The “Taiwan question” has long been considered one of the most complicated
and explosive issues in global politics. In recent years, however, relations
between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland have improved substantially to the
surprise of many. In this ground-breaking collection, distinguished contributors
from the US, Asia, and Europe seek to go beyond the standard “recitation of
facts” that often characterizes studies focusing on the Beijing–Taipei dyad.
Rather, they employ a variety of theories as well as both quantitative and quali-
tative methodologies to analyze the ebbs and flows of the Taiwan issue. Their
discussions clearly illuminate why there is a “Taiwan Problem,” why conflict did
not escalate to war between 2000 and 2008, and why cross-Strait relations
improved after 2008. The book further reveals the limits of realism as a device
to gain traction into the Taiwan issue, demonstrates the importance of taking into
account domestic political variables, and shows how theory can be used to
advance the cause of better China–Taiwan relations and to analyze the potential
for future conflict over Taiwan.
New Thinking about the Taiwan Issue is essential reading not only for stu-
dents, scholars, and practitioners with an interest in studying relations across the
Taiwan Strait, but also for any reader interested in economics, international rela-
tions, comparative politics, or political theory.
Dennis V. Hickey is the director of the graduate program in global studies and
the James F. Morris Endowed Professor of Political Science at Missouri State
University, USA.
Routledge politics in Asia series
Formerly edited by Michael Leifer
London School of Economics
Bibliography 202
Index 229
Figures and tables
5.1 General framework of formal and informal relationships in the
Strait of Taiwan 124
C.1 A simple model of war in the Taiwan Strait 195
2.1 Trade interdependence between Taiwan and the PRC, 1987–2002 51
2.2 Taiwan’s outbound investment by destination, 1991–2000 53
3.1 International wars/conflicts since 1973 73
3.2 Military (im)balance in the Taiwan Strait 77
6.1 Distributions of responses on the pace of cross-Strait
interaction 142
6.2 Taiwan citizens’ concern about increasing economic
dependence on China by party ID 143
6.3 Distributions of responses on cross-Strait economic exchange 143
6.4 Distributions of responses on cross-Strait cconomic exchange
by party ID 144
6.5 Taiwan citizens’ support for attending the WHA under the
designation of “Chinese Taipei” 146
6.6 Taiwan citizens’ positions on participating in UN-affiliated
agencies but no bidding for UN membership 146
6.7 Partisan differences on participating in UN-affiliated agencies
but no bidding for UN membership 147
6.8 Taiwan citizens’ positions on the importance of diplomatic ties
vs. cross-Strait relations 147
6.9 Taiwan citizens’ positions on the conflict between developing
diplomatic ties and cross-Strait relations 148
A6.1 Schedule of focus group interviews 149
A6.2 List of focus group participants 150
7.1 Potential parties to an agreement 155
7.2 Possible forms of an agreement 157
Jean-Marc F. Blanchard would like to thank the attendees at the 2009 Associa-
tion of Chinese Political Studies (ACPS)–National Chengchi University (Taipei)
International Symposium on “Peaceful Development and Deepening Integration
in the Greater China Region.” The intellectual inspiration for this volume as well
as several of the contributions in it profited from this symposium. In addition,
Dr. Blanchard would like to thanks Professor Guo Baogang, former ACPS Presi-
dent, for his assistance in conceptualizing the volume as well as in recruiting
contributors. Furthermore, Dr. Blanchard wishes to thank Dr. Sujian Guo, editor-
in-chief of the ACPS’s Journal of Chinese Political Science for facilitating per-
missions for some of the works in this book. As well, Dr. Blanchard would like
to express his appreciation to his co-editor Dr. Dennis Hickey whose considera-
ble expertise in China–Taiwan studies and Taiwan politics helped to ensure the
preparation of a cutting-edge work. Finally, Dr. Blanchard would like to thank
the editors at Routledge for their assistance in making this a smooth process and
express his appreciation to Lenny and Linda for lubricating the writing process.
Dennis V. Hickey would like to thank his wife, Cheng-May, for her patience
and support while he worked on this project. He would also like to express his
deepest thanks to the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly
Exchange, the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy and Missouri State University.
