photo-copy of it, which is to be handed over to the Invigilator. After verification, the original photo ID
card will be returned to the candidate.
5. The candidates shall bring their own transparent blue/black ball point pen for use during the Computer Based
Recruitment Examination. They shall not be allowed to share or borrow stationery items from other candidates.
6. The candidates should not take any article into the examination hall except the article(s) mentioned in Para-
3,4 and 5 above. The candidates should leave their books/notes or any article at the entrance of the premises at
their own risk.
7. Any kind of digital / smart / manual wrist watches / cell phones/ mobile phones/ pagers or communication
devices shall not be allowed.
8. The candidate must not write anything on the Admit Card or Identity Proof Document (either original or
9. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the completion of the examination time for
any reason, without permission from the Centre Superintendent. A candidate leaving the Examination Hall
without permission of the Centre Superintendent shall not be allowed to re-enter the Examination Hall and the
candidature of the candidate shall be cancelled.
10. The candidates are advised not to bring valuable belongings with them to the Examination Centre. The
OPMSSB shall not be responsible to make arrangements for safe custody of any such items.
11. All candidates will be frisked physically & using Handheld Metal Detector (HHMD). Separate frisking
arrangement will be made for women and transgender candidates.
12. All Examination Halls are under CCTV surveillance.
13. The candidates must sign the attendance sheet on the day of Examination in presence of the Invigilator. In
case candidates leave the Examination Hall without signing the attendance sheet, their candidature shall be
liable for cancellation.
14. Candidates shall not be allowed to access any unauthorised software / program during the examination
15. Any request for change of Examination Centre shall not be entrained.
16. Any candidate found resorting to any unfair means or malpractice or any misconduct while appearing the
examination including giving /receiving help to/from any candidate will be disqualified.
17. Please note that this Admit Card does not constitute an offer of employment to Odisha Police.
18. Silence must be observed in the examination hall always.
19. Candidates will be allowed to use only the computer mouse during the examination.
20. Rough works need to be done only on the Rough Work Sheet provided by the Invigilator at the Examination
Hall. Candidates should write their Roll No. on the page given for rough work and return the same to the
Invigilator before leaving the Exam Hall.
21. If the examination does not commence at the scheduled time or is interrupted midway due to any technical
snag or for any other reason, candidates should follow the instructions of the Centre Supervisors, they may have
to wait patiently till the issue is suitably addressed and resolved. The OPMSSB would take an appropriate action
and decision in the matter which would be final and would be binding on candidates in case the examination
could not be completed.
22. Candidates are assured that in case of disruption of examination for any reason such as major/minor
technical slag or slow of server/breakdown of server etc., they will not under any circumstances, loss the
examination time to which they are entitled.
23. Any unruly behaviour at the Examination Centre may lead to disqualification of the candidature.
24. Candidates need to put Application No and their Date of Birth in DDMMYYYY format as password to log-in to
the exam system on the exam day.
Wish you all the best!
Application Number : IP Address : Date of Downloading : 12-11-2024
2024350228 2409:40e2:2034:11de:6cf0:2637:e3e:972c 18:32:36

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