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‫البرلمان األفريقي‬ PARLAMENTO PAN-AFRICANO

Gallagher Convention Centre, Private Bag X16, Midrand 1685, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
Tel: (+27) 11 545 5000 - Fax: (+27) 11 545 5136 – Web site: www.pan-african-parliament.org


JULY 2014 TO MAY 2015.








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This report highlights some of the key activities of the Pan African
Parliament between July 2014 and May 2015. The report is
predicated on the key deliverables of the PAP namely, the Plenary,
the Committees and the Secretariat, showing the progress made
and the challenges encountered in the course of their


We are pleased to report that the Revised Protocol was finally

adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government during
the last AU Summit in June 2014, at Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.
We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the
policy organs of the AU for their support during the revision
process. Furthermore, we take the opportunity to request for your
continued support to ensure that the required number of
ratification is achieved for it to come into force.

When ratified, the PAP will be empowered to develop the legal

framework upon which Africa can begin the process of building
strong democratic institutions that would deepen democracy, good
governance, transparency and accountability which are the
prerequisites for development of peace and stability. It will also
empower the PAP to develop the transnational policy frameworks
based on AU Shared Values and on those AU policies and practices
whose benefits transcend national boundaries within the continent,
such as intra-African trade, trans national infrastructure, trans-
border movement of people, goods and services. In this way, the
PAP can indeed become the voice of the voiceless peoples of Africa

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on challenges of continental integration and shared development
amongst all Africans in line with the AU Agenda 2063.



The implementation of the PAP approved organizational structure is

in progress in accordance with the Executive Council Decision
EX.CL/720(XX1). So far, Interviews and selection processes for the
following prioritized positions have been carried out: Clerk of
Parliament D1; Deputy Clerk, Legislative Business and Conferences
P6; Deputy Clerk, Finance, Administration and Human Resources
P6; Head, Committees, Research, Documentation and Library P5;
Head, Finance and Budget P5; Interpreter/Translator P4. Senior
Internal Auditor P3; Senior Procurement Expert P3; Travel and
Stores Officer P3; Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Officer P3; Senior
International Relations Officer P3; Senior Protocol Officer P3; Senior
Assistant Clerk P3; Senior Committee Clerk P3; Senior Library and
Documentation Officer P3; Sergeant at Arms P3; Finance Officer
Accounting P2; Finance Officer P2; Finance Officer Budget and
Certifying P2; Human Resources Officer P2; Legal Officer P2; IT
Administrator/Webmaster P2; and 5 Committee Clerks P1.

Interviews and selection processes for the outstanding set of the

prioritized professional staff positions as well as the GS staff
category are currently ongoing, while most of the newly appointed
staff members have commenced duties in their various positions.

The recruitment and selection process were undertaken in a

transparent, objective, non-discriminatory and professional

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manner, fully overseen and supervised by the AUC to ensure
compliance with the AU recruitment guidelines as recommended by
the Executive Council in its Decision on the implementation

Once more, the PAP would like to use this opportunity to thank the
Permanent Representatives Committee and the Executive Council
for approving an organizational structure for the Pan African
Parliament and for providing the necessary funding for the



In conformity with Rule 28(1) of the PAP Rules of Procedures, the

Parliament had its Plenary sittings twice during the period under
review, for the 5th and 6th Ordinary Sessions of the third
Parliament in October 2014 and May 2015 respectively. The
Plenary debated and adopted resolutions and recommendations on
issues related to the mandate of the Parliament and other
important matters affecting the interest of African Citizens.

The 5th Ordinary Session of the 3rd Parliament commenced on

Monday, 13th October 2014 with the esteemed presence of our
Special Guest of Honour, His Excellency, Mr. Ibrahim Boubacar
KEITA, President of the Republic of Mali who addressed the
Parliament and expressed his encouragement and support.

The Sixth Ordinary Session of the Third Parliament of the Pan

African Parliament was held from 18th to 29th May, 2015. This
Session witnessed many memorable events including the AU Day

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celebration, the 3rd Intergenerational Dialogue and particularly the
elections of the New Bureau and its subsequent inauguration. The
opening ceremony of the session was graced with the esteemed
presence of the His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta of the
Republic of Kenya who addressed the Parliament and availed the
members his words of encouragement and support.

During the session, the Chairperson of the African Union

Commission, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma was also present at the
opening of the 3rd Intergenerational Dialogue and presented a
highly illuminating address, while the former President of the
Republic of South Africa His Excellency, Dr. Thabo Mbeki made a
presentation on illicit financial flows and ways of curbing them.