Without their generous support, he would not have been able to travel to Taiwan
and the Chinese mainland on several occasions or complete this and other
projects. The ROC Government Information Office helped arrange interviews
with scholars and officials in Taiwan, and Dr. Hickey is most grateful for this
assistance. Finally, Dr. Hickey would like to thank friends and colleagues in
Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, and elsewhere for their constructive criticism and
More than two “sides” to every story:
an introduction to New Thinking about the
Taiwan Issue
Jean-Marc F. Blanchard and Dennis V. Hickey
The “Taiwan question” has long been considered one of the most complicated
issues in global politics. For Beijing, the matter constitutes a “core interest,”
with it contending “national reunification” is the “sacrosanct mission” of the
Chinese people. The Taiwan issue was the source of international crises in 1954
and 1958 and, perhaps, near war in 1995/1996.1 Furthermore, the Taiwan ques-
tion affects the prospects for and forms of Asia-Pacific Region (APR) integra-
tion. It also influences dynamics in the United Nations (UN), China’s relations
with major states such as America and Japan and the foreign policies of other-
wise obscure states around the globe.2 Since 2008, however, an issue once char-
acterized by tension and conflict has seemingly stabilized. For example, a
far-reaching cross-Strait economic agreement was inked in June 2010. More
over, cross-Strait people-to-people ties have exploded. And much of the harsh
rhetoric of past years has disappeared. Yet, as detailed below, Beijing will not
abandon its threat to use force or reduce its military deployments directed against
The aforementioned facts raise a host of interesting questions for academics
and practitioners who study the cross-Strait policies of Beijing and Taipei. For
instance, why does Beijing care so much about Taiwan? On a related note, what
drives conflict between the two sides (after all each side has peaceful options at
its disposal) and serves to intensify or dampen such tensions? In regards to
Beijing, some have pointed to different identities and misperceptions.3 With
respect to Taipei, some have highlighted the drift to independence, the deterrent
role of players such as the United States (US), or improved understanding by
one or both sides of the expected utility (or lack thereof ) of particular policies.4
Yet another uncertainty is the potential for future conflict, particularly war. Some
see little prospect for high-intensity clashes, while others express deep concerns.5
Finally, the persistence of the Taiwan question highlights the need for options to
prevent conflict and facilitate a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue.6
Most studies on the Taiwan issue deliver extensive factual content. While
invaluable, such works tend to become outdated over time.7 As well, they do
not draw upon the insights of or contribute to wider debates in political science
2 J.-M.F. Blanchard and D.V. Hickey
such as those pertaining to the causes of war, domestic sources of foreign
policy, or the political economy of national security.8 More theoretically ori-
ented works often are narrowly focused or use theory only occasionally.9 To
surmount these limitations, the editors of this volume have compiled outstand-
ing papers from two international conferences. The first was a June 2009 Asso-
ciation of Chinese Political Studies (ACPS) conference cohosted with National
Chengchi University (Taipei). The second was a conference entitled, “Taiwan
and The Chinese Mainland: Cross-Strait Relations in a Time of Transition,”
hosted by Missouri State University in October 2009. The papers selected for
inclusion into this volume enable us to take a more comprehensive look at the
Taiwan question as well as allow us to do so from diverse methodological and
theoretical perspectives.
The discussion below provides readers with a foundation that will enable
them to better appreciate the theoretically guided case chapters included in this
volume. First, we discuss the salience of the Taiwan issue for the People’s
Republic of China (PRC) and examine cross-Strait relations from 1949 to 2008.
Next, we describe the current state of relations and how they have changed since
the election of Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou. Additional background is pro-
vided by a discussion of American perspectives on the warming of cross-Strait
ties and an analysis of the political economy of mainland China relations from a
theoretical standpoint. Then, we provide brief abstracts of each of the volume’s
various chapters. Finally, we summarize inter alia the discussion, expound on
possible future directions for future research, and offer some concluding
clear that extensive cross-Strait economic ties neither warmed relations nor sub-
stantially changed identities and political attitudes. Rather, some might even
argue that it promoted conflict by raising concerns about lost sovereignty,
adversely affecting labor-intensive sectors in Taiwan, and harming Taiwan’s
Studies on the politico-economy of cross-Strait relations tend to pay insuffi-
cient theoretical attention to the domestic dimensions of economic stimuli.138
The political economy of national security literature clearly shows, however, that
it is critical to pay attention to domestic actors.139 In this vein, one analysis of
PRC–Taiwan relations suggests the influence of economic considerations on the
PRC seems contingent on whether hardliners or soft-liners dominate.140 Beyond
examining domestic actors, it is clear that analysts must take into account the
ability of leaders to force their preferences upon or to ignore the preferences of
domestic groups.141 Focusing on Taiwan, Steve Chan argues the influence of
business interests depends inter alia upon the concentration of power and the
intensity of domestic political competition.142
In the final analysis, it cannot be said that there is any consensus on the theo-
ries or methodologies that ought to be employed when analyzing the Taiwan
issue. However, it is clear that analysts are moving in the direction not only of
exploiting international relations theory to analyze the Beijing–Taipei dynamic,
but of theorizing cross-Strait conflict and peace in a more rigorous manner. The
greatest progress is seen in the literature that focuses on the politicoeconomy of
relations between the mainland and China. The richness of the theoretical
literature on the cross-Strait dynamic also is seen herein.
