Description Page No.
1.0 Acknowledgement 2
2.0 Introduction 3
3.0 Executive Summary 4
4.0 Lightning Protection for Structure in Hazards Area 5-9
5.0 Lightning protection of product tanks 9-10
6.0 Lightning Protection of Plant Building and Structures 11-14
7.0 Surge Protection Device 14
8.0 Typical drawing for LPS on building 15
9.0 Typical drawing of SPD 16
The salient points highlighted in the ‘executive Summary” are inductive
only and not exhaustive
1 Protection Surge protection system Shall be provided to panel in LT
measures to not available in LT Control panel room.
reduce failure of Panel. Overvoltage surges are major
electrical and cause of failure of electronics
electronic equipment like computer &
systems. sophisticated electrical equipment,
PCB’s etc. The lightning surge,
Switching surge can be avoided
by installing SPD.
As per Clause No. 4.1.1, OISD 180 “For hazardous areas lightning protection is essential
considering the serious consequences of fire / damage due to lightning strokes and shall be
provided irrespective of the value of risk factor. As mentioned in IS/IEC 62305-2, at least
Class II LPS (Lightning Protection System) should be adopted for the structure with a risk of
As per Clause No 4.4, Para 3 of OISD 180, in most cases, Non-isolated LPS are provided for
the structure to be protected.
The following parts of a structure should be considered and may be used as natural air
termination components and part of an LPS
- Electrical continuity between the various parts is made durable (e.g. by means of brazing,
welding, crimping, seaming, screwing or bolting),
- the thickness of the metal sheet is not less than the value “ t ” given in Table below if it is
necessary to take precautions against puncture or to consider hot spot problems,
Positioning for a non-isolated LPS shall be as follows as per Clause No. 5.1.2 OISD 180
For each non-isolated LPS the number of down-conductors shall be not less
than two and should be distributed around the perimeter of the structure to be
protected, subject to architectural and practical constraints.
Earth Termination:
As per Clause No 5.1.3 of OISD 180: Each down conductor shall be provided with an
earth electrode, and all earth electrodes shall be interconnected.
Since the structures in hazardous zone to be provided with Class II protection. Hence,
mesh size of 10x10 meter will be considered.
Wm =mesh size
The content and material of construction play a major role in the effect and damages of a
lightning strike. The ability of a structure to avoid lightning related damage is directly
related to the ease with which the current can pass the elements of the structure and be
dissipated to the earth. A critical situation is when the lightning current tries to flow in
highly resistive materials, leading to rapid heating and vaporization of the material.
It is the common practice to install external lightning protection system in building and
structures to protect them against lightning strikes or side flashes. However, OISD and
many international standards allow metal structures themselves to act as standalone
lightning interception points provided that the thickness of the wall exceeds certain
threshold value.
As per clause No. 7.1 of OISD 180, “A properly designed and constructed gastight,
electrically continuous metallic storage tanks made of minimum 4.8 mm thickness sheet
steel shall be considered to be self-protected against lightning, provided it is properly
earthed and bonded.”
The number of earthing connections for a particular tank depends on the diameter of the
tank. The body earthing of tanks shall be done at an interval of 30 meter on the perimeter
of the tank.
The tank floating roof shall be bonded to the tank shell by direct electrical connection
through bypass conductors in line with API-RP-545. The bypass conductors shall be of
the minimum length necessary to permit full movement of the floating roof. Bypass
conductors should be evenly spaced not more than every 30 m (100 ft.) around the tank
circumference with a minimum of two.
Tank No. & Size Type of Tank Product Nos. of Earth Pits
TK 116
1 AG Transmix 2 Nos.
10 Mø X 9 MHT
The overall risk factor shall be established as per IS/ IEC 62305-2 to decide the need for
Lightning Protection should be provided if the total risk is more than the tolerable risk.
As per clause No. 4.1.1 of OISD 180, “The necessity of providing lightning protection for
structures located in non-hazardous areas shall be assessed by calculating overall risk
Therefore, Risk Assessment will be carried out for the structures located in the non-
hazardous areas.
Lightning affecting a structure can cause damage to the structure, to its occupants and its
contents. Lightning may result into failure of internal systems due to Lightning
Electromagnetic Impulses (LEMP). The damages and failures may also extend to the
surroundings of the structure and may even involve the local environment.
C. Type of Loss
Different types of losses may occur due to each type of damage relevant to the structure
to be protected. The following types of loss may appear as a result of damage:
L1: Loss of human life
L2: Loss of service to the public
L3: Loss of cultural heritage
L4: Loss of economic value
D. Type of Risk
Representative values of tolerable risk where lightning flashes involve loss of human life
or loss of social value or cultural values are as mentioned below:
In principle, for loss of economic value (L4), the route to be followed is the cost / benefit
comparison. If the data for this analysis is not available the representative value of
tolerable risk RT=10-3 may be used.
We will ONLY consider the loss L1 and the associated risk R1.
In our calculations,
In this case we are considering the risk R1 in the evaluation of the need
of lightning protection.The following steps will be taken:
a. Identification of the components which make up the risk;
b. Calculation of the identified risk components;
c. Calculation of total risk;
d. Comparison of the total risk R1 with the tolerable value RT.
As per the Risk Calculations observed that Buildings in non-hazardous area; Conventional type
lightning arrestor exist on the roof of Administrative Building, Control room. Hence, not required.