4.1 Elections of Members of the PAP Bureau

- Hon. Roger NKODO DANG (Cameroun) - President

- Hon. Eduardo Joaquim MULEMBWE (Mozambique) - 1st Vice


- Hon. Dr. Ashebir W. GAYO (Ethiopia) - 2nd Vice President

- Hon. Suelma HAY EMHAMED EL KAID (Saharawi Republic) -

3rd Vice President

- Hon. Bernadette LAHAI (Sierra Leone) - 4th Vice President

The PAP Permanent Committees, Regional caucuses, Women

Caucus and Caucus on Youth met on May 28, 2015, to elect their
new Bureaus, the election went very well as planned.

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During the period under review, the various Committees

participated in a number of regional and international meetings
and workshops. All the 10 permanent Committees of the Pan
African Parliament also held their statutory meetings. During the
meetings, the Committees had interaction with invited
stakeholders, received presentations and organized workshops.
Some of the Committee activities include the following:

5.1 Committee on Gender, Family, Youth and People

with Disability

Within the cooperation framework between the GIZ and the PAP for
2014, and in line with the AGA Joint Work Plan for 2014 to 2016,
the Committee on Gender held consultative meetings to promote
the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa
(the Maputo Protocol) from November 03 to 07, 2014 in Kigali,

The aim of the meetings was to promote the ratification and

implementation of the Protocol to ensure among others, the
elimination of all forms of discrimination against women in Africa
and to enable parliamentarians as representatives of the people to
engage in discussions that contribute to the promotion of the
welfare of the marginalized that most often include women.

5.2 Committee on Justice and Human Rights

The committee organized in collaboration with APRM, SAIIA and

AfriMAP, a planning Retreat on the Pan-African Parliament African

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Peer Review Mechanism Network (PAN) held from 12-13 March
2015. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the processes and
procedures for the formation of this network as well as its work
plan and activities in 2015.

5.3 Committee on Cooperation, International Relations

and Conflicts Resolutions

The Committee in collaboration with UNITAR organized capacity

development and knowledge sharing Seminar for the members of
the committee, the seminar was intended to support the members
of the Committee on Cooperation, International Relations and
Conflict Resolution to be better equipped to fulfil their mandate in
conflict prevention and resolution.

The Committee also held a meeting on 15 May 2015, in preparation

of the 6th Ordinary Session of the Third Parliament of the Pan
African Parliament. The objective of the meeting was to receive
presentations on peace and security situation in Africa and to
prepare report for presentation before the Plenary.

5.4 Committee on Rural Economy, Agriculture, Natural

Resources and Environment

Ten members of the committee participated in a side meeting at the

11th CAADP Platform Partnership Meeting, on Raising Awareness
on the AU-NEPAD Guidance Note on Measuring the Levels and
Quality of Government Expenditure in Agriculture on 24th March
2015. The Meeting was largely to make an exposition of the revised
AU-NEPAD Guidance Note on measuring expenditures in the
agriculture sector.

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Furthermore, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
organized a joint workshop for the Committee on Transport and
Committee on Agriculture on sustainable energy in Africa on
Saturday, 23 May 2015.

5.5 Committee on Health, Labour and Social Affairs

The committee participated in the NEPAD Consultative meetings on

the Model law on African Medicines Registration Harmonization
(AMRH). Furthermore the committee participated in the launch of
the ECOWAS Steering Committee and Technical Working Group of
the Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation Initiative and
Consultations on the AU Model Law on Regulation of Medical
Products in Accra, Ghana, as well as in the Stakeholders
Consultative meetings for Central and Northern Africa on the
African Union Model Law on Regulation of Medical Products and
Harmonization in Congo Brazzaville and Egypt, respectively. The
Committee had resolved to release a statement in solidarity with the
affected population of the deadly EBOLA virus in West Africa

5.6 Committee on Transport, Communication, Energy,

Science and Technology
The Committee organized Joint Workshop on: “Mainstreaming
Sustainable Energy Access in Africa” on 4 August 2014. The
workshop was facilitated by the Climate Parliament and the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The overall objective of
the workshop is to deepen the knowledge and understanding of
members of Parliament with regard to renewable energy
development and sustainable energy, so that they are better

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equipped to contribute to policy and financing discussions on these

5.6.1 Joint Workshop for the Committee on Transport and

Committee on Agriculture on Sustainable Energy In

The Members of the two committees, after receiving the

presentations and deliberation, made recommendations on their
role in the development of clean and sustainable energy.