Chapter overview
In Chapter 1, Chengxin Pan tackles the core question of the causes of cross-
Strait conflict. According to Pan, conventional wisdom holds that the roots of the
PRC–Taiwan problem lay in myriad cross-Strait differences in ideology, iden-
tity, and political-economic systems. Given this, most analysts contend that a
peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue hinges on bridging those differences
through economic and/or political integration. While Pan accepts that the Taiwan
conundrum has much to do with the aforementioned divergences, he argues that
a core source of tension paradoxically is an agreement between Beijing and
Taipei; namely, a convergence on the norm of Westphalian state sovereignty.
Encompassing an exclusionary understanding of final authority, territory, and
identity, Westphalian sovereignty paints Taiwan as central to both sides’ national
identities and political survival, and subject to no negotiation. This common
understanding, then, is responsible for much of the mistrust, tension, and dead-
lock in cross-Strait relations. In Pan’s view, to find a long-term solution to the
Taiwan impasse, we need to pay attention to convergences, not just divergences.
In Chapter 2, Ching-Chang Chen explores cross-Strait frictions through
another lens. Chen examines Taipei’s post-Cold War economic policy with
16 J.-M.F. Blanchard and D.V. Hickey
respect to the mainland to explain how and why Taiwan, until 2008, persisted in
treating the mainland as an economic threat. This requires explanation, because
Taipei’s restrictions on cross-Strait trade and investment were widely considered
a failure by both opponents and supporters of closer PRC–Taiwan economic ties.
Chen argues that to understand Taipei’s policy, we need to consider an over-
looked function of Taiwan’s economic policy. To elaborate, it was not just about
tackling the problems of security externalities or promoting the island’s eco-
nomic development. What appeared to be an ineffective policy can be under-
stood as a successful boundary-drawing practice that discursively constituted a
vulnerable Taiwan under Chinese economic threat and conducive to the (re)pro-
duction of Taiwanese national identity.
In Chapter 3, Shiping Zheng investigates why the Taiwan Strait, oft con-
sidered one of the world’s most explosive hotspots and the location of several
serious crises, has experienced no major armed conflict since the 1950s. Put dif-
ferently, he queries how we answer the puzzle of no war across the Taiwan Strait
even though many have predicted such an occurence. Zheng finds that realist/
rationalist explanations emphasizing the military balance of power are uncon-
vincing. In Zheng’s view, other arguments such as the neo-liberal thesis that
eonomic integration drives peace in an age of globalization also are wanting. For
Zheng, we need to consider the “ethnicity” factor in order to understand the
absence of conflict. This factor means that when Chinese society is no longer
divided by ideological differences, “ethnicity” provides a more convincing
explanation of why a military conflict has not transpired in the Taiwan Strait
over the past four decades.
In Chapter 4, Steve Chan points to Taiwan’s evolving political economy, spe-
cifically the increasing influence of its corporate interests and the intensification
of its electoral competition, as critical to the ongoing rapprochement between
Taiwan and China. Chan points out that burgeoning cross-Strait commerce chal-
lenges realist expectations about states balancing against a rising power, and
instead lends credence to liberal arguments about the increasing influence of
internationally oriented economic interests in an era of democratization and glo-
balization. The need to finance electoral contests between political parties and to
fend off economic competition from other low-cost countries motivated Tai-
wan’s firms to turn increasingly to the Chinese market. This turn was consequen-
tial politically, both in terms of affecting the distribution of interests and
influence in Taiwan and in terms of communicating a powerful signal that its
government and businesses do not expect cross-Strait relations to deteriorate.
Thus, commerce presaged stable political relations and at the same time created
stakeholders with an interest in further expanding these relations.
