Cultural Imperialism Lesson

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Cultural Imperialism

Getting Started

Watch the YouTube video on cultural imperialism and answer the questions

1. In your words, what is cultural imperialism?

2. How is cultural imperialism related to communication?

Discovering New Knowledge

Cultural Imperialism

Cultural imperialism is the imposition or extension of cultural influence of a

dominating nation over less powerful societies. It is perceived to be a “cultural legacy of
colonialism and is attributed to Western hegemony” (Said, 1994 in Drysen, 2016, p. 1).
From a post-colonial perspective, it creates a notion of dichotomy between the oriental
and the occidental culture, seeing the East as inferior and the West as superior (Said,
1994 in Drysen, 2016). In other words, Western culture dominates the global
community, while Eastern culture tries to preserve its own and adjust to the modern
world system shaped and overpowered by the West.

In communication, cultural imperialism is seen from various perspectives. One is

McPhil’s (2014 in Drysen, 2016 p. 3) electronic colonialism. Less powerful societies
continuously adapt to the importation of hardware, software and other forms of
communication technologies produced and developed by first world countries to
improve their own mass media and communication networks. This somehow leads to
alterations of domestic cultures brought by exo-cultural norms and values of the West.
With this technological breakthrough is the rise of English as the lingua franca of global
communication. It has become the language of globalization and has spread cultural
perspectives (American/English) through new media and technological advancements
(Drysen, 2016 p. 3). This has even led some in taking English Language tests (IELTS,
TOEIC, TOEFL, etc.) that set criteria and standards on English language proficiency for
global mobility and work opportunity. In some cases, language loyalty is lost, embracing
the new Western identity and totally choosing and using the new spoken language of
the West.

To still realize the identity from the high influence of global English, a “new”
English has emerged which in some way is a form of linguistic hybridity (English and the
native tongue) and cultural preservation. This has contributed to the rise of Asian
Englishes, one of which is called Philippine English. This is a localized form of English
that describes the sociolinguistic realities underpinning distinct varieties in terms of their
sociolinguistic histories, as well as a description of the status and functions of English
within outer circle Asian communities, not least in relation to local hierarchies of
language (Bolton, 2008 p.8). From here various issues arise such as “what he standard
English is” and the “question on language proficiency.”

Talking it Over

1. What are the positive and negative effects of cultural imperialism in


2. How is cultural imperialism important in the study of communication?

Making it Work for You

Draw an editorial cartoon or caricature that illustrates cultural imperialism and

communication. Write an appropriate caption for it.


Mercado, Ma. Cristina P., Purposive Communication. (Malabon City: Mutya Publishing
House, Inc., 2018) pp. 19-21.

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