Installation Guide on AA Panel

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Install Full Video Guide Step by Step

You tube: @mqtechguru

Part 1: Install Waziper on Main domain

Step 1: Create main domain and connect them to your Server IP Address

Please set up SSL for main domain

Step 2: Main Domain Configure

Please insert code below into your Main Domain:

location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

location /install {
try_files $uri $uri/ /install/index.php;
website -> -> config

Step 3: Install extensions for PHP and restart

Install extensions: fileinfo, imap, exif

Restart PHP

Step 4: Upload file to Main Domain

Follow the instruction below to install Waziper on Main Domain:

Step 5: Delete files: .htaacess, 404.html and index.html

Delete 3 files: ".htaacess", "404.html" and "index.html"

Step 6: Uploading ".installzip" file to Server

When you download Waziper Codes you will be received 2 files. One of them is

Step 7: Decompress File

Note: Delete after Decompressing

Step 8: Refresh Main Domain to get Waziper Setting

Accessing your main domain to install the main Scripts

Step 9: Check all requirements are active

These requiremets must be installed to run the Scripts

Step 10: Fill out all information are required

These requiremets must be installed to run the Scripts

Step 11: Successfull Installation

Step 12: WhatsApp API Configure

- After installing Successfull, using Admin Account to login Main Domain and setting your API.
- Enter you API domain at WhatsApp API Configuration
Part 2: Install Waziper on API domain
Step 1: Create Api domain and connect them to your Server IP Address

Please set up SSL for Api domain

Step 2: API Domain Configure

Please insert code below into your API Domain

location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000; #whatever port your app
runs on
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
website -> -> config

Step 3: Install Waziper on API domain ( file)

1. Creat a new Directory in Root:

Create New Folder Name: wa_server inside"Root dir > root >"

2. Uploading SERVER.ZIP file to API Domain:

Please Upload the file to the right directory exactly

3. Decompress SERVER.ZIP FILE:

Please Upload the file to the right directory exactly
4. Config Database to API Domain
Follow guides below to config DATABASE to API Domain:

*Note: This is API Domain (edit "config.js" file)

Input database information into file config.js

Step 4: Install LIBRARY on Server

Please run PuTTY to Install Libraries.

Run this command:

# yum install nss
# yum install at-spi2-atk
# yum install cups-libs
# yum install libxkbcommon-devel
# yum install gtk3

Step 5: Install NODEJS and PM2 on CENTOS Server

Run these commands :

# sudo yum -y update

# curl -sL | sudo bash -
# sudo yum clean all && sudo yum makecache fast
# sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ make
# sudo yum install -y nodejs
# npm i pm2 -g
Step 6: Install GOOGLE CHROME
1. Download Google Chrome:
Run these commands:

# wget

# sudo yum localinstall google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm

# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo

# cd /root/wa_server

# pm2 start app.js

Step 7: Open PORT 8000

Please open port 8000 according to instructions


Step 8: Install Cron

Please create Cron according to the instructions

Cron: Once/minute:

# sh -c 'cd /root/wa_server && node app'

/root/wa_server: is the path to the installation directory

Step 9: Restart server

Follow the instruction below to restart your Server:

Step 10: Check the working status of the api domain

Please check the link

Notice you have successfully installed Api domain

{"status":"error","message":"Authentication failed"}

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