In Chapter 5, Jorge Tavares da Silva also stresses the role of domestic actors
in the PRC–Taiwan dynamic. His chapter focuses on the so-called new diplo-
macy and the spillover of informal and unofficial interactions between many dif-
ferent types of actors on conflict. Tavares’s position is that more extensive
cooperation between China and Taiwan has benefitted from contacts developed
by Taiwanese businessmen operating on the mainland as well as other private
Introduction 17
actors. Informal, unofficial forms are crucial in the case of Taiwan since the
island’s status and exclusion from regional institutions force it to rely on infor-
mal processes and civil society networks. Tavares’s main purpose is to show the
role of private actors in creating a new atmosphere that encourages both sides to
favor peaceful mechanisms for resolving their problems.
Chapter 6 by T.Y. Wang and his collaborators provides readers with a good
sense of domestic public opinion in Taiwan. Utilizing statistical data recently
collected through telephone and focus group interviews, they profile Taiwan citi-
zens’ views on Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou’s approach to cross-Strait rela-
tions. Their findings indicate that Taiwan citizens’ opinions of cross-Strait
exchange mirror those expected by structural realist arguments, with many
fearing that expanded exchanges will deepen Taiwan’s economic dependence
and provide Beijing with political leverage over Taipei. For Ma’s engagement
policy to proceed further, both sides will need to demonstrate that exchanges
will not compromise Taiwan’s security and sovereignty and that Ma’s more
cordial policy towards the mainland has enhanced the island’s international
Chapter 7 turns our attention to the resolution of the Taiwan impasse. In the
view of Phil Saunders and Scott Kastner, the time is ripe, given that during Tai-
wan’s 2008 presidential election both candidates advocated signing a peace
agreement with Beijing. Moreover, Chinese leaders have expressed interest in
reaching such an agreement. The two authors argue that although substantial
obstacles remain in the way of a cross-Strait peace agreement, increased interest
on both sides suggests that a closer examination of an agreement’s possible
dimensions and consequences is warranted. In their chapter, they consider what
an agreement might look like, whether and how it might be effective in reducing
the possibility of cross-Strait military conflict, the relevant barriers to an agree-
ment, and whether an agreement—if reached—would likely endure.
Yuchao Zhu also stresses problem resolution in Chapter 8. Zhu’s chapter
investigates if “democratic peace theory” (DPT) and “economic peace theory”
(EPT) have any value in addressing the Taiwan problem. DPT suggests a demo-
cratic China would most likely resolve the Taiwan issue peacefully. Thus, the
solution to the Taiwan problem is to promote democracy in China: no easy task.
EPT suggests the route to conflict avoidance and the eventual attainment of a
peaceful solution is through increased bilateral economic integration. Democ-
racy and economic integration may well be able to facilitate peaceful solutions
in most cases. As for the complex cross-Strait relationship, however, these theo-
ries have only partial validity and certainly are not a panacea.
Using earlier chapters as a base, Scott Kastner’s conclusion discusses what, if
anything, international relations (IR) theory may contribute to the study of cross-
Strait relations. Kastner concludes it may enhance our understanding of the case,
but that it needs to be applied cautiously. After discussing some of the benefits
and drawbacks associated with applying IR theory to China–Taiwan relations,
he probes an important issue in greater detail. Specifically, he considers how IR
theory can help organize analysts’ thinking about the prospects for war and
18 J.-M.F. Blanchard and D.V. Hickey
peace in the Strait. He first uses existing IR theory to derive three potential war
scenarios. He then shows that these scenarios can be useful in thinking through
how possible future political change in the PRC might impact on the likelihood
of a cross-Strait military conflict, and how deepening economic integration
between China and Taiwan affects the odds of such a conflict in the future.
This introduction provides an overview of China–Taiwan interactions since
1947, a primer on the contemporary cross-Strait relationship since Ma won the
Taiwan presidency in 2008 and a summary of US views about the warming of
ties between Taiwan and the mainland since Ma’s election. It also surveys efforts
by analysts to use international relations theory to illuminate the cross-Strait
dynamic, giving special attention to the literature that delves into the politico-
economy of the relationship.
From a policy perspective, the works herein yield many useful insights. For
example, Chapter 1 shows that decision-making elites should expand their
mindset beyond removing divergences to eliminating convergences (e.g., a
shared understanding of Westphalian sovereignty), while Chapter 3 highlights
the potential value of promoting convergences in different realms (e.g., ethnic-
ity). As well, Chapter 5 illustrates that unofficial interactions can advance the
relationship. Moreover, Chapters 8 and 9 offer explicit policy suggestions.
