Bromma all-electric and hydraulic spreader solutions are well-known
for their high performance/low maintenance characteristics.
The world of container handling is a tough one.
Only the toughest equipment survives.
Bromma Services: Solutions
For Real-World Container Handling A Greater Return On Investment
Bromma yard crane spreaders are backed by the spreader industry’s In the end, what sets Bromma apart from competitors is a major
strongest service organization. At Bromma our mission is not only difference in lifetime value. A spreader fleet made up of marginally
to provide the yard equipment terminals need, but the service and less reliable spreaders is a more expensive spreader fleet. Less reliable
support you need. Bromma Services solutions include everything spreaders require more service maintenance time and expense. They
from quick availability to spare parts to a full spectrum of preventive lead to more capital being tied up in spreader fleet spares – capital
and corrective maintenance services. Bromma information services that could be re-allocated to terminal growthproducing initiatives.
include knowledge products derived from our advanced, pioneering Less reliable spreaders lead to slower ship turns, and less efficient
SCS-Modular technology. berth allocation, thus compromising the competitive position of your
terminal, and putting a ceiling on terminal revenue.
The Bromma mission begins with listening to our customers. Excep-
tional service and support is something our customers expect, and it is What determines true spreader value? Spreader value is not calculated
something we are committed to deliver. simply by looking at initial spreader price. Spreader value is best calcu-
lated by looking at the performance and operating costs of a spreader over
Yard Spreaders Engineered To Be Feature-Rich a lifetime – lifetime energy costs, lifetime service and maintenance costs,
Bromma yard spreaders are feature-rich. The yard family includes a side and most importantly, spreader reliability and productivity. The Bromma
shift capability on both hydraulic and all-electric models. YSX40E and yard family of crane spreaders delivers a higher return on investment.
YSX45E single-lift spreaders are available with electric flippers. The
twistlock head shape improves the ability to handle non aligned 20’ The Leading Global Partner In Spreaders
containers. The all-electric twistlock drive design is both simple and Selecting a spreader is also a matter of selecting a company. Bromma
reliable, with an electric motor that drives the twistlock movement via a spreaders are backed by the strongest company in spreaders. Bromma
gearbox and rods connected to each twistlock pin. The twin boxes on the means strength: financial strength, staying power, and safety.
YTR40/45 and the YTS45 have increased float for better handling of non- Bromma means knowledge: spreaders are our only business, and on a
aligned 20’ containers. Electrical cabinets are mounted with specially global basis we have the industry’s most experienced spreader organi-
designed shock absorbers, identical to Bromma ship to shore spreaders. zation. Bromma means consistency: we have always stood behind our
products across their lifecycle, and we never walk away from a problem.
Yard spreaders can be delivered with automatic electric flipper arms Bromma means resources: a global team with production capacity of
specially designed for yard crane operation. The flippers can be over 2,000 spreaders a year, and our continuing investment in R&D
mounted as side flippers and combined with fixed guide arms. The elec- is the industry’s highest. Finally, Bromma means global: we are the
tric flipper gearbox is equipped with a safety function which makes the spreader business partner best-equipped to meet the needs of other
flipper retract at a force of 3000 Nm or more. Yard spreaders provided global organizations.
with hydraulic powerpack can also be equipped with automatic flipper
arms specially designed for yard crane operation. The flippers can be The Bromma yard product family offers the industry’s most reliable
mounted as side flippers and combined with fixed guide arms. The all-electric and high-performance hydraulic solutions, backed by the
flipper motor is equipped with chock relief valves which makes the industry’s premier company in spreaders.
flipper arm retract if the oil pressure exceeds 140 bar.
All-electric product family
Engineering excellence means careful attention to the little things in All-electric spreaders from Bromma are one important step toward safe
spreader design. The continuous improvement engineering philoso- and sustainable port operating environments. They reduce consum-
phy of Bromma has led to yard spreaders that are engineered for higher ables, lessen CO2 emissions through lower crane power consumption,
performance. protect water through the elimination of oil leaks, enhance worker
safety, and lower spreader noise. Just as important, they produce
Built To Run Longer, Run Tougher spreader lifecycle cost savings that serve to economically justify green
The world of container handling is a tough one. Only the toughest investment. Finally, they enhance a container terminal’s competitive
equipment survives. As with all Bromma products, yard crane spreaders position through the superior reliability of green spreader equipment.
