A2 Preliminary Word List - A

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1. a/an (det) 18.

adventure (n)

2. a few (det, adj & pron) 19. advert (n)

• I invited a few of my friends. 20. advertisement (n)

• I’ll be ready in a few minutes. 21. advice (n)

3. able (adj) 22. aeroplane (n)

• be able to 23. afraid (adj)

4. about (adv & prep) 24. after (adv & prep)

• What about a cold drink? 25. afternoon (n)

• I have about £3. (adv) 26. afterwards (adv)

• a book about animals (prep) 27. again (adv)

5. above (adv & prep) 28. against (prep)

6. accident (n) • We watched England play against France.

7. across (adv & prep) 29. age (n)

• The bank’s across the road. • I don’t know his age.

• He walked across the bridge. 30. aged (adj)

8. act (n & v) • aged 10 – 16

9. action (adj) 31. ago (adv)

10. activity (n) 32. agree (v)

11. actor (n) • Yes, I agree with you.

12. actually (adv) • Don’t you agree, Sam?

13. ad (n) 33. air (n)

• an ad on TV 34. to travel by air

14. add (v) 35. airport (n)

15. address (n) 36. alarm clock (n)

16. adult (adj & n) 37. album (n)

17. advanced (adj) 38. all (adv, det & pron)

39. all kinds of (det & pron) 65. anyone (pron)

40. allow (v) 66. anything (pron)

41. all right/alright (adj, adv & exclam) 67. anyway (adv)

42. all sorts of (det & pron) 68. anywhere (adv)

43. all the time (det) 69. apartment (n)

44. almost (adv) 70. apartment building (n)

45. alone (adj & adv) 71. app (n)

46. along (prep) 72. apple (n)

47. already (adv) 73. appointment (n)

48. alright (adj, adv & exclam) • an appointment with the doctor

49. also (adv) 74. area (n)

50. always (adv) 75. arm (n)

51. a.m. (adv) 76. armchair (n)

52. amazed (adj) 77. around (adv & prep)

53. amazing (adj) • to travel around (adv)

54. ambulance (n) • to sit around the table (prep)

55. among (prep) 78. arrive (v)

56. an (det) 79. art (n)

57. and (conj) 80. article (n)

58. angry (adj) • an article about skiing artist (n)

59. animal (n) 81. as (conj & adv & prep)

60. another (det & pron) • as good as

61. answer (n & v) • as soon as possible

62. any (det & pron) • the same as

63. anybody (pron) • as well

64. anymore (adv) • as well as

82. ask (v)

83. assistant (n)

84. as well (adv)

85. as well (as) (prep)

86. at (prep)

87. at / @ (prep)

• My email address is david@gmail.com

88. at all (prep phr)

89. attractive (adj)

• The walls are an attractive colour.

90. aunt (n)

91. autumn (n)

92. available (adj)

93. away (adv)

• He’s gone away.

• It’s two kilometres away.

94. awesome (adj)

95. awful (adj)

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