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Unit I

The Learner’s Development & Environment

FS 1- Episode 1
The School as a Learning Environment
Are you still familiar with the different areas & facilities in our school (TLC)? Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available.

Available Not Available Description

1. Office of the Principal
2. Library
3. Guidance Room
4. Canteen
5. Medical Clinic
6. Audio Visual/Media Center
7. Reading Center
8. Speech Laboratory

9. Science Lab
10. Gymnasium
11. Auditorium
12. TVL Room
13. PTA office
14. Comfort Room for Boys
15. Comfort Room for Girls

Answers these:
1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found.
2. Describe the school campus & the condition of the buildings.
3. What are the other facilities that the school has that are not listed? Write your analysis.
4. How do the school campus & the classroom in particular impact on the learning of the
5. How does this relate to your knowledge of child & adolescent development?
6. How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
7. Would you like to teach in the same school environment? Why or why not?
8. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
9. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
Episode 2:

The Learners’ Characteristics & Needs

Your task is to observe a preschooler, a grade schooler (I-VI) & a high school student. These learners may
be your sister, brother, niece, nephew or someone in the neighborhood. The purpose of this is to allow you to
compare the characteristics & needs of these learners at different levels.

Read the guidelines in observations. Then do the matrix. Observe health protocols.
A. Physical
1. Observe their gross motor skills. How they carry themselves. How they move, talk, run,
go up & down a stair.
2. Are their gross movements clumsy or smooth?
3. How about their fine motor skills – writing, drawing?
B. Social
1. How do they interact with you & with other adults?
2. How do they interact with their peers?
3. What do they talk about?
4. What are other concerns?
C. Emotional
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners.
2. How do they express their wants/needs?
3. Can they wait?
4. How do they handle frustrations?
5. Describe their level of confidence as shown in the behavior. Are they self-conscious?
D. Mental/Cognitive
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language
2. Describe their perception of things or events.
3. Do they comprehend easily?
4. Describe their thinking skills?
5. How do they show problem solving abilities?

Good luck!!!
Activity 1- E2
Learners’ Development Matrix

Development Domain Pre-schooler Grade Schooler Secondary Student

Age:_____ Age:_____ Age:_____
A. Physical
Gross motor skills
Fine motor skills
Self-help skills
B. Social
Interaction w/ adults
Interaction w/ peers &
C. Emotional
Moods & temperament,
expression of feelings
Emotional independence
D. Mental/Cognitive
Cognitive skills
Thinking skills
Problem solving skills

Activity 2 – Analysis:

Review the characteristics of the learners you observed. Write the most salient developmental
characteristics of theses learners. What do you think are the implications of these learners? What do
you think are the implications of these characteristics in the teaching-learning process?

Level Salient Characteristics Observed Implications to the Teaching-

Learning Process

1. Pre-school

2. Grade school

3. Secondary

1. Did you recall your own experience when you were their age? What similarities or
differences do you have with the learners you observed?
2. Who was that teacher who helped you developed the different characteristics that you
possess? How does it affect you?

 Try to read & clip some theories of development. As a future teacher, how will these
theories guide you?

Episode 3
Individual Differences & Learners’ Interaction

Individual differences deal with our distinguishing characteristics that make us unique.
Nevertheless, this term permeated every aspect of teaching & learning. It deals with our approach to
teaching & learning.
The diversity of learners refers to the idea that teachers can facilitate the learning process
among the diverse types of learners. This can be done by respecting individual differences.
With your knowledge of individual differences, you can design diverse sets of activities so that
all students can attain appropriate learning goals.

Activity 1-E3

1. State these major factors of students’ diversity.

2. Discuss the implications of each factor in the teaching-learning process.
3. Suppose you are teaching a heterogenous class, how will you bridge the gap between the –
a. Achievers & non or least achievers
b. Active & reflective learners
c. Students with identity or gender crisis
Episode 4

Home-School Link

According to Hurlock, social development means the acquisition of the ability to behave in
accordance with social expectations.
Social development follows a sequence of orderly social behavior which is similar for all children
within a cultural group. Family influence play a great part in the development of a child.
Children that grew up in a happy home, will develop healthy attitudes toward people & learn to
function successfully in the peer group.

Activity 1-E4
1. From your lesson in Child & Adolescent Development, what family factors contribute to the
development over-all adjustment of the learner in the school?
2. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? What are
these effects?

Activity 2-E4

Reflect of your own development as a child.

1. What type of parenting did you experience? How did it affect you?
2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration?
3. How can you work well with the parents?
4. How can you help them?
5. How can they help you?

1. Make a creative visual insights about the influence of the home-school in the learner. (Have
a separate sheet for this.)
2. Make your own acrostic about the home-school link.


