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THE principle cause of excessive humanitarian loss is the wrongful application of the r2p
doctrine placing determination of R2P violations in the hands of the UNSC creates a
situation of no action if there is no political incentive to act.

Literature on the relationship between the ICC and R2P largely focuses on the issue of how
the ICC can operation alize R2P by directly preventing atrocity crimes

overlooking the potential for the ICC to deal with the issue of preventing abuse of R2P by
regulating the implementation of R2P.

our analysis suggests that the ICC represents a counterforce to the current security system
and can guard against the manipulation of R2P by ensuring that all parties to a conflict,
including UNSC authorized forces, comply witH IHL. Of particular significance is the principle
of proportionality.

the principle of proportionality gives the ICC jurisdiction to investigate whether R2P
operations are proportional to achieve the overall goal of human protection.the value
of this power rests not so much in the ICC’s ability to investigate and sanction the UNSC
if it breaches the proportionality principle , but rather in helping to develop shared
understandings regarding what constitutes proportional and legitimate R2P action

we tell you that UNSC has internalised the requirement that an operation be proportional to
achieve the human protection goal through the ICISS report, but lack a coherent frameworks
for analyzing what constitutes legitimate conduct . The requirement that an operation be
proportional to achieve the human protection goal was not explicitly set forth in the
Outcome Document thus the UNSC lacks guidelines on how to apply the
proportionality principle. Further ICC guidance on the meaning of proportionality
under the Rome Statute could facilitate the

UNSC in applying proportionality as one of the precautionary principles to analyse any claim
that an intervention is necessary and legitimate to protect populations thereby increasing the
possibility of more consistent UNSC decision making and reducing the possibility of
interventions, which result in more harm than good.

Now UNSC lacks a coherent framework for analysing what constitutes legitimate conduct .
The requirement that an operation be proportional to achieve the human protection goal
was not explicitly set forth in the Outcome Document thus the UNSC lacks guidelines on
how to apply the proportionality principle. Further ICC guidance on the meaning of
proportionality under the Rome Statute could facilitate the

UNSC in applying it as one of the precautionary principles to analyse any claim that an
intervention is necessary thereby increasing the possibility of more consistent UNSC
decision making and reducing the possibility of what we term as emancipatory
interventions Henceforth helps to Conceptualising the ICC as a regulator of, rather than
alternative to, UNSC action.

Now in the end the final responsibility lies to UNSC but a moral obligation and erga
omnes obligation combined which will create a new force which the UNSC needs to
tackle and will eventually resulting better intervention one fares once as well and
won’t results in situations like rwanda and Darfur

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