In terms of theory, the book shows the limits of realism to illuminate the
China–Taiwan dynamic. More importantly, Chapters 2, 4, and 5 lend weight to
the international relations literature that is attuned to domestic political variables,
broadly understood, while other contributions highlight the importance of con-
sidering more ideational and normative explanatory factors. Still other chapters
demonstrate how international relations theory can be fruitfully employed to
analyze the ideal form and durability of a PRC–Taiwan peace agreement
(Chapter 7), the potential for a cross-Strait democratic peace (Chapter 8), and the
likelihood of war between the mainland and Taiwan (Conclusion).
Going forward, there are several areas analysts ought to address. First,
studies on the politico-economy of cross-Strait relations need to integrate more
closely with the broader literature in the political economy of national security
subfield. For instance, analysts need to consider how perceptions (e.g., trade
expectations) and the institutional context shape the political effects of eco-
nomic ties).143 Second, it may prove fruitful to examine whether China’s foreign
policy doctrines—e.g., Peaceful Rise, Harmonious World, and Multidimen-
sional Diplomacy—influence its Taiwan policy.144 Third, it would be useful to
delve more deeply into the domestic politics of Beijing’s Taiwan policy
making, no easy task given, as one scholar put it, “the black box of Zhongnan-
hai.”145 Some observers feel that theorists need to consider, too, whether inter-
national relations theory is the best way to gain traction into a question which
many in Beijing and Taipei believe is a mixture of the international and the
Introduction 19
There should be no doubt about the need to carefully study the China–Taiwan
relationship. As one historian observed, “The Taiwan Strait . . . remains the most
dangerous place on earth today. While much of the world focuses on threats
from terrorists, only Taiwan can trigger war between nuclear-armed great
powers.”146 Since 2008, though, the cross-Strait relationship has dramatically
improved, enough so that Taiwanese soldier Kyle Shih could joke that his main
reason for watching the PRC’s 60th anniversary military parade in 2009 was “to
see the Chinese female soldiers parading in their mini-skirts,” while other Tai-
wanese could look upon China’s impressive military hardware “not a threat, but
merely as ‘a symbol of China’s rise and power’.” Still, the cross-Strait security
dilemma, bilateral mistrust, and domestic political uncertainties are intense.
Hopefully, this volume will contribute not only to minimizing the risk of cross-
Strait conflict, but to an eventual peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue.
1 On these, see Gordon H. Chang and He Di, “The Absence of War in the US–China
Confrontation over Quemoy and Matsu in 1954–1955: Contingency, Luck, Deter-
rence,” The American Historical Review, Vol. 98, No. 5 (December 1993),
pp. 1500–1524; Thomas J. Christensen, Useful Adversaries: Grand Strategy,
Domestic Mobilization, and Sino–American Conflict, 1947–1958 (Princeton: Prince-
ton University Press, 1997); and Robert S. Ross, “The 1995–96 Taiwan Strait Con-
frontation: Coercion, Credibility, and the Use of Force,” International Security, Vol.
25, No. 2 (Fall 2000), pp. 87–123.
2 Christopher M. Dent, “Taiwan and the New East Asian Regionalism,” Issues &
Studies, Vol. 45, No. 4 (December 2009), pp. 107–158; Ian Taylor, “Taiwan’s
Foreign Policy and Africa: The Limitations of Dollar Diplomacy,” Journal of Con-
temporary China, Vol. 11, No. 30 (February 2002), pp. 125–140; and Lam Peng Er
and Ja Ian Chong, “Japan–Taiwan Relations: Between Affinity and Reality,” Asian
Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 4 (Winter 2004), pp. 249–267.
3 On the former, see Lowell Dittmer, “Taiwan as a Factor in China’s Quest for
National Identity,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 15, No. 49 (November
2006), pp. 671–686. Repeatedly highlighting the relevance of misperception is
Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, ed., Strait Talk: United States-Taiwan Relations and the
Crisis with China (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009).
4 Robert S. Ross, “Navigating the Taiwan Strait,” International Security, Vol. 27, No.
2 (Fall 2002), pp. 48–85; Quansheng Zhao, “Beijing’s Dilemma with Taiwan: War
or Peace?” The Pacific Review, Vol. 18, No. 2 (June 2005), pp. 217–42; and Joel
Wuthnow, “The Integration of Cooptation and Conflict: China’s Taiwan Strategy
since 2001,” East Asia, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Fall 2006), pp. 22–45.
