learning outcomes
By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to recognise and use school words.
New language bag, book, chair, classroom, crayon, desk, pen, pencil, pencil case, rubber,
Pupil's book at p4,
1. introduce the first pic:
the Friendly Farm
Jim and Jenny, Cameron, Grandpa and
A house and a barn
Show the pics of Tractor and twins
write down the words on the white board for them to copy.
2. guess the ages
3. Listen and find out how old they are.
Pupil's book p5
1. Ask, Who can you see in the pictures?
2. have students listen to the song as I tap out the rhythm on the table.
lyrics-the friendly farm.pdf
3. listen to the story and pause after each frame to check understanding by asking the
following questions:
F1: Where are they? In the barn. What's a barn? Show them a pic of a barn
Frame 2: Who's this? (Point to the cat and ask). This is Cameron.
F3: How old is Cameron?
F4: This is... (Harry), He's ...? (eight)
F5: This is ... (Gracie), and.... (Shelly)
F6: Rocky is ... (two), How old is Shelly? (We don't know.)
• Say Open your Pupil's Books at page 6. Say Look at the picture. Ask, Where is it? (A
school) Say Where are we? We're in school. Encourage learners to repeat. Say Point to
red/blue/yellow/green. Learners point. Point to different objects in the picture, e.g. desks,
chairs, clocks and board, and ask What colour is this? Use self-assessment SA card Say OK.
Let's learn
•Say Close your books. Mime closing your book. Learners copy. Ask Can you remember? Mime
thinking. Say Hmm ... a green chair. What else can you remember?
• Learners call out what they can remember from the picture.
AB p7
1. vocab 1
2. sounds and spelling P, b
TB: PU 1 TB 23W.pdf, PU 1 TB 24W.pdf
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