are built to last. Bromma durability is due in part to the use of high
quality steel, which is renowned for its unique combination of strength, All-electric spreaders from Bromma are strong and light, actually
weldability, and formability. Bromma durability is also a result of substantially lighter than the spreaders they replace. This significantly
Bromma design. Designing a better spreader doesn’t necessarily mean reduces annual crane power consumption costs as well. Bromma has a
designing a more complicated spreader. Good design emerges from history of environmental awareness, and Bromma R&D has for many
strong design values. At Bromma these values include easy accessibility, years made engineering choices, in part, based on environmental
ease of maintenance, and interchangeable, standardized spare parts for concerns. Bromma is committed to environmental leadership in
a reduced spare parts inventory. Finally, Bromma durability results from spreaders.
state-of-the-art spreader factory in Asia, where all major components are
jig-built for a high degree of accuracy. At Bromma quality stability is one
goal among many in our commitment to world-class manufacturing.
Bromma telescopic spreaders, YSX40E and YSX45E for yard cranes, are there are provisions made for signals in the cab indicating the position
spreaders calculated for two million cycles. The spreaders are as stan- of the twistlocks and landing pin status.
dard equipped with 4 x 10 metric tons lifting lugs in the corners of the
end beams for heavy lifts and for handling damaged containers. Made of high quality steel, the YSX40E and YSX45E spreaders provides
high lifting capacity with a low nominal tare weight thanks to the box
The spreaders consists of a rectangular frame construction enabling design of the telescoping arms and the main frame. The spreaders are
easy location on containers. The spreaders can adjust their length to lift designed in accordance with EN13001. All components can be easily
20’, 40’ and *45 foot containers using ISO floating twistlocks. assembled, adjusted, removed and are accessible for inspection and
The all-electric spreader reduces power consumption to approximately
1/10 of a comparable hydraulic spreader. The electrical motors only YSX40E and YSX45E are silent and price worthy alternative for most
consume electricity when an operation is performed. The electrical applications, particularly in environmentally sensitive terminals.
equipment and the cable chain system are well protected in the main
All motions of the spreader are controlled from the driver’s cab and
The telescopic spreaders are of rectangular frame construction enabling Made of high quality steel, the standard YTR40E and YTR45E spreader
easy location on containers. The spreaders are as standard equipped with provides high lifting capacity with a low nominal tare weight thanks
4 x10 metric tons lifting lugs in the corners of the end beams for heavy lifts to the box design of the telescoping beams and the main frame. The
and for handling damaged containers. spreader is designed in accordance with EN13001. All components can
be easily assembled, adjusted, removed and are accessible for inspec-
All motions of the spreader are controlled from the driver’s cab and tion and maintenance.
there are provisions made for signals in the cab indicating the position
of the twistlocks and landing pin status. All movements of the YTR40E The spreader comes with the SCS-Modular Control System, reducing
and YTR45E are electrically driven. This means that the spreader is and preventing downtime through improvements in the area of
silent and consumes energy only when moving. electrical connections. It will also shorten downtime through faster
spreader fault diagnostics.
With the Bromma all electric adjustable twinlift Spreader YTS45E a All motions of the spreader are controlled from the driver’s cab and
larger percentage of above-deck containers can be transported in twin- there are provisions made for signals in the cab indicating the position
lift mode. The twinlift spreader can move two 20 foot containers from a of the twistlocks and landing pin status.
spacing of 0 to 1.6 metres (0 to 5 foot) under full load while suspended
under the twistlocks. All movements of the YTS45E are electrically driven. This means that the
spreader is silent and consumes energy only when moving.
Two containers can be moved synchronised towards one another and
apart from one another. The movements can be done at anytime in the Made of high quality steel, the standard YTS45E spreader provides high
crane cycle and are mechanically controlled to be symmetrical. There is lifting capacity with a low nominal tare weight thanks to the box design
no stopping time to change the container spacing. of the telescoping beams and the main frame. The spreader is designed
in accordance with EN13001. All components can be easily assembled,
The telescopic spreader YTS45E is of rectangular frame construction adjusted, removed and are accessible for inspection and maintenance.
enabling easy location on containers. The spreader is as standard
equipped with 4 x10 metric tons lifting lugs in the corners of the end The spreader comes with the SCS-Modular Control System, reducing and
beams for heavy lifts and for handling damaged containers. preventing downtime through improvements in the area of electrical
connections. It will also shorten downtime through faster spreader
fault diagnostics.