Unit II
Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process

This unit & all the episodes are all about the Principles of Learning. You are supposed to observe
classes, however, due to the pandemic you are restricted to do so. What you will do now is to review
the principles & think of how will you apply each in your lesson. Choose the subject you wish to work
on. However, English & Math groups concentrate on your major.

Activity 1-E1

Begin here:

Principles of Learning Application of the Principles

1. Effective learning begins with the setting of
clear & high expectations of learning outcomes.
2. Learning is an active process
3. Learning is the discovery of personal meaning
& relevance of ideas.
4. Learning is a cooperative & a collaborative

1. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Why or why not?
2. Create your own principles of learning.

The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:

The levels of Learning Activities
Episode 2
Intended Learning Outcomes
Intended learning outcomes or lesson objectives set the direction of the lesson. They serve as a
guiding star, therefore they must be written the SMART way. They should also be formulated in
accordance with the time-tested principles.

Activity 2-E2

Intended Learning Outcomes Explain the Relevance in the lesson

1. Begin with the end in mind.
2. Share lesson objectives with
3. Lesson objectives/Intended
Learning Outcomes are Specific,
Measurable Attainable Result-
oriented & Time bounded
Activity 3-E2

Study very well Bloom’s Domains of Learning Activity & Kendall & Manzano’s Domains of

1. The revised Bloom’s taxonomy identified 3 domains of learning – cognitive, psychomotor and

Figure 1. Bloom’s Domains of Learning Activity

2. Kendall and Marzano likewise identified 3 domains of knowledge taught and learned, namely: 1)
information (declarative knowledge) 2) mental procedures (procedural knowledge)
psychomotor/motor procedures.

Figure 2. Kendall’s and Manzano’s Domains of Knowledge

3. These domains of learning and domains of knowledge are processed in different levels. For the
revised Bloom’s taxonomy, cognitive learning is processed in six (6) different levels of processes
from remembering to creating; psychomotor learning in six (6) levels and affective in five (5) levels.
Refer to the table below.

Bloom identified ‘domains’ of educational activities with categories of educational activities within
those domains:

Domain Categories of Activities/Levels of Processing

1. Remembering 2. Understanding 3. Applying
Cognitive 4. Analyzing 5. Evaluating 6. Creating
1. Receiving 2. Responding 3. Valuing
Affective 4. Organization 5. Internalization
1. Reflex movements 2. Basic fundamental movement
Psychomotor 3. Perceptual 4. Physical activities
5. Skilled movements 6. Non-discursive communications
Table 1. Bloom’s Domain of Learning with Categories of Educational Activities

Figure 3. The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Learning

4. For Kendall and Marzano, the three (3) domains – information, mental procedures and
psychomotor procedures – are processed in six (6) different levels. See Figure below.

Figure 4. Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domains of Knowledge and Levels of Processing

Kendall’s and Marzano’s different levels of processing information, mental and psychomotor
Each level of processing can operate within each of the three domains – information, mental
procedures, psychomotor procedures.
The first four levels of processing are cognitive, beginning with “Retrieval” the least complex,
then moving upward with increasing complexity through “Comprehension”, “Analysis” and
“Knowledge Utilization”.
The fifth level of processing, the Metacognitive System, involves the learner’s specification of
learning goals, monitoring of the learner’s own process, clarity and accuracy of learning. Simply put
involves the learner’s organization of his/her own learning.
The sixth level of processing, the Self System, involves the learner’s examination of the
importance of the learning task and his/her self-efficacy. It also involves the learner’s emotional
response to the learning task and his/her motivation regarding it.

A Comparison of Revised Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy & Kendall’s & Marzano’s New Taxonomy

Bloom Kendall and Marzano

Domains of Learning Revised Bloom’s Kendall’s & Marzano’s New Domains of
Activities Taxonomy, Taxonomy Knowledge
cognitive domain
Cognitive 6- Creating 6- Self system
Psychomotor 5- Evaluating 5- Metacognitive system Psychomotor
Affective procedures
4- Analyzing 4- Knowledge utilization – Mental procedure
cognitive system
3- Applying 3- Analysis – Knowledge Information
2- Understanding 2- Comprehension –
1- Remembering 1- Retrieval - knowledge
Activity 3-E2
Fill up the activity sheet. Create an activity that would fit in the different cognitive activities.
You may also add a question or two.

Bloom’s level of processing cognitive activities Learning activities

1. Remembering

2. Comprehending

3. Applying

4. Analyzing

5. Evaluating

6. Creating

Kendall’s & Marzano’s level of processing Learning Activities

1. Retrieval a. Information
b. Mental procedures
c. Psychomotor procedures

2. Comprehension

3. Analysis

4. Knowledge utilization

5. Meta-cognitive system

6. self-system
Episode 3
Teaching Approaches & the K to 12 Curriculum
The K to 12 Law made explicit the pedagogical approach for the K to 12 Curriculum. This
episode revolves around the pedagogical approach.