Consistent with our tradition and in line with Article 18 of the

Protocol Establishing the PAP which requires the PAP to work in
close collaboration with National Parliaments and Regional
Parliamentary Bodies, the 6th Annual conference of Speakers of
African Parliaments took place on 13-14 August 2014, under the
theme, “Ten years of the existence of the Pan African
Parliament: Reflections on its Role”. As usual, the Conference
was preceded by a Meeting of the Clerks of African Parliaments on
the 12th August 2014. The Conference resolved amongst others,
that the PAP in conjunction with National Parliaments should make
concerted efforts to accelerate the ratification of the revised


This Bureau has remained consistent in organizing Regional

Parliamentary Meetings on African Platform and Ratification of the

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African Union Legal Instruments with the funding support from our
partners. During the period under review, the PAP has organized
three Regional Parliamentary meetings. The PAP organized a
regional meeting in Nouakchott, Mauritania for the Northern and
Central regions, from 24-26 September 2014, on the promotion,
ratification, domestication and implementation of AU legal
instruments. This regional meeting is particularly unique for two
reasons. First, it coincided with the 10th Year Anniversary of the
establishment of the Pan African Parliament in March, 2004.
Secondly, this is the first regional meeting since the approval of the
PAP revised Protocol by the Assembly of the African Union at the
June summit in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

Others were in Eastern Africa Region, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 19-

21 November, 2014 and in Western Africa Region, Abuja, Nigeria on
29 April to 1st May 2015 respectively. As usual, the meetings were
attended by Parliamentarians from the PAP, National and Regional
parliamentarians, the AGA Organs, relevant Government officials,
the civil society and the media.

The proceedings primarily centered on the promotion of the

ratification, domestication and implementation of African Union
Legal Instruments. The objective was to raise awareness, create
capacity and synergies among parliamentarians and the Nationals
of member countries of the regions with a view to achieving the
desired speedy ratifications and operationalization of these

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PAP organized in collaboration with African Union Commission on

22nd and 23rd May 2015, the 3rd Intergenerational dialogue with the
Pan African Parliament and African Youth. The theme of the
dialogue was: “Promoting a culture of good governance for citizen’s
action for the empowerment of young women, as well as youth
innovation and entrepreneurship”.

The 3rd Intergenerational dialogue with the Pan African Parliament

and African Youth was convened under the auspices of the African
Union Commission (AUC), the Pan African Parliament (PAP) and the
Pan African Youth Union (PYU). Under the banner of promoting a
culture of good governance for citizen’s action for the empowerment
of young women, as well as youth innovation and entrepreneurship,
the event was organized so as to take stock on the progress hitherto
made at national, regional and continental level with regard to
implementing youth development and empowerment.


The PAP organised on 25th May 2015, a celebration on Africa Day

under the theme: “2015 the year of Women’s Empowerment and
Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063”.

The objectives of the celebrations were to:

(i) Strengthen PAP MPs to play proactively their oversight role in

relation to the empowerment of women in Africa.

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(ii) Share experiences on strategies to promote women’s
participation and leadership in decision-making processes in
(iii) Review the progress of the African Women’s Decade (2010 –
2020) in so far as empowerment for Africa women is

Explore strategic approaches in promoting economic empowerment

for women in Africa.


As we have reported earlier, in order to facilitate its oversight

functions, the PAP had adopted a Resolution (PAP/P(3)RES/03(1)
on 18 October 2012 to align its Permanent Committees with the
AUC Departments to ensure relevance, synergy, legitimacy and
effective implementation of the policies and objectives of the
OAU/AEC and ultimately, of the African Union” (Article 3 of the
To this effect, the PAP has regularly invited the various
Departments of the AUC and relevant organs of the Union to attend
our sessions and to make presentations on issues relating to their
functions, which were normally debated and necessary
recommendations made. In this connection, the PAP as part of its
oversight functions, “to discuss the budget of the Union and make
recommendations thereon prior to its approval by the Assembly”,
has for the second time, debated and made an input into the
African Union budget.

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During the period under review and in line with Decision No

EX.Cl/Dec.534 (XVI), the Pan African Parliament and other AU
relevant organs to participate in the AU Election Observer Missions
Accordingly, the PAP has participated in the following election
observation missions:
South Africa: Presidential, Parliamentary and Provincial held on 7th
May, 2014;
Malawi: Tripartite elections held on 20th May 2014;
The Arab Republic of Egypt: held on the 26 to 28 May 2014
Presidential Election in Zambia, January 2015;
Parliamentary Election in Lesotho, February 2015;
General Election in Nigeria, March 2015;
General Election in Sudan, April 2015;
Presidential Election in Togo, April 2015 and
Presidential Election in Republic of Benin, April 2015


The development of a collaborative approach on engagement by the
PAP has resulted in a more strategic and coordinated approach to
partnerships with international and regional organizations and with
the civil society. During the reporting period, the PAP engaged with
the European Parliament (EP), the European Union (EU), and the
United Nations (UN) with regard to strengthening partnerships to
deliver more effective outcomes.