The Bromma YSX40 and YSX45 are yard crane spreaders with mechanical The electrical components and the cable chain system are well protected
structure calculated for 2 million cycles. The spreaders can adjust their inside the main frame. The hydraulic power pack is entirely enclosed
length to lift 20’, 40’ and *45 foot containers using ISO floating twist- within the main frame to ensure maximum protection. The complete
locks. hydraulic unit is shock mounted in one sturdy frame with protective
The telescopic spreader is of a rectangular frame construction enabling
easy location on containers. As a standard, the spreader is equipped Made of high quality steel, the standard YSX40 and YSX45 yard spreader
with 4 x 10 metric tons lifting lugs in the corners of the end beams for provides high lifting capacity with a low nominal tare weight thanks
heavy lifts and for handling damaged containers. to the box design of the telescoping arms and the main frame. The
spreader is designed in accordance with EN13001. All components can
All motions of the spreader are controlled from the driver’s cab and be easily assembled, adjusted, removed and are accessible for inspec-
there are provisions made for signals in the cab indicating the position tion and maintenance.
of the twistlocks and landing pin status. Control valves for twistlock and
guide arms are mounted on the end beams, in order to simplify mainte-
nance and to minimize the number of hydraulic hoses in the cable chain
The Bromma YTR40 and YTR45 are heavy-duty yard crane spreaders with The electrical components and the cable chain system are well protected
mechanical structure calculated for 2 million cycles. They are designed inside the main frame. The hydraulic power pack is entirely enclosed
for twinlift capability and can handle two 20 foot containers at the same within the main frame to ensure maximum protection. The complete
time or one 40 or one 45 foot container. The design is well proven. hydraulic unit is shock mounted in one sturdy frame with protective
The telescopic spreader is of a rectangular frame construction enabling
easy location on containers. As a standard, the spreader is equipped Made of high quality steel, the standard YTR40 and YTR45 spreader
with 4 x 10 metric tons lifting lugs in the corners of the end beams for provides high lifting capacity with a low nominal tare weight thanks to
heavy lifts and for handling damaged containers. the box design of the telescoping arms and the main frame. The spreader
is designed in accordance with EN13001. All components can be easily
All motions of the spreader are controlled from the driver’s cab and assembled, adjusted, removed and are accessible for inspection and
there are provisions made for signals in the cab indicating the posi- maintenance.
tion of the twistlocks and landing pin status. Control valves for twist-
lock and guide arms are mounted on the end beams, in order to simplify
maintenance and to minimize the number of hydraulic hoses in the
cable chain system.
The Bromma YTS45 is a heavy-duty yard crane spreader equipped with guide arms are mounted at the end beams to simplify maintenance and
retractable twinlift unit for handling two 20 foot containers at the same to minimize the number of hydraulic hoses in the cable chain system.
time, or one 40 or 45 foot container. The twinlift spreader can move two
20 foot containers from a spacing of 0 to 1.6 metres (0 to 5 foot) under The electrical components and the cable chain system are well protected
full load while suspended under the twistlocks. Low noise level and inside the main frame. The hydraulic power pack is entirely enclosed
robust design are some other advantages. within the main frame to ensure maximum protection. The complete
hydraulic unit is shock mounted in one sturdy frame with protective
The telescopic spreader is of a rectangular frame construction enabling covers.
easy location on containers. As a standard, the spreader is equipped
with 4 x10 metric tons lifting lugs in the corners of the end beams for Made of high quality steel, the standard YTS45 spreader provides high
heavy lifts and for handling damaged containers. lifting capacity with a low nominal tare weight thanks to the box design
of the telescoping beams and the main frame. The spreader is designed
All motions of the spreader are controlled from the driver’s cab and in accordance with EN13001.
there are provisions made for signals in the cab indicating the position
of the twistlocks and landing pin status. Control valves for twistlock and
Bromma YSX45E PLUS telescopic yard spreader is an all-electric With the Plus-range telescopic drive and twistlock system, the
spreader with a steel structure calculated for two million cycles YSX45E PLUS has a stronger telescopic drive and improved han-
and increased SWL to 51 MT. dling of damaged containers.
The YSX45E PLUS is perfectly suitable for use in ASC applications. The all-electric spreader reduces power consumption to approxi-
With their fewer service points, lower weight and absence of hy- mately 1/10 of a hydraulic spreader, as the electrical motors only
draulics, this spreader features high availability, easy mainte- consume electricity when in operation. Components are easily
nance and extended durability. YSX45E PLUS delivers high pro- accessible for inspection and maintenance. The spreader motions
ductivity performance, long service life and maximum safety. Yet are controlled from the crane.
it is surprisingly lightweight, in many cases several metric tons
lighter than comparable spreaders in the market. As standard, the YSX45E PLUS is relay controlled but
can also be equipped with the SCS-Modular as a control system
The YSX45E PLUS is a silent alternative for most applications, par- option.
ticularly in environmentally sensitive terminals.