R.A. 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 states that, “The curriculum shall use
pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative & integrative.
Sec. 5 states that, “It shall be learner-centered, inclusive, developmentally appropriate.”.

Insights: Teacher-Centered Approach vs. Learner-Centered Approach

Teacher-Centered Approach Learner-Centered Approach

1. Knowledge is deposited into the minds of the 1. Learners construct knowledge & meanings by
students (banking system). The teacher is the receiving informations from the teachers. They
only expert & the only source of information. integrate it with their experiences & prior
knowledge. (Constructivism)
2. Emphasis is on subject matter for the test. 2. Emphasis is on using knowledge learned to
solve problems in real life contexts.
3. Teacher dominates class discussion 3. Students are actively involved in learning
4. Focus is on single discipline activities.
4. Makes use of inter-disciplinary & multi-
5. Culture is individualistic & highly competitive disciplinary approach.
6. Only students are viewed as learners 5. Culture is cooperative, collaborative &
6. Teachers & learners learn together.

Activity 4-E2

Explain the different teaching approaches:

1. Constructivist
2. Inquiry based
3. Developmentally appropriate
4. Reflective
5. Inclusive
6. Collaborative
7. Integrative
8. Contextualized & global
Unit II
Episode 3
Deductive & Inductive Methods of Teaching
In this episode you will be dealing with the methods of teaching. A teaching method in the
practical realization or application of an approach.

All methods of teaching can be classified either as deductive (direct) or inductive (indirect).
Deductive Method (Direct) Inductive Method (Indirect)

However deductive method can also be indirect or discovery. So with inductive method that can
be direct or discovery.

Activity 1-E3

If you are to teach using the deductive method. Write the different steps, write also the steps of
an inductive method. No guessing, read Principle of Teaching I or II.

Activity 2-E3

 What are the guiding principles in the selection of a teaching method & the use of strategies?
 What is the best method? Is there such a thing?
Episode 4

Effective Questioning & Reacting Techniques

The essence of any effective teaching strategy lies in the questions a teacher asks. How much &
what kind of interaction take place in class is determined by the teacher’s questioning & reacting
techniques. The type of questions vary as to purpose, level of thinking involved or type of answer

Levels of Questioning
Purpose Type of Question Student-Action Desired
VI. Divergent Thinking Open-ended Gives many possible prediction
V. Evaluation as to the quality Judgmental Tells which of the two or more
of a relationship or conclusion alternatives is best according to
clearly specified criteria
IV. Formation &/or Synthesizing or summarizing States a relationship or
identification of relationship or connection among previously
conclusion unrelated data
III. Analysis of the reasons Explanatory Gives reason why an individual
behind an action acted in a certain way, a given
event occurred as it did, or a
certain effect resulted.
II. Organization of data Descriptive or comparative Describes, compares, contrasts
I. Acquisition of information Recall or recognition Gives correct answer

The kind of questions we ask varies according to purpose; here are some –
1. To assess cognition – to determine one’s knowledge in understanding. They promote high
level thinking. Divergent questions & open-ended inquiries call for analysis & evaluation.
2. To verify – determines the exactness or accuracy of the results of an activity or performance.
3. To develop creative thinking – probes into one’s originality.
4. To evaluate – elicits responses that include judgements, value & choice. It also asks personal
opinions about an event, or policy or a person.
5. To develop productive thinking – includes cognitive reasoning, analyses facts, recognizes
patterns or trends & involves memory & recall.
6. To motivate – before of a start of a lesson, ask questions about the topic to arouse interest
& focus attention.
7. To instruct – directs, guides & advices on what & how to do an activity.

Types of questions according to level

1. Low level questions – memory questions or those that require simple recall.
2. High level questions – call for the ability to analyze, evaluate & solve problems.
3. Convergent questions – requires a single predictable answer – define, state, interpret,
4. Divergent questions – respondents think in different direction; of alternative action or to
arrive at own decision.
Questioning skills proven to be highly effective include –
1. Rephrasing
2. Sequencing logically
3. Requiring abstract thinking
4. Asking open-ended questions
5. Varying type of questions
6. Asking non-directed question
7. Calling on non-volunteers
8. Allowing for sufficient wait time
9. Assessing comprehension
10. Involving as many as possible

Activity 1-E4

Write a question for each type

1. Convergent (factual/low level)

2. Divergent – higher order/open-ended

3. Evaluation

4. Inference

5. Comparison

6. Affective

Activity 2-E4

1. What are the characteristics of a good question?

2. How will you handle the responses of learners?

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