Following meetings held on the Millennium Development Goal

Agenda post 2015, the PAP with support from Development
Partners established a framework to monitor the implementation of

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the MDG Agenda post 2015. The framework is called the MDG
Barometer. A Regional Meeting on ‘Governance and Accountability
Framework Required for the Post 2015 Development Agenda’ was
convened in Johannesburg in May 2015 to agree on the framework.
The framework will be used to track progress at national level on
the implementation of the MDG programme. Members of Parliament
will report to the PAP plenary meetings and the PAP in turn will
produce an annual report called the MDG Barometer.

The Pan African Parliament through the joint partnership with the
European Parliament organized joint meetings both in Europe and
Africa on the issue of African migrants to Europe. Both Parliaments
agree that the situation in the Mediterranean is a tragedy and that
the two continents should mobilize all their efforts to prevent
further loss of life at sea. The two Parliaments further agree to
tackle the root causes of the human emergency in cooperation with
countries of origin and transit. Having regard to the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 the two Parliaments called for
closer coordination of African Union and European Union Member
states to develop policies to tackle the root causes of migration,
underdevelopment, and violence in countries of origin to reduce
further loss of life at sea.

12.1 The 30th AWEPA Anniversary Seminar

The 30TH AWEPA anniversary seminar was hosted by the PAP on 2nd
and 3rd October 2014. The objective of the seminar was to frame an
African-European parliamentary dialogue on migration and
development. The dialogue was expected to develop strategies on

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how to maximize the positive impact of migration on development
and to agree on the role that Parliaments can play in the process.


Collaboration with AU Organs is an integral factor in achieving the

overall objectives of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP). Conscious of
this fact and in conformity with its mandate, the PAP takes the
initiative to forge inter-organ relationships within the African Union
governance architecture for synergy and more effective

13.1 African Governance Architecture (AGA)

The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) is a key organ involved in the

implementation of the African Governance Architecture (AGA). The
PAP continues to partner and collaborate with the relevant Key AU
organs in organizing and executing programs within the AGA
platform as the continental institutional framework aimed at
connecting, empowering and building capacities of African peoples
in strengthening governance and consolidating democracy in Africa.


The PAP continues to rely heavily on donor support for the funding
of its programmes. With regard to resource mobilisation, most of
the partners have indicated that they will support activities linked
to governance and human rights. The following development
Partners have indicated their willingness to continue to support the

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work of the PAP by providing financial resources namely; the EC;

The GIZ and the EC in particular have committed to continue to

support the PAP through the African Governance Architecture
(AGA) where activities will be implemented jointly with other Organs
of the AU such as the African Commission, the African Court and
the Department of Political Affairs (DPA). The other funding
modality of GIZ is through an Annual Work Plan in line with the
GIZ Cooperation Agreement


The South African Broadcasting Cooperation has now established a

24 Hour channel with continental coverage. It will now be possible
for the Pan African Parliament proceedings to be broadcasted live
throughout the continent ensuring that African citizenry are aware
of the role, functions and outputs of the Parliament. The Pan
African Parliament has also teamed with civil society organizations
in South Africa to raise awareness on issues affecting women and
the Girl Child. Through this effort, the PAP hopes to raise
awareness and track progress on MDGs pertaining to women.


16.1 Inadequate financial resources

The inadequacy of the approved budget for the execution of the
PAP’s programmes and activities remain a major challenge for the
institution. Even with the approved budget, only part of same is
released. The PAP, like most other AU Organs, relies heavily on

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financial and technical support from donors to implement its
programmes. This has not augured well for the effective
implementation of its mandate and therefore needs to be addressed
as a matter of priority.

16.2 Secretariat staffing

The inadequacy of the required number of professional secretariat
staff for the effective execution of the mandate of the PAP remains a
challenge. However with the approval of the PAP organisational
structure and the provision of the necessary fund for its execution,
the recruitment process is ongoing. It is hoped that at the fullness
of time, this challenge will be a thing of the past.


Within the limit of its capacity as a consultative and advisory organ

and despite its funding challenges, the PAP has made appreciable
progress in the execution of its mandate. However, we believe that
with enhanced mandate and adequate funding, the PAP will no
doubt perform more effectively and efficiently achieve its strategic

The PAP also believes that Agenda 2063 provides a unique platform
to actualize the vision of the founding fathers of the AU. Given the
failures of the past frameworks, it has become imperative that for
continental growth, development and sustainability, the PAP as a
continental Parliamentary organ of the African Union needs to be
strengthened as a veritable instrument integral to the realization of
the aspirations, goals and milestones of Agenda 2063.

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Against the above background, while we continue to thank the
Assembly for adopting the revised PAP Protocol, we implore Your
Excellencies to use your good offices to support its ratification.

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