Bromma Spreader Monitoring System
Get an instant single view of the health condition of every spreader in your fleet.
Bromma SMS is a cloud based service designed to help terminal operators to detect
and prevent spreader failures, prioritize and plan maintenance operations and re-
solve potential problems before they become real.
Get an instant single view of the health View packaged information on issues Spend less time on planning
condition of every spreader in your fleet and recommended solutions maintenance
The system aggregates key statistics from SMS helps you understand the errors and SMS keeps track of the maintenance needs
the spreaders to present an easy to read warnings from the spreader’s diagnos- of each spreader in your fleet. By monitor-
overview and identify any current issues. tics system. To make sure the issues are ing spreader usage in real time, it helps you
A health bar indicates the real-time sta- resolved, each warning includes a list of to schedule to exactly when it is needed.
tus of particular spreader in your fleet. recommended actions. 13
Bromma engineers have developed a number of smart and reliable hard treatment with less servicing need, and have contributed
solutions for the yard. Some of these solutions come from the tough greatly to the success of Bromma and our leading market position.
environment of ship to shore spreaders.
Telescoping system
The chain driven telescopic system, with shock absorbing blocks of
spring washers and tension rods, comes directly from Brommas ship to
shore spreaders.
The SCS-Modular control system delivers advanced monitoring and
diagnostic information. It also simplifies the spreader as it elimi-
nates or minimizes junction boxes, terminal strips, relays and DIN
rails. The CANopen field bus decreases cabling still more.
Electrical Cabinet
A common downtime reason is connection failures caused by repetitive
impact between the spreader and the containers. The electrical cabinets
are mounted with specially designed shock absorbers, identical to the
ship to shore spreaders. This together with the enclosure IP66 ensures
many untroubled working hours.
Please note that the picture shows an YTS45E, certain items will look different for other models.
Breakdowns will happen, whether we like or not. Besides spare parts, maintenance and repairs,
That’s the very nature of any piece of mechanical we offer to help customers keep their equipment
equipment. Not even a Bromma spreader escapes intact and in pace with time through our
being affected by the elements. upgrade and refurbishment services.
And although tools such as SCS-Modular and We offer a complete range of spreader-related services,
Spreader Monitoring System improve predictabil- including spare parts handling, refurbishment (giving
ity, things do happen out of the plan. Then it is new life to used spreaders), and upgrading your exist-
important to have a close partner to work with. ing equipment to current standards. We also provide
service and maintenance agreements and many practi-
Our services are all about ensuring your opera- cal and theoretical courses.
tional reliability. Our service portfolio contains
every service you need to keep your equipment
operational at all times – services delivered timely
and in a friendly spirit, on a global basis.
Training Upgrades
Enables you to order spare parts. The user-friendly interface together with a powerful search
function will ensure quick and accurate ordering of Bromma original parts.
Page |20’ |40’ |45’ |2x20’ Weight
YSX40E 6 |
· ·
| | | | About 5.7 metric tons
YSX45E 6 |
· · ·
| | | | About 6.4 metric tons
YTR40E 7 |
· ·
| | |
· | About 9.1 metric tons
YTR45E 7 |
· · · ·
| | | | About 10.6 metric tons
YTS45E 8 | | |
| |
· · · ·
About 10.9 metric tons
YSX40 9 |
· ·
| | | | About 7.6 metric tons
YSX45 9 |
· · ·
| | | | About 9.4 metric tons
YTR40 10 |
· ·
| | |
· | About 9.1 metric tons
YTR45 10 | | |
| |
· · · ·
About 10.6 metric tons
YTS45 11 |
· · · ·
| | | | About 11.2 metric tons
· · ·
PLUS 12 | | | | | About 7.0 metric tons
POWER SWL (in metric tons) SPEED (sec.)
(kW) Even. Eccen. Twin Twistlocks 90° Telescope Operating Details
0–3.0 41 41 ~1 ~25
0–3.0 41 41 ~1 ~30
7.5 41 41 ~1 ~28
7.5 41 41 ~1 ~30
(Revision January 2020)