5 Kurt M. Campbell and Derek J. Mitchell, “Crisis in the Taiwan Strait?” Foreign
Affairs, Vol. 80, No. 4 (July–August, 2001), pp. 14–25; John Franklin Copper,
Playing with Fire: The Looming War with China over Taiwan (Westport: Praeger
Security International, 2006); and Steve Tsang, ed., If China Attacks Taiwan: Mili-
tary Strategy, Politics, and Economics (New York: Routledge, 2006).
6 Donald S. Zagoria, ed., Breaking the China–Taiwan Impasse (Westport, CT:
Praeger, 2003); Steve Tsang, ed., Peace and Security across the Taiwan Strait (Bas-
ingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004); and Kenneth Lieberthal, “Preventing a War
over Taiwan,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 84, No. 2 (March–April 2005), pp. 53–63.
7 Lijun Sheng, China and Taiwan: Cross-Strait Relations under Chen Shui-bian
(London: Zed Books, 2002); Peter C.Y. Chow, ed., The “One China” Dilemma
20 J.-M.F. Blanchard and D.V. Hickey
(New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008); and Chi Su, Taiwan’s Relations with Main-
land China: A Tail Wagging Two Dogs (London: Routledge, 2009).
8 Relevant works by theme include Jack S. Levy and William R. Thompson, Causes
of War (Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010); Steven E. Lobell, Norrin M. Ripsman,
and Jeffrey W. Taliaferro, eds., Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009); and Jean-Marc F. Blanchard,
Edward D. Mansfield, and Norrin M. Ripsman, eds., Power and the Purse: Eco-
nomic Statecraft, Interdependence, and National Security (London: Frank Cass,
9 Yin-Wong Cheung, Menzie D. Chinn, and Eiji Fujii, The Economic Integration of
Greater China: Real and Financial Linkages and the Prospects for Currency Union
(Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2007); Steven M. Goldstein and Julian
Chang, eds., Economic Reform and Cross-Strait Relations: Taiwan and China in the
WTO (Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing, 2007); and Su, Taiwan’s Rela-
tions with Mainland China.
10 Alan Wachman, “Stamped Out!: Carto-Philatelic Evidence of the PRC’s Constructed
Notion of China’s Territorial Integrity,” East Asia, Vol. 22, No. 2 (June 2005),
pp. 31–55.
11 TAO, The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China (Beijing, China: Information
Office State Council, August 1993), p. 1.
12 Ibid. p. 2.
13 Ibid. p. 5.
14 Ibid. p. 9.
15 TAO, “The One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue,” White Paper Released by
the Taiwan Affairs Office and Information Office of the State Council, February 21,
2000, www.gov.cn/english/official/2005–07/27/content_17613.htm, accessed Febru-
ary 22, 2000.
16 Dennis V. Hickey interview with Dr. Ding Kuisong, Director, Division for North
American Studies, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, Beijing,
PRC, October 9, 1998.
17 Shu-Ling Ko “Ma Refers to China as ROC Territory in Magazine Interview,” Taipei
Times (October 8, 2008), p. 2, www.taipeitimes.com, accessed October 9, 2008.
18 Iok-sin Loa, “Ma Repeats ‘Region-to-Region’ Comment,” Taipei Times (December
22, 2008), p. 3, www.taipeitimes.com, accessed December 23, 2008.
19 Ko, “Ma Refers to China as ROC Territory in Magazine Interview.”
20 Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Botswana, The Chinese Government’s
Stand on the Taiwan Issue, http://bw.china-embassy.org/eng/zt/twwt/t212838.htm,
accessed May 10, 2010.
21 Interview with Senator Fred Thompson in “Dangerous Straits,” Public Broadcasting
System, Frontline (October 18, 2001), www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/
22 For a comprehensive overview of the considerations that drive Beijing’s policy
toward Taipei, see Dennis V. Hickey, “China’s Claim to Taiwan: Perception and
Policies,” in Sumit Ganguly, Andrew Scobel, and Joseph Chingyong Liow, eds., The
Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies (London: Routledge Publishers,
2010), pp. 48–60.
23 Michael Swaine, “Trouble in Taiwan,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 83, No. 2 (March/April
2004), p. 39.
24 The Century of National Humiliation refers to a period of time roughly from the
1842 Treaty of Nanjing to 1949 when China lost territory, juridical autonomy, sov-
ereign rights, foreign policy independence, and the like due to pressures from the
West and Japan. A detailed treatment of the relevant historical period can be found
in Jonathan Spence, The Search for Modern China, 2nd edn. (New York